s .Vo0,l.),INo0. 2 OPO NO. ONT., TI-I 5th, 1948 Subscription $ 1.50 per- Year Iiis Champi*onship Softball Play-off Gaine, Newcastle, Aug. I1I Corneli 595 Wheat Popular With Durham's 50-Bus. Clubl LasV y,.ear, Diirhanr -i County, through Vthe co-operation of the On-1 taýrio Cx-ops Branch andthe al 'Leaf lMiibg Csipnformeld aý 4~Fft-~uselWhaat ClJub" in cern- mocn with fourteen othar counties. Wjtlr the sxcaptioï1 o-L'Mr. O. Par- keïr, who ujsad Regî,steýred Dawson's Geôken iChaff, ail othar contestants Sthe n(aw fall w-heat, Corneil In lual, there are fifteen eo'iin-i Visa s-) ntsrsd in tiere oatest with e--ach iviga County Cnptto in two eVin:(a) FisIld oe (b) Yield.! Tie hres- higir- com-ipetitors ini eai ounty ar e eigibla for rinter- cGinybopetitioni with saroples toi ha sent o Vire Royal iWiriter Fair. Tre api Leaf Millisrg Co. fuîrishes prize mnoney for titis conspetition as, weias tire County Conspeition. Tire' uttal prize 'nyfor Vire Royalisl $S5Odivided into toin prizes vith, fIrst prize being $7510 and- tenth )onai55wheat, duriug tira twol years it has beeno grown in On.tarlo,ý bas iven a goed accounit of itaelf.1 'Thinýga in 'jVc favour are: ,a) IV lavary resistaut Vo looseý are ex- ýd Oaa aS fao-lu-, ey ae- gronier caverai idniiir l basat] arl t tire yields. niýera Valakea n u ~Pilefields wnera jut è score yiry tMr. Atax. D bit witlirtire stard i :(Tire yîelds n ahl, saniples' i t ean ,frieds. ged on a field ivicisonl, Ag-i - ng ig as nu ean- (1) iStanfoi'd Vnam Nestleton1 RPRMo. 2, score 9lYiý (2) Bruce Tik ampton RE RNo. 1, 89i/L. ' 5) Walter iLongyear, Cbrm-phsîl- cntr, R No. 1. 8812. (4) IGarnet T,ýc Ar, Boinavilie R Rf, No, 4, S85 . 5) Elmear Scott, Caarpbýýeli- crofit R R No.92, 82. (6) Lloyd Ke!- lu ggt port Hope R,1U No, 1, 80'/>,. (7i) Ernest Lane,Nestieton R Ri No. 2s 79Y.(8y Rsiseil flagg Bocamavile R R Ne. 4, 76%. (9) Joh GrickhafkHamptnR R No. 1, (10) Orme Parka-r Nenicas- V-ie R, R No. 8, 69. (11) Moi Mes- Ro1 Port iloipe R R No. 1, 68S. (12) WltrReynfoldia, Port Hope R R No.~ i-V is believed tiare niill h an ayq4nd 0 brla orth 12ovr ar cre avrage 40ibel otre 12 Vperdacoe r~laanmeof tirs beat fields aray go 50bsasor miore. Ma. J. T. Baini wiro sowaots in iis field t1ins ENTERPRISE !MIr flonald MlcLeod bas returnaid Vo, Our imîdaýt. Synipathy is extended Mrs- Henry Succea on Vhs deatir of lher brother. Tire new tobacco 'barn on Vhe Falk- nar fLarmir- as just been 4comiipieted. Mr. andMs Chas. Taylor spent Sunlday hiBethany.' Mr. anci Mrs. Fred Grabam and MýIerl 1e visited M-Vr. and _rsm Lep_ Ai]- [dread on Mondcay. iVIr. and Mrs. Erniie Leanan an- joyed a visit from Bapo rad on Vhe holiday. Mrs. MiddIetolf had lier family donfrom Toronto ovar tiaholiday wveek-end,. A large numnber nient Vo Vhs bail lame" ant-d danee at Ne-nicastta on tjivic Holiday. M'I. and Mas. H. Fariow and fam- iiy, of Bowmvianville, speut Suniday wvitir Mir. and Mrs. L. AlIirsad. MiaAudrey Cochrane, of Pater- boro, spent Vire week-end' at home, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cochrane, Mr. and~ Mrs. -Mer'vm Goteireli and faimily, of Oshania, visited ber sis- Ver, Mma Lloyd Ransberry over Vhs wveeU-end,. Amne sVayed on for a visit w-*th býer cousins. m, and Mrs. John