l1, te4t Qia&1e- Was T'hat Jin,-ýglïe Evier Really Read? Good News for Those Who Enter Contests "I like M'ýERRY MONDAY soap flakies ease- When you fin- ish this statement in 25 glowing words and drop your bid for the grand prîze of the advertising- con- test iito thc mailbox, do yun iSomle- timecs wondeir if youir pearl will ever be read by the judgfIes? writes Dos-o-- thea Kahnfin the ýChristian Science MoncitoLcr. Do y-ou somtmetin it may be overilookcd enitirely amlonig the bun1dreda oDfthuad of entiries hs cnet a ttct Beressre.It's htrue tatthe rnkssof Me- Mn d ay flak Ces ýand Tranquil Tedysarhmynt hlave tLimeI to recad everFytinIg. that Comeis in, buit the cnatidolu- xprswhn o o vryLitti em Re. 2ad To) finid out iust what happensll to our en1ties, let's caîl at the ffce of ReiuenI-H. Donnelley Corp-ora- tion in Chicago, a direct mnail ad- vetiig concern. This coimpanly h1as handled mnany of the larger con- tests since it embiiarkeýd tupon the conitest jud(ging buisinessq in response fo a client's demland for bielp- in the tarilyv3 0's, This year, so far, it bas conucednerly a score, inciludinig Aror & Company's Chiffon FlakeUs conitest, wvhich offered $00, 000 in prizes, and the cPep)si-Cola' Tre-asure Top contest w iis prizes3 totalling$25725 Thieir svsteml, like thlose of the tbree or fouir otheýrco anedig thIýs wos-k, simlply doýs inot permit personial or geograph)Iiccons -Iide- ationis to iniflullece tIsechoice of winrs ou wouild be waýstîing yo-0 7timleiil youtied to d freýssup youir entry ini novel form11 to Catch attent ion. No Frills Alow2d Fostuntel, 'he adywhoeml- b-oderedier 25 wocS-ds on a table runner in order to mak-e a b-it with the judges doesn'Ct know whlat hlap- penied to lier entry. ILtwas tyIped ont by a clerk and sent to the judges ini the samle form as' aIl the rest, for the emibroidery would be pretty awkward to hiandle on a judging Thec samle thing bappendto the enitry of tbie man ýwho sursounded hids jingie w-,ith eiectric lighits and -entit in equippesi witbattes-y, readyI to be tu rned on te azl h 1j.1dges. It, t-o,vwent "to the judges on a neantly typed slip. Anid so did tbat of thie cook who jCenite-ed a cake- fflous- cotest with., an end(fossement rttnin, frosting on a beautifuliy baked cake. As for the, enterprising contest- ants ubo make records of their con- tributions, hoping the judges will take time to play tblem on a phon- og-aph, thiey would lhave dune jmat as well to write thiem with a pencil ona pi-eeOf scratch paper, accord- ngto Doninelieyexctvs AHi tbese otestants sblowed originaïlity nthvrogplace. Tbe Contesz termS sbtted t: bat c redit would he givenilfor oiiaiyin th-e wovrdinIg of thle ent-lot in its presentation, and 2jtid ging is kept strictIl o te ts-s asstated. judges Must Be Fair Gýeographical location is. not ai- oedto eniter into deisi'ons eithes-, teDnlley eoieexplain. The cop tie tat mialVe a business of udging take thir reputations on th aresof theèir work. They-say tbley Woucilot stay in business long if the(y imanipulated the awards in any way, eveniif tbey did it to please ani adves-ise r, One of the reasons thlat iicst big companieshiiie theis- inidgiig done ontside, they sayis tu mkesure thiat the judging is entirely remno-ed fsom any personal consides-ationis. Buit in a3 ota with tbousands, sometimles millions, oDf tieto befair r*equlis-es more than good in- tenitionisitdeaakn -ow W,,hat wouild you do i:fevn0,0 enris ere piie1d on your desk- some mrniing andyo wes-e re- qurdto piék the bst How It's Done H e r's bow thec Donnrelly dIo it. First tbe y arranigewIll te poat- oýffice and the adverýtiser toi get a poat-office box niumb)er. Tis ceý- ables the postai workers to place al contest mail irectly into Govern- ment postal blags, which can be picked np and carsied to the contest- judging rooi upon presentation of proper credentiials. In populas- con- tests, il, is