Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 19 Aug 1948, p. 7

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t1NRNARLE Ail our ivheat is cnt andsooe alid abouit tblirty ioads iii thit baral. Ph~ ext tinlg we havje te o rr Y about ýis getting it tbreshied. f wis1 t 'tejobn were alreadydoe Y8b($a a busy tim-e this is, wa with, the barvest work geing on outsidec and canininig and proccesing £going on inside-auid of course the exces- rive bleat we get every f ew days sceems to be tht ,ordrotedc ü,fi ay, We had onle veýry bea-vy stoirm last week tibsoeb ail but inot cenouIgh te do any real damuage. Sadiedibewn other Jobs Çlceiy aud I picked ud canned raisp- bordes, cherries and beans, I e- perý-iened withthtiean-hc wore later taken to tiocker.Somre were scalded, ciiled and packedinm a two percent brie. Others vere mereiY eut and packed in cartons without any liniid. This wais after _ï had been, told! that experimleults 4sad been conduicted at thtc O.A.' along thee iiC kinad àt was agreed that fthc- o11Y advantage to the acalding 2a1dlbrne-packing imetbodc, ,was thiat the beanis ïrtainecd a more attractive ciurn.Weil, the ro of the beans wýiiI be i-,tt atng vegaýrdîts f colour. Yes, %we hauve ctrtainly ben lbnsy, Ciceiy and I1-but still WCe manIlaged ýý find tîime to hiave a little fun withi Whisky anldFber kittenls, Tht kit- tens, by tht way, have presenited uis 'w;ithi a str-iking example of what bapns wenA mother dots not t m1, it aa ur ColeCx to her off, sPrinlg. Caniines and felines ar-e supoe iy aturai born enmies. Tippy, and Whisky anidlber ktes bave exp)loded thatides. 'Tht first ,bÎme tht kiýttensIFfeft thieir box anld ,\~bean exporng tihe \woodshedcc Tippy- dog was fthere as anl interested spcao.Mother whisky sat on tht steps watching ber babies, on tbis their first adventure int'o 0tht rànknowni. Tippy stood neaibr, aiewhn-a rs cocked and a riystifitd expression On bis face as iwonderinig what thes.ýe quer litte j.iýswere that wejire wab)blinig ini '1f;ot arounld bis legs. 1Ht fol- éd thir tvery movemcnt,sne- iien -curiously but maùcabsha- ! -o lo, attempilt te touchi or moticest Whiisky, prend thlat 'Tipply ooid deigu t, te notice beýr of apring, purred contentediy and mb- bed herself ingratiatinglyagit him. Natura1liy, since Tippy anld Whisky are sucb frienlds, VWhi'sky1 did flot transmiit any fear ocf himr ïa tht kittenls. Se thte itesfelt '~,,no eniityý towiards Tipp)y becauLse lie was za(dog andclse thiere were ne ar-ched' backs, or spitting or swear- îng fromlinany ef tbem. Now for quite a diflerent topic. Ciceiy was showvin3g me somle of tht de0thes she had brouighit ith beIr- and 1 was surpristd te find( how geod teywere and Iboixmany she bad been able te accumulate. Th.at la lun tht way olf dresses, coats ando .sncb like. Bu,.ýt thel] we carnet pyjaas-"hestwouid reaiiy takeU a prize," she explained, "youý set lt takes se many coupons for every- tbing we hvete 1>uY that wu Can't afford te uise thirm on tinigs ta deni't so! Se) this is vwhat bler ipyjamas are1 lie . he den't mmd iiymtil-1 ing yen. Ont pair bais legs madle of ordiniary factory cottojn, Ph jacket fashiionled from an CHd sir-- "--waist, blouse of a bIne chcckma tia.Tht n iext pair bas Ilegs rmade from a n Id pnair of casernnt acu- tainlsdyed 0o!d rose ilthejct hias tbeen lfashione-d from n oCld Siik Moblse aise dye_ýd £rose. ,the1,1y We2r- botb veryrepcal and decidely ngiosexýcep-t that, in the yn procct tht silk and cotton hadcon ont iu different shandes of pink! CROSS WOR 5. Dry 4, Cr1o ,s bem 7. Heýavy Inail X. G1ass ssheet 9. i fdereC 1). Oýut of (prefixK) AÇRPOSS L painter v. Velocits 13. Lodger 14 ypackage 16. The eluect is;. Nuzt confectioný 18. Thue 1Il Weakeu 2L. Cali frth 22. Smal candie 23 Discordia ?5. Sheep 2&. Exlsed 27L Sweneiquide 29. Shaft sof 31. LanO me,1casume 32Cone by 3. Maerng action su. A croS 40. SaMIo 42. Counel 43 SMal ms 4S. Greeted 50. E1artýh goddless Eu. MI of orange f1owers fin. Absconded 55 Feot 61 Lrosey DOWN 1. Sprîngs up 2. Revolving 3. For 4. Demon Dressings make thta you Lkeep the'sefavorite b( dreqSsings on0andand i arec ahdwl iin adva crisped in thec refrigerator ing salads catiý be made ir Even leftovers can!