STliere are many -vplants, as er haps Ivewrilten efor, ta ee fit bybei oved tb new soîl, o by lbaving ftheir ros iiedwe thy ave becomne fou io Mcal suras daîsies, for eape hudb 'ivided and mioved at least vr cthler vCar, Plxcaln be left for foulr or five yCars if the0 soi! is ricI, ,-dbutsbould then be dvddand lifted, anid ail the dead parfts re-_ ixiouved, whel ibteir cnrsgtem-p- He-dges or forsythia butshe,ýs areý favorite sp)ots for Ihornets l tar buiildinig Ibeir papery gray nests, and it can be quite slartling tolcom across sncb a nest wbien workcing around snIcblocationis. A DDT arslbomlb wil] usual- 3y put an] end bu thie cntn lg af thre Ion os and from tibir IIrests; buitil is julst a>s weMl l wai t "Id se il at dursk, wlien there is 't rau mutciliactivity of ftic îinSects. Anloîber anld simipC le ebdo de - - detuctionl is tu slip a p)ail of wate-r vde'rnleatb the 1haniginlg hre e 4À Tý]Iersed. There is 1îogarnte iir ha aothier noli à 1, 3wo lstart a heb ,dY julst a few f eel asvay«fro yhConie that waIsIdesfoye -- The sameIý type of bo-,rwhc spoils so mucli of lthe Sve, crf amp ay also ïaltack somie of your flowevrinlg planits, sncb asz;"inis Gxpd dahllias. DDT dulst IDoa lot ~' to Prolect anly sncb plants ini whIose items borers are 2ap'tlutaP.)efge but the best way of cmatn thlem fIor thle fuiture dependis oný youir yearly garden"l enup' Ef corn stalks are pulled ujp Dafîer the crop lias be(en gatheIred and. he-swell as othecr plants with 1 lolwsiQlm-are destroyed, you'f b. otbredwitb fewer borers nIeX ya r. 5h11 anilother sort of borecr does Ilunch damnage every yeair u eaci trees, and ma;, atlack tire cherries end plumi iis. These pesîý srnsually taIon.Ilhe trnnk icnear tb. soil Surface, and leave gnmmy masses as, a clue. 10 their being Ibere. Somle tlime in Septemlber, whumle -4111-Soilis still wrparadiiclilor- 1 benrzinie cryý,stals wy b. spread in, acir-cle aotan mi f rom theý trn.Only onle (Dun ce shou)ld beÏ) usd or trees sixyears or odr hlaîf lan ornce for tIbre. yeacrs. A overdoclse lmay easibrt the peach reeýs. Aftr the crystals are pirin- led lb.esol is then i lled iup over them a-d11(l int the trunk ýashgi tl the borers' ols.Tirecyt Abor Nisani, acrig1 h prset-ayreckoinig, iS lb, se- ~s ceebraed Ie fest of lb. pass- Juat Slang btdoes ithiseprsinSz __ý MI> kî 1cIerk 0of tlb.court relied: lord, it appeaýrs thiat Ibis is aý ngexprionof Amlerican -,or:. ghin wh-ich bas ýgalined regrettable) curnyil' the laniguage of ouîr people thliogb t'le usidIýous aec ôf th chiea ad is, I arn ljed lu, asaeof dub'ieîy in]the im!]dlof the peke as 1o the verachyI or ~çeibliî o astatceent mae -, "O, yea!" sibe judvg, Hell Po !-ostpopiular passenger on a recent TCA flight from nglndWu s fou erodL3,nette Swanson, sho\vn here in te ams f StwressEdith White at Malton Airport Itsalcuta quiet bouseIbi Lek end. Oýn Friday Ciceiy wenl to iagara Fals; Sunday Bob was off luToýýro)nto and Jobnny, as you miay r-emiembýer, is westward bound, The hat e eard of him lie was i Winnipg-andstill travelling. Su lb. weýek-end bas been quiet btte ,receing dys have been Wahig but!iWe hobad rdy 'ut- ed around fcom our irst îiresb,,ingi before- the macýhinec wasbc for a seodgo. nxecelof course. Slooklbresing ws inprogreý2Ssont