MoffaVV attend- ad the wedding of their grandson Ru-siel Moffatt and Miss 'Doris COWANVILLE Mr. aid M1rs. Eiwood Rusi-, Tor-1 ontoý, at Sid'. HaIlowell's on.Sunday. Hqelen Hailowell, ,w.ho bas been hoýlidiaying w vith her g±anidp>-rtsi Port Hope, has returned' home. M.And Mrs. Uenry Rusk ior Hfope, ý-is ithIngtheir duheMs Stid fllIloweli. Mfr. andU Mrs. Willis Farrow, Newï- toirville, wthMr. and -Mrs. C. Bur:- ley. M ýr. and Mrs. Hermuon Dunlop are h*-olidayin-g at theI'iatterý;s parents, Mr. and irs. ROland ~qlnswrh Mr. and -Mrs. Roiert Herndry and family, Bo-wnanville, anA d Miss Doro-1 thiy Si-apsoni, Toronto, a t JamýýIes Sim-psonls on Sun rda y There -wiii bc no service at Clarke next Sunday, Augu,.st 8howing to Decraton, Day at - Nwtoïil cemetery. Don't forget the vusual Rav. R. E. Morton wUi have charge of the service. sprin.g, retports that hîs is th-ebs wheat in whdclih ha ver drove 'a bin-i der, Farm--ers wý vishing Vo try th'is! n1ew variety ,should contact aniy of he above gro-wers whio w11 have Cornali S.95 seed 'forsale. urham Girls Sought Softball Çhampionship - Rained O ir ~eenIl pualt f vening coftJbal fleldi e hs 4'lst tiii-e sîincýe tire iaugý- Prince Edwnard cnunty by de rI of thie avents four yaars arid trirmaed Fao-aVenus hby 20 'aie mared ths CGentral On- In tirs other girls' eveabs, Vie 'ý)strîeVG Juior Parinera field defeutedi Pcterbôoo by 4 Vo 2. a Friday, Joly 27tir u ths,,On- In tire boys' softhali, Pets: Seiooi for tire Deaf at Belle- trinm-d iHastîniga cnunty 20 and non a clo)se victory nasa F Vasan district field days irad tenuc V- o qualify for tire finalsý. leidi tiroug,-iroot Onta rio in Vhsothe gaes nN oathumbei oua years nviltinoat -ra-is inter-haut Durha.inc-ooty 7 Vo 4; P bt on Friduay tire twl finaltannae von out over Victoria 9 il gain-sanud tirs trac andI anduci eurox and Add-iugtou, no-se ývents wniea ram-ad oVt. NrtuVelîd10 Vo J in exta Dolrmi ylcounW g,-liris ýw niay to a district -Sftbul sihpiaîving w nn to k4LAPLennox andi dig 16picl fer thre boys' flnuai )n l quaI- garne, - niben firat hauts lu tracký nivera ruer off ir ng decl-arsil. yre IRond, uliy ie OntarioD~±m ut Taxatio.n Rate Sèêt By Clarke Township For 19481 The Giarke Township Council met oný TueAay imorinig, Ags r, regular meeting with ai! l mabevs present. The inutes of the p vious regular mieeting wiere re adan apfproved as read. A delegation from ithe SOUSh of thac Townsiip )co*mosed offMI. Kim- bail, J. Kiýmbd azi n Lloyd Ciysdale againi waited on theCuni re somne formi of entranca to thep Lake Shora.i THe Cerkmade hMs wrepttas tVo the interview with Mrcs. Turner, Por7tý Graniby, and lha was instructed Vog vo the ibwyDcapartment in Tor onto to get the eris resuit of anyI survey of that part of the shore une.1 A latter fro heir Crown Attorney ciimn. osts for priuting Pr.oviný- cial votera lists wa.S raad, Vhs Clark having reported Viat ire had refused to pay he saine and Vhes mils hadt beau raturned. A latter anqiouucing tirs-Munici- pal 'As&ociation Convention to bsi heid at Kingetan ou Saptanrirer 20, 21, 22 was ordered fiusd. Tire treasurer reported that, w mng o hs-fact of change ilastau oaa case of relief and one case of charity -oiera ordarad closed. A latter replyiug