Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Aug 1948, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUPODAY, AUGUST 12th, 1948. SPRED The,, Washable Water-Mix Palint 1iZgallon doesi average room; 1 coat covers practiAll i kinds of walls; dries in 1 hour GaULý 'à 4.75 WstrNew Streamlined PAIN.T SPRAYERS $29.50 COULTER STIRRUP PUMPS Now $1.49 ELECTRIC HAMMER MILLS Complte wih iH.P.Eletrie Motor $19000 COLEMTAN APPLIANCES Gas Irons, Lanterns and Camp Stoves Quart $1.35 BLUE BIRD ALUMINIUM BABY BATIIS $2.85 CELLULOSE SPONGE MOPS wvith Winger $3.95 BANNER GALVANIZED TANK SPRAYERS $8.95 ELECTRIC FANS $6. 75 .and up ALL RADIOS AT New Low Prices Due to Removal of Excise Tx also Thor AutontagieC Gladiron New $129.50 Coleman & Philp Electric Defore You Buili Ueo ADAMS LUMBER , COMPANY Clar.ke 1213A - NEWCASTLE - Clarke 1213A Brick, Cernent, Tule, Lumnber, of a1 kinds (B. C. Ontarî o and Eastern Canada) Doors (700 to choo-se from), NailIs, Sash, Door and, Window Frames, Gyproc, Lime (llardwall, Finish- ing and Spray), Hfardwood Flooring, Tileboards, Wallbogards, Asphiat and Ce< gles, Roofing, Mouldings and Trim, F Fence Posts (Cedar anid Steel) Fenci - ~ - - ~ - - £ ~ W W W - Masonite, NE WTON VILLE il ed to th i hoei Mo ntlea ~tobaccohorvetmatKendil. Mrs. Janet ýHassen-, of iChatharc, pajred hbar home in Nawtonvill,* Mrs. 0. Connor, of Toronto, withi ber aunt, Mrs. Jennie Randel, Rav. Rot.Wrgg -and Ms rg wvitb thair C'ughters arehldaip with his m hrai-dibrother swald 'Miss Audraýy Tufforl, BnkrHill. h es pata week with eb itr Mis.HrcdBurlay. Mr. and Mrs. Bob 11oGahiey, Osh awiý, wara in the village on Ssituird.ay ( evaning.c 'Mr. and Ir.WeltarWitkr anri Kaneh wi hbarparentis, Mr.1 and Mrs, J. T. Pear-ce. Congratula-tionis to Mýýr. anid*Ms Sid. Staceyý, on the birth o-,d auh ter. Mr. and Mr-s. Ken. Wrof Tn onto, withbalir mothaer, Mrs", og Mrs. Davidl Merill, Mfr. and Mrs. Er-ic 'Merrill and' son, oxf WairkwortÏh, wiÉth Mr. and Ms Willis Joniet. Mfr. and Mlrs. Wiî. Chester, of Oshawa, withi lier sistc-r, -Mris. A. Redknp. .i, ,Mr. Wm. S',harp)e and daughter,- Miss Ida Sherpe.' of Torontoý, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Hllancock. 0fr. end' Mrs1. Wrn. Morris, fF Toronto, -and her daughlter M.Le-1 gitt, recently out from 5Sotland, wit1h ,,r. an d Mrs. Rayïmond Bue 0fr. Wilfraýct Redknap, of Oshawa,! whla eholid -yinfg with hsparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthun Radknapj painted Mr. John Pearce's hocuse. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton and Mr. and Mrs. Don Stlieton and Baribera are visiting the fo(rma'sý daughter, r. Lennox Vasey of Por t McNichol. ý1Mr. Alf. Thompson and son Bill, BUWMAN VILLE LIONS CLUB CARN UVAL RIGR SCRfOOL GROUNDS Wednesday, August ISth Special Children's Parade 6.1.5 P.M. Parade wiIÎl form a ;t. llagpole on }Iligh Sehool Grunds and miarch aroundu the hall field. Prizes for wiinnrs îli each o ýf eight evts. B. T. , Band in atteudance George teu'ght the 'Bible Class and Plywodsn. Clerence Nichols taught the ju iorroys and muir girs class i thaane of Mis. A. Austin The memibers cf' the pieniie coin- cmM M W 1mittea met at tha hnomne ofMn and SJ-is. Caroil Nichols on Tuesd'ay Çe veninax I we decidad to hold oun annual picnic oni August l8thi at Mr. Cynil Dankes' Beach, KENDAL1 Mn, anid Ii Ms. Chas. Kenuy, of Gananoqua, are -visýiting their aou friends lin Ke-ndel fo a few day s. Mrs. iF. Stoker spent a Couple Of' days -witb bier friand', Mis-a A. Brere-ý ton. Toro'ýnto),lest week. 