not unusual to get two or more bags a day, eacb with around 2,000 contributions. As the deladline draws ns-ar, the, volume swell enormously. Most people rush1 to get under the wifor con- tests iust as they d-o to file their inicomle tax. A bnc esegrgelst the bags. Careful cbLck is made to be sure the anmbes- signed for s-achies ,the contesýt roomlinit1ise room ithley as-e kept un mder lock and key intil the cnetstaff goes tofo. k uion Tfhc steps in judginig are system- atic. A battes-y ofwokrs picked for natural judlging ,ability and tsained in thbe actual wos-k, is ready and waiting whcn the letters arrive. As fast as tise envelopes coule in tbey are opened and exarined to, sec if thse ents-y complies with thse ter'ms of tise contest. Wvas it postcd beýforetbc expiration of the contest date? is abo top, or reasouabie- facaýiimile thereýof, enclosed? (Ves, somet persons actually go s-o the trouble ofmaking facsimiles, and do it very sI witb colos- effects). Preliminary Judging Then comes what is called "ps- liinasi-iy judging." The trained worI.s-ss-u thronigh thbe entries to se-if thby met basic requirementls, silcb as, tisespcciflcd numiber of wos-ds or tise rhymie. A roub _cti- Steio i mazdc 0[Of ise nt of eachl. Eaciswo-s--wbo passes uipon ani enitry wrIli, or becr intia 1ponl NeIcornles ttse"juniiolr jiug wihscoring b Iy points. For eacbi conteýst a acale is set uIp in accord with tise tes-ms of s-be conitest. A typicai one rmay sead sorn'ctlîî ik e For couipiesing staciîsent (or jingle) 10 points maximum. For aptness, 30 points maximum. For sincerity, 30 pointsmaximum. For osiginality, 30 points max. Total, 100 points maximum. The junior judgs-s "grade" the ensries just as if s-bey wes-e examîn- ation papes-on the basis of these points aud total the score. They too, sign their initiaIs. The senior jndges then take over. The senios-s grade s-be papess ves- again, sometimes cbanging thbe marks given by tise junior judges, but lcaving the first satings visible s0 that s-be next set of judges, who bave s-be final say, tan sec what was donc at each stage. Entries Rechecked At tbis point the papes-s as-e seady for final decision, but jss- to muake sure lht i-none was missed or tisas- i n istake ini addition -was ae the entire collection of conitribuitionis is gonie oves- again qicavf r se-, cbccking. there 'is just one s-inig tbat can keep, the best s-ns-s-y s-uniwinning af tes- it fasecogizedi, say those in charge of judging. Tbis is duplica- tion. Ther6~ are no ticd winners in advertising contesta, Thsis suIc auto- matically eliminas-es those ensries which as-c bought fsom sacketccrs who make a business of selling bsight ideas to ovesly cages- and un- ethical contestants. Fos- the sacket- es-s don't stop at seliing tise idea once; they take on as many custom- es-s as tbey can get. And eves-y one of shema finds is ents-y uied out because of duplication. Sometimes it bappens when two honeat inde- pendent workers send in identical contributions of bigis quality.. By tises-nies, s-ey,, too, as-e ont of the sunning. Secret of Winning WhnI had the oppostunity so taik wi,,th the executive wiso fa in charge of this big judgýing bu)sinless at she-be)onnelley Corporation, 1 (cold't -resist asking him to s-cilme tise scs-et Cof inning con1,testa. ý'Send in na god entr," hsaid iaconicaiy. Ti e .enlas-ged a bit on1, hisreLply. Frehnes andsptrkle are tbe qualities thatYmaîke ain entry stadIot. Buttemut b. a *ote of aîincertY, soo. Clevemneas alone ls W.uat-Is-It Mystery Animnal Mvay Be 'Catabbi-'The $64 question Iin KilndLak hge on thie srneanimln sna boe itbit one, atsy MrnihIt iapparenitly i afct hiall rabbit, Front haîf i atr a af, ratb!it. It "ats lettuice and catrrot,bulat aTso laýiks mîî, fish and other l-cattibt t tQp igtit p~swith strin like a cn,- !