Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Aug 1948, p. 4

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ORONO WEBKLY TIM DTURSDAY, 41TGUST l2th, 1948. <1/w 4n fV~e4tQ~~o~ SEE OUR AUGUST SPEClALS Many îtems profltably reduced MRS. L. REID Phone. 9 r 7 ORONO, Ontario HARTLÉY R. DARLOW FUNERAL DIRECTOR & HO-ME FURNISINGS 1l Orono, Ontario MODERN EQUIPMENT AtYour Service in T'ime of Need FOURTFEEN YEARS' EXPEIENCE' Phone 18 r 7 (Day or Night) ATTENTION FARMERS WVE ARP AYING THE HIGH-EST PEAIIGPRICES fOR YïýDEAD OR11PPlllED FARM ANIMALS HORSES - - CATTLE - - - HOGS 'ltpoeColetriJ'i umiiateSe ic GO D NYOUNG LIMI£TE-'q-D Toot~Adeýlaide 3 636 - Cobýourg 48J (Conti Ii ed fîrm page oîne) ton, Eleanore Wigiht aud àMrs. Er-nest Blalke. The toast to, the bridewa propos.- ed by Rev. Gilfth and -respondled to by the bridegroomi, nwhoin r pro- posed the toast to the bies at- tendants, The be'st man responded to this toast. A tLoast to the mother of the bride was proposed by Mr. J. Arniot Van Nest. Brantford, sud respondeil to; by the boede's father. Rev. R. B. Harrison, of 'lckto î then prcposed 'a tojast to the groom2- mother wichïi was responded to by the groom's father. For the wedding*trt-p by mnotor to, cAPITOL PORT HOPE Thurs. Fni., Aug. 12-13 "State of the Union" With Spencer Tracy, K'atharinelHep)bnrn adVan Johrson Saturday Onfly - Au-. 14 With Preston Foster "rhur Takes Over" IMoýn.-Wed. - Aug. 16-18 "Easter Parade"* ln Technicolor, xwithi PETER' LAWFORD, JUDY GARLAND, ANN 3MILLER I andFRE ATAIR,,E l - - New York State, the bride donued ai suit of crea-nI linen vwith Kelly grIleen accesores.Her cor-sage ws shadedý Thlebrd' gift to the mnatron of honour wia agold necklc, ,to',ber bridesmidýsiserling silver pin, o the flo'wer, girl a charm bracel, Iiand to the organ-ist a sterling silver bracelet. The groom and soloist re- ceived gold, expansion bracelets. The groom's gift to the 'best man and ushers, were leather -waillets-. ýGuests were 'present froma South- ampton, Windisor. B 'rantfo.rd, Tor- î onto and, other points. Upon their return the yon eou- pie will reside at jNes-tietoni. DE ATH S GlýBRSiI-î At the resýidenc of ber son, A. Arthur GibsonCk, on Sundayi, ;Auýgu-t 8th. 1948, H Inna 'h Lois asonl, beloved wife ofI Wilim .Gilison. iniber 8lst vea. ervcew-as heldI in the Mo(,r- ris Funeral Chapel, Bwavle'! oni Tuesday, Augèust 1Oiti, at 2.30 p..Interment Oïormo Cemetery. IN MMRA WA!LTER - Ti, loving emr of a dear fthralid gadaheW liam J. Walter, ,,bo passed awayý AugueLit 7th, 19144. RIis memOry is as dear to-diay 1 Asý in thie hour he passzed ay -Sadly msse1)y duhesVera and Haizel and famnilles. IN MEMORIAMU ELLIOTT Tulov n emory of our darling littIe glir, Anýiînette Louise Elliott, who pase ïway Auigusýt lBtb, 1947. She is gone buit not frotn And asws another yea, 11u ourlueyher of th1ink1-in_,ý Thugt of ber are alayiear. Das c sadn-ess will come o'er uýs, Friends may tiu-îk the ouui healed, But they Hlte kowthe sro That 1lies itin thile !heýart cn Lembeved by other, DadPRoss Neil, laran sd Grandpar"ents. HANDS AT WORK 0 60 àorNAI ONT 1 RIOe'S prodets are deired and purchased Ly people ail over the Wvrd aad the capacito podc whul goods largely determines the economie elaeof ( e e manwan and vihildid wthin ber borders. Because the sale of evey rtcleprduedin Onarobrn t auable dollars into this Province, we alare mor asuedof job aecrit . . sd wand our eblîdiren can have more of the better thin;îgs in life. To1 proýdue sucb goýods in sfiin quantities, skilled labour ia vital. That is wby eery"asAilioe of i us budbe glad that war- veterans are Coý'jnstasrtly beingtrine oo iie kldhandts so needed iliy Ontarlo îndustryhy ree1vWONTHE IlJOBItraiuing -undel' expert isrcosin our Otrofactories. Thistraiingproide twougli the co-operationof tue Departent of Ve4trn' iostart vetranson tue roýad to skilled [aîmnbi.Tu o 'uSe their Lod nsc sacss ,wrorinetln, ipig brisigand fiîing, he pi? pevntpally bComeuphoto engraving crafsmeu. Because (of11thenras9ngiin- portancelof his tre, very effot o eseW ncwl-skilldorkcrs hdestomake Otroa fluer lace in whic io bye sud colrbues