anoîbecr farm whenil îtrained su the Ilireshers beaded for tbe nearest farm wheretlihresing mighl lie ne.ded. That iappened l u belir= il was fie o'cock chaen we got Word thJey wer2oig.Ddw put1on-asport! I jnst aotwn on two vwheels around --îIhe orer 0f corse e maagedOurruh on1 MY way lu ter wn fut'01supplies orkd ier AIlrigit and altliogh w. cýwet-e1Iligli tbresfinig by tÉwu 'c.)lock yeîwehad Ilie men hfor supperbecaus the mchinýe niy13 lotrnighb),ouu anld I offere-d 10 put up1spperfor Ibis men100.Afler aU wbentebsprprdone meli in' Imucl i mre-- work lu t dtwu-and I d cid hveCicely lu bh). Tburday e ha invîed wo eýLderly3 ladies ouit for tlb. day. I was jusîttig eaylu gofor the wbn aficnd pbIoned fromi Answer lu Last Week'à Puzzle 'C SS RD G u.,îpl i:ht shec was coming downi by bus that Iftci-noonl and woult1d sta avrniht.Hur viSit Aas lb. ouc ie fa stlniuigintao. OnIlFridaty theCre wasýý a t]iresfing1ý for Bo10t go t10;'1y friend 10ib. takèn lu 'c)the care iigliway tu catch ýa retn1rn bus 10Guelpb;a crate of egg luge l-mreaad 10 slip, -and Ci-cely 10 be taken bto Nigr.0f couirseCicely could- bave gone 0on tle buls but We biad plneCItai wul owitb ber and Bob would drive us. Pa(rîner inisedtat we go on, with our plans ;and lie would do fihealr no.on threshing. I didni't like te idea ùf ieaving him lu ilJ-but oh, that man-he can be stubliorui! Weý saw Niagara Falls for abou-t ten' minutes and it was morebeu tiulithan I bad ever -seenu t befo're. Thecre was more green aboveIe fails-slirnibs or bIli bof some in whicili mae Falls a richer greenl in colour. The water was ver-y Jlow su tlere was less spray. As we; watched suiddenfy there, ap- peared a beautiful rainbow over Ilî tie t'tbin-Ag waîer-mty first view of a ribwaIte. Falls. Il wais eal'ly someth,,ù]ing rmebr. Mi, ta'raylite weathe!ur itad c1(.1ared( an]d my îwo me werdrainhg in oats ad wrkngfae, 13BeCause tbey were laue, lk!!ing waS laI., suppeIr wsl'- eeytigwas la ie'.Btj0it gOeýs. lubtenot rjoy rides and Iont- big jobs we hd 'a litîle job -Pa borrid, rplieflte job. And L taI ws uinýg bomlato wormns. JusI b>efore we threcsbeI foundon.e of Iliesebrr fat green lhings but I didn't thnkmucl bou ilbecause any lime we ave grown itom1atoes I have found (jone, or perliaps tu but rc no ore. tîme I looked aI the plants 1 fou-nd lu My horror Iliat 'mnany of thevie had been slripped of Ibeir le1aves. Then the bunt began and ona our fifty plants we picked off no less than eighteen worms. Neyer liaving grown lomnatoes exteu6ively w, knoiw litîle about these pess-how lheyv corne or wbvlat Steps s!îould lie taken to keep tbmi under control. PiBunw i wal bu know ail about tlirm and liow lu deal willi bem. 8,CI Iký % fi5 lthtx D&I7U ±l Rlating b 5 M.Playing card love 3,Fiali ____________________________ Impefecion 0, ears away iminahilet tribesman 4, That %hleh C. F*nin1e 2Iniatuation 15G'tr;-eenland ýi.lis pieces [A. Private rcoon W7Lor(ýu d A ngfo0r wa rdà 50. Sldier 1 '. -br--- bomb-Vast ie r- T 26. Tine ' 5. T lthig- - - - ~9. Se ' ion 31. t o ge on _ comibat traN ts altfo t4o kir.lîu Angwoe tg Tua Pni. iUIAppoaa- Noet Week MosIt farmejrs know the value of limestone for s e'eug certain types of soi!; but there miay be many wh.) are flot awarcHiat re- sus rom limig depend to a I. rge extent on theý quality of thie limestone thiat is uised. Somei varie- ties may run as hiigh as 10 per cent moisture content, others flot more than ? or 4 per ccent. And .