Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Sep 1948, p. 2

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ClIean-ing Fluid- Handie With Care Not log ago NewJersey vwo- mian attemptd fo ean a;-,Pair of ingfui near a filite-d coal sto)Ve. Two minute-s 1la-ýter shec was dead. Sweea niho' w lit!tle girls sn~a~ -o'~, uird rsthe flaing,-, wrekse fhehe , diedof burus i:, pa îîs neon Ille way to a 10 rithe istacea maid who diddto -ean several articles of clohig wthnaptba forgot to open tueloorad windows of the 'iomin-.wich she was working,. She asfund on the floor shortIy. afewadil a s-emi-conscious con- diinanid beeding from a lacera- tio ofthec scalp. EvidentilY she had faieiad injured berself wbeuoverome y the fumes of the cleaiing fluid. Fortunately, sherecverdalhough the head i njury isb li er for tbree Thes cse are not isolatefi in- ciet.S;imilar i-ones happen r- petdl.Tey illustrate the dan- grof usinîg solventls carelessly roun,,d the 1homie. Poecinagainst theseorgnicsolvets-the chem(I- iss'naefoýr rnany cleaingfids -dmadsakoweg of thecir Thes hasrdsare of four kinds. Some slventsare higbllyinam mabe, ndal give off hiarmful apr.AMl can be injiurious to the sin, -and-1al a-re pioosif takcn Five ypesof ogaicsovet are usedite homle for cleanînlg cler iu g s, uiphoLstery a nQf lete;for th)iiing sand re moving paits;an for dozeuls of other Iluirp ose.The miost comrmon of thes soleutsare: 1. Gasoinelaphla and bnie 2Tupenitine. zen: ntgto be coifuse_,d with 4. Methy1,l and ethl a1loho. Car mut b taealso, Il avod reathiig the vapors of or-i mo nsareanshtcndom aycause m ilore orlssser liouS injuryto inernaiorgaus f lrg amouns ofthe vapor ar1 ihae, Tem s srious s olvenrt hasard Assciaion abut200 persons are kie nnalyaud atua ndini- nirdl 23,900 fires causefby in fambecleanting 1fluý- idscusedin erecarbon tetrachilorideý is 100A pa etsafe, sinc"e it wîll lot bura an is apor-s will notexod.f acteliquîis i,,anl efficient auid widey-ued frextiingis-hing agent, sic lvapoises oni contact witb heat and smiothiers a Iire. Ethl and methýyl alcohol are in- fambesolvents, somnewbat more Êo than turpen]tinie bt much less Inflammale1thangasolint]ebenzine Highiy Inflamm.able Gaýsoinei and its relatefi products are so;D highly vinflammable that m31any states hl a v e regulhtions gainst storiiig Ithem in the home. Theiy giv;e off ighily inflammable veapors 3 whicb cani flow in invisible stre-ams as far as 200 feet from Where the inlmmable solvents are ~ ~ ~ ~~o cocredtedagr0ffr is greater isd h oethanont- le, sinice noostherearei or ou rCesofignition forslvn vaos, scb as stovkIs, fnirna-ce4, elcrclapplianices, anid te ike. Als3o teeare imorecobsil pitrasto sped ire, Accord- 'Ingly, infilammiable solvenits 'should bcse ouit of dloorwbree pos- armutbe exr Ied10avoid geeaigstatic lctrical sparks whenponing th Ile soîvenCts froým one mtal ontaner ntonothler C'r wben ruibb)ing cleaing flulid on fabric,lateror other articles to beclend By placing the pan or * TwO Comics-and a Prize Beauity-B-etty Je-an Frguo o Halifax is bte konto un dreids of tosnsas "Miss Canlada". Wie iitn teCnadianNtinlExiiio n of ier spezcial thrills wa bgy ie ith thefmuscmd1ta ieOsnah 1h Jolnsn. ha'sOlsen !holdlj-fing hereins, whILe Cic ties to pruaeBet jamta thýere's aboutl o dang-er ofaytigerornryhpnn. By Grace Sharp lu' commiienting on the return of "The ausethat Refreshes" pro- gram 'to).