- be tur iinteresting salads that wi jaded sumnmer appetites. Cardinal Dressing put, into jar 3/4 cup 6 talesponsviniegar,i miiin-ced onion, few grair pap)rilk-a sud pepper, 1 peet of garlic avd 3% cup catsul i'ghtly; shake well. Chil hours, ShaIhe thoeroughiy uising. Excellent for simp salads, vegetabtlle and chef' Old-Fashioned Cooked D 2 talesponscorn star( itablespoon sugar 2teastpoons dry mutstari 2teas1poons sait ~te-aspoon pepper F-w grains Cayennee 3teaspoon paprika i4cups milk 2egg yoik1S /4Cup vin egar /2cup salaId ou Mix first SevenI ingzredi,- small amount of the i smoth. Add reininig mi over low heati, stirring co until ix,,ture thickeins 'a Boil 2 inuites, stirring co Reoefrorn heIat; gradi to egg yoiks,-. Returti to hi miinutes, stîrring coustanil mnove from heat and gradu: in vinegar witb rotary beat Whoa, Gal!I - The vry atest ini cowgal fasis iodeled hiere by Dorothly Malone, movýie feature player. The white sh'irt isý of heavy, rougli crepe, with gdnaiheacis across the yoke Fne. Frotier panjts are of beýige gabardine. 'len-gallon bat sud whie tring gloves with chiam- ois p-alma scomplete the iien- - l.Giddap, gal. Il. Wfish 12. Siitg 17. Sof t 20. Pblisbed ivvlthout 22. Tstfi fie 24. More,1 ýcertafin 26. l'et 2 s. ! y se. Audto0 3 3. CuttLing 4D. hrr 26, Mon a lu 37. Proeb 38. WAithJraw forirnally 44. Heaithy 45. Cancel 48, Soak 49. Dewry lauguage 64. Italian river Answer te This Puzzle Will Appear- Next Week CJcUX0And-tew,. aaiIf saîad oul; beat untilsmth Col iomemade MakeS 2 cups. Use 1ih ot'ato o-r if greenls fruit saiads. ,ance and Spicy Dessing r, tempt- 1/2 teaspoon ppe in a jiffy. teaspoon apik trned inte a tIesp-ons -io(egar vli tempt ' teaspjoon W\%orcestcrshire sauce 2 drops '-Tabasco sauce 9 Y2 cup- s'alad oul oaa il, 1 cnt clave garlic Put ail ingredients into s, jar.ý teas-poon Cover tightly and shake Weil. Chili, ins each, -led CLo-ve Petato Salad p. Cover 4 cnps cooked, diced potatot)s Il several 4 bard-cooked eggs, cboppd [y before V/2 cup finely chopped onion ple green 3 cup cbopped cucumber s salads. 1 cup chopped celery, )res 1sing f2 teaspoons Salt' "- teaspeen paprika ch i/ easp.,oc pepper 2tabiespeenus vinegar rd itabiespon iprepaRred usar 2tablespouls ,choppecd parsle MiLx alC geinsmitnwt mayonnaise snd chiilnil serving Hoarty Salad Bowl Coolk - ponnd long spaqghemttini boÀiing, saty watei- untiltedr ýents in u drain su-d rinse ini cold water. alk until Toss tegether tht fofiewing: ilk. Cook 3/2 bead cnrly endive ýonstantly, 3/2 cnp chopptd celery nd bouls. 2 tablespoons fintly chopped :onstantiy. onion u:1ally add 31 Ac copped green pepper iet for 2 6 adishe-s, sliced thin ly. Rt- Vs cnp coarseîy chopped cucumber1 uaiiy beat 2 cnps leftovýer meat ter. Add 2 teaspeens sait 34-cnp French dressing Add spaghzoW gnd mix lightî1y. Chili sud serv in lettuce caps. -- Garnish with wedges ef tornatots. Midway 7348 This isï the season whîen some of the most "pestifer,*ous", weeds go to see-an thse hatyouilIow to do so cau-,se just ùta much more wokfor you nexnt y ea r, Numji iiber O - 0n e Elny of most awsis cra grass--anid it, es- peýcia!Iy should ___________not be allowed to seed. In Mnost cases ptiliing it out by hland, or wiý7th a w7ire rake, is riot too big a Chore; and! since crabý grass wil l (ot flourish in shade, keeping your- lawn, grass; about 2'. tc)3 inches high ,wîll tend to disco-urage its growvth.ý Speaking of rakes, here's, a littie tip vvhiCh meighit be Iusefl to somi-e of' you. If you hla ve on-e of those hamboo rakes, and îthte tips have bc.