Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 30 Sep 1948, p. 2

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Interview By WV. JOHN STEVE.Ns Miss Alice Dtavids s-,t in lher of- Ac-, mark'ing t e exerci-ses of lier ilti-schiooi English classes. There 'Was a timid tap oni lier door. Tile ttniobwxas turned geritly and a face pepdin. "Yes, MissHasn" RuthmlaryHasnsretlii- Silsface paled. "ýMiss Davids." She'pauised, uhapii. Then, ;as ïf her courage had been gathered up, "May I ask ,-you a, personial quesý- tion" Alice Davids smiied, "1Why yes, Rulthmary, but 1 cani't prýomise toý The words begani bubbling ouýt.ý "'Miss D-avids 1 know you'1 l tink Firm awfuiiy fresh), honlestly Ilm nt, 1 just have tc, know. ýWhy didri't ynu get mnarried înistead of being 9a teachier?." Alice Davids, had lhad many ex- ý ie ices with students' questions, Iow she feit she had underesti- thie girl, wyho stared back. isera-ri) ly, looking likce a goldfish as She ipened and closed bier mnouthb, try- hng to say Somethinig that-oudt gomle. QuLickly her mind raul over whaut ie knewcý about Ruthmnary: Not, too borighit, just a gondpasn student, Ruthmary anid she wvre gi-ienidiy, but then she honlestly iiked *11 lier stuideuits, and they Elked lier, Boy friends? Yes, there was Jini 'owinley, niice boy, good bramas, *ond of Ruthmnary, and she seem- keigly liked imii, Ambitions? Yes, that was it! Boy friend, ambitions; ï1hat _miotioni-pictu.re magazine that thmaiiýry tried, iinsuicceýssfult, to, rica4 one day in class.Sh 'e silýed mt Ruthmnary, suddenlyv eeme. fig that this child was just gradu- Atlng and was eighteenl. Ruthmar Y, 0o the verge ojf tears iielcl ack. "'msorry, Missi Answer to Last Week's Puzzle Eff W4A 510OiBý DAL ",--m c lAI Yt'x U;IIl 1 r1 Davidis. 1. guess 1 s houidn't have "Ruhmay,"Miss Davidis inter- rupted, "on and 1Ilhave calways been pretty godfriendsï, laven'tw e? "Ysm"shegupd "If J teli yu.willyoupromise to keep i):t scrt? "Oyes, MssDavi:dS, 1I wOn't tell a soni, 1honest 1 won'WI 1just had to fnrw.for., I don'Ct have- to be toid, Ruthý- ni'ary Y on musthaa ood r-cas- on. lt'S a rather odd question buit Idon-.'t mil-id, nwr at ail. Not toanieudertaii1g gil like yo. ike tachig-cry muchl, Miss Davîds wevnt ou, eI know that if 1I bad m1y chioice, I wouldni't be 1here. Myý Johnr and î had such pflans toi-gether, su1ch c-1 citing plans." Missý Davidq sighed, Ruthmiary wvas now on the edge of her seat. We wýere brouglit up together, wet tothe same ý,schonoliishad the samne ideas about life, ViTeboth tikýed peopfle and we anited ourW homie anid-but att that is over now, bas been over fornmany years, Yces, dear, I tike teaching, bttmost, peo pte aren't made to live atone, and thiat is especially true ofw- men, No matter how mcli ui-tY ke youir woIrk, no xnmatter how sces fi, you stiti feel fth-encmptiness oh kno(wiu3g that yobhve no1on re.aly close to yOn." Miss Davids S1nited sadj- ly"er'e's a pictuire of Ius just a few 11mnts before he let me forhe" Rutbimary looked, through t1ear, at the handsome muan who stood grinuing at a muých prettier Miss David, and then c-arefily puit it do0wn. Shie teEt the officeCibota word. Alice Davide went back to bier desk,ý and picked urp zthe picture. "You kuow," she mused, "'ynu're rather a good-iooýking fetlow at that. Wait titi 'you