4' ~ ~î~i'rc i Jeust ha wud yu say ïle the beest play ini aia otblA Ileeýt-footed Scàtbc iten i w'ay hiaif the ilngthl of thle fîeld, and e,ltiillg opýposiion týacklers as ifÎb magic? A 1ater.ai-passing rmnit thiree or- fouir 1handiling the . hallJ, gettin)g id of the pýigskin1 te a tea- )m-ate at jusl Ilhe ýlstpossible mo- mett Or a lonig forward pass with1 the receiýven leapin1g lhigh infthe ir to plulck the hall away from -,rival htnids anid ten heading, for pay-off- tennitory? We weould be Ihle last te dleny th1at ai, hrcee f 0these are very spectacua- Ian inideed, and welýrl rhwacig Buit for'Dur monley the hest piay in foobtaî-thi-at is te Say th'le 111st effective play-is ;acompa-i)"ratively simnple one, yet one rarely seeýn. Net te nake Ftee greaa myster of il, we are referrinig te thic rturn, punit-wheneý, the catchecr, instced of trying to, buLl his wvay down the fieid, Sidjesteps a couple of oncemînilg sings;, and then boots thec oval away 'b3ck, beyonid where t started fom Football men ilii tell youi that aothing is more discouraging toaa team than two or- three such return punts, perfectiy ceecuited against it -nothing mnoe ikely ta, take the gimp out of a club than ta see ail its hard work nullified in a imatter of seconds. Down i Ottawa the other day, right at the start 0f the game Joe Krol of the Argonauts pulled aui go yard retumi that %vas a boney, and mighit have- decided a eontest which had barelIY begun. If we were ever coaching a (.lub -whichl, for the good of the sport is somethiig highiy unlikely eveîr te happe-the firs, eso we wold try anld teach aur pflayers, and the last one as wel1l, would be Something Eike tbis; 1-10 club is ever gaiuig ta sco-re many points on you as lon1g as you ,J.eep it back aof its owni twenity-five. entiy laike a ticket On the tean that pts Ile ms otadthe betfoo-unIe footLball, iIsabu as inea ehee s we know fo.r keepng o thehlac-inkside of thledger. And byihe way1-even il ouh idrsdid tithLlen on tw nsccessive Saturday s don]'l e thoe AgoS te o0 lýrtas yet. May- in, aS sojme are sainig, they've shlol theiîr bin are olyv paie sehadows f the mî.ghty team the1Y oncewee StiilI, ve have an idea !that whcn the tecal soligstarte, 11ue0'llihcthere or teebus apneýtty fair chore ef biînginlg lis of thie Nati01nal Lau aahn StlilI, ithot trying in any waýy 'C saeigof whazt he cdid, Souh wetb haIlte stuff te ,vork it and n. ara t looked te hv Ail tihînge coidîcered, hwvr the best 1m-anag'ing job- in citheir leagule was that turîîedCIla by anothelir Wiliar1n-Billy M-ýey7er of thle Plîts- burg Pirates, te make il definite. T13chee were limes wlen MJeyer 01n1Y adegtreglarsaviae-t iniotheicgame wvithouit a single utiiity Inidnor fi-cha-ser on thie beach. Southwarïth's work c f pickýing sPotsý for his ptchers wvas almot umcanny. When a imanager hàs two or three realivy4 eOLid pitchers", . -,te hü cani be depended on ta take a turn 11t mound dtty every fileorfor ays-he doesn't have ta do very mucli "master minding". B.ut on one August tour cf the Es -whiere thle goinmg was ral totigh -Salhwrthwonk six games with ixdifferent heavers. That's realliy making the -most. Of ~htyou hyBinig Crosby lu ,qupposed to be 1argely interested in hat Pit-tsbiurgh l 1ub; anid we bik heGroanier miwglit do far wocrse