Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Sep 1948, p. 4

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ORON WEKLYTIMES TItURSD}&T' SEPl'EMUJER ~ applyîng to certain uses of ELECTRICITY ,.IN ONTARIO The Hydro-Electric Power Commission oif Ontario announces the following regulations madle under the Power Comminssion Act a.nd tb hecomne effective ai mridn-ight, September à' 3th, 1l948. r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r - r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r t PARTI1 WATER HEATERS i -l) Unless water heaters Opercîted by electricýl power are-, (a) equipped witii $ermaostatic contrai, çcnd (b)»iiistalled in or on tanks which are thermeally insulated, nco municipality or municipal commission receiv- inîg lectrcia power from the Cmisinshal esutpply or use or permit ta be supplied or used by ainy persan the electrical power or ainy part iereof for thie aperatian of watér h'eaters iiistatlled' or7 relaced aiftor the I st 6f Novomnber, 1948. (2) No person, slall take froint aiy mun1icïpalîty ~ri-u±iipal commission any lectrical power iýeceýed fýrm the Commiission and use it for the ope-ration of water heaters in a ,ýman.er contIraryV to he provisions of sibregulation 1 3)No persan shah tlake any eleoficai pwe rocured fronti the Commission aind use it for thie operation of water heaters in a mannner cýontrary 'ta thie provis-ions of subregulation 1. 2,. Onlaria Regulations 237/47 are ro-vokIed, PART I1 SPACE HEATERS 3.()No mnunicipaity or mncplcmiso :receiving electricati power fromi the Commiission shil n"ýsupply or use or permrit ta hoe supplied or uised by ctny persan electrical powýier or any prt 1theriEofo lte peatio,-n of air-heaters, grofrle oe-a is, radiactors, boiers or any other device for space '-E-,càing in hotels, tourist cabins, shojps, offices ayud commnerciail pro.mises. '2)No person shali take f rom ony mnunlcipality or 'muicialcommiission aniy electrical power r- ceiývedfron thle Commiission and uise il in a macnner ýLContrary b toe provisons of subrogulotion 1, <3) o persan sha tloke akny electrýircol powecr pro cured fL-rm lie Commission aind u,.se it in a monnor con-trary ta thie provisions of subregulaoon1. PART IM. LIGHTING 4...i)o rmunicipality or municipal co.,mmisio n à-roceiving elecîrical powe,,r front the Comm-,isýsioDn shIahi" supply or use or permit ta ho supplied or used lby any persan, electricail powe, or any part, thierecof for,- (a) hgln of inleriors of shops, sh w-win ows aind offices except, - inol more than 2 watts pr e foot cf grass floor-area of the hd uring business hiours, and aflr ealion ,of business with lithe public to hie te staff ta.' work-; (j) not more than 20 watts perpne foot of whdth of show-win-dws of s Ps etween 4.30 p.m. and 9 p..; e (jii) not more thon 23/2 watts pX square oot of grass floor-area of an ofAce; and (iv) for te protection of prop«Iy afler bus ese hours not more thon watts per 00) squakre feet of grass floor.,area of a shop' r office but not exceeding 60 wats S shop or office; ()Lighting of exterior signs; (c) exterior flood- or outli ne-lighiting for decora- tive, ornamrental or advertising purposes; «J.) ighing of out-doar Christmas trees; (e) lighting of parking-lots, used-cair lots, servide stations, out-door industrial premises and out- door playing fields except, - (i) nat more titan 15 watts p~er 100 square feet of pa.rkidng-lot space while ope-n for business; ï)ii ual ore thon 15 watts per 100 square feet of thal portioni of used-car lots used for PENALTY PROVIDED BY THE POWER COMMISSION