Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Aug 1948, p. 7

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Tbere's prbbl o more fa.vor.- able lime of year thian Agtfor Startiug bieuniial or perenn)ial fow rs his iS chiefly cse so miucb Sfeshsed is uow 'S: Sa Va0ilab le, for ~" frCshueIlss is a miost îimportant ~1V. factor lu Obta inig good gern-i atiou for ithese two groups of planits. Seeds ofbeuis will gerin1ale almo,(st immiiedbiey aft1rr bering1 gaîbered, ivulike the seed of auuuaI flo-wers whi;ch- is geuecrally better for bing storeda fewmots P-ausies, Sweet williamn, canterbury bells, English dEaisies and foxýgloves, are al bieunrials easily gr-ïown; sund Seed sowu u ow wil provide youtng Plants re-ady 10 bc- moved 10 gardený 1ocaliOniý in about two miouths. Tbey ~,jllflower nexî year, but hollyhocks reqirie two fuil years. it is ahlmost imipossible I10 estimlate the nubrOf see-ds or 'ke-Ys that Iwlil'-aIl from even olle maple Ire MR a sinigle summiiier. And itheseed- lings thait grow from thdesle -eds asid those of othier Irees suich a;s fth elmn, add greýatly to the gardieuer's taskç of weedliiug sud cutivatiug. One Of the places were th!ey give a lot of trouble is arounid a hiedge. Unless 'lie tree seedflings are re- moved, your bdecan ibe rulined by dthem. When thes-eediiugs areý enly two 0or three ijuches lau it is fairly easy to UprOOt the; bu whien Ihey gel pýast Ibis stage there 1 1Et1e that can be dloue about he asCttiug mrey tinitets more vigorouis grow;,th. Eacb Season a fCW uew tbols are Iktroducedwbc evenl the experi- enced gardener wloeOnechCI ia a cutte-de r that cauibe iused for gatbering flowers aud foir ligbt Pru!iug, It is made o aumuu, *lgbteeu inlces louig, sud can be çwith one baud. A pshlever, ked by the thuimb, worjks the cuttersud the bolder a,,the ýî ý1ý- e ed. Sîemls are cuit rdeanv, ~CVVushed, which is au) advauîag whsuch flowes asroses. A comibinied hoc sud clivtris haudy ludeaiugwith the ieia weeds. One If tie nwrOnies bas ~o lded iboe, Elîher tool eau be brougbit into u se by a fiip of the wjrisl; and altb!ougb quite light, il výilido most ofrh weiU u £ltivating ini a fair-sized gardien. Water'ing sud ferjtilizinig Carbe idone aI ,he smetinie wi'h smeof tihe new-type ý,Spriuklers. Tbey fea- t-Ore a glass container in which auly SoAluble fertilizer, lau eed kle or insecticide vcan be nmixed wilh water. The spayr ay be used for wtater;iug ouly, if you so desire. A inew additiou 10 thie ist of zprýayevrs is onec mouutfed ou1 wbeels wlith a bûoom on whicb threc uozzies are mouted. This srayer iS used for appiyiug 2, 4-Dj weed kihljjers. It fg SimpIy fiilcl, fthe tanlk pumpedC( u.P, and wheeïed back aud forthl over the lawu. "Every liime I go irto a gar-denl wbere the nman o. v,-tr muwblo owus libas a passioïnate love of the, eartb anld of groDwiug tbings, 1 fiud I have cornle homne, lu wbaîsoe(ver Uand or clime or race, in wt1vsoever - language, we speak a comminon fougue; the everlasting process of farth binid us onie, stronger ihan League or Covenant 2can everbi" -MarionCra n. Fatten For Sale Fanuy Brice, as tbc irreýpressibIe Baby liook, sgot nmany a , ilu froM lber air audience over