than w4arble a f ew of those golden notes imb" îi4e car cfMn' Souhwoth.Even if the riratees didn't quile make it, they were i there -lattling and dangerous- right utiI t fhe end.Just a coIuple o i't yQOI f r Palestine 7pThler-,e is an iroi ic snFiCanî3ce in the fact that te uoatonabu "îowiing thie wïi in,, n rapiing thel WhIirîwýind" 4should crefrom The Book wich s argyconkcerned with týie !hîstonv ofthei, Jewish people. Palestine teýrro(rists wretortiuing anid 1murderîng Bitish ,soildiers, v-ho had heen guilty orf noth:ing hut do- snig 1theiir swrn uty. -lithewas littie oDr no gene(ýral condemnnation oüf Such acte hy Zionistsa !]tEirsrn pathizers ini otherpat of the, world, anid ;peia1yinthe Uniîedý( States. Airconnentators, nwpaesand matgazines sOut"h of the b !ordeýr heid ther Up s hroesandglorIed in1 thieir Reds ut n -,lte pitureba c-hanged. For7 not 0111V iiiofcilsre circies, hut alto i l te opinion of rno.st ex-,pert bsrerihere is theý belief t1hat with Uiýc fouurderof Coýunt Foîke cBenadotte, the Un- ited Nationù ofciimeitothe Jeihcau,,se ihasrcccIved a terrible Hpsfor giiug amisot United NatiOnS irnembIl)(rsipl-,oris.- rael at th!e ipresent have b1een greal- ly shaen lTat Lihe 1illinlg of Bin ad,'otte wv<S inot th]e impulsive act 'Df Som on1Ct-hcad, but sýomIth;ing long Couant FieBer nadotte tain. F1or iek uioshdbeen icuaigin Pistn ïhat ,the Counit waa nnkdfor d ath ad although many ofithc conier minded, jewýs cnene uh m R8a fanitastî-c, kile ews.H Coun-ýt Bernad'otte beenrerenin r'-e2- ly onecnationhinpaLme shi r- deu would have bcetn, politçally Speaking, sens wenub. But We was thiere, in ter bs, a zs the repreentaivecf ail ifty-cijghtof the UdtedNaons. Non assmhled ;I' Paris, -andi w'ith peny f othen and evngrave"r imatter"s toocup thetir m-inds, arethedlegates fromr th-ose fift-eight going to accept îinto. ftl11 rnemiibership a poi linn to he aj' nation, butwhresnicba thing coulid haýppen. .[ls' wbat tos whoplaaned it h,p)ed to accomiplish iby, the asnsin- aîicen of 1Bernad,ýoitenobod , osib- ly, will ever k-now with any cen- tainty. Bu,ýt one theocry is thInat the Stritleaders, convinced tIhat ruiothýing good couldcoe for a Jew- ?Sh state fron thde wsencuti wanted 10 toprove (to0.Sovjiet Russýia --whose alliance and support they CHOW tO ComLkat RleuIuIaiC pains may Afen be causmed by -~uric aci, a loou imltpuzuit lat hiduieye aianud excesi uw acid rema.maj may cause seVere di3conifGîýen ud pain. Tmrea 'eiiatlC pains by leeping yetu W&eltO8 li good cdton et tud ",z %>ddaliduy PIlla.Doe shelp yens Dodds Kidney PilIs IpSUE 41 .. l4s Te-esekig-hat atouhthey migbî b!eu,- enwmenationaisîs, they Zold5 ,stillI)che mes5t ïusefuil ,tee Rus.sian causýe eisewhIere. Anwyil le sîgnificaint thal he ailbte est of the civilized onl wa-,s epe sin srrow ove- erni- adotte's pasing, a Soviet spokesmanl saidý- -in Ihat caâriaig Rulssianl mannr-" Le had no business being whneele w as." Kporea îprom Moscow carnle the daa announcemnt that Rsi ned lege ts t 'Opsut of Korea by, januIany, and h ;oped Ihlat the United, States %would fiwsit. And from Washington cameibepomtrepiy that te Unitd States waskeeping ils troOp)s Ï' Koea tuntil Ihe affairs of that Lceuntl-7 ry are ett-led hY 0the Unlited Ntosadi ilnai langilagc, oecus-hti u i dida' like-il ~e, coilmpil. STGE BoyBra~sStorm-Tossed laKre, iRescues I Persons rescues oie, fIve boys Art ovr-trne critd Èromthe ake.Suc l sdewore te ieex eted la summerept. Bu cn %ewmmetàir ecm obeus othe end oes were net spete -1Crie fr hejLpl fr 14-yh e-o SmJon Loe =amte fore anct. e at.Athu h tig>i id as loing, li ianched a oemîr-leotorbeat an ý-heede te no he îsoant. Sooue swaw theyreaon fohr the thogh tbhegiteasAlienam tapon A oer-turne etl wer se weolia tey culdhad Sstpresence of rmmrd, wvzir eoud eja iy ribut e te Joh peeenttio ofTheDow Aw3rd- eea f the idrpep rotedt peetJohn fonvnuigetoni thtryLake c bulb"e was determi- ned , d in a fe-w mmns affý te ihe res-cue la aumî etrot The gallant youngster did not rest iunti1lie had the seýVen vicim sfely (Pn the iland. His brave deed woýn ft hlm the prais-e of the entire Ko4a ATu RDAY-30PM ROtIICO Ieurintention to evactiaie Norher Koearig'ht on, the eve of the Paris Asstblysees to mifl etetirleypropalgaiiýda purpoSeýf oif thlat action. h tpuit 0theKremfin ,n the positioný of bein3g a to cap- italize its paef. itnto m oard the re-ýst o) f the worldHad twou'ld b)e no great sulrprise toinseee r - vieýts pressing,- str-ongly, for fil AâL Pehpby the time th0-is is 1read, that actcon wjIIalready have been takeni. Psilon theotehad by that time the Rssan ill hIave picked up thir marbis and ief, Par-is in) a huiff. AnywVta-, the Uniitedl States and ritain seeml to be flly aware, that it is one ting for IMos- co-w to putll its trooprs out of Ger- mlanly,VwhCre they haveth!ooughliy comuniedtheir zone an are re- pte bave a well organizeýdand tr-aiîîedl German army iider cover, and)([qite aoheor the westernp Allies to pull oit and leave ail Ger- ýman-y to the 'iinercy-" of the aimed Cornnitlsts from the est A shoown mui îtsî orescooner or lte;anil is to be, hoped that ouir side Will show temiare iust iial fotitde"inthe matter of Ger- 1mn1y as SerçarMrshall al-reaýdy hýas done ;n calflng the Sov-iet bluffï Affais poabyaSpanjishvert-- lion of thcAran word alfcfach, whichmeans"thebest ode. xriene pnts i-, direct frem maufâtuer Lafrlge rfl.Bariy iil. I1100 St. Lw -ene, ontreali. "Tk rieror Bronae BbyShesBi profits. Fr d tctals. P>ro nse - Craýfî e' Reaýdy to Las aiso P)0 Weeks 'a 3-4-b Minhe. Aiomltal Ciek. atlogue ant-I PisLe Freaind pý, ýý LAKEVIEW.V POULTRY FARMS EXETERý, ONTARIO PROM-à -PT dallv,,y m ü 2Iina hieand i dytu ia'y p ',et , seecalbrede.Aso Fai hýatcheti chi, lgmte. 1TopNotp MILLETS _e WeeeI b 'iReady , 10 a evribreede a ind crOses Sentif-fo lione l'iIàantibreedeý. HURONDALE CHICK IATCH,'ERY, LONDON. ONTARIO0 ,loilEhâhsPUi,,LES edyfo aoi Bcay TlIlcbey, 0 3John N.,-Hacoiton, Ont., CASH I1IN o-, the gndeýgg s.Bypulete, weha've theco ail 'ages foco112,eekelsto Ferle,,OlaC, oVrINCi aND4 CCLEA NIMOi àAVE YU nyhie eeisdyeing orzidan- ing? WrIte tf uns f0 informion We are; glati tO acswore or letins Dpart:menl1 H, Parker'e Dye Workslited. 9 1 Voloe sret orontocc, Ont.,rga EXCHIAŽGE IANETS: We exc-tchageblainets foi w0ooIlen rage ai notton raga. Write; Fleaherton WnOllea MilleiFascptn Ot FAIMES F488SA1.LE os stur. 3Wno ti antitimber "tre Y fl',r eamil. liue nlbilding gond rar . 1ï ýle ztancbSon, 28 heatji box stalle. HIytiro pressur'e tank Wit fha.Anireon.1Leonard,Otarîo. 150 ACRES 'for-al.Lot7, Colt18MHuIlett T I nl hi . 