Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 26 Aug 1948, p. 7

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TfHE LARGER t-ypes of dallias kisualiy reach a cimxof bloom la ant. Thrimay stunt thep lnts; N.- a samOf leaf- mo'saic anid cr '~ .: of eatinlg 1i'0tethe 0of good dlahlia s k~ as becomle mucb better s;inceth production o! DDT, Aipplied as a dust or spray it wii cntolailtre of the aoenre et, For Lphids, enicotine euld be added. Once eccry ten days is thecge-neral Nùvwis thetime te get rayfor Chat str-awheLrry I cd yotre planimngu for iext yea-fact -yen ishouldn't waste aytime. Thi- e(edmust rbt we iig an,1d fertilized. Put in at onjce, pot-grown p )'lants haeafineý chance te estalisbtbmslvsfor tise whiter; but: don't for-get that they 1mu1,tübe weli waTtered fthrougýh- onl t]fla l. Thice are lof ofolks woconr- fuse the harmless Virginia creeper, or woodin, ith 1poison iv-y gand give if anl unn1ecessariiy widc bert visenecver thcy Comle across it. Actually the twlo arec asl dis- iniguisbied. Thie creeper ibas fewer aerial roots, wicbk branrch at the tips and becar nearly circuilar discs ,whcre the tipýs corne in cntatith a wali, tree trunk or other support. But the moist noticeable dfeec ke the com-pound leaves. Those of Virginia Cceper have l'ive leaflets brancinig fro.n thelai-afstaik, in- tead o! thIe three as on11poison ivy, \...> nd eacle afiet generaliy bas a saw- toothüd imakrgin. "Yeu c-an shakxe Lands with five fingers but net with thrCe" is a goodl aid te enoy Do yen grow phlox iin your garden? Thien ît's wortb'i while knowing ithat if you, cut o ýff the first ,clusters of hiardy phlox just as seoni ýthe bosom ade it %ilprevent Q-rgoinig tn seed and ,Jaencour- ïg aie bloorn frtni flsi;:de sh,oots. IThe maj-ority of gardieners rareiy M. tmore fthan one or two piÂckings «J cucumnbers beforc e he qnaity be- cornes se poor that theýyare iýttie Vuse, ai ofteli tfe vïinCes c omn- pleteiy. Cuicuinbers growv readiiy, bttare subject Ie se ma-y insect tat- tacks and dïseases Ithat many Con- e'ider them a diffcuirop te grow.v Cucumibers grow best lu) iht, wvell-'draïiined sou, wbere rthey get plenty o! mýtli sunAilit 1butt are pr- tected from t he wvind. Selectionl-,of tise rîit varieties fer your location îe ImportanIý T, and ty requliire ieavy fertilization. Tfliclworst encmny ef thiis cropi tise striped cvcuinaber beetie whlich overnight that thCy kili tep'lnts Completeiy Ibefore in ury iS eveni uuspected, Aitheiagh WiSt's toeate te do anlytbing of'la kind tis year, tise Oiy reapotctonis -te coller tise plants with a cioth ,Or Wire 4ecreen vwhen fthe_ seed i5 seown, and lea-vt ifon1 just as long as possîile. -icb pretýcters pay fortem 3elies bec-atise tbey can bDe usedÀ for ,eeveral seasenis aild reduc,ýe thet cost Zfisetiies Pa t e eevn encla protection shouid be srayed witi rotenlone or cryolite as soon as tisey're above ground and until fthc bWeetIes dsaper orpietely. rhDuring the bLearing season planït ice îare destrucetive te uumes D-asing or spraying witb ictie pyretbrnm ior rotenine once aweek before the ](cavescurl vwil! beip id zuch pests îin check. Like mes10t vinle crops cucumbeýrs grow welloe eaniulcb that is deep Ceneugh e on erol weeds. Thcy aise lîke t iim on a treliis or support of pole. Four poles, p1laced about four feet aatroulc nd eachbiV ofcctnbr eu bfe tied to)getheir lîke a ten, and vWitis a littie encouragemnent yu uubevines will cimb teth 'o.This man tl-e vines easy te yor dust, -aod he c-tucumbers te ares.Pîik yotîr cuicim- sjust as oonas they are ready, Onie of'Canada's Most FamousBeauty Spots-iBack in the early years of the Century F. T. James began te turn a ragged ;cedar swamp in the Humber valley into, a garden1. Today, after 40 years of patient cultivation, he has more th an ten acres of flowers, shirubts, grcefl trees andornamental pools., Prom the terrace behi nd the house there is a view for mies nd thie foregrounid ii the picture takes in gardens an d iawns that have supplanted the .swamipJiand. 