bbaerS. I thee prbablywas eyer Pa cm onefthan tIhe timje w1heu- y»auuouuced that he badj iýeved au offer of a thons.and lars from, a hless coupe o bay 'brother Robespierre, "Do you t hiuk I shoud ld.!dIyour tjn1y brother" lbe .teased Babý'ry ÎSslooks. "Hlow much does hc weîggi" was SnoksiDme-back, «"Thfirty pounids," replied fladdy. -' "Then le's ke'epIb th e lc shaker aixother six m-ront] s sud fatten l up" aid Snlcooks. New Arrivas-More than 2W) Dutch immigrants had their first look1 at Toronto, whien they arrived1 in Union Station en route to farms in Ontario, Left ~oe the children of Mr. and Mrs. Hendrick Griffioen di- into thé cookies offered by -Rv*-h ýarclay of thle Red Cross Corps. TeGriffioens are headed for Embro, Ont. At riýght, guaPrdinie the faii-ýiy posse-ssionsis syoun1g Walter van der Heijdenifromn Beek En Doek, Hoiland. ilABLE. TA LK--s eJcam Andrews. What are, kuown as "low acid" vecgetables, if împroperiy cauned, are f ar more ikely 10 spoil than fruits,. so lt's of the utmost impor- tance ta foliow the ruies with -the greatesýt of, care. General rules, cov- rigail the followinig varieties are- Use youung sud tender vegetables, an can them quickiy Ywil1e ......... .. fresh. Wash 0them thorouigbly but do fligcouitaluers have vegetabies as n-ear boiling ais..... possible. fi the vegebiesar1 0 ýDbe 1pa CcdIn IIbot cookinig liquid aud 1thi!ee is't eulougb oi'fl that iiid, use boiling Snap Beans Wahtriirn ends, naud cui limb1- inich piües, Cover vwith boijlng wa- 1er, sud boil 5 minutes. Glass Jars: -Pac-k hbot 10 /,inch, Of top. Cover witb bhot cookiug Lhq- uid. Leave '-"inch hiead space. Add Y/2 leaspoon sait ta pinits; 1 teaspoon ta quarts. Adjust jar iids. ]Process pints 20 minutes, quarts 25 minutes, a1 10 pounds pressure (240 deg. F.). -- Beets Cult off tops, leaviug taproot and 1 iuchl of stem, Cover with boiling wvater;ý boil 15 ta 20 minutes, or until skius s'ip easiiy. Skiu aud trirn. Can baby beets whole; medium or large beets cul in '/,-inch slices, halved or quartered, if necessary.' Glass Jars: Pack hot ta0 ¼ inch of New, - And Ail 0f Thý-em Useful SelfPowredTelephone. Aithough primarily desigued for use ou ou]- tanklers, or il, plants making explo- siveýs or ceiaswbere slandaard phoues presýen-t bazards, Ibis tele- phone can be uised as a colin nî11ca~- lion system on011tarmns sud 10 provide serv111icelu, isolated districts wbere commecrcial power is not aviiable. Win l' ansdrinig UP 10 a disr1lnce Of 20o mileÏs. Aluminumr Identifi'cationi Cards. You eau prove woyou are beyud doubt as these featherwe-igbî alu-111 iuum cards carry' ail important, ideuitifyiug data, iucludîing die bear- ces photogrspb sund siguatlre. Space iAso provided for compflete phiysical desciptioni, as wel a.S addresses -sude cashing ch c, establishîng credit Personiai Protectograph. Designed to make scieuntifie check1 proteétioun avtailable Io privale individuals as easily as to business firrns.' Oper- atez ike ils full-sized counterpart, shireddiug -rCheck >amourit imb fiber lui lue i ik, nmaking alleration impossiblewihuderyigetr Check. Rat Water Trap. For thousands o-f years ratshv been lue with food, untl îey're food-wary. -But