'Mr. and M'. Alwrdand Alcec, of Toronto, pent the -wee-enid with 'Visitonrs with Mn. and M rs. F. St&kar n-, un"'ay were,Mn Je Dixon, -Mn. M. Alexis, -Mn. Pau1'-os of'( 'hawa, anid M. W'alter Dixon oCf Mr.a i. Jand Gbweèr and farily' , and! Missý Georgine Darlintg- ton DifAjax, visîited 1J.A. G. Dan- aigo nd Bill 'on iSunday. 'Mn and -Mrs. 'Marcus Sope-r and IMrs. ,S. Patton spet ,Fiday ~ih Mis. ~ ~ ap Beds r .aIOn u i Renefft Softball Gaie 'N. M. L. ALLI, STAR TEAM Versus BOWMANVILLEAL - STA.RS Tickets will be salld am the gateý and a drawI for 6 valuabjle prizes wviIl be made durinlg ganme rAtti wf 'hiag ,h haý:ve b-ens'lplndiog m an Sister,Mr G.a-d Miss B F, a . on terreturn trip. Lasit SnaSth inst, teara 1Memn-ilService ws hp l'at T ik- eiew Cemeery.Rev. H. A,. Bunt ~ydchageof the service andM. Jas ~wrbickofKendal, again ~by eledini the service of song. Th asaewas a fine one on or ueradig epek no winig, youro 1nt1u self and(! wngGd lVIr en eid, as Chairan -1th f _h ~ a ,ïn'ke 1 ailtho0s e Who dyndwelcomed ail111those who h ad corne bakhmie for 'thie srie somie of wo were not ced fom 1 ditne were: From Greenbank, Rov. -Msinleaar f.. and NMrs.l Geo. Beare -,(-'uy Wallace); f r om- Nawcastla, Mr dMr. Fredî Gra- I halm, mfr. nd MrFl. Aif. Graham an±d -rd'.Mr. an Mrs. Chias. Cowa1n, Mr. Go. Smiith; from Bowmnville_ Mr. n Mus. Ivison 1Miund'ay andi faiy.,, Mr, aniVirs. Sam Butlteryl nd( fr I if 1Harmiony, from Port HTope, Mr. and. 'Mrs. Haoil P.yne, Mr. an1d Mrs. Roy Huhesand M1, and Mrs. Sid *Simpisoii; from Kandal, Mr.~~~ ~ ~~~ idMs.JsSaibckMr. and- Mi.Chas. Coo)(ý1r and Mr. and' Mr.caci Glas r n r.S d'on Petbick cf Fnniskiileni; Mr.ad Mr s.*PeelasaeiMsi ' . (r.) Jerk CHancock and 'Miss Aile 'Cooper of Coiborne; Mr. *and, Mrs. Wm. Elmaer and sons and Mis. Rowe and son o Millbrook. Prom Toronto, M.an Mrs. Jrhn Meniilly' a nd faily, Mn WVm. Ov-ens, Mr. Greh,1amr, Mrsý. Me- Initiyre, Mfr. John Petterson, afr. an Mrýs. JohM Buchaneinim, Mrs. Thos. Sharpe and iMiss Sadie Shar pe ando Mis. iChes. iReid, '0frs ChS. J eughas and family. Mrs. John Tur- ner of Orono; Mr. and Ms.Chasý. Osborne oe Bowman ville; 'Mr. Fred Burley, Port Hope, and Mrs. Ethel Burley, Toronto wvere noticed in the cernetery in the morning. WESLEY VILLE. Mrs. Charles Snll isspnd41ný -' Éew days with ber d'!-ughter, Mrs. Fred Tafford of Bukerli. and Marie srent Sunmday svtn re- Mn. J. Jensýen, o-f Osh-awa-, sp3ent ýSunday with Mr. andMrs.H. Bar- Ms Marjorie Lowes, of Mount Pleeseýnt, is visiting her cousin:, Mrs. CamaIl ,Nicholîs. Mrs. Tutt, Mrs. J'im Aýustin and friands haave gona on a9, ýotor Utnp to Olt ie nd pont est. !Mrs, Binstead and. famuily s;pent a few ý 'svhitn at lier old borne, C'ngatlaiosto Mr. and MIr S. Archie For on the brith ofaababy; girl, iGwend(clynPayain t1e Port Hope HospieLa. Wa eara esadto ýhear that Mrsý. Parey Snais reiý uco-varnig fromi an oparation in Port Hope Hospiîtal lasit WedniesdaY. Mr. nd Mrs.Arniold T'horndyke, Carol nd Sharn, attendad the De- corat1ion in'Po-rt Ho0pe Sndyaf- jternoon. Sundeay Schoo wVa's held at il it Wee Softie Booteeswae, colors ofpik blue ai-ICI white, O0I a1 ait......79 In-fant's White Shoes, Soft Sole, sizes 2, , 4 andi 5, Pa i r...... ..... ........