Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 30 Sep 1948, p. 7

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New -And All 0f Them Useful Dry Cleaner for Cars, Espeýcia«ly adlapted for uise on autlomobile bodies is this n'cw dycenn l iid h¶c follows the, saileprn ipeas Frenl'ch cleaingïi slnts used fo remoc)ve grimie a d stan M)s wat er beinig niecessary-, Claimled to penectrate an~d looseiý ail Oxidlizedl traffic crust. Scu1m, J"d wva-x - tri-e sap), bugs and isc rtos Said ta, be hiarm!esýs lo ail tyeso finish., Liquid Plastic forý Homne U se. Helpa solve thie problemn oMepn s iv e h1o u s cl a n n a n dý( d e c o r atin this niew easily applied iqid pastic reinws surfaces of paitited orva- ished1 flors, lino-leumi-,wodok winidowsills anid oither intierior sur- faces' withl a gloFsy, ln-er fiuish, thiat does flot crack or flatke oDff. No bruish or skili el ie as; finish isý simpy wied o1n vjith a tleain cloth. Extra Small Refrigerator. De- signaed for smiall hiomes atd apart. melatiïs tabîle-hïigh lclric reýfrig- eýrator hlas I.5 cu. ft. capacity anid, accordinig la maniufactuirerts, because ) f specîia1-tYpc hinrges cal; be il- ;atalled flush againatr stove, cabinet ar wali. Top provides , wo rki n g suýrface 0of approxiia'te v fouir staefeet. Folding -Shopping Cart. Designed for use hl shopping or, doirig thd latudry thlis cart fcatulres rubber- Wird whiels and basklet of se. zcircujlar steel bar- so closel, gr.oupedî th;at even1 smlal1 package-s cannlot Laiu îhrouigh. Bars are treaicd lo re- sist ruladprevenit tiiglanu- dry, Speedy Coffee Miaker. Ail metal, eight cuip capacity, vacium, type coffee maker hias ùvo e-lemenîts in, base,, -lne of 850 watts, the o)thecr J50 watts. For fast hlintig bath ele. menits operate until water ;îoes, ta upper bol wen current shiuts off aiu"matically. Whncoffre retuiris to: lower bowl. s-maller Ce lmen - ýoli1es on (a keep liqulid sihl e lowboiin poinit. For Chea.per Lighting. Claimeid 'bo supply same amounrt of lighit wîthl tsp to 14% less electricity thlese Il ew ftuoreaýcenit lampa uise thie rare, gas, krypton, ta the extenlt of ao oe part Ir, mllo of air., inislead of salargon. 'Éjme Throwers. Orce deadly p weaponi now cmloe for a v- LY of uises, siuch as fighting ~fires, clearing lands and roa(i riit of way, clearing brushi ani-i weeds etc. Agricultural, officiais beýicvc flamne-throwers miglht bc iused in cleaingiî, fields of hleavy rou-k ýy heating bouilders then dousingi them with wvater la crack thýem1 ni easily remaivalel pieces. Weigh1ti 9' pounids plus 35 pouind< of fuiel Uises light DUeseI ou,. Cover For Silos. ýMat miade of s;pecial sheeting is placed onl tqeý ,>f silage wie is la cring inr., Maker dlaimis that byý coniserviig natuiral. heat Of fermenultation an preentinig evap)orationil reue danger of frost and preserves fr-esli- neýss of sîlage. ions and this wool coat fromn Cherne allers dul-uya 'vliehole lining zpzu na isatta rvdeaat of -~ With the Movis and Radio Folks' IBy Grrace Sharp-1 More Power--And Not Any Too Soon Either-This new hy'dro) electric plant' on theMuka River is different frcom ms sucli installations in that il wvill be'enirely auitomatie ini operationi, requirîing, onlýy the services of a caretakecr. It will add 12,50 horse power to the supl or thle Bracebridge area with thle possibilîty(of this Ilnmun being doubled on thle completion of It's no secret Illat there mI ý hasolhiing ýrsdically wron011g withl sgood-ý( deal of t1he îarminlî1g bring doue today,. Thiis la clearly proven by5'the fact that recently some iam re said t,3 have earned as high 1as 40%,to 5%onl the inveat- ment in] a sinigle year whileothers 'barely mnade enlough ta make enda' meet.Tu aperiod of goodi prices and gerinralfar-m prosperiîy, Ihere mis be som!ethingl; that's gone hay- Oubtstan1dil1 succrýssful farmers were asked, not long ago, ta list lwhlat ththughit were the most comon iolations of %good farm- man-agemrent practices;, and their re- Plies wî ea5o initerestinig thati1 think 1'l bai tem dcow su ad qshoot tlaem ta yaul. As-,One expert put lb, "Good management practicesý are ganlerslly disregarded whien the op- er-atar den$knlow aly ]bettes-. There are few farmers who dcstr1o;, tlersoul wilfullly. They d o ix throughigoac.Sohrkmn .