Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 7 Oct 1948, p. 3

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I Tur T&'PM ~~EONT The Master md ny Sam apr was down, to hi S last two bits3. As lie wvalked wa frons Jih poothail lhe ilteýd his bat down! '-aver onle eyec andc muttered uko words about ill poolpl1ayer and tir descndants dow ta the thbd generatin Jut Sm's fertie mod Camle tbe 64-dollar question:ý How wvas lie goingý, to hioist thep two bits lat a decent roîl Sain didn't Yno eaty Vet Somlehow lie had aiay aniaged to stay iu theduh righit fromL tJise days -beI'h used to shootmabe with tde boys Ummi satr in Usf wben hie graduated to, the p-olroomc. Satis atrbtdhis success to bisgra ides De abso held thse 6nmn opinion Mhat eytig il thi WMrl was a racket. Sai pushed op his bat sa scratched his noggîn, idea Nos 1 ivto drop oVer toý Joe's; lun1ch ruons an editat un way-s andý mneanis. Idea No. 2 waus to. put wh8t- ever he ate on the euH Saýn smiiled, He' took tueqare froin is poc1rel. and begai ilipping ih iC the air joat as he passd the Banker's Truist b)uildîing he mse a catchi and 'the coin fr11. l3efore hje Cou-ld rcerit a stra'nge hiad darted out from one aide and picked ààit p. Savii turned quickiy andJ saw a pleasant-facedi bepgar wiha tin cup, sitting on tie 'banký steps. "You ýl!, 41jrrr, a 1001 J U 1S t!0snatch twa-itâ fro.-ii a beggar's tisa csap an a b-uay street. He wse t sas dark. Sain scratched hiý 3noggin butw ail asquiet.'lThe beggar's ceheery voicre SPO'keagain. ,you seenitotabc d1inlkinig, soni," hie said. "WViiI you teilme y30r naine" "Sain Shapiro," San; snapped.H hadnit't thougpht of an anigle on sOw ta gpet h-is quarter back 1TNe was Mad. "anShapira isîanîcenamve,", Thee as a stranlge quatllity abot the beggar,'s -voire. Buit Sans was not olne t appraise sratters likce that, He even faileil ta_ noticetatis beggar hiad produclýed a check b)ook and fountan pen and had strted ta rite etore off a Check niade aut ta Sain Sh1apiro, $"P100. He handed i ta Sin, Dont as methe reason, sn hesaid. "Just walintu i banýkand1cashit. It's good.", Sanin tok a squint at buthe eck ami ho m-yer rivteil ou tbe signa- ttu. Ne saw Rira No. 3 right thes-er il! tat signatulre,.Fvearybdy knew I,,, th1ati $ isnDoAdu s tpresident of Bankver's Trst. And aleady Sanm mudsce Mr, Doýd's face wenhe iiiforied hum i 11th R ascrewba1l beg- gar was ouitside h]anding utchek wih Mr.Dodds' signature. t shotild lagood for a fivespt a« est !nda de the ban1k, Sain tepp mo-, nanked "Payingý.Tie- eld ouo1t the check sign ifLCant ly. 4'J'd like "ta sec Mr. Ddsabout "Mr. -, a s on,' adtise tell- t eH tPok tsceckA aith a courte aus sînile. " -bcwn t ecessary ta suc-, Mr. Ddsabouit thi e ad "If you cao idcutify yoUrsceif 'l casltis for yu"fgr Sin gasprd. Ne c ýouidn'Ct ver nt oif ta catch u apig ni not guiîîg t ahti heck, larie saud. Wmnionlly tryingta trnyou thlat Jt ig sa ar'b Glitside wrîilng oult pccks witb Msa'r> * Dodils sgnature on he) - ~The telier lauighed oult loud."W qilite aliI righlt, airt: That was M Daddsl ilc ro)tenl ivondered if tnarc unea sucli a thing as chariy itis mdm wor. Sotodjay ho pl Osa- that disguise and decided ta give $10ta the irsýt ten- peupile ta, have û!itvonl . , , And let mecon 9ratulýate youl, sir! Yct are thc fit nesoi acash ýja check.", Jolarg miîsthatmauctr -ommenlrcial stoceeds,tiegan bcfçire it enters the gridîg a- chiner, usu lias ro pass under suspended horizontal magnes; and it wouid realiy surprise mont faiks how mn etallir objeýcts are col- iected îin his way. And %wbiîýe sirm- ilar procedure is %arQypracticalo the average farmgretcare should bje takcen tamalke sure that suris Ob jeets do -lnot ge2t intoisle fred for States ther are laige nupibers ot cases whecre caLttlehav-e diedsudn ly on farms and in feed lots and where pçot imores examinatian- showed that sucis thngs as naîls or bits of wire