Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Aug 1948, p. 2

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ADelicious 'Cool Drink 'Direcions: Make 3tec exatly as uUal-.;-.;-.WhiIe Éfti hot pour !nt* glass-e.s flhfled with cracked !ce ý . ; Add sugar and lemnon to taste ; " . - "Beyond Be'ief-UtlYuv enHr By Peter Ronald W itou a doubt the world's greatest al!l'-round atlete-and a w0man, at thiat! Sbe's3 Mrs. Mil- ,,,d Didricksont Zahiarias,,-to give er -the full, Official title she seldomi hears-but fua tr known in sports circles as Bae idricksoni oýr simply TheBae "Shie isbeyonýd bief untl ste lber ini actioni," GatadRice, once put iti and theýsn 4that ighlly experiecnced sports obseSrver went iýIn to, saythat shle is temost flaw- lss eaïmple of comuplette phIysica al-d mental m-ordition 11Sport bas even kon Admittedlythat's-aidimiic takeýs in pIinty of territory, but iýt's onc fuilly bjacked up by thti tacts., D'or ini the past 17 years or so Babe Dedrickson h las br ken imore ecrd and heCd ld ore cbamrpionsbîps than a'n'y 1man1or won in sjports iSt- ory. Shie picksup a une-w game 10i about tht tîime it wouild tk the veaepersýon tu Ieairn boiw to speil il. Thliefirst time tht --had - golf cluinlher biauds sle made a drive ofover 260 yards. in her initial essay at ten -pin bwigslie scored- il i t. Shie is expert at Swlimmiing, sktng iliards, divinig,trpso- kg, pool, tennisaebl, track 11nd golf, besides a fcew othierswev ovrlooked or frotn Yes, be- yond lbelief:i not utigit aniy ton togy Early Start! 0,orn, ini 1913, at Beau-ýînot, Tex- ait wýas at Hlighi Sehiool in that city tat ber exceptîial tîti ,kill first really attracted public notîce - oithouigl t is rumored'that long before shie was wiuning rbît Cbamp11Iiolushipz ib comilpetition with tht boys. At FHigh School stht made the baýsebail, basketball, vlîyb ite- uis and swý,immniig tems ad it 'vas diuring ani inter-sehool basketball, game thiat site camle unde tt yt of -fhe cach oDiHte Golden Cyclones, - team isponisorced by a Dallas- 'in- Suirance companmy. Although he was àt ,the gaine to "scout" an entirtly 4ifferent player, he promptly gave Fht Babe a job v-»t1, his firm. AI- mhost ui.me diate ly Tht Cyclones àtarted a -winnirng streak that carried them to a national titît. Sensaional She was tht senisatÎin of tht 1932 Qyics, leld a-t Lot Angeles. In the face o)fco etin from ail parts of thte world she wtvnt oni the fldoverfiow : \ith conifidence, Babe Didrickson ISSUE 33 -- 19-148 and boasting that she'd "show them somethinig". But it was well-found- ed coinfidence, as she won both the javelin trow and ,hurdîts I plVaced od in tht high jump with ja liap of 5 feet r inches. (Try it yu self sum timje and sce bow hlighl it is.) Th,1en camiie tht first reaIl set- bk. A few imonthiis aLter the lmiswere -,r tht maeu Athiletic IUionji-tht samne su thaliti made trouble for our o-nv arbar Annm ot-upeddTht Bab)e because -sie had allowVed lber lanei tobese in cnciýl-tion ,witli fni automoubile avrismn.Thoigbi tht officiai reasoli 'was '-breacb of mateur laws, Tht, Babe ha]j ber ouideas of vby tht wxas actuaily penaiized. 'il come from the wrong side of tht traicks," tht is quoted.as say-lin btht tough, boyish spee(' thte used at that period. "and those guys do't want me beating al the rich dames." On Tht Stage Now tabbed a professionial, tht went into vatiderv"le xitb au act that incinder' running on a tre-admill, hnrdiin and even a ýpotý of nouthi-organ playing. Thterlext sumerth pitcbed for The Houst of David hasebal teani nntii she got weary of lookinig at tht heavy croup of chin-foliage bier maie tam- miates wore. She then toured with berï own basketb-Il team, and, -ave exhibitions of billiards, bowling and jgolf. 