hecar bow' you broke my heart." Stiti grininî7g she puý?t fte picture down. Shlewa about to start look- ing for statîoni'ery. The,4n she tbnught -the thcees. "I've ,got to grade fthem first ,dear brother,'ithe lettecr from your brok- en-biearted sister can wait." Stili, gritnning at elac ,wyýer-brotb-er',she resumed grading pape.rs. THE. END Ail That Lacked Tu thechorusgirls' dressi11g rooli, Mvaîzie boasted "Last n1ighti I couilda mrida swelgy wît $0UO. "Whydidn't you?" asked Daisy. AW.,"l said Maiîzie, ,where was I gonnla finid $5f)00OO" ki~ng Aiiswer to This Puzzle Will Appear Nleit Wee 3Ltne4tQi& Te 'fi' OEU9~. r Theý most important necws thus wekis wa anthpee-n it's old news at that. I melani an- other wetek lbas gone by and stJli no r am. e av yese n ic -,ithiin)gs 50 dr y and wihred before. The grounis s tr7ewn iwith tired, brown leaves, Lackiing ithevitaliity ta stay on tFhe !trees to iawaît thatfist sharp Kst that gives tbecm colour 'and int'erest. Whieat grnund ail ove-r the district is plougbecd but littie of it worked anid, as far as we know, nioue, of it sw.Whleat sown now woufld mr serve as fond for birdls. Not onily bias there been no ralîs but wet now hlave ano,.ther lheat wavc --oiyvtlie "prtobs" are thaut it wit bof short duration-, thiank gond- necss. lHowever, Lthere is onue hlapp-ýy asp)ect tu this jiot, rywather- it bias produlcèd a buimper crop of tomatoes. We e been swampoed with themir-and ,lait fromn fouir dozen -plants. Twýo weeks ago I boughit tomiatçpes, neyýer exjsecting to get enlougli for calniug froml our own plan)ts-not after the wormis had donte their work I Buit very day 1 hiave bceen pickilig one or miore bias- kets oh the fruii t-or vegetale- whLicbever you like to ceai it--as a resuit jars 'aid jars have been fiutcd with ricli, red juiice. l'Cs. tomiatoes and peaches lha-vekept imebuy And then ti heiýe was the "Ex" to, go to agaîn, a7tci an Inistitute mieet-. ing, aind onj Friday niece Joy ar- rivéd for- a belated hioliday, And that'Ïs the way it goes, Buit Partuer and 1 dîd have a day at tie "Ex"ý togethier after- ail. It was Bob who stayed îhome o sec that the hýome ires didni't start burn-. in.But lie unnst certainfly have had themi in mmiid as while we w'ere awylie rigged upni an old circular saw which lie boulit or bnr-row,,ed, Pi'm not sure tvhichi. Anywuy lie lad quiite a pile of cnrdwood eut upf and wn Id ave had more oniy the saw feul apart! At teast: the piatformil did. ]But Bob mwas qunite happy reb.uilin it and the next day hle and bis Dad4 went at ;t againi and thie pile grew ilighier anid Iigher. Partuler anid 1I ad a gondi day a1t the "x.Onle oh the igiigtsts oh for mie was attending thle lunich in theWoe' Building witbi Mrs. K iate Aitkeii as hocstess. The suiccess oh anythinig withi Mrs, Aftkenin ï char-ge is a foregonie conclusion and tbis lunch wasn exception. She is certainily the perfect hostess, And thiere are aiways iuteresting speak- ers auid Onle meets nid friends and new,, acquaintances and there is the quiet 'enjoineut one- gets from a wetl-served meai in an uncrowdedd .and airy dIïïiiug-room. After IlhI 1headed for the Baud Shelil wýhere 1 was to ýmeet Partnier, I forgot the resýt of the peapte-; the uoi 'sy crowds gaing by, as I istenief 10 the WlbGuar-ds Banid piaying Sc, man-y fieces that are amlonig