o th wefare an!dhppe .............. ....... PHOTO ENGRAVING B . C.Smt,2,oTotoanRCAF eeris shown r oming a. plate ii a large Toronto phoýto engra-ving plant.: fvom one job to aniother to: faîuiliarize 9thell ihah : phases of photo egaig Many veteranlssbsuet : SRIWI mnt in the factories wbLere- RIOreietaiig C1assifiîed NOTICE I w1. b wa y from niy offic fromAugst Sth to Auglust 3lsýt A. F. MeIKENZIE, .D FOR SALE 17 gallons ofMatnenu Tru- Color A-luinnm ýiý-Roof Paint, Regu- lar$.0 r'educed' to Seilprice of $.1 gallon. R ol¶ph Ha-,r dwa rc, phone' 43r1,Oo. FOR SALE A smnall cook stove with rouand lire pot, for coal of w0od, ihrs ervoir. A good balker; alsýo a g-ood oak sideboard. A-pply at m. W. B.Hoar's, Orono, Yoeuum cangt a g1listeninh ih o on your car th'e ecoomnic way, by no 'olshig.Jmsrt ru oadwp off. 16 oz. tin Goic.;:P oz. fin $1.010. Ait Orot-noGage fOlR SALE 1-, Balby BEuntîng Bagwtl -mn n lesbMue. god a car seat, neyer 1been ,used.sPri CtIe- sonialle. iPhonle 80 r 1,Oono. FOR iRENT Part of bouse, central.Res- able. Apply to Box 8 04, The Tim-res Office, 'Oronio. LOST One 2-yeari-old Gre y Durham-! steer, strayedfromLot 2, Conices-j sion , Clrke ons .A nyon 'koîgof its wereaboults kinlyv noiyj'ak Reid. Phýonie 5 r 18, FUR-NITUR9E S-ALE Th& pýýjropery of Mr. John rGo-r- onSardy Augusit 21s0 t10 p.m-, lbis (entirehuehl fcs See!i bsfori, te ariuas strution frm Siney iro1, Lot 21, Cu ,Cab on'i,1/ Legh rn 1 e Hosdpeieal rnf CAs.No eserve. Fiarm Sold. Sak ec, orAuîýctfner, Rephltering Kicenlnits made to order C- F. Duncan Phone 79-16 - ORONOT Radio Srie The comination (of experienIce, ceim- plete data ont afil makes, and moderi test equipment will ensure POPREASONABELE ANI EXPERT REPAIRS Cal R. L. MYLES Phone, 79 r 4 - ORNO Free Estimnates will be Given Cerflyon Rock Wývool Home Insulation B>'Bloer ysemFou mcesthick,i GIPN& Go. InuainContractors, 57 Bloor St. West, Toronto District Representative for Durham Count>' GEORGE WADDELL phone 23 r 22 - B ETilAIN y Monumients The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phone 501 - ËP.O. Box 622 Port Hûpe,Otal DU STRY (ONTARJO); Professional Directorll- PHjYSICIANý and SURGEON Office Hours : 2.60- te 4.00 p.m.;- 6.30 to 8.00 p.xm Sundays and Wednesdays b>' appointment only PHONE 47r1 - OR 0 LEGAL Lawrnce . MaonBOAS Ba,,rrister and Solicitor BIOWMIANVILLE, ONT. Offlice 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTFER SOLICITOR NOTARY Office 825 Residence 409 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. ~ VETERINARY DR. W. W. SIIERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON office Main St. Oras Phon.e63r7Orn INSURANÇE J. C. GAýMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casuialty, Automobifr and Liab-ility ORONO . ONTARIO O0RONO's INSURANCE MAN MAan1ufacturers Life In-surance Domýiion,,i of CaaGnea Hartford Pire Insurance Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance WaaeaMutual Insu1ranc0 LEROY HAMILTON 1ISURANCE RN ALL ITS BRANCHES Fire, Automobile, Lýiab-iity,5 Life,iosiaiain Plt Glass, Burglary, Casualty Representing the Lerdingf (3ANADLAN, BRITISH and AMERICAIN COMPANIES Office, main st. - ORONO, Phonýes: Office 32 r 10; Res. 1 r 14 Phoiie-me an;d I will cail to suit you.. SEstimates treely given, lia obligation INFORýMATION Would you like to Ljnuwr more abeat ()How to wlllto) your family me thousand dollars that you haven't jru* sav ed '! (b) How to guaratee a salar>' ch et05 your faîly every montL for 10ý-15 or 20, years should you b., taken out of the pciture? (C) Io ohav-e a salary cheq. everymot for your-self as lonIgam you liecmmienIcinýg at ae5.#~ or 65. (dI) How to~ guarantueethat your szon o-r daughtoer wL ave tIle mone>' f or n educawionbe'yond Iigil skhool7i loet us have a chatd about it some- FRED) LYCETT AUCTIONEERS TED fJAKC Auctioneer and Valuator Conuct Autio Saesof alil and at roasonable rates Conumunticate with him at RP Perry, Ontario, or see hlm Clerh, A. E'. Morton, at Orono, fo-r date. JACKREiD - Orono's Licensed Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis . Ororni 1 ffl

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