12mile from shoolgooti dayý ea.18 aicres hacdwood buh. dilieti wel, large Ihanrit baru.2-ioebrick bousýe. Tler On notap. ouse ant11,ibanHyrfnce Posspelssion nc ! e. Apply Nolra hpý d rFARM for salei or rent1o sharel,. 200 ars 4 iles from Cyir 1 osietiiy miking miach'ine: tenianlt 0 provide maî,hin- ehresome ,cows. Apply W. S. PFlein- zw. ondbruatisabeho,-en, at henhouise. -roomed hbunIgalow veiokn laie, neerfaiilg wat nticstrrurl ma ilJ.Five miles- te s.cofPrice$40 Max synode, ancrftOnt. EEALi Farme 204 0 acres, eeveraM WitOa11 elson Bigi 8.0aga ea1ch seime wllh stck-aniipe it. l teel lnthosenont onnnighay on gnd ston 5odeCoe ni scesthem. R.ooreBre, IohnWaier.salcinn. ox 5ý2,JarviLe, Ont. HI-PO EREDRIFLES Wiefoc neT liste anti prices. ai- jfSALES CO Hh.p. poveren ypsmaua1 rs.l oe ruing 111ewei-knwn ati eltbie5kh."rd son" ir-noý-,i6d, 2cea oo mmxtt dU' CvT S PRE'CISION PARSECONSiE S88 Brncolb, trs.l 1 . pRTABLEcopina Ii,cnitn fVe soiil',grnde p.,iva bsJohtDer Bleai9e5 ant wae0 coIl n ageFl r,, $2.85 pindozn.r ugaii.00uerdozn TOWMLS RoilMMED-abt ut) ru7 x i4lrF ioof r$2 .O F ns.L - Suga-r. $2.25 zeit Srpls atra vers. singie 'u , e ws,abu "x6 -81.0 eab Fr malinaatii -5 posage PIC»BY-ROUCTAISE $1-2 58 ONTARJOFI. TORONT 104'? EO 48passener saool bses efc White Fox,,% llasfo NEW Rfi-SSlRIFLES iu .38SntshclIr wt am $5eabwhi lheylasI Wrie fr decripion SCOPE SLS CO. s26PQucensOaan. ROiGPl1 AND1S DTN HIOUSEUEERH enier 40 forir'atat fro hm.Hytiro. muet beCIlng t help mut b !y nmili g mach1ine, I daushtJ'ý, Te. Rusian 'Stuf f in the rýSoviet air fo)rces sayýS that le likesthe feco i"l.ldE arpn wd like t oo H flaî rthe SovingielitanIIid ed hyiCtOe British Forign Office Appearing at a wscnfene Londn werehesa percld n accunso teahrshySve "Gý2ive 1]te RSsin peplle ust one day o fi yde ark, jot onf cnce t seakîng heirgmins: pulionireeeetjni h d ense thathret rjtinknwsi De dai te Siovi rgreU el Toklaev sff 'aidj , "Ivreus ttpz ove,Ér tro'1the ýcmp of i)t mot lu- Ail ass who eighe mani a1o1 COTNcil t.patches assorte i patteIrU coinre. ganeceusate an wwaste. 1F3.ibe. Posîait, Cary aleis Co.,Box144 3taili "G", Melntea. SELLINGchassefaclor. (prouction '15,00 DUNLOPILLO CUSHIIONS FOAMEDLTEX uBB11E.R, for every mwikq 0ftrctr nt fcmimplements etc.FI. uri 1her inforatin-,it e or phone Regel4t Truc CuhionIteairService, 56 BrhAe,~c ToGronto Mi. 56,4 7 2 femaes, nielyspttedi. Frank eali l.uro, Ont hoe 4 CHA ceaga aheatiofnI II II ai paîg Cureat Profit. 220 New Ou11 n -pMa lnuas pa1, ooh.Rfeect JERSEa, C'ilsavcebe g V r nul t tams caalet eygond wilh sit¶i.$' medal .O.P. ecords Retae Wm. A. M,-, ELECT pce bretir eattreti inrkshIrs alIa. mothe Atvanatiregistry anti. ced tj, .J Eisvert WieihF.B HIIIESSING Frnfrnslnonrous egarlins cleiv-e. nue it-oati. Torenlo GOOD nSYT-Eebsferrfrm e5fl matie P'ains orN1 ri, sshouiti ry DLiNci i emy.Muor.o's Drstore.,0388r, gS THT TI Eery uif rerof Rhemai PI MrosDrus Sstore, 15Ilm ta~ BE A HAIRDRESSER N, (IN OANA DAÀ' L EA ,DI1N G ECnHOO0Z1 Great Opportunîitl Learru Maîrtiressing laatdiýgile oessio, god wagm hoane uCccessfI Sts.vel gradulatee. àrûseniez 's greatest system. tiSustrateti sai Ivsuef. rea Wýrite or Cali Branches: 44 King S.,Hmle 7 '4 RIdeau, Street, Ottaýwa PATENTS Toroto. eoloef iInformation onreei