Vo one from Virhe Clark as damage dons by foxes nias! re4à, and ou motion of Lowery and Brown Vire Clark was asked to read a latter Vto tire Counc.il regaardiug Vtire Tiirea nera four a,)pulicationisfo tlhs carstalker's job of tire towin ,hall and tire application of Williamr Wat- son nias acceptedi. Tirs matteof Vhs dangs-rousecon- dition of several pieceas of road being- abandoued by tire Departnt of ighwsays owig Votirahechanges made lu No. 35 nortlr of Orono niasi 1left Vo tire Reeve and Vire Road Su- perintendent Vo contact tire Depart- ment of Higirways -about Vire same and Vo arrange, if possible, -for tire cutting clown ofVhs ankaat ire ide of hs road immediuteiy wast of EveretVBronin's. Tirea was quits a discussion ugain as tira. office in tire Townsiip Hall for tire Clark, and hs Reeve andil Cr ni-èeaurgaed Vo speed airtinsmaer and have iV completed as soon as possible. Resolution 11,Bouîoia Coitniing ý,C. F. AndeidalaColiector of Taxes up Vo and including Sept. 7, 1948. Raouin1512:Mcay-Davey -Gaanting hsesm f $200.00 Vo tirLe Durham Central Agricult urul Socity A D 48grant. Tirs following by-laswsnera pas-i 11,56 - Settiug hs rateýs for tax-! ation for iraeyFar 1948 us folows 1 County Rats------------- 12.5 mnus County School Rats-----2.2 miIsý Toniship Rase------12 WmIîs Townrship Sie1rols------6 nmiIls Bcwn-ianville Hsia....... ii il Ganaasika --- -----------...- 7milis 115--7 - Settiig Vire rate for tVi Police Village of Orono at 8 ilîis on tirs dollar. Tra ollowini bis niera ordered! paid - Mrs. E. J. - Randail, R vasiF, î Augua-t puy -- - ---------- M.00 Af er Gare-----------42.00 fault Relief----------------500 Vo 5.1 J. J. M-el-Ina, salaay, etc -11M.85 cohaa Corni-si's Store, supplies for toni,-n hall----... ..-------------1,L24 iiboroi Oro-no Timnes, priating Aud- Vo 41 tOrs' Rprt, asaessor's Fron- fomec-------95 0 Tire !îCiarity --- ----------- -----------46 rlaradOrono flydo Vnaail------- 956 1 'rn- Raaoid Soucir, oua sirep Vo 7 Idlileu by dg-------1800 o ut C. J. Allen, osa etrip as val- -a -- ler------..--------- -_-------3.00 Durhn-rn Central Ag-Ticultur- anrd aI grant---... --- _-----------...2H1.00 anDelbiture accouait foir S S 12 71î5.56 Road Vooc'hier No. 7, wage'. 07J2 di-Voucher huics------------4 0M. 08 ut of Rsluia1512 - Davey - mcICay pos- -iattn-Co-ucili do-no-w aiiu Lawa Bowlers To Draw Up Schedule On Fridayi Tire muiiI'rarsbiùp of the Iêronoý Ln cling 1luib il 4> w otais uve1r twenity. The nmaiority avr- cesitliy heen abla Vo acqqire bowls pat very rp-asonab-Ile pl>ieas, and for tbQs- who have not, tlire are stiili nfeW pair availabla through Èthe treasur- er. 'LeroyHadon On Priday evening of VMis -wee-k at 7 o'oçk, at thea bowling green. in tfb& ark al are requested Vo ha on hanrd, wben a teaim sehedla cW 11 ha drawn tip anà a conitesit for thhe 'bal- ance of the Sum-nier aid Fallil g-et undev way. Try< Vo be on, hand and tel ail your bowJing- frienda Vto ha tihre. Vanstone's Mill RobLcd 0f Bags And Typewriterý 1 01-1Thlmadiay sahrJuly 22rnd, thiri¶es miade a successful entay lirto iVaVsfone's Miil at Bowmanvile, talc- in, 1,0400 empty bagas nda. tpe i'ter. Entry was niadie tirrougir a base- meininîdion from nihare týhey pro- ceed4ed ulPstaira and opeuèe iadoor on thre n sti ide of tire building fac- iug tihe miJil. A truck ia drivesi up ,)anrd baga niera Vtirrown in. Accorffirg to information by Cieif ofloice îSisrey Ventont, a - i1,...a. attemt pnas madle ia Cobourg, ha one C4f Ltire 0robers nias àrrpated. Tins arrst nias foillowed up by a sear-c Sïf a~ Toronto homie, niuicir bao~t ligit tire stolen typwit-. 