bad ntedthe heartÊ. Meat packing houss oflbathý ides of the Iue also report consider- a-le darrnage front tthe saine source &lsoer ftrr staugister. t is imnpossile taestmmate accurately Wouhat isolsses imuetbc fronssuch nurebut if it were it is Certain t-he figurecswoldpntt the ueed for greater rare bath on the farins aind whi1we !the a1nmais are in tranlsit. Labor saing devices are becorn- ing inucasingiy commlon in fans2 oýperations and one such dei more and more cmmonly usrd ite autosatic hay and strw baier of t-1ise picklup typ)e. Then hj imaniy commitercial feed iots tise hay anld straw uslted is purcha-,sed in baled forsn, and practically ail tise ales areC tird with wire. Post maorteini eideni-c ndicates tise ned for extra peatosto akà1e sure .tisat the, short enrds of th',eVire do nut' be- come îxedwith tise feeds. The waste of finished seat prod- ucts, proreeing fromc11 ondemnlation of -ies, hecarts, tangues and so forth!, is oniy a iaailpr of the ar- tuimbs fros such causes.Catte wî,ith digestive ,disturbanices or otiser intern a airsts ruig fromn swaiioing pie"e of mnetai or other foreign bdisCannot mkegod growth, sacasamikcows su bandi- capped, produce as thieyshud Deatis ioss amon)ig farmnisas brouglht about i thia way is u-11 doulbtedl'y very isigil, anid it is up tùa cvery forrdý-ttIooking ,,fariîer te try and rut du)wn tise toi!. A comi- mnvsymp1rtanof pain inilthe aia ia head stretched forward and b5ack arbced-or whena the aia is see.n ta lie dw and get up again ahmos1 ismditey.But when these are observed it ca usuaiy talIve to do anything about it. The b< thing àa ta are that your stock doesn't get a canceta swalow suc bt -i ing object. You probably Cçes this aleady, but aother wrin1igt't.b Out of tce way. tià quite possibe for dan1lgerous gases ta forsïi abuve sagsodangeroula t f1ý atalities nmy « rsuIt. For exmle ast faïl oLt in Jýowa a mother anild two sons SIDE GLANCES 1died il] a sijo becaUe of lthis. Onle boy tried to Save-th-e 0other, then th mlother atmt torescure the sýons -btYi three perished. Topeetschp tragedies, ah fastL as thre silage settles, doors hol be taken 'lt outîi that te gas cane"S- Cape. If pt i neessary to go into a silo, test c itoswith a ighïted Lanteril first. If i coninulles to)uo you aýre probably çsafe. Yo 1dn' ned ta îbe a poitry raiser on aninig like : wolea( ithe poulltry bousesaesa eaÀo labor. Butt it also saveýs alot off ied Sby keeLpin1g thehens fluringettîn1g Stirsfy. ha'sbecause j hen înerds at least LtwO pouinds o-f water for eacbl pouind of food consum11e1l. Anldlhere, just for a lauigh, is; something called "The Song of the Lazy Frne"and Pionly sarry that I canl't tel yau fthc nalineof fthe author.if gors like this "Wvhene'er my carns begiii to pain thus idctn twiil ramn, te enijoy nmy misery 'cause 1 ca a sSme more, 1by gee. When raindrops fa i Icannotgo outsde to pueOw r even hoe(; t1ie wif e cannailt coainii a bit or tel]i me to git up and git. Shle bates it, but lea e eaoe anid 50vmy tise fýis alilmy own: aét lesttht' ow it's worked to daie, ocorsh'sno use puhin'fae, ifs-possýile Cif I ho1dstay iniber sight on a rainy dAs' osthinup Mome oxomus thingtbat1would haveto doby jing. "S-o wethe ram lbegins ýta a l I neyer biang arounld at ail;Ige sone place where i can Iay and pass siepleasant tlimeaay My fav- 'rite spot is in tbe mow,ters noth1ing quite s6 ice ochw as ret f'onie hay lup there ïand watchinl' rpsnaoitough the ar. 1 1ove hat sweet aUlfa fasinellan -d that of falin'e raml as won;ll; ts neyer long util imy eyes gyetbav as tire stormiy skies, tenIcrawlv back bito the glooni, weeit is' daIrk ith l ots o-f roomr, and str7etrch ion1t there uponi the hay and sonndlfýy snloaze most of thflic. Frogs do not dr-ink wvater by îroUth -t bsr tthr-ougli By Galbraith "Why do you have a u store È -o~Fu de flot carry sand-

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