î a list of a dozenl or Scofa tlý Most commilon ml1istakecs. Firsît; followiintx a haphazard, yesr-to-y ear programn with litIle or no thiou-ghî ta lon1g- tlim.e operalion. Thý- estajola )îdoule lwhmn the farmn- er, thle land Ihe opersîrs, an-,ldite elerprisaon thalandare fusrd illt a Patter', adaptc-d toalal three. Second;j a ipvor croippingrgrm which i ncludes I he sort of ,crops gro Wuqand thie way the land is treat.. ed. Too muitch guessîng ini the use af fertilizers and failure ta follow a rotation wich includes maximumi uise of thie igher-value cropa,. Thiii; fiuet tedta soit.. Cons ervat"ion auld 1preývention aof sou1 eros:i, It is roabethat ual even 2%, of lnd11 hich bxdynrd il la even beg1nu ta be terraced and gramns, whichin ýcjLude hechoice snd mouit aofliVestocK ami the wyIti l a handîrd .A farmer who likeýs dairy cýa1t]eor hogs beUst shouild be hanlihfg themi rathier than bref -caflle. Fil th; lack ofÀ proper rcordi-cs, It's impilossible ta erlyguieýs ata t anld income andi still kulowwhhr or ulithe farm lis Imak-inIg mn WVell-kepî r-co)rds show uip both the strong anld wek oinits af a ýrm Sil;fur 1(-oalittîr effOrt byfar c1 0 many farmelrs ý , intefloing praersa-itrymethiods with lira- h1ogs , Thle same -applies ta proper sto 0c k, priulry poultry andc feedinlg aud the bs osilLs ùf pascturrage. Sevenîhl; boa grealt ivsetl h1igh1-pri:ed machinery JJU-ý,forwhh yo(u lhavu't 'a sui icient 1use. Manyv famrsIidit more c>eonom3ical -,0 OWu certain Imachiiuirv ilu.partulerý- ship Witi relatives or rneighbors, ~ight; carlessnssiluthe useo sires, sud fiueta -icutjI Out po producers that on' pa Ihirow way To may armecrs are averse ta sprndi1îg enougli 0au goodsie ta maintain proper quaLity lu their hierds. * * Nit;failure ta give proper .t- truitin ita the weed problem iwhich besezts the majority of farm-s. Pre- ventlionj of weeds going ta) serd is of vital importance. espýcîally lu the case of pajstures. Teýnth; buildings rual guited 10 pre- snt day enterprises. IMany farmnera are losing mon01e' by repairinig ob- solete butildlings., Even those wha are buildinig new ours 100 of tan- follow plans dC-v.igued for farmung 25 years aga, ç*hru, horsrpow'er w'as the onfly power-, snd hay was sto)red, baose. Elv tah rying 10 aperate 0on iu- stifllcienî capital. Farn-ing îs a buisi- n-s ala it's no0 disgrace ta borrow z1uey lter $akýing proper advice and 'onlsîderation. lun ordlerta m iake that buisiness sced Twlt;stickinig ta old cuistamai simply becauise îhiey are aId, sud heitatiuig ta màake chantlges sud taket adranlge ofi uew Practices proved by othIerf-arm"ers sud by aur agri- cultural experiment stations. Sa, there yu ihave îhemn, s dozen lail, dfircct from the experts, sud, 1 hope that you'll fiud them al in- terestiing sud somne of theml helpful. Now I -'camle ta lokahe irmover I realize onice again what a perfectly sile m ialter succesaful farmiug muIbeý(-sa long., as you do it, 11ke my».selÇ, strictly from, behind a type- wrîter keyboard. Quie Ha Missed "'Young mn;"said .autangr y faîher fron.,ihie head af the stairs, "didn't I hear thle clock sîrike four when you ,brouDght, my daughîer hom -? "Yu id," admnitted the dauighter's esîcort. "Iî asgongl strike nvu btIgrabbed il suJJd hedtheýganig sa il woldn'î-" disîurb) your lumbe," Te faîhiercouild T tink of that aurJIn13m1Y courtilig Nice Niece - Swved-ish cte Gret Gabowha camle to the [J-niîed States în 1926, wants b)e a real niece aoctJnCle sain, Shýie has filed f-irsî papers for natraztio-n i Hllwod Stie Knows Her Fashions- Director of the DuBarry Sux- ,xess School in New Y'1ork Miss Director of the DuiBaxtry Suc-. cess School in New York 'Miss Ann Delafield wllbe a featured star aI the "Overture ta Fash-. ion"ý show put on1 froml Sept. 28th. ta, October 2nid by the WmnsSymphony Commýt-it- tee. Pirp)ose aio the shlow is t0 secuire fuinds for the Toronto Symiphiony Suistaiingio funld. "Soeboy~salways taking the, loy out of life"-or an Eniglish ver- sinof thiat an!cient saing- is prob - ably often on11 the lips of j. -Arthur Ranlk these days. Mr. Ran, in