ACT FOR VIOLATION 0F REGULATIONS Any persan refusing or neglecting ta comply wiitcny direction, order, regulatian, restriction, proibiionor contrai made or exýercised by thte Comm-ission undýer this section shah be guilty aio on offýence and in addition ta ony aliter liability Lncur ca penality cof'not ba hn $0an na more thonC$500 and o further penalty af not less thon $100 and nat mare thon $500 for oaci and every separate daiy upon witich suait refusaI or neghect is repeoted or conlinued., The penalties imposed by or under the aýulhorily of Ihis section shah hoe recoverable under The Summrary Convictions Act. SUSPENSION 0F REGULATIONS- AS TO CERTAIN AREAS Pcirs 'Il and III of the o reqocing ReguiotionS care sus- pendced wit1h respec',t talite fohllowig- (a) 'Tite Terr-itorial' Districts of A.gomra, Cocirtne, KenraMontouinNi-pý!sing, 'Rainy River, Sudury Tunr B Y, -Timsko ig; (t) lite Territorial!, District of Parry Sound, except - ieTownrships of Carling, Christie, Conger, Cow,,pef, Ferguson, Foley, Hlum-phrey, McDougal ,und McKeLlar, lte Town af Parry Sound, and ihie Village ai Rosseau. ()Exhiibitions and foirs hehid in 19418 by socie- lies under The AgriculturaI Societies Act, if frhrcaicUr erqle 1aécnatyu local Hydra of-..ce. THE IKTDIO-ELECTRIC POWUR COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO CIlasif ied VNN0NCEMFENT jhld e - int ate h Se t rnt efT e nZng Auxiiyhid'(2_ thnae ? ,sk e e ont Th sdy tC i Yt]gEvenr a, cToruwnship, d thC a ie p ti A eldu i Orono. Communîty eora %VaStrk o u4y eteie 2h Ail~~~~~r tutoa la r se t e at- T¶here 'li Robne i He tKemher. B e 1 e ni neeig FOR SALE FOR ;DN ALE G~ew~jniamgeI,iýu1Ambieptu- OY1'£ron o niF . pcle flousj e an poprt, huc ,Stee cod A er oubi arg w">ý ith c- ïmal 1fr its. A fKppiy eRb r H Keane.rirono 0UCT0ON SAL Th Rnersgepan rcîedi Setg ou 2-p ne Velur heerfil finng e unite, mnde crflecni tin - F.e Wancanro Sie nealyne; -4urer Oh Seve isplay space whle open for business and no-,t more thia 5 watts per 100 square foot' of the used-oar lot after cessation of Lbusiness; tiii) not more than 100 wattspe gasoline puinp in a service station, exclusive of lights ini t e pump-ntéter compartmnent, wie ihe service station is open for business; 'iv) not mnoretia 15 watts per 100 square foot ofi whatever part or parts of out-door industriai1 pre-mises is in aclual use for wo.'rk in progress and not more titan 5 watCts per 100 Square feet at aliter limies and not more titan 5 watts per 100 square foot for protective lighting of that part ctuhally oc-cupiEd by installations, or used for the storage of materiaLis or equipm.-en.t; ()not more titan 60 watts per 100 square foot af playing area ai an out-door playing fieid oniy while in use; btetween, sunset and sunrise; U.,' fighting of, - (i) marquees; or (hi) sidewalk-caniopies onr hotels, theatres aind restaurants except not mnore than 2 watts per square foot af floor space or sidewalk-area covered by the mar- quee or caniopy; (g) iighting of exterior entrances or exils af commercial1 promises or residences'except not more than 100 watts for commercial promnises and nol more titan 25 watts for residences; and (h) exlerior lighting between sunrise and sunset. (2) Thte lighing permitted for shops during busi- ness itours under sub-clauses i 'and l oai(clause a ai subregulation 1 shall include thte lighting of interior signs, merchandise-dispiaýýys and show- 5. Nýo persan shah1' take from any mu-nicipaility or municipalcmmission any celectricai power re- ceived from t[he Commission ap.d use il -in a manner -con17trary ta lte provisions subregulation 1 aif r egui1.11atiîon 4. . 