Àt stands to resoltat a an who buys the formier variety, is pyn good money for a whole lot of water. Fineness of grind is sotinliig else that ShIould ble ichc. Cas limestone releasecs its benefits to, the soul very ll, For examiiple, recent tté,s hv s nthaitlie sonle tht w"!' go Iliougl a four- mesh iev-htis four sacsper incli- wnt do, any gond in less thnthýree year's, vwliereas the klind jthlat wllpass tlirotugh a 50-mesh sieve is mu0perscent available with in a imiarperiod. A que-stion (ofteni asked, espe2cial- ly by those who have minsad sep- tic tanks 3faýirly recenýtly, is whethler there ils any danilger in rniniiig m such tanks soapy water, or Maer in which ening fuids have been dis- solVfCd. The aswris that ordinmary idi soaps, or any, of t1he new\ "deterget cleaners" are not likely toj cause any trouble. But care sbould be, taken with the use of strong causlics or disineclts, as the useful bacteriawhich work in the septic tanks are even moi(re easçily destroyed than harmnful grs So greal care shonld be takeni about the use of conicentraýted l ye, chiorine 'solutions, cioride of lime, cai-bolic acid and otheûr stron!g, disinfeclanîs. Water in which any3 of these bas been uised should go some place other thian m your septic tank. It lias heen estiatded that the livestock indlustry in, Canlada and the United Satsis]beinig roIbbed of upto 0une bnnidred land fifty miliondolar-s a yeair-anld flot by packin]g plants, price conltrols, lack of price onrol, r ianythiing of the sort. Tie robbersreferred to are internaI livesock parasites. Sucl paasitsICCOI-ding to ex- pert ,veteurinaj-rin, can bccontrioil- ec' - crbndisulfIide, lhexachlore- thane, sdu fluoride and phenio- thiazine being someo of the chemn- icals nsed to fight varions typesc of the pets iBt it's just as wiell nMt tAfoc ol rnd mwitli cit hng "ion your owni." Becter conislt La vet and find ont for him which, parasites are causing damnage, anid what is tlhe best miethod oef tet ment. Mice can do plenty, of damiage ta a young orchard, as no doubt plenly of you have learnied to yonr sorrowý, Three thicknlesses of heavy, ouled wvrapping paper tied around the young trunks with two or three pieces of string is a simple but effective miethod of giv-1 ;ing tbemn protection. This w;as provedi by an- orcha- ist ont on the west coast. Last year lie didn'tt glarond te wmpj- ping21 slacs ofyonnig pear tres -and in the s prinIg lhe had t10re- plant nearlýy lialf ofI liat area. But on fiM and a haîf acres-mre thani 800 tcrs- that were wrapped, Only twenty Irees were damiagedI by mnice, MosI loyers of cowýboy' stories, and thiose wvbo like mlovies of th- "Wil1d West" typ1)et know liat f"manverick" is the naiýme given to uubranded catîl. But perhaps you ddn know that tlie name was de- ivd from au actual personi-Sarni- nef A.Maeck a Texa,-s politician and cattiean. The talegoes that many years ago Texas cll-asrtrdof "rnstlinig" and tbieresul[inig feudcs and sliooîngs-.dedcidd Iat ecd of thew woldc brand biis cafflle wvith somne distinctive mark, bhls doinig away