[tie air, after its summer layo)ff, Th New York Times showe,,rs somiie c-adweil-mer- ited-coplime it lu thedirection of Percy it, Canadian orchestra. leader. Th'is is 10 say be was oni- ginall1y a Caniadiani, alough it be- gins to oo as if the bigger oppor- tunities soutfl the border bave take.n 9afirm ld I(ion bim: 'Udr the knouwing baud of Percy Faith,, tbe programming for thebradcstdraws its subbstance iargel!y frl te ,enduring popular faorte 1ad selections cuirrently enioîngpubi approval," thle re- -vie ayin part. "Mr, Faith treatÎs each to the same skilfuil orchiestra- tio3nwic brînIgs out the rcns lui a soug wtot tamepriuig withi Thnt!e reýiviewr goes on to make someý remarks whicb will strike arcete note. in the hearts of tbousands Who fairly det,,esî -the over-leugtby commercial ',plugs", which mar so many of the pro- grams we bear., "Not the least of the program's virtues are its commecrcials, which are, exemplary for. modesty lu lengtb and toise . . . Iu addition to being fine entertaifimeut (The Pause That Refreshes) is a lesson in good public relations and 9,u asset to, broadcastiug." Iu the. British-miade film entitled "Cockpit" Harcourt Williams plays the part. of a priest wbose bauds bave beeu. compietely maimed,, and fingers broken by torture in co ,,n- ccetraý-tion camps in which ýuhe bd been coufined. How he ge-ts thiis effect of maiming is rathieritee- ing, I thlnk. Before he went iiifontof the cameras thlae iup man would apply 10Wo liam' anfis a mixture, of plastic ad eltieiThs!a then covered wvit a coating of collo)- diou-wbich drewv up the ctr' _HCi- COUNTRY-STYLE Here's an easy way 10o prepare a tasty, bearty chicken dinner that cuts prepariug time down to a minimum, One plump 3-4 lb. frier. Pepper. Butter. Flouir. Saît.Baco'n Fat,ý (Exctmeaurmeus re otgiven as tley dep n utesize of the chcejnd ithe number- of parts Àin Whicb tbe bird is cnt Cttecickýeu into pie-ces whicb will make geýnerons se.vns Cover each pie-ce thoroughily with butter (a pastry b'rush isý an idea uteil fý or this job). Sprîukle servings with-saIt andi pepper, then dnst with four.yi- pn) Hetan old fashioued iron-handlefi spider (c1-rnfyn a> Pour sufficient bacon fat to "fry" the chickeu pieces, which are placed! la the spider eut side dowa. Put the' spider into a 350 degree- ovenI and>AKE for about one hour. We snggest you serve baiked pepper sqahhalves and carrots andi peas with this. Then treat thel famiiy 10 the New Caramel Cake. CARAMEL CAKE This recipe filis a 2y. quart mold, which can' be- any shape you want. A round mîxing bowi will do if no other moid is, available.) Meit 60 caramel candy squares la 5 cups mîlk over low heat. Soak 3 envelopes unflavored gelatia la 1 cup colfi milk. Meit 6 tablespoons butter lu the top of a double boiler and bleud lu 7 tablespoons fo0ur. Stir ia slowly 1 cup cold miik, then tbe bot milk la which the caramels are melted. Cook la, double boiler until smooth and tbick, add gelatin, 1 tablespoon vanilla and '4 teaspoon saIt, and stir until gelatin is dis- so'lveCool to lukewarm. Spread 2'A2 cups nul mea"s-English walnuts or pecans-or a mixtuire of botb-on a cookie sheet and toast la a 450 degree F. oveii untîl brown., (This wili bake watcbing. Shake bbe cookie sheet often iauiý buru nuts over with a pancake turner so they will brown evenly.) Wben they are cool, set aside a dozea or so perfect balves te, decorate tbetop of the mold and cnt or break the res, Imb fairly large pieces and stir thiem mbn the pudding. Now he ithe sides of the molfi with lady fingers iu a, tterii that suits isshape, if yout're ing a ologors1ae o i ladly ingers on the bottom as well Iýas on the sides. Spra 1 t111 coating oDf soflenefi butter on bbc ontside of ithe lady f'ingers anfci they will sick '10 the moli wbeýre-ver you place he.Spoon Ili the puddingýý, beling carefui not to discarrange the lady fingersý, co,-ver with ax% paper su0d store lu thje refrigerator until set. B3efore se-rving top wlth whlpped efan id cbc,oIate sauce, J hands'to such an eii ýxtenit thait lhe was unable to ulIe a knife anid fork :wlej it was on,. and hiad to. be fed, Just in caIse you ever get inito an argument as to whr was thte first- motion pciture eve(r produceud in Cana da - Orueveýn if Y oua don't i - bere are the faýcts. It was"Haata filmie'l at Desbarats, Onitario, bjaclk in 19J03 by Charles Urbani, an Ame,ýrican from Chicago, who lateiir did a lot of cinerna poern iii Great Brit- ain. The actinug--or iost of it any- way was done Iby Ojibway in- dians, and the picture