4 ' ~wnd oLLr~c P. Clô~,tM~e 1 M in gr-ave daner f bing erosy spoilt. MY visiter says- "Yugo on with youir writig-I'l iook- aiter the dlisheis." So here I arn, slitingat miy desirý, read'y te give the higbiights of thec week, wbile from the kitchen comnes the sound of dishies being rattled-disbes which 1, actuaily, am flot washing. Aitogether it has been quite a week-trying to -,,ork in a bit of gadd1in-g aierîg withi the pickling and cann.And that isn't just as easy asi might be. But we managed it. 1Af1ter ail we don't want our visitor to go back te- England without see- iag somethling of Canada other than olir hnrdacres one day we went te Gueiph. Did a bit oýf shopping in the morning se Cieycould sec what our Canadian stýores hau-ve ta off er and then, after a resauantiuehwe went up te the Cleeand gave most of the build- ings a qiuick "once over," including thevetrinrycoiiege which 1 bad not vstdbefore.- Ciceiy was very favoraby imresed ith our OAC;thouighit thie buildings were good, the(-.gronds niceiy laid out and very weli caed for. Once she re- rnaked"Ofcourse it is al ývery newl is't t? That, of, course, is a' compar;ion one aiways comes up agaist ithvisitors from the Oid 1Coun1try. Canada's oidest buildings ar1a,1 ttdi "new" as compared wiJ,itte historic abbeys, churches, c asties and cathedrais in Britain, -any of them dating back to the eeenbcentury-and many stili re- mai itact ini spite of Hitler and 'his BliÀtzkrecig. Even the old Bar iGate in muciýh-bombed Souhampton, stl tnsunscathed. The szcenic grounds at the Guelph Reforrnatory werc very much ad- r-ed; for one reason because lbu,v]hich migbt other.wise have Answ,7er ta Last Week's Puzzle 'A [F > A ce A6 O R A ïïi P s been w ,asted, had been put to, good Use, And sùi,.y somi-ething worth wbiie wouldi penietrate te the muner bcbng of men wbo worked on such a grand piece of creative work. An- other place o! interest te us was the Guelph Roman Cathoiic Church.. a beautiful structure . majestic, iqi- pressive.' How conld it be otherwise situated as it is upon a -bigh bu!l overiooking the city te which al cyes must tomn irrespective o! re- ligious beliefs. Another day we went te Hamil- ton and of cour e there the Rock Garden was the main attraction. We bad another f!iend witb us that day and how I enjoyed, seeing both friends enioy themnseives wandering hère anid therfe among theGardens. One of tbem said she would be quite happy te -stay there ahl day. How- ever, there was sernething eise I wanted them te seu se wc went on te the city, parkcd the car on as'îicie street-i pesky parking meteré- for mie-and theni visited Haiiton's justly lamions "Gift Shop.' Thiere we feasted ouir eyes on ail. kïinds eft beautifu '-itdchn.It leasedj Cicciy inmensely(. Asshlpt- t "I don't think pecople i ngln w,)uld mind ising cracked cups and u'-ility dishes neariy se, much if they c mld oniy sec for themseives this wonderful dispia; eof fine china, proof beyond doubt that Old Eng- land can stiil make and deliver the goods even in tbis chaotîc post-war world. We bear se mucb about our experts but this is the first time I have reaily seen what is being made botb -i0 china and in dress geods, Somnehew it gives me new hope for the future. Weil, 1 can bear the kittens being taiked te that means the dishes are finished and th e kittens are uôw ejoying a luscions meal of bread and warm niik. Tbey have separate identities no and respoud-more or iess--to tfli arnes o! Matthew, Mark, Martha ande Mary. Wbiskey is a very good mother. She knows e-ýatly where she w ïarits te take them, and why, Soeties opn the kdtch5.