my3 favýorites. Onle feIt thie hea, thecaws and thie trip back aud forth tth iuecity was Weil wortb edurn s 0oue lsee i sutenit einymenýcit tathe Hleljl Choruis>'aid "Jfesu, Joy oh Man's Desirinig". Iwu ay ymr e cause Icoin',oSs'iblytth o whIat it n,-iut ta harmusic like thIat ptayed b)y su1cl a wonidtrfut! bauù. 1Ivas wishiIIg Cicety coid hiave Ibeen w ithns And spea iohCicely-here is 1soniethiug she w \rotce en roiu-te- imiagine whiie flying roiniM o to Montircal and 1 tink !1ýshe meant it tocibe ciucluded in my olmu Thoughts on Leaiving Canada 1,"Iiar no writer and have not the ýi ft of exýpressiiug îy thougbts and feelings in au attractive way, bt i shýouldlie as a visitor, ta say, A 4846 5 J , ersa dashing 1ilie number- Patttrn 4846, for ail youl-r dash1ing about! Sharp cif,, [tucks, po>ckets oni a tiny-waisted,fulkrtdres Gay doodad at. shouJder is a fake monograffi , sytransfer ïiucluded, Pattrn 846 n-Fr. Mfiss sizes 11, 13, 15, 17. Size 13, 3'/2 yds. 39-i. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (c)in coins (stamjps cannot be accepted') for thîS patteril to BoCx A, 123-18th Street,Ne Toronito. Print plaiuily SIZE, NAME, AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Sum mer Echoes Sehool once againi, buit, oh,ý do flot despair If those1ý befo-reý you 3eem fl ot: to be here. Thatboywithpencil danigiing fo his hand, lie sees, însteýad cn, schoolroormtas-k 1anld view, A sait ped ht aantthe gieaming bine. That girl wh!mî hediï not your She sees a camphire flickei, through She sees a sUnsetÉ, fair acro'ss a take. Tlie months ahecad are full oefthinigs to do. Be pain-hywi oncorne back tIo you! 1j, 1Lillian adeee (Iu the Christian Science Monlitor) How Can 1? By Aime Ashiey Q.What is a gond tonie for an A. Fresh water con-taining a littie lemoicn juice 'ood Q. Ho canremove scratces fro 'ab te silver A. Buy a smiali. quantity of putty' powder at the drugstore Put this iu a saucer with enough olive oil te irake a paste-. Rub this on the silver wîth a-M ' cloth, then polish th a 11;trwoî3. A. Hold thema over the steam of a kettie for a fewi minutes and it will freshen the.. Q. ow cn 1med boe "iarble?ý A. Make a. very stiff paste of Portiand cernent and water, clean tht edges f the marbie thoroughly, a,1ýpiy the cernent to both broken edges, p asFs the edges together very tightly, and lie securely unltîl the cernent bas set.- Q. How eaui reov bond stains froý a garment? A. Try holding the stai-ned 1ma- terial un-der cold running wzater. Thais will also remove7j sorneý fruit stains. Q. How can 1 keepo cheese moist and free from- mold? Wrap the cheese îin a clotth satura-ted %vith vinegar. -Another way is te smear butýter over cheese to prievent from d'rying. TIRED FEET they ao reier ourfoytoubl es. lou buse ea be eUeed Istaili. Wasabl an tylae a e dtetaui or stne a~h.rongad flexÉibl tr walkio. Make thamstrOn sud bPite_ WiîiWo lohodwt esurt. Tisl NeW cîe~tjfc Mehod a ecoiene Teeare the vas hea thouis ands nEof tai rrther-s are faced with thie fv-ie-awe a of preparing unh-bxe fr Ëthe chid- ren to take toa chüoolwith tbemi- and wondelriug juist whatcoin ations wiil prove noct 0only t-asty anld temIpti]ng, but thor-ougiy n ti s a Mwl. Ibave gatheýred togetherfromý-n -1re]a1 there sote recipes that 1 tink il,,l lhetp). The first thiree are for sanidwichi fillifngs wih) believe not onlly the younigsters AHlllUk,but the grown m upsasWeI Thnther-',an, a couiple of oke tha'-t are- just thic tinig tou ac in beside the more solid par t oftbe Tasty Sandwich FiIling (_Makecs 12 to 1 sndices Put Through The Food Chopper ired pimieno iyelow pimrienuo 1 green pepper 2 large duiipickles 'pi pound cheese /2pouind botogua sean tataste w'ith ppeû-rai Sait anld chili thorouighly hbf ove spreading. Peantit Butter.