$10 and $1.39 Ladies' New Plastic Purges, colore of red, brown, black and green, each.......$2.25 Tea Towyels, part lineni, 1red and blue check, each 39t Flannelette, White, widh 36 inches, yard ...57c, Corex Soup Plates, each...........c Turkish .,Towels, priced each.....69c to $1.09 Boys' Plaid Shirts, sizes 12 1-.2 to 14, eachý.3 .$1.89 Mirrors, Wood Framne, WTýhite, sizes 10 inches by 14 inches, each............79c Westclo?.Ix Pocket Watches, each.......$2.75 GROCERY FEATURES Weston's Aristocrat Fruit Cake, 1 lb cakes 1. 5c Mother- Jackson's Chocolate Cake MVIix(ew pkg for- ........... .. ..... 25c- Canned Chieken, r7oz tins .....39c ~ ork Spiced Beef, tin......28c V~ECWESSPECIAL Brokien Olives Large 16 oz hotti'e for ..............2c 2,5f, Velvo Butterscoteh, ideal for top- ping desserts, ice creami, pancakes and as a spread on bread, 9 oz. battie for ...........23c. Seeded Raisins (sticky), 15 oz pkg 231 Wagstaffe's Pure Marmaalade, con- taining orange, lemon and grape- fruit, large 24 oz bottle ....... ý35e Kraft Prepared Mustiird, large 8 oz bottle............0 Cherry Jam, 24 oz bottie....45c, 2- pkgs 2 CherisChoice yr, 20 oaz ti. - 29e Ginger Aie, Ige -~19e c deositon btle Hay Fever Remedites Benizedrîne Ihlr 0. TaieIhlrec 5 Rexail Nos.ýe and Throat 'RMelfwth Ephedine...............---- 50e Rexali Nose andi Throat Drops (without ol)................. -----50c Vauea f ew drops on a ha-ndkerchief and inihale ilt-,...... 25c, 50e, T petnRznhCapsules ----6------- 0-- i4. and $1.25 (Aalbein 3 streligthis --Ges Red" and Browns) Ephaizonje Tablets - $ -----ý2.5 1 Allergitabs, 24)'s........ 00m Haytone, thle Eliglish remIedy............- ------ ...5e-, '59C. and $1.01 Kellogg Asthma Relief.........................- ----- 25t. and $1.00 LANTIGEN "E" One of the F amous Lantigen Family of O-RAL VACINES Taken hy drop dosage, it is nMost effective in ContrqEling boýth Spriug and Falil types o'f Hay Fever LA-'NTIGEN "E", f ull treatment package ..................$------ 6 KOyD AKA%'AMERA S at INEW LOW Reduced Prices Effective August 3rd the Excise- Tax ni Camera> and Filmns was reý- d'ueed fromt 25% to 100%. We have applied this reduction to> ouir present stock and the new low prices are noted below. VEPIGH3R(.),tE FILMS No. 127 ....27c. No. 120 and No. 2.32,c No. 116 and 616 -13c Super XX film and Koda-ýchrome Color Filmns are re-duced aeccordingly CAMERA. PRICES Baby Brownie Special.-----$3.47 Bro>wnie Target, ,20. $6.4 Browuiîe Target, 616 .... $7.28 Brownie Reflex, Syne-hro modvel $10,36 Kodak Duaflex.......- -$1.6 Kodak Vig-ilant Junior.-----$20.44 Ch a rle S .TyrreCil Phone 68 :- .. rono, Ont

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