î deorii r and u waks Whiky tlte fu itestrail- luig behlnd eMthe!sawy filh fie *a 3w'lie MaIrthia bringjfs up e iear.Tise way WhiAsky trails ber offsprlgsondreminds Dme very miuchoc baisy and ber pnps lu "lonieIt u fnnyte es henar geing tFlaronglia asalspace by the woodsh-ed door and awyin snl With today's dmr look in prctty clothes,.the white blouse is almost indispensial. Lilli- mar uses a tiny ur-bckcol- lar and long. cuffed sîceves on this' one. Wendrying housblold brushes, rememnber te kcep thie bisi ownj. 4. C 0 lr 9. Wcep 12. Era 13. Eiower 14. tjntruth 15. Maxima 17. Anriele 1,8. Likely 19. Mouths ,g7. Lukewarrn 0. Clurnsy fellow ti. Derived from Gil 3n. Dental ,4. Not a: home 3,1, Pine art a-3. roman bronze 8 MUAiodoreus S9. Legendary mon ter !s. 1,s trapu 46. Sliain Man's ym ifica Cheese Puifs wlth Spanish Sauce 4 egg whites ipound Canadian cheese, g>rated Salt and pepper iegg 1 tabiespoon vater Fine dry bread crumbs Beat egg, whites until stiff. Care- fuily foid ia grated cheese andsa son. Form into croquettes and chili 30 minutcs, Beat the whole tegg and add water. Roll croquettes in finie crumbs, dip in the beaten egg and rol in crumbs again, Fry i deep fat heated te 375 degrees F. Draini and serve on, buttered toast rouinds topped with bot Spanish Sauice. Yieid: 10 puff s. -panish Saucîie V2~ green pep.per-, shlredded 1 smaili coin, choplpedl 2 tabiecspoonis butter 2 cuýp, ane omte 1/2 cup btton muýt-shroom-ýs Sait and ppe cook, green pepper iid oio,i n l butter 5 inutes. Add toma 'toes and sîmmer untii sauce ;s thickeed. Addj muishrooms 'ýanid seasoinigs. Cooc 5 mi.inus Io-ger. Yield: 2'/ý cup Welsh Rbi ipoulidiiCana.dia cheese 1/3 easoondry ~utr 2'1teaspoon Wocserhr auce 6 largetoast rounids Cut cheese very fi1ne. Place i EST YOUR I. Q. He're are someqesinscs of thecm fairly easy--regardinjg the human, body 3nd výarionýs diseases wbich affect it. you Ishoualdn't have anyv trouble anýswering ail of them be)(fore cbecking ,,up with th correct answers printed upside down beJ"low. 1.What is the mostprven disease of rIIankindc? 2. About hiow miucb- of the total weigbt of the humanI body is made up of mluscle? 3. WhLat time af the ,day or night is nIormi .body temnperaýturýe at its iowest poîint? 4. WVhen i ood pressuýre is iw is the pise slocwer or ifaster thian 5i. Whîich is the lneebonlu;1 thebdy 6.Whîchi side of thle braýin con- troIs thie right side of thle body' 7.How mainy hiouLrs otu of the tweny-fur oes a new-born baby uiiaIiy sleep? 8. Does hi-r grow, faster during the day or duïring the night? 9. Does the puise remnain t-he same throughout lufe? 10. Why is it unheaÎlthfiul to keep manyi growing plants ina bedroom? il. At what stage is mea imost 12. ywatnamne is pollinosis more commiionily kniown? ANS WERS %aaAt)j X'H '9T :s.xsaddUs qss.IP Q; '.Ojq 'a2~s (j.sa q~ r~:ap!xolp uoqxsp Ino âA2 pur .Ille qsaaj Qa aluns -U03 I£OtL a ýsnE3D[ *01 :ON -8:oMI -£4uamJ, -. :ap!s ;îaî ajJ, -p:Quoq ao ili.1 nm;)j atjj.'ç :p o q o nd -Ino at{; asuaman ul 0; ut~sn Qqi UT «dooîs ZUpnI ' j ac)ano-C (~sap ipoî)sausz eO PUQaa - D4 16. Civil lnjury 89. Vision (sffix> 20. Concerning 41l. fLanguished 222. Dry 4.ie embank- LE24. runge n 45. Eastlndian iiquld fdber plant £5. Open excava- ( va-ýr.) 4. bai0bw tie0n 4 7. 1,111uah Jty ZIG 2-. Gilrl's narne 48. Rulbher treet 8. Lk~ M. Inactive 60. Hunian rae 6. ndan29. Plies with b2. Amnerican 7. Fiesh uo xmedicine ,general. calves22. 