witb isutsover ownership). Su3 îhey ail1 pickecd ont their brns'ii we r rgîter-cl ail, thjal 15 bu say, exep lue. Tis waýs Mvrikwho said, "Nýow Iatahy u fllows bave,. setilldonyorbrands, there ïisn't any sense i0Me getting one-l'Il just. ýf - mine mun tbe ranges unj- manrkedl." Wicbýiý, 10 th-e est of lliem, seemed %ie a fair enougli idea-for a M&le and for sonie years the ow punt)jïcheirs, wbien thy cameý across sm unbranded beasts, But 'as lim eln u 0!! c ts suspe'cling el(n1rs b( tï , 1n n ' wily Mr, MaverLiick weren msn inilI nubrs a at t ýïgi (lu tia:ý thnny ý1of Ibirs. Su at la .t ,i11hey lapddown on bb11wuifty 1 tUe get a distinIctive brnd iofhs( and stop laying Cdaim l ai th cattle which ha1id hpeild u cca Ilie annua [roudup. Butl!r nin lias sukalog n onger,,Ili a capitail " A forestry expert inSobwsen Ontario lias warned that 1!,(stel bard mnaple is dying ont. He forc- casts tbat, in another few yeatis, ic tree will be as extinct as tlie pas- senger pigeon. The causes are an ifold, but chief among îheml are is management of the farm oolo and lte increase of disease tha altacks the tree, -Sonîberu OntarIi-o lias already losîtibe cheustnut te which wais a Isntv faueo ils landscape a gnrto gand the New PEngland dm .1iis on-lte way ont. An-d Put it Forwar-d Some people v willi aepro- fouind The gu-y witb botli feet on tb4 ground; Toý get somewhiere lhe mustl iI1 o t pov t dsas tor hors.e fom die wea Th'l tle boy, waiting alune on the Seat of the ice wgowas fltprepared for the sudden, joit wh'icih tirew humi off his balance. The hlors., frightened by a truck, had rcared and started to charge mnadlY down ii.eet, eea peýdestri ans tried to stop the uaayanimal . . . and cars screchd l a stop when ftse careenIing ice wagont reached buisy itretos JUMIPS ON WAGON 17-year--old 1Jean-Paul St. Pierre saw tn-e-pliglit of the. yuungster- and acted qu.ickiy. unigont on thie stree1, lie jopdon the wagoniand grabbed the reins su llrmly vthat tiey brokeç-, tirowing _huii fnt tii, Ice blocks behinid. Back oni u;s ieh told the chiid to hold on, andtien feaped onu> the horse's back. Tie piuinging animal1 tried tu tirow h;im, but St. pierre hefd oen griIIy... àfinally workciing is wiay to the, nreck o-f the2hot-se and grabbing tii.e bit witi buoth han,:s*" brinuging -h tiinial at iast to0 Tihero '(:ation of l7-year- ofd Ja-Pn.St, ýPierre, oft Monireal, undoybîedly saved theE iîte uthe tisranded cid as vieil as tii. ilves of many i tic path uf that wild race. 'W. are-prýoud to -pay hI'i triblut. t-Iroulgitie precsentaion of The. Dow Award. MHE DOW AWARý-'D is a fs atdfcludes, a3 a tnil erssOn o faprcaoa $roCan.aja SavlingsBo. Wiîyner s aeSçlected by t1z' group of dtors Of feading Seeing_ the danger to the. chufd as wel as to the. pedestrians on ii. busy Street, 171-ye-ar-old Jean-Paul Sr, Pierre ran out and Ieaped onto the wagon-, Grabbing the reins, he îngged at themy with ail uis strength, in, an effort to check tichorb0'se. Bujt tii reins snappe - and St.Perefeli back amiong the. ice blocýits' t. N -i 't' 'i 't j, 't- t. t. t. -t. t., j, 't 't. N -'t N 'b N N 4 N *i N 4.' N 't N N N s '-t' 't N 't, 's t', 't s 't N 't t" 's -t, 't' 't N N s 4 t' N N N Ils b' 'j, j, -t. t. t. -r 't' s N Ns 't' s "t 't N "t' N 't N 28