they alw7ays need water, Somlelimes dcsperately.Thsnwra, ae of 'eIpofrùîl ae advau.tage of Iis ne.I a aso be- used wiith couvention-al food bail. Fan Lamp. Comnbination fan suýid lioor lamp wlsitb the eilcctiefan con- eealedwl ie shade of the iamýp. top. Cover with boiliugt water. Leave 3/-iuch head space. Add ý teaspoon sait to10pluts; 1 tapo Io quarts. Adjust jar iids. Process pints 25 miuutes, quarts 55 m-inutes, aI 10 pouuds pressure. IlCarrots Wash, scrape aud sluce or dice. Cover witb boiiing water, and boit à minutes. Glass jars: Pack bot t10 7, inch Of top. over ifh hot cookiug iquid. Leave '-nf headspace. Add ta Iblespoou sait t10 piuts; 1 tes- sp0oon te quarts. Adjulst jar lids. Process pint jar 20 mninutes, quarts 25 minutes, at 10 pouuds pressure. Whoie Kernel Corn Shuck, siik auid wash. Cul corul from cob Add 1 plut of boiliug water 10 each (quart of cr.Ha to boilisig. Glass jars: Pack 1 hÏ ot 10 1 icb of top, dividing bot cOokiug liqnid mogthe- jars. Leave 1-l'iuch bead1 ~pice. Add 1/, te-aspoon sIt t pint s; 1 teaspoon t'O atsAdJuist Jar iidsý. Process piîs55 mnts quarts 8!5 minute(s, t 0 oud pressure, Green Peas Sheli aud wash, C-ov7er wiîh boil- iug water. Briug 10 boli. Glass jars: Pack bot î0 1 inch of top, Cover with boiliug water. Leaive 1-iuch head space. Add. /2tespo sait 10 pints,; 1 teaspoon teqars Adjust jar lids. Process pint suid quart jars 40 mninutes at 1(0 pounds pressure. Summer Squash Wash; do not peel. Triirn ends, sud cul ihto '/,-iuch suices, balved or quartered 10 mnake uniforrn-siýzed pieces. Add just'enough water 10 cover; briug 10 s boil., Gl7ass Jars: Pack bot 10 ', inchi of top. Cover ,vitb. bot eookiu-g lhq- nid. Lc-ee ',-ïiuch beiad ,spa-ce. Acdd ' teaspoon sait to pinits, 1 Leaspoon- î() quarts. Adjusýt jar iids. Process pints 30 mninutes, quiarts 40 miiintes, a10 pounldsprsue Anae - Las Wee M Puzl With the Movie And Radio Folks By Grace Sharp It's is rumoe that Hloiiywoodl is getting ready 10 start a, big anti- dayligbt saving camipaigu early next yesr. Movie bigwigs are couiviuiced thlat sboving the ciocks an] hour abead wrecks summeiir Ibeatre at- itendances, sud are said !o "be wiliiug 10 spend plenty of moineiy for lob-' byiig p'urpo'ses. Radio foIks are baviug atieudiauce troubles 100. The big nelworks are having pleuty of trouble gettiug big euouigh situio( audiences for dlram- alic, cornedy or rnusýical shows. Wfhat peoplle wnîtickets for, these 'days,, are fthe "ieaa"programis where they wiii bavech lanice 10 wini a refr-igeralior or somne such.ý A film vrsonof Lloyd C, Doug- las's senisatiionai bs-sllri"h Robe)(" bas long been expiecçd au)d the latesî wrd s that iàwl go mbt p)roduci(tïin hol,Gregory Peck is slaled fTor thie lea-)diig role with Joan Fonitainie a slronig probability for Ihe fernîni:ie lead. Il is 10 be a four million dollar alffair, wt Max- well Anderson doing thescit Althouglh the Rexaîl people are repiacing Jimmie Durante witb the Phil Harris- Alice Faye show, it did not take "Schnozzola" long 10 fiud anoîber sponsor. He'll be on the aiir for Canel cgretsagain ou Frïi* yevening.. Motof the top-fliihî movie slarS have been ,"duýcking" television; but now thiat PRonald