- cornle badIly wvorn ownl tis is11i you have toedo in order te bring fit back te seuies.Just dip 0tht tips inito really hot wa-ter for a f ew minte-olutil tht1Cfibres tbecrne1' sof-ten bed inito thle proper shaple twith a pair of pliers. It's much tCasier te pro)tect yýourI grapes from birds and othier thvs"than il: is cherries and othecr fruits. A smali cellophiane or paper bag, slipped over each bunli-ch and then tiedi aroundic the stemn, wiil do, the job andL guard thiefruit well. The baags may b)e put in place auy timie after the grapes are pea-size. Either for plantinig or for movinig your tai1 bearded iris, thiis is the besti time of year. By setting the in sthe ground now> youi give the plants almost a year in whkh teo anchor their roots firrnly, and! otherwise make themselves comfortaiec before blooming time cornes around again. next summer. Transplanting iris is a fairly easy job as there ils littît fea-r (of tîhemî wilting, even lin hot wahe But just how deep the roots should be, placed is a matter over whviich thecre is considerable argument. Somre experts dlaim thlat it is best fort tbick buIilie part of thte iris te be bZarely covered swithsl. But others miaintain just as stron;g!y that SELL BY MAIL 40.600-WORD BOOR SHOl(WS WHAT, WRERE. WnRUN AND How OF MAIL 0155ER BSNS.GEIT ST! BEAD ST! PROVE ST! $1.00 nostpald. GREEN'S, 116 Oàford Street Torontc, Ont. With a record of 50 vear a amoot $al- tactory treatment fûr 'piles or hemorrhi-csl, YOU tan posti-vely depend onX Dr. Chase7sOntment AU s rI _N The Car For Every Purse And Person Prices Roduicod $1 50Qq ON AUSTIN DEVON and DORSET MODELS New Prices Delivered Toronto Witb Licence, ,AUSTIN DORSET $1 787.00 the iris benýefits by expesure toeLsun ;ud air, and that the ul"shoul11d lie bafwy ut cf thet ground. Wicbiever metbed yen adonpt, your iris5;l be ail tb'e better if y-euI give tht so)it tb.oronýgb rl arte before pliatng or mvn hm footr is net tee deep te dig an-Èd a trowelfnl of boeealfor each plant net tee mnch in tht matter cf fertiIize-r. This sbould be tLborouigiy mixed with the soul-sud if yen,- happen, te bave amy wood ashes handy, anether trowelful of these wi11 improve tht next yeIar's bom Holding the t bib"-the ,ctuaI name is rhizome -just about fat tht, surface ofý tht gronn,ýd, yen then spireadeout tht cfibrous reets that e.xtent-d fromi it in thtplanting boit. Fuli in thteuirichenledI soil, te tamp down irmy.And don't forget that tht planits, once they are in pljace, shiouid b bc,-oronigly watered. Ef yen are meving old iris pilanits, tbey wýil rquire dviding. Tht centrai rhizome, with, few if auy leaves atcemight just ,as weii be disca-rded. Thi t other picesý- sbould becnt nitb a sharp kiif e - youi'iI easiily find joints in, tht rhi- z ansd mleyour cuts aîon.-,g tbem. As a m-ule there are sq manyv "OK, pal. That's a bhue chip if I over saw on - sptaking delici- onsly, of course." "~And these mnlty-riclh-, honey- golden Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes are a whole stnck ef good neurish- ment." "A spadful of carbohydrates for energy." "And mineralg for miuscle and 921 YGNGE STREET divisionsfrom ua single clurnp )that you can tmsa a ilny of them5, choolngfor laningpieces that Lave big bhealhy fans or leaves9, "Probably thure is no ifeeling luý the human mmd s;-tronIger -than tie love ofiare inand at aliltinrs aî~ug he blet.sof thle greatest ineetto rnianklind" to thtc same faiy group of pfants as poisoýn ivy. Aniswer to, Last Week's Puzzle PE AAT FAR r DiN LEcD COA E'NiLA EWER gRA"aN growýtb sund zich blood," "Usig twe grains instead et one lu maý-kinig Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes is a pair that eall1y pays off -inu double breakfast enjoyment sud rosy-cheek neurisbmnent." "Fellahs -I thînk 1'11 pop ever te the gmocer's right new sud buy up enough- Post's Gmpe-Nuts Flakes for a full bouse.", I - I ___ Heater, Def roster, Spre Tire, etc. AUSTIN DE' $1837.00O .VON TORONTO "lilmise with a package of super-delkC*ious-, Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes" IMMEDIATD DELIVEUY Austin Ontarlo Motors LimitËC N N N N N N N * N N S, N 54 N * '1 N N -'s 's N 's N N N N N N N N N N N N * N N N N N N * N N N N N N N N N 's N 's -N N. N. N N N N N £5 N -' N N -'N N N N s 'N N N N. s N ~< N N s s N * N N N 'Ni

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