Buoldieng Suppliles EN ORONO AND) PAY NO MOIRE Asphait Shles. R01l Roo0fing, Insulated Siding,. RoI Brick Sidling, Sewver Pipe, Field Tile, Insula- tion, Beaver Board, Masonite, Plywood, Wood and Metal Molins looring, Sidling, Shieeting, Scantlingad Joisýts, Mlors and Windows. SEE lM(eLAREN ORONO COAL & LUMBER Chîldren's Long Steeve Cotton and Fleeed IPulloivers, 2, 4 and 6 years; .Ail Wool Pull- ovr,4 to 6 years; Three-qjarter ilfose, ize ý 1-2 and 9 odryOvîls o4 years;- Ladies' Rayon Vests; pink and white Knitting Wos Books and Neediles. MRS. L. REID Poo9 r 7 - OPONO. Ontario Notice to 1! ay Iiv n g unUIILt1, viusu fis. P. Mr. andi MrS. Everet't Couvâilanl faiywereee nt ist ào-rs at the h-,1oeof Mr.'1anlti r. A. Jakeman. Quite a nu ieifor soo r itendn te ai t idLy tî M.J. JMLtorwasbloiulit home by ambnefront Osh!i wa Hlspital onl Thr-day afterniwooo as ek Mlr. MAurray Patertsoni, .of Tam- worth l, spent the we-n with bis plarents, "Mr, und. Mr's. J. A. Pater- soChurch 3trceet South. Mrý. and Er. . B. oar spenta I~ ~ ~ ~~~~~1 poto'fVer 'to nthe de- I igrtul~etigof Kaart a Pak I ititand FnlnFaklS. 1Mr-. anld Mrs. K(1eneth Haw and snGerry, of Toronto, were visitorys th rhýr antMr!-s. Peate, haist M.C .Awde suffered a st1oke_ athshoelst Stu :dy '1ft er- nowon and was takn Bowrnanrvilli Mr. and -Mrs. Wm. Mit-chell and Mrs. Hrnesýs, lýs'o Miss Brgsson Saturday atttendeti the funeral of MVr. Wm. ýClarke of Tor nIto" , aoet resîdent of O0rono and distrit. "AIKinigldom of Priets" ivasthe titie of a very fine 1,.dure-y Rev. A.E. Euistace at Park St. Chiiýuch las Sndywhen the ight of in- diidaGiristian ,wlitnes S rvas e- Ià pbasîzed y the minister. i Mr. George Forbe,. wlihebas b-,e e n oprrting a ser-vice stto at P ort- Ho1cpe -for the ipast couiple of year, hra-, sol'd hisbies anid bas pur- chasýed'Miss ' Flora 'olhedc' bouase onl Park street. Ile t-akecs pos- sesson ttisweek-en.d. M r. PRo lert Sherwin a nd sister: Miss fdihSher-win, were guîestS [at the Litthewood andii os 'edIl at 4.00 pmî. -il SaýtLuJday, Sepem- ber l18t,i 94, in Alibt Street United 'burc, Ohwa M'r. andi Mrs, Geo. Cason Msý. R Besýt, Mrs. J. Eagleson, MisJýs Lauira Allin andý Mr. _W. E. Davey tene Phomne of Mr.anid EvnRainey wa-s the scenle of a delightf1ul gather- ing folr Park ýSt. Churh Coir, A simharevet t tht f oeweek aLgo was helt i-in the F,111 of 1946.1 Uponbot ocasinsMrni Mýrs.' RieGeralciani jeai, proveti them-seilves ibosts zand hsesso very higlh order. Folhowing choir, rebeansal, al timUie of go ol-fa.h ion ed social visitation was affordeti, with ai alsniost unlimiteti repast of corn-onj-the-coüb, hot dogs and cof- fee extendeti for extra m-Yeas'lure, In- cIemnenit weather tit iflot permrit of an ou be onfire Ilast Wetiniesday, but thre homney aprpeal1 of bouse an] houseýholjdeis quite sti ,,eIti e heýarty vote (>-- thanks as expressed by Mr. Logan, and the suibsequent ---'in f "They are jolly good feL- h-ows". Moreover,iM r, ai M%1r s. Rainey's gradlous invitLa tion ofore againîi t s om e f ut ure tlime Wl sca-cfehy pass unhleedeti. MV. C. B. TUyrreills picture appeair-ý ed in the Tononto Dalliy Star of Tues-! day, Septenmber 2lst, staning- beside part of' the fusiladle of the3 Vampire Jet pilane that crasdred ýon Sultcday, just ýest of !rower 11111, north o)f Kendal. 'PIre Star -was the onhy 'Pr- onto âe 1. pper that wasý able te take a picture, and in order to get tIns one,' lad to pirone to Otaafor utihur-1 ity. Thre calls were miaie at Tyr rel"s drug stvore, andti tle phoo grajAher *aýsked hlm teW accompairy [them te tihe place of the cah THEATRE -BOWMA-"NVILLE COOL Ai!r Conýditicmed - COOL1 Wed., Thur,, Sept. 22-23 A1 Love Stoiry su Buifulit wýas set teMus Katherine Hiepburn, Paul Nenueid, Lbert WalEY RED & IfITE STORES FOR QUALITY -MEATS A Money Saving Pie -Phone2 rl- Special- Loin Park Chops, lean lb. 63pc Johnson's Gl.O-CoJat (liquidl), quart tin....98C Aylmer Pork and Beans -with Wieners, tin,.. 2lc ïIN THE ESATEOF E (E WILLAM HNRY POPE, Far- imer,deesd thIe Estate of Gog ihmHer Pope, ateof h onhp fire in thie Oounty ,Of DraFaï-mer, who died on o r iabout the 2nd dr-y of July, 1948, are ereby not-diried to SendiprtclasOf sam-'e to the Lun- dersigneti on o,- beforeth 2stday of Septenth'ýer, 1948, after ýhich dt the Estnate wil 'e dsttbte.avinig regard oiGy te thýe iso hc the unesgeishah th ien halve no- tice, ai thre udrnne ilfot he Mable to any prsnof woedi he shial not thlen hrïvenoie D)ATEDat ortHo-pe this l 9th dayof Auguast, 1948, PortHpOnal IWe deliver daily 47c 28e 25e 29C 26C 45c 19C 29e 35e Orange and Grapefruit M-Nar- maWcd, 24 oz jar,....29c Mapfle Leaf Baby Cheese, Sb print'for .....49e Get oâff to a goofd start in. the morning - Eat Quick Quaker Qats with a piece of china, pkgz SPEIAL45C Miracle Whip, Salad Dressing, ige 16 oz jar., Sandwich Spread, M\iraicle, 8 oz Jar..... Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs. for....... Bec Hlive Corn Syru.p, Speci"al, 2-Ibs.... Pure Strawberry Jam, smiall jar ........ Herrings in Tomnato Sauice, 2 tins. .... Jello Lemon Pie Filllng, it's dellciouis, 2 ckgs.. Canned Punipkine, 28 oz in, 2 for .. ý....... Parke's Catsup Flavoring, bottie for ý.........