0f the money tht made- lwhich wasn't mucb as sncb things go now-the major portion went td bier family. i it was around 1933, whie stili' engatiged hintht barnstormiug stuff, that tht golf bug really bit her. "I want to be tht greatest woman golf- er ïin tht world" she told a ynung California golf instructior. Lest than a week later tht was outdriving ,her teacher by aýs much as 30 yards. "iBut tsht didn't get where she is just througb natural abiity" 'his iistructor will tell you "She really worked. She'd get ont on tht prac- tire tee at 9 in tht mnrning iud often staY tili midnight, bitthng as manly as 1500 hballs a day, until ber hfands wet'e raw and bleedîng." A Love Match While playing ho an exhibition match tht was introduced to George Zahiarias, a >290-pnunid wrestler formerly well known t.o Canadian grunt-and-groan addicts in mnany centres. It was a case of love at first sight., Within a few months, tbey were married, George givhng up the mat to bemome a sport pro- moter in Denver wbile Tht Bahe abandoned tourin,ý to concentrate on home life an - golf. Her long game had always been gond but tht was somewbat weak on approaching, and puttiug. So tht practiced, hourr after bour, day after day. weeiCk after tveek, nuitil tht mcuId pla hmip s'hots to tht pin anzd sink 20- foot putts with as little trouble as th ht slammed i250- yard divsoff thtl tee. Reinist-ated, hy this time, by tht amateur folkes, shec started out on ber winning ways. And in 17 straight major tourna- m nents tht trampled rougbshod over jthte world's best women golfers, ending Up by sailing for Scotland to win the British Amateur bauds down. Now-The Money Like tht aforementioned Barbara Ann, by n0w Tht Babebad cleaned up just about everything in sigbt. There were 'no more- worlds for her to conquer. So nobody got muich of a sbock wben she decided to turn professional for a second time. She was to get $300,000 for miakýing a stries of movie shorts; and what with radio appearances, advertising,,, tieups and onethting or another, tht i-s scheduled shortly to be-come. not only tht greatest, hît alto itht wealthitst, of al womien athIletes,-or reasouable fac- sîîle therîeof. W7then tshe was a kid Tht Babc hiated fine ciothes, sl stockings, lipstick.-anyting fmnnWhien shoo)l vwas aveC thtclimbed into overalîs and played, with thte boys. W nshe wntto tht Olympimsý she e ridicuilous clithes, cou ed, andz talked rouigh. Now, when somnebody reinîds her of those days, she Is very unhappy. <7~ NDASCIHIOO0L By Rev. R. Barclay Warren Nndrew, the Mvan who Brought Others, John 1:37-_42; Mark 1:16-18;- John 12:20-22, Golden Tet--He brought him to, Jesus.-John 1:42. Andrew is the type who to-day is appointed director oDfpesnl ielations-aff able, esyto appro-ach andi observant. Pride d1oes -ont hinder him from dislcoverîiug a iii of greater ahility\ than hmef Rather he is humble. a nd glad io "11 mn" wherever possible. e need more Andrews in the Kilngdom o f God to-day. Audrew was a disciple of Jh the Baptist.' But when John pointeýd to, Jesus and said, 'Bebold the Lamb of God," Andrew followedl lesus. John lhad done I;,;worl< well1 1In rerngthe , iv forJss. t was a cmlietto John thaýt Andlrew left lmii., And(rew sent He, ig t wIt J esuls, t Iln-heproceeded to fiîidlis brohe Peerand hrinig im to thile Mesih. Pterwa mr of a leader tanAndrlew%. Li peahe thle sermon ati etcs hc led to thI one rso ftiree thiousanId. Toof i is lters are 'n thie Ho(iy,; ile and;iti 1 is genera-Fllà believe(d thattbe Gospel according to St. Markws largAvy dictaltcd iy Peter. Ptrws 1bih'ligbt But hj ougýht Io beremmberdthat he was itodcd oJesus by hisq hroth er. When Jesus wntdto fe h hungry multituide it wsAde who said "There . is a Ladlbere, which bath five barLey bvemad two srnaii fishes." Also it wso himn that PI.illip brought fiele ic s of the Greeks w ho wislied to tee J esus. Peter and his cousins james and John were the three whom lesýus took with hlm on some special occasions. Whenever a fourth wias chosen of the twelve, it was always Andrew, He wasn't one of tbe three but he made a good folurth. *The fart that be could be left ont sometimes and not suik furthier