Coilrnan bast-,takeu the plunge thiere will uo doubt be plenîy 10 foilow bis leaId. Colman bas signed up 10 do a, series; of 26 baîf bour films that are 10 býe made especisliy for telev4ision. Haif tbbc stories will be by Di)ckeuis, the Thiis lbappenied xvbilc tbey Vwere fiiriniig a sce2ne for "Loser Take Ail" or anyýway vthe puiblicity m-an says il did. Iii the scenie Anus aL"e fuir- louIsly polhçiss er slvrwrc1 mask bler agitation a-s she berates Edgar Bcannfor desertiug lber eigb-l years before. lt'5s apatlhelic scenýïe, ail right, but wbu a asistanlt cmra broke dowu sudvcpt,ý tjje directr told hlm 10 oget a gril)ou im iseif. 'Afler ail," lie said, "'sJust'a picI- ure so doni't lake it s50 bard." "Why, I feel finie," said the camiera man, It's that 1 neyer couild stand silv7er polish witb anoiain i. The modem arne tiicof Lawu t ennis was first played luii Englaud about 1874. C~<7~d oir~P. C½~V trhis is Sunday, and affer dinuer Partuer aud 1. were al set for a nice, quiet atronwih we both needed. WVe had lt-for about haî-a-hor!Afte,,r that brief period of peace, Tippy barkeýd, voices shout- ed, and cows mnoo-ed anýd be'Ioued. The boys were both aw,ýay so, Part- 0erran 3,tlu"iipperiess feet to sec whIat il a-il abot, snd I soo foIowed, We TCfund ail our cows out I' i the frotthayfield from whenlce, if, they we,-re flot prICveuàted, Jiecould icwander o,,, t0,the rojad. Eitheurfthey 1had imaua)ýged t10 nose open iithe gale IhtmseIves for some- onle had left it open. Johnr, goiug by l ins ýCar saw waîhad hap- peued, so hbe andlihis chulmldrove in and w-,,ere busy chiasiug the cows when we heardfthemn. Once fthe CoW5 were -Cback iin the yard Parluer took over anid drove thlem back to thie bulsh pasiture whiere the'y be-. loniged. But w'oould îhey stay thliee? Not a bit of it. "Thait Ifalfa ln thie hayfieldI tasýted fprety goodl," thecy thioughtt. 'Perbiaps w1e coujid snitchî 1ainother feed.ý" So, hopefually, dw thie lante y came agalu, but -wben thley 1fo,1nd(lthe gaîte shut ý. .-.oh m-', such bawliuig you n1eyer bIeard. 0fý course it wasui't lonig beforePr"tule r was -Ilagain. anld Lhe sud Tippy chased thmup fthe back Jaiueonce -PrecseLuitlyIv 1said 10 my Sif- "Those cows willner stay there; they wil keep ujp that baw,?linig ail the sfteruoon and fthere wîi be no pesce for- auyouie." So here I arn, Sitting ou a tree st m uthe pasture, berdiuig the cows. That -way, Partuer, atIleast, wili get a 11111e pea ce. Tice, siince 1, have been sitti)g here the cowvs have made a bee-liie for the gale bttesch ltime Igtthere first. It is iice up lhre; ilu fart, it is nýo rei hardlshi-p 10stay 1bere at ai- exýcept th-at 'a tree stumiip is not t'he so)ftest tini-g lu the worî10 OSit on.