conisisted of some twenty scene(s, and rai-,825 feet in length. They must have stbsedsomrre sort of a record \when ithey nmade "Four Faces West" i IchJe McCrca -anid Frances iDee r Westrn, ith ank obbes, seriffs, posses andalrte ofixin's,1" nd i- est nbd corneýs to gettingi knoke ioffis wh È!cCreca gt bit b)y artteq ae bt su spite Of this the pi)cture d(oest Iack for 'ac- tion. A salNv ctafsigvili- age is th1 setin for "Johniny Beci- lindai" starr:ing Lewý Ayres n jane Wymian)-bu)t %wheth0er itis th e reai-t t' ing or a reasonabiýle Hlly wood facsimiie I1hvent bard. It's said to) be a very sinicere anid touch- ing film, withi Ayres lyigthe part- of a younig dctrwho be- friends a girl whlo is a deaf ue and who is beinig badly abusIý, by a brute of a fathier. J1ane WVyiIMn's performance is1be2ing tajîled PaS one of the finest ever screeed-andii some of the critics are already pe dicting an Academy Award for lber on the strength of it. Me-Trry Mngre-ya:Dîsney 7.a~ ..He says he's subject to ehil- blains 1 IAra 3you goinig thru ýth ýe functional , Middle- a ge' period peCLia"r bwomen (381-52 yra.)? IDoes ti' make you suiferý frein hot fliees fee Ocign ervOlis, high-atrung, tired? T'heu DO trY LYdisE. Plnkhamn's Vegettie Cosa. Ipou nd terelievesuehlsymptmn,! pinklsarW stomachie tonii effeetl ISSUE 37 - 1948 A.EDE bas sent in an-,ex-,cel- lent examnple of Miss Ellen- Terry's haudwrý it:ng, asl'vin e bo mauke pa r a! brief analysis ci it. jMïi ss Terry was Enigland's most lovefi acf- resand thrilled manly audiences widthlher superb perormances until Th e writing is very clear and theres îte diffcuity in reading each keserAUl "'Ce lop letersare con as à "e" and y," ad these are indicative off, aknestruthfulaess and honcety, with a desire for fair play and Justice for amIThe capital letters are mdrtl high, shiow- dng an independenit nature, andi ae nlot too0 tail, whviich woid be an in- dlication of anughitiiuss. ThIe capita lultteri "E," thie down- strok'ýCof thle "y-," anid the stron!-g undrsroesarce eottnigin- dications cf Miss Terrys faith ài ber idels and incere desire to at- tain su-ccess;. You will nleyer finfi heav undrstokeslu he writing cf a waln or a person wh comi- plains about difficul1ties. Ellen Ter- ry's ,succezss was partly due to bier ability to increase ber determina- ltion to Ssceed when al Seemief blopeless. ItII s a good examiiplec of courage, grciliossMad love £'f service, mr c sed a sam"pi of handwriîéug, lope, Io Alexý S. Arnoit, 2-8h Street, New 7 oropsto. 0F PAINS 0F- The pain cf rheomunatisoe #' l dreadful. But now yors can get relif .. quîckc relief prolonger!d relief with Yeýs? INS-AWTIINSr ir the thing t'* tn«ke for commun patins and achies... fôr headachcs . . for.neuritic, neur. alie or rheumnatic pain. Or for the aches and pains of coids. INsTANTss4S Contains three medicaliy proven iii. gredients fthat act toýgether to bring relief from Pain fasÊ and ot important. Lie relief fasÉs! et INBTAi4i'Wfow. Wliat's COIIIC 017cr ine~the$e days? -~ 'i Oftenr a womani becomnes panicky and gives way. tofesan nerves --whien perfectl ynarlchge are, taki'ng place in lier aystem. And the unorunate part is that these, dark dreads and fears may causiFe a nervou-s breadown n.eedtessly! Plently of sleep, fresh ai-, wholesomne food and Dr. Chase's Nerve Food wiil hlelp te build lup your vitali'ty and ütone up the whole systensiï-so that nierves and hysteria are forgotte. Yes, when you're in good shapje physically andi mentally 'with no condition of "nervea- Io mag- naify the sJïihtest change-yot, cýa-n keep) serene ac nd happy right th-rough Ithe i nost trying times. So reraeember, at thle first sign qf tiI fidgets, hysteria or nervouls doubt3-start building,' yourseif up withi Dr. Cha,-se's Nerve Fo ),, Youl'il rest better, lookbet lel beýtter. Keep y'refl o remedy wich h las helped thotiU- sands ofChiase wý-ýomn1. l-- yourassuanc DrC haese's 2 VeS~ S e

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