illustrates the , greatness of bis chiaracter. Andrew was ot illustrious. Bt iu his qiet unassFuming way hie hroughit men to esus For righit after hfer ve(ry hapiïpy marriage shec hanged comipleýtely. She visited beauty parlors and hîair dressers and bought modish cloth-ies. Today, at 35,. she stands five feet seven, weighs 145, and looks like a fashion advertisemnent, Her per- sonality is magnetic-and where- ever shne plays the crowds mill around so closely that she has. a hard time taking a fuli swing. Buit she loves it ail, and the bigger the crowd-the happier she is. And per- haps her greatest triumph came just recently when the managers of the Open Golf Touirnament-Men's;- refused to accep)tlber entry. They' wereni't af raid that sbe'd win the Men's Open, because tbey know she isn't that good. But they also know that The Babe is so gond that' in ail probahilîty there would be a wbole lot down below bier on the list when the final reslts weýrc posted--some real stars amon--.g tbem. And that wjould be very biad -even enbrras sin g-froin a strict- ly male point of view.11 4713 2-20. 40 Looo1,ïg for smart new 1dtajin li a classic? Note these in Pattern 4713: squared-off lower armho11le, deep cuf s, sof t skirt pleats. Use al one fahric, or contrast as showný,. This pattern, easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit. lincl-udes complete illustr ted instructionis. Pattern 4713 cornes in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20; 40r Size 16 takes 33¾ yards 39-inch fabrie. SenA TWENTY-FIVE CE NTS (25c) in coinssms cannot be accepted) for this paitterni to Box 1, 123-l8thi Street, New Toronto. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- 'DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. When Not Married An Amnerican film actress was applying for a passport. "Unmarriiid?" asked the clerk. "Occasionally", replied the act- ress. Advance Notes From the "Ex." Kniew Knowledge for Knittersl -Kioitters will have a, heyday at the 19418 CNE. Bevginnierfs a learn those early kiàttng tricks and oldtimelrs pick uip useful e ones. Sm of Canada's niost txperienced kniLtters will bc at -he Knitting Bar in Woman's World ail hours of the day to teach botb fancy and simple stitches. You can learni to do P~air Isle knitting, dupflicate stitch embroidery, cross stitch embroir1 -ry and colored pattern knitting ton! And beas t's; sometimes hard to follow in- structions unless somîîeone shows you how, thedmosrtr will, et you take a crack, at the newv patterns right theire On the spot. Lots of beautifuil knitted gar- ment wiil be on display and iu the very patternls being taught. Among them w-,ill be a scarf and beret in the new "Dancing Dia- monds" pattern, especially de- signed for the 1948 CN b [y lMrs. N. jarvîs Alle1.n, leading Caný- itdian designer. "... and to be a polishedi gentleman, use NUGGET every day!'> -Dear Mr. Arniot:I iamricurious to discover ii f ave talettfor viig Coulld you bel e? T he -re are many duies which J hlt.A few of them iareculn ed her 50that compae thes vsignis with thecir owo hadwrît mng. Inuition isa strong inidi-at'ion of aatblt for writing; buit ai- though this is a good cquality to bave, it must bc backed upn')with /lnonewîsîna more complete anlis ples end self -addressedï stamped enve opetoAlex S. Armatt, 123. 18, tretNw Tor onto 14, Cana dianMa N ati 1IExuhib;ifior m.0 l COL. K. .Mrhl, rsdn imagnaton.A co)mbination of these may be eenin this week's script ;nuto s .shoýwn by the frequent breaksbtwn the letters of z, wrand imaigination by the weil rnddloops above the writingý- uine, Anthellr gqood sign is the figure oeIgh cltte-r "g" which is a sigo offunyof huh gving the writr cntinityin expression. Thee treesigios are all splenidid exmle fwrtn ability, especi- ally along jounrnalistic lines. Withý propertrnng there should be a good mei ur of success bin hil field, . . . . . . . . . . .

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