ýtbt can't ibtree-s beane foe-ograitIk1gs j L MANY A GIRL, after a couple of yearsI of marr-iiage, finds that lher hiusbaud is ir1posb c.H floatsc frm oejob to atter hwgood Sthepw s or wliat oOfofwork he is se ding.At the least fiftle excuse, lie quiits--nd she is leIt 1 holdinîg tic T cuh nîany year s of raî~ uhcnpaus 1 find that imost ofthese 'ýgirls nmar- ried in*good fit.The ,ild ad a position, told lier lie Iîad a fuItUre abicad.Dr Iterco2sîip lie spenit geneîu>ly took". ieýr to n'ýe places bou lît irgIhtý. a'1ide cd etrl eue But aftter they returu fre1, il trhir lione'ymoionl, shl is lloode witiî Carlàcr debts heU mde wicb, of course, she -knlew nothIing about. An-d she finids Ihim tossi l' gt ff libty,«ith, "outwoýýrrv " iid more and more -conv' in! Hc is fot taking gare cilîrcren 11 gations, either. Why? AHasty Marrag *COULD it be that she really did 110 flot ow hîrn wheîx she marricd k. ti . Trousseau time is hese-and bs-s- is tise ps-sfsct gift! Embroider lins-ns with these amas-t monograma; HIS, HERS,' -MR, sud MRS,' Colo-fnwl, practical, ealsy. P aller n 929 bas transfecr Of 12 mo1tifs 64x Laur.a Wb-eeles'sjns-w, ipoveil p)attern imakes ncd-lework csu sim- pie Witb its ch(as-s-,phts ncs dlirections,. Sendý TWENTY)-FIVE CENTS ï in l- cois (tampa cannýuot be ac- cepts-d) for ts-is pattes-ns-o tise Needicecraýfs Dept.,, Box 1, 123-iStis Street,N-wToron-o. Ps-ms- pîainily PATTERN N UTM B E R, your INAMEI and ADDIRES8 * iim? ýýCouîis,- be -at, s-hen, iii *de, be ba- d nti se r eathan su * kee on gttingfus-ise-into debt? *~ ~ ~~~~~Wi sbttsisrsosbewyof iv,- , iniwaspart of lbis chas-actes-? * 11el, if that is truce, il is tou *n, balor IberI. Bogtiup tsi s-al- *ieo r reponsýibilities, sie îi; *l slocd.H i os- the man she *thougut b le was. I-- esec fs *bin vaîsihes wjtb theknwedc * For slie discovers lbe- bas nuc- Sidea of rnaking any- sacrifices to *get shem ,ou tîseir f cet. Hie is *fastins ab)out bis food, and if *she tries to ýconsomize there, ble *tîîs-ows, a sceise-and gos-s ont tu * S drslus. oc it w "y im *I 1,'jT is aiset, do: * ', S is tan1a;gealsu iseeof îibonus-, ïiflbe ba aîsyShe s-ais * bo im exaiy wvý%1Lat i t cobSs t vi* ru 11Cebonefor a inglmonitb * ~ ~ ~ l -adn amît ntis evasins * bigaions hIsas nuï lt taken cas- * ftri lu efo xplaiiiu that pinilg ~tIse his sd es-iis iig sredit *is fs-be0111V \wayntu live bioniosaly. *If he retuseus to cu-upes-iate, s-bs-ný " it nraîsasepas-attioni. He wil net "~ like tise ides. [But if hie ia. so. keep, " bis wife (sud tIse iamiiI_ ly abs- pes " to bave e l a st 1bncklcdowsr.1If * bewill nut,ts-heu s1he ve]Lugo ont *on lier r n ' Tto support * ini *-1.,i.. .c ~e tc wds- *he masried. Scuitv, is the leat *she sbould expert'. To "VÏrs. E. C.", "Frigateaned7", FACE yuuir Iibuaad with your budgt-pessatlybutfis-ly. yous- wblefu-n-, ndbidepeulds Iupo)In bis; acceptance ut it. If be faifs yL, s-bm yýou are ont yonr oye . . Sncbli rascaîs as thIsnsan you mast-- s'-edrail gel aw"may wvith tis- irfodiy fus-ralis-ic e . But if thiey er -sisýt inj, tbe"y have nuIl' igtos-odra g 'Il is a sad' situa'tion, suid J.Iym pas-blize with yuu. But nve yon m"ýLua-tak- e he man's pas-, ïo abcad, s--y to accus-c th e future o0, you bothiif lie <yul nlo-oe-ae then you two doilot b,, elong togeth- er. If a wif e cainos-L trus 't hes- busband's amuse o bous, ebat bas as- 10 tic so? If you as-e in this 'Spot, AneHiras-t an blp guide yuur fuiture. Write lier as- 123 l8tlu te' Newe Tom- onto. Stories about tise abaïent-minded professaurs as-e legion, but m-iaybe ,you ba-ven't hecard thlis particular spci,- 131susen'lTise professor, was roused f rD' is3 studies by tise telephone rinig-. Whecheanaswes-cd î, i,-bediscovered !Ihat ià was Ilis mlas-sied sister cailing. "Goge'as- esaid, ý'you reaily (letdo, mebigab)out TrieGlobe ,ind Mi.TIis mrorniing-- jmat ima- tins- - thcY psitedl a as-y of yous-T l,eath." ýGOoodness, gaios"answs-s-d ~ ise professor. "I suppose wè really ou ,0s tg end foes Unitil littie more than a century~ ago, the, buyinig anid Seilling of slaves wa)s leýgal iiinte EBritisb Empire, WhiPle tlat traftic is stLoppejd, racial prejýudi:ce still saises its ullIy heald Every, race believes itseilfsprr Ebe-mcechwas a biack m,-an1 fr-om Ethiioiai. Whcn hie leas-ned that th-e prinices who- viewed Jere- mihas a fiflt-tolumnitis, had pt thscsrvant of God iin the dnen b iis heýart was mocvedl. He pIcad for Jcs-emniah thalie lmiglt be moved flrom ti he dunge1(on beýfore hcdied of IE'bed-melch wi as; a kind man. Accompaniied 1)y this-ty of thie king's men hie too(-k Oîd rags and let them down by a,,cord to jes-emiahi. Witfi these under b- Iis shoniders to protect him fromn rope bumai they were able -§ to raise J-ereiah ilont of the mnire. Ebc'd m--clýCchwas s-Cwas-ded Jes-e- miah's prediction that those who smandin Jernlsalem w-,ould die by the sword, fanme or pestilence, but that whoever -wenit forthi and sur- rend(ered to the Chialdeanis woiîld live, Camle trtie, But in] the mnv1itime Ebcd-elecbwas the subject of a speciad ps-ophIe. H le wolld înot be siaïin but his if e would be sparcd, because be h lad puitIlis trust ilii the Cod bas hiis great souls eve-ry- wbrc e "biath ma'de of on'e blood al ntosof me."While the leaders'of thec chosen race with Al itS priviieges anld blessings songoit to silenice God's me,ýssenger, a color- ed man saved die psopbet's life. Let us follow thle examnple of Jesus i, doinig good to aitlien as we have Overnight R-ise In British Birth Rate TIte Bank cof PEngiand bas long required its moes to sign q segister upIlon their arrivai in thep~ monnand if thiey are late rhe 11mst Il ewisc record the e therof. Ln don xxcath-er being, l t is, the fisst tas-dy gel]~ mgenier-aliy setsdown fga po bris namne, aned those wbro foïi(,v, wrt,"ditto." But fate deait a riew hand one nlosninig, and the fisst latecomer wrO-te in thle book, fe had twina." fJnde.- th1e twice-bl)essed gentfleman-'s n1ame meý.ucbiically followed twenlty ethers, eacbi followed by the one w%,ord "ditto !" "I don'# caire ;f you can't cook, daring - so long as yo. con open packages of Post's Grape-N ,,uts Flakesi" "Oh George- you,'re wndefu l oter food essentiels that sure will l'Il just op)en a package of malty- make youïr itusband a husky guyl" rîch, honiey-golden Post's Grape- "An ol course 1 was onIy kld- Nuts flakes, and qiklk break- din g about not being able to cook. 1 fiast will be readyl" can make., scrumptious cookies, Ummm-that one-and-on!y, cakes and other good things froni outof-hi-woidPost's Grape- those tecsted recipes, on the Post's Nuts Flake8 flavorl" Grape-N'uts Flakes packages." "'And goednorsm to, "How about picking up some don't forget." crispi, cru-nchy Post's Grape-Nuts "Yep, Honýu - th ey're ijani-paeked Flakes on ouir war 4own to get the wlth carbohydrates, minerabs and mnarriage cns' Advance Notes From e7Ithe"E» For Tee2n-Agers Oni-yr-Every, day oif s-be CNE two vis itinig teenl- agers w ýiIhlc lueii fr inetat. Each aftes-non at Tees- Twny ii s-b Corisum two lames vs-lit be picked ont of tiseIa-ts uIckýy pair to dine s-at ee engas the Celiebsity table in- thicwtv B3alconyRetaratwiI t two of Cauarfa'stop' reliie. O11 nitusiè dyone oc tise celebities lmiýght bc Sir Es-neat Mcln.On Ps-cas and Rad!(io Day s-bey mayiuc ne of ToMontos top newspapcs-men' aaji tweIl-lnown s-io ýjpesonl- ality. (OnilWas-sios's Da,Ithe1 cerII)ïiies willibe ikey iisary mleil n n Mnfcue-'Day, Ieading Canadian biiness execc- tives, mnd on s-I rsemaining daiys, os-ber wcil ksown Il CanadîïanS proinient in-, tise'fieldafor %bicli ,thas- pars-iclar -daiy basbeen set Nut SaIslu, mas- pus- tc lckis Il tdi e üenI-a-ger needfs te tom-j pete for s-is s;pecialioI r.Sc nu mautter what day flic teen- agers fs-om yuur bouse visit the CNE, Aesus-e tcynreon hand at TenTown ii heCètiïscuîna evs-iftcs-noosv at four. '-I r