8eaduck 5. ort 5. Ecentl 36£. Wander 54. Celer 9. Sizeairnlessly 57. French pro- 10. Tear S36. Past noun Answer te, This Puzzle Wiil Appear Next Week heavy pan wth mustard, Worcester- sbire - ndr cayenn e. Cook, sl owly, s! ring c-onstanltly, until mielted. Adj tomate .iuice slowly unltil mxd Serve 'n toast at once. Yield: 61 portions. Sicilýin Sandwich 4 slices bread 2 tablespoons butter 9/ cup American clee-se spreadcl rnmeriun-sized tomatoes, siliced 3 tabiespoons India reliîsh 4 strips bacon Spread each slice of breýad with butter and ch3eese spreald. Arranige tomnato suices over chieese and sra with Indcia reiish. Top wth2 1hal slices of bacon. Place under broiler until bacon is crisp and chee-se me1-it-. cd. Serve hiot. Yieid: 4 sandlwichecs. Cheese- and Ham Timbales 1tahiespoon c iedonlion 1 tabiespoon drippinigs 1CI cup cottage chýeese' ?/4 teaspcon dry miustard Sait anO pepper 1 egg, weii beaten Ys cup grated Canaqdian ,cheese %,4 cup chopped cooked ham iior smnoked ltongui Sau7te oion in dr-ippinigs un--til goldeni. Add(jcottagechesba siiy ndsaon Add the egg. Mix Caniadian cheese andcope ha.press thlismitragnsth bottom and sidecs of fouir]se cul.stard cups. Fil! center \wji-,th11the cottage checese mlixýture. lace n a f pa hoot water 1and1bake hQi m-oderate oven (G350 degrees3F.) 25 te 30 mnteo; unlcustrd l firm. Y-1ield: 4 portis. ~armesan Pudding 6eggs, separated Y4 cuLour. ilp milk ,4 teaspon lsait Dabof pepper j)u grated Paýrm-esan jcheuese Beat egg yolk-s adstrijor add milk, Sait anid upepe. Cook lýini double boiler until thckne, tr- ring constantly. Add chieese and stir unltil cheese is mneltedl. FoIJiin stiffIy beaten egg whites. Turn initorese mold. Cover tigbtly and stam for h our. Serve with meýItý,d buitter, additionai grated aresnchee-se, sauteed mushýIroomis, oramice ham sace.Yield: 6potns Thé Very "Latest"ý In h Mbile L i bae Ti'e newest thing iniibrry seýr- vice is the York Townishipbo- miobile-a iibrary on wel.Cn fronted with t hl e prob)lem uj f providing library service for ti suburban section of Trno h York Townshil, Publlic Libýrary Board, with the assistance of re- gular governmnent granits for 1-public libraries, decided that only aho- mobile wouid adeqt-uely coyer thle large, scattered area. The aItern-jý tive of erecting a bilding waru- suitable, as funds were Ilimitedi, and maythousands of Y:ork Townshjip residents wouid not hiave easyýiaccess to it. The bookmobile'is a large bus- like unit, with the exeircolor seheme of canary anld green. The ;nterior is. decoratLed in iv'ory', redj and black. Red leathier-covèred benlches and a smii witntable 1 are furnished for the librra' se. The taeln irr seupe (îht ofoldinIg-typedorp- ividinig nlentranice at the front anid an1 exiÏt kowa-rd the rear of thlebs At eahof the ten s ttionls he-re tb-le bookmobile lbayservice is operated, a speciily esgndpad-. loýcked electri cal otielt is viai for use. A special eclectricai con duit at the reair of the vehiicie is piugg,,ecl nto the eetia onc tien, thus providinlg thie bookmolbile with heiat and IighI t i0 the winter and( cooling fanls ani. iighit in, thel sommller. Thie roof is equippjed it four double glasssyigt.T'le whole of the veicle isspcal insuiated with wb nhso nua tion. The interior fte oo obe resembles a weli arraniged IcoveC in any librairy. Longý rows of N N N -N N N 'N 'N -N N. N N N N 'N 'N N N 'N 'N 'N N N N "N )N. N N N 'N N N N N. 4 N 45 -N N N N N N N N. s 'N N N 'N N N N N N "M N 'N N N N 'N 'N 'N N 'N N N N i N N N 'SM -45 's 'M e MM N "N s

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