ý The vîew is lovly--tr-ees sud fieýIds and fr houses nestliig hreaud there unil the sceuery azs a whoie mierges mbibe ficbackgrouuid of '4The Mountain"sund the (dark green ofi ils evergreeu.IS Not ouly thlat but as far as the efye can scec there is wheat-.ripe, ri-ch aud golden, al just abo t ready for thie binder- sud stili standing straight sud tlu. That is what we are so thaukful CROSS WORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1. Ready rnoney 5 ' Dervish's cap 8. In aalUne 12. Dru-g-yieldIug niant 13.PosS 14. Garment 15. Variable star 16. Gift 18.Mn'ul- 21. i.ilded 25. Copy 2 7. Au1rra 28. Open court 3ý2. Crevcee .4. CGo a waýy .6. Sral brd 37. StudyI 38. Turmeorle 39. Excessively dlernoustrtive 43. Faint 46. xedf 47. Venture4i 0. W orks, 53. Father r64. Cerenîouiy G6. T-ern is' 57. Vehicle on rununers j;8. Craf'ty 59. Search DOWN 1. Meohanical parts -. Disrnounted 3. Disgruntiefi pnrson slug 4. P-ise suid fal 5. Urchlin 6. MWorshljp» 7. Persou h brings bacS iuck 8.Skill 9. Vex 10. Wind Instru- meut Il. Go for-il couid so easily have been flaitteped by wind or beavy rains, wihwo uldbave eatso nmuch more work for the farmiiers--and r O mutcb lssfor their pockýels. l,a-st Frdywe bad awodfutan il did rnu11cb good 10 the gardenls asud yetroton hrrthIe crops). Rigbît where I amn siLting is al thati remnainis of Ourbshlety six trees 1in1 ansd mudr thec shlade of its iesrnssd 0oaks thecow are uow staniding arouud lpeacufuiliy ceigtheir cud. Luec is rhe oiy one lyinig down suad takinlg life easy! Ah, uow thiey are edu Iis, way again . . . exýcuse me a minute wbile I change thecir mýin1ds for thern. Tbank you ..,ts' better. curuis prinited my ifrienld wi!1 15, if -île ent gel coid feet ait the lasi minuite-sud I doni't tinlk she( wiil, Thirty lonig yesrs sin1ce we h1ave seen efacb oýthier-and itirty years is pa long lime for friendship Ici survive by crepneces- peciAily whýeu e(ven oulr icîlers hv been hjaphazard asud irreguilar.And Yet, lu spite of that, we Ja1 aiays been so sure of .each othier, awy kuowiug ihat eachi wouild be wýel- corne at the home ùf the other shouild the opporlunity rs.W wecre the kind of frieud(s whlo couild sil: for houris, if W,- cfei akntsd neyer say a word. Wýe -used 10 scraýp occasionally bult I canuol recalil a serious quarrei at àauy timie-thelire were neyer "huirt" feelinigs becauise Ibiýs or thatt wsis said. Iis goiig tb be fun wa,ýtchiing Cicely's reactionis 10 Canladianl life. Like mostEgis peuple she bas entireiy w Nroug ideasjý abouit life ou Ibis; side of the waler. Sbie is very excied aoutthe trip. Every few days I get anl airmnail letter with originll11lustrationls of bierself f ly.. ing, ori'hie two of uIs meetinig aI Mation airport. Neithier of 1us h1a, ever rnentlionied any Possible risk ilu comniug by air. After ahl, why lhink of it, wheu Ithe proportion ,of acci- dents is so siigbl. I would imagine! the odds for getting killed are fa- grester wbeu driviug s car thlrouglh Sunnyside betweeu five sud si- o'clock at night! "Suicide Stretcb-.," one of our friends cails it. 23. Non1-Jewijsh 26. Golf Instruc- tom 29. 1-infi of ouon 30Ù. Before 31. Luzon native 3. Amnerican humroist 34. Dowry 35: City i Oklahioma 87. wedge-W1iseàei 40, Brother 41. Gofidesses of destiny 42. Fiower con- tainers 43. Beeties 44: Pacifie idiaud tree 45. Measure 48. Caniailu New York stateý 49. Array 51. Color 52. Pen Answer la This Puzzle Will Appear Next Week N N N 'i 'N N 'N N N s N N N N5 N N N N N N N -'s s 'N '7 N N s N Si 'N 'N * 'N .5. N N s N N N N N N N 'N * N 'N N N N N N N s 'N. 'N 'N 'N "N '5v 5. -ej mé ý,,-

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