-Apple Filling ~Iks12 ta 15snwihs Blend Together 1 cup peainut butter /2cup) apple butter i3o.pa5ckýage cream hes Aldd i large apple, fiinety cio-p- cd, wýith peeling left on. Mix wl and Store in cool place Ytiti tet ho used. Tasty Chicken Filling (Mks12to5sadch) Mix Together 2 cups cuibed chicken 3hard-boilc.d eggs, chiopped ' cupl finejy cbIoppeýd parstey, ,2 cup chopped ceiýery 2 tabiespoonîs ketchup Moisten With. ..... là2 cup macyonnaise or saiad dres- sing. Scason to taste, with saât and pepper. Aný-d flow for those: luirch box cookie recîpes 1 spoke about bc- for.Heru tcy are; jelly Cookies sut 1 cul) sifted fiowecr i esonbaking powvdedr ' teaspoon soda 1,â teaspoon Salt 1 teaspoon nutmIeg us Utaspoon cinnmon ½cup shiorteipg i cp brown shugar Stir IA 1 egg, wellbeaten 1 te2aspoo:)n valita Add fMinur mixueaiternaey wih pu cup Sou riik Add 3 cupls sifted flour, or- ennugli ta make sout roiled dough Chili rolli',i mcli tlhîck; cutl Spoon iteaspoon jel1iy lu celtre of halE the cookies. Cut Ont centIres of remlainling cookie's. Fit these cookies over nues wI jelys; seai edges. Bake in 1mode1rate oven (37,; degrees)ý 12 inuiites.s 1 Toasted Oatrveal Cookie (M\ak<es 4 douzen) 0F PAINS 0F IHEDMATISM hpulu frheuratia *la dreafl > ut now'yoau YeOS!lsTArN-flr R isthse thlng tee take for commion pisuduie. fo heduchs .for 1neuritieý, neur- algic, or risenuatie pain. Or for tise aches 9,nd pins o>Fcolds. INsTANTINKg cotisthree mdically proveu ka- eiet ta nt together to brin8g relief ïrons pain fase and most lusportunûth ie relief last,1 Oct 15MTS lw o. 2'/ý cuips sifted flour iteýaspoon soda 'teaspoon sait i teaspoon ciliionýi T/ teaspon ground coe KLèz46 ge-l-lý1-1-l D PAVE Î> ,P RM E -5 Y FI, A N 6 E .ÊP-FýOWMJD R 1 VE R E ADIL 5 5 0 M E A. C lýD H E L'i r A N ji Scup &otnn ti cp brc)wu su-gar Blend ln Add I ~,wel beaten Add fourm ixtrealternately tl 1cuip prunie juice or water À4 cup tick sour creamr Add I cp oasedraw oatmeal 1 cuip chopped cinuts icup fiomxpcj prunes icu.p chopped prunes or daev Drop By v poonjfu1s on greased shet Bake In mo)derate oven (375 degrees> DOES INDIGESTION WALID YO BELOWTIHE BELT? HeAp Yow F. lttus -28" Fer Tii.àd Ca aïuS 1I.Al Ietpi a Ikie Tou LrW Te G. More tisu hall of .0;ur diyelioa la don* below tis bllluyour 28 tse ib*eL. 8ea wheu indigestioa etrikffl, tr3' souilttu tisI hlpadieston u he ,toa bby owt tisee wisat jou uuy àedlaCeeter*i Littles LIvo PiLn.to give zae4ed h4p1P t tai"flrgott 28 tet" ct bowa;ffi Ta&. ou.M"Crtsra141.litte 4r P111 haler. ansd oie miter mmký ii. e. iam mesrdda dirctionâ. hTisJ ep wmko up ' Awg AND bweyq. -seàp Fou digest wisat you have omten lu Nature's owu way. Thisu moikt k et lis.kind ofci elCi ma make. Y,,,,tee! belle, trcoe Your ,,ad t,,e tocs.Jqaa4beauwe ou gel tisa gaulue O ato Littho Lever TPill. fr.m y7n ur i-a INGEO

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