6. No persan shail take art electricai po-wer pro- cured f rom tlhe Commýrissio..o and use il in ai mariner contrary ta the praviîcJ1o4s of subregulation 1 of rgulation 4. 7, bregulatc5ni 1 ai regulation 4 and regulations. 5 nd 6shall notacppIylto,- (a) (i)iighig of air-ports and transportation (i) lighting for police, fire and property- protection services, traffic liglis trafflo and warn'ing signs; and ii) ighting required by law; (b) wspitals;- (c) hi hting for inlerior domestic purposes; (d) 1ih tting of a single exterior sign, net exceedingj 6qwatts,-ta designate, - (f an office of ai medicai or dental prac- titio-her, embalmner or funerai directar, or jharmaceuticci chemist; (i) ain ambulance, tehephone or telegraph, station; or (iii) promises providing sleeping a,ýccomnmoda- tion for travellers. PART 11V 8, In these reguhlàtionls, - (ai) "shop" means any building or a portion of a building, bootit, stail or place where goods are handled or exposed or offered for sale, or where goods are manufactured and whiich ha not a faclory; but shiah1 not include any part of ct building used for office purposes; and (b-) "office" shah minean aL building or part of a building occupied and used for office purposes only. Prof essinaI l etr MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN ;andSUGO office Hours 2 i0nt 4.00 px. 63 e8.00 p.M. Sundaysa an Wdnsdyshy appoi-Cnt 011onY PHONE 4-7rl - ORN LEGAL Lawrence C. MasoBA Barrister and Solicitor BOWMAINVILLE, ONT. Office 688- Home ï53 W. F. WARD NOT-ARY office 825 Residenice 499 BOWIMANVILLE, ONT. VETEIZINARY _DR . W . ~SIiERW IN VEE-rINARY SUR~GEON ioffice Main iSt. Oronu. Phonle 63 r 7, Orona INSURANCE JC. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automobile and I,ýability ORONO N RI ORONO'S INSURANCE MAI MaufctreaLife IarneC, Doiio ;f Canada General 1 Hartford l'ire InLsurancei Waterloo Mutual Fire In-surance, WawaesaMutual InEurance is epresenited n thisditctb DANE FOUND M)NO Phone 8 IFr If i t's linsurance, give Dane a trw LEROY HAMILTON INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Lif e, ilospitalization-, Plate Glass, Burglary, Casualty Repres,ýenti.ng the Leading CANADIAN, BRITISH &ad AIMERICAN COMPAN~IES OffCe, Main St. - ORONU Phones: Office 32 r 10; Rez. 1 r il phone me and 1 will cati te suit yoiL Estimates freely given, noeobligatioi INFORMATION Woud ou ile t how asore ab*"I the following ? (a> How to- will to youar famil7,» thousand doêllar% that you lhavee"r jr*4 saved?7 (h) How to guakrAntee a aalary cheque to your f amily ,very Mouth for 10-15 or 20 years shouald yon be taken out 0oýf the pciture ? (c) How te hbave a salary chequ6 every month for ycurself as long gr you live, commiencîng at pugo 55-6e or 6j5. (d) IIêw teu guarantee that yenv,, mon or daughter wili have the money fe.r an education btiyond hig-h achoolf Lot as hav, a chat ajhout it some- FRED LYCETT ,,l?,T EXPE Radio Service! Thg combination osf tprene om- plet. data on ail mkoand imodem test equipment will ensure PROMPT, REASONÂBLE AND EXPERTREAS R. L. MYLES Phone 79 rT 4 -ORN Free Estimates xiii be Given Cheerfully on, Rock Wool Homle Insulatimon By Blokwer Systemi, Four luchles thick, i nsulation Con tracto rs, 57 Blloer St. West, Toronto Distýrict Representative fer Djurhum County GEORGTE WADDELL Phono 23 r 22 - BETUANY Monume nt s The RUTTER GRZANITE COMPANY Phone 501l - P.O. Box" 622 Port Hope, Ontarto4 1Monuments, Gravemarkera EnzTaving. Goldleafing

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