case you don't alreCady knlow whinch i1s un- likely, is jusi about the biggest thing in B3ritishl pictures, and recenit- ly invested quite a hieavy chun.k in a pictuire entîtiled "Ol)iver Twiist" ( Andf a rea-lly granid picture il is, but thlat is oily by thle way.) Novou'd thýinký a filmi based aun a novEl that has breni a best-seller since greal-grandcdaddy's day-may- be that shlould b)e retgat-a stor-y tatias been read anid wept over anld loved I)y genieration after genieratian in!Ill parts of the world, would be a pretty safe investimeut so long as the adtora, directors siud scripî-writers did a fairly deceut chore, wýhich they did. But ià seemis that i-t isni't sa in these mie-pdays when nyhigCani hapnanid 1usally (dors. Quit nauraly, itha i)cturt haigsuch o-fic oshiiis Mr. Rýauk expectedi to gather iu quite a few of those nice U.S.A. dollars souith of thc border. Buit it soj happenis that in the sîory there is a character naimed Fagin - re- mnember hm-h is quite a des- picable party, and no fooling. And the AtiiDefamation I.eague and othemr such groupa downvi aroundI New York< are claimin)z that the te- presentation of F'agin an the screen is miaifesct!y anti-Jewish., Nowi becauise of certain happen- in)gs arouind Palestine, largely înis- represenîrd by such folks as the Anti-Defamation bragu e, there is already a miighty wave of anti- Britishi feeling in the states-a wave stroniger, than mioat of uLs here in Canada even1 surm-ise. Sa raýthýer than risk the ,chlance of atirrinig tuf further anýtagoini, Ranik and is associates have let ail planls foi, showing Ove Twist" over there go by the boards, for the timie beinq ai lceast. You can make your own rom- menîs 0on such a, state of affaira, there b1-einig no noni-inflammable paper lian!dy for prï,.inîing mine. Buit can't yeu just im~agine sorne of Ihosr Hollywood .m-oguls - aiready1V hO" unider the collar over the pr'aise ha1- ing bestowed on certain British- made pictures--weeping big tears- of sympathly for J, Arthur Rank? A reader of' Ibis column alsn over th1e coals for Som- jbaI' breni takingf recent.ly aI the "giv.- away" radio shows and thefir pUI-. ling-power. "If the peopfle didn't want ta listen t ta sch prograsus, they woldn-'t do so," shievwriteN. "Wh'fo are you to try and tefi fus what showus we holdh as what we sh,-ouldn',t?"P The se r tathe question lai "Nobody; or even leass thai nbm dy Far be ià from ime 10tryand set myself 1up as censar over peole's lisîring hý abits, and if thiey wanit t& lunie 24î hours a day ta pragranis whosr only Paoint of appeal laaa ten- million-t-n chance of winingii, soiînething for nathing, thatstefr My feelings1-;towarcidchShoïwsVl had a rich relive wbàosu I disliked vrry 1muchd, but who I1kn Wwould leave mec a foritune if 1 staye4 hby his bedaide tili lhe had passed Oa,â th)e chances are thlat l'd ta ke up bcd- side-sittiug in a big -way. But I wouldnj't îry ta mnake inyseif helieve 1 was daihig il for entferta-inme11njj, And froua -Y point of view , gýivo' away*' shows are'ît rtiuc. Wh-at is more, ;f they kceep en thse ,way thiey've hemr going, lhe're ia-. ble 10 kilia leoif etranu whic pepleof reasonable initelli- gec an 1réally enjoy. Now, here's somiething for t4s girls! Neyver uni,,dere»,st;imate a wo-t) man's influience, whichi is a phIrase 1 seern r..ta1have seen or hieard someg- where or othler before., And for the :first tîime in ils eighity-year jhistory the "Stars of Tomiorïrou o ll- ),--b)y which theatre oueadetermtinreftise value of rising screeni personialities on the basis of bo-o(fficedrin power-only ana omelaIepromr hias muanaged la finish in the first ter.. Generally the mnen have led the fieldf, svnMakinig the liat in 1944. and qx each inlu 1941,943 and 1944. But owjuîOne lmeasley ýspcL. Menl-a shap by Ihe naine !f ýRab-. art Ryaî. Wao what, Il" ever h1appuned ta the risinff Crop o 41glam11our boys"? --ual o- cnunt him, o r-ou )tf tlen Henlry VI of Fr-àtce ordeed thse death penalty for usera or0,- iejt_. e-rg of indigo, a 1blue pow1der uscd &9 a dye. s N N N N <9 ~ 0*f#4#,entsik s àibumooe Canedians Jnthe sericof the pubbue I wqýMF'

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