1t is hope, trat Vtha rest of the~ stoeI(r #wPil bg olind. No attemp~t -'vas manid e Vo talcstire safa. Thre LeAkard village cirurcir nias [tire scene of Vthe iarirage of Jean Florsuce, only daugliter of gia. and Mas. Normas Pase, Vo Geaald Duval, sonp of Ma. anid Mas, Barl Duvail o-f Leakard. Ma. A. E. Eustuce officiat- edl. Mas. George -arsnipayepditlira wdlgmarcir, au-dlaLso sang dur-. inîg hsesigning of tire ragistar ac- companfied by Mi-sa Ariens' Boyd. -Given ilu maralaga y her fatirr tirte bride vnias goni.ned îlu a street- length clas of PrfiacesbMue faille m racle nitir very TfAskirtdrapad MVi lina and4ng ln a -sii'rrcsd hostIe effeet.- She wvoae a halo b at of Vire sin e bue 1 nd -aaaied a showea bouquetnfi Taliman roses. Her only ornament nia aheautiful Wnilt watch, tr g4ft of tira groom. MisaPataciaPage attended her Cousin, drasseýd l grninpn jersey nilti s-malnwhite iraý,t carrying a ýlirowcr 4bouquiet of yîiwroses. ,Ma. Herb. Duvail, brother of tire groom,nias- hast ma. ani tire usir- ers naere Massas. -T3r uc e Ilfyard and Dave Fas. After tire cereinony a racaptio)n foladVtirhe home of he baidle's parents(, Mas. N. Fea, wainravy taffeta, niatcbhing bat nith corsag-e of mauve and- white gladiolas. Tire groom's mother niore navy abeer witl a nWhite osae Out-of-ton n guesta xere frein M1iilbrook, Baris, Pater-boroirýgir, Toronto, -Grimsby andi Winuipeg,ý Tire bride's goiug away cotm nias a suit of grey 'Ergqish fiannel nilti navy accessories. Tire iappyl co uple wnuls moVoriný,g nest nire V o stop at Gravenirrt Vo- present tire brida's 1bouquet Vo tirs groor-'bpa- ernal graudmyother, -vho is luinber ama-nties. 'Upon Virir retuan tbey nuvl reside in ýLeskurd. CI -- Orono Fair "Oat Crop Thinsyear tirea nera ten itirsonat cao-p cmeiI l ea Vie aus.pi*ces of the- Durira ulI AgariculVural- Society. Historical Events 0f Park 1Street United Church Orono WESLEY VILLE- Ma . Murray ayne, apeat Vhs week- sudi at Oak Lake Camnp. ~Mr, and, Mrs. Sanguaine, of Surnder- lail speLut afevv days with, Mr. and Mas, George Tufford. Mr.M. G. Dodds, of Port Hope,' spent a few dayýs witir Mr. und Mas. C. Payne. Irs. Lloyd Burlay, Diane a-ad >Gloria are- spending a fewr days witir Mr. an'd Mas. _Ro,,y Nieliolis. Mr. Drnd frs. Sipragga, Elizabeth1 and Mouica, of Toronto, spent Sun- day witl 'Mr. and Mas. Haroldl Bar- Mr. Toppîn, of Coîlbornec, bas pur- cbased thre fayden houseanre- vatioins hava beerDn oernced. 'Th e owner null Vake possesýsion ln Vhs FaIL. ýAmong- Suuday visitosnir . and Ms Arnold Austin were, Ma. and MUrs. John Woolacott and Mr.' and 'Mrs. George olaotand fa-ni- liPy. ail of Port Hope. Churcir followed witir Dr. Oke praoiiu on the "AIleg-ory of tira Vine." Mrs,. CarroIti Nitelri;,I pro- vided, tire mus$c. Weniera pleaed VoI see several of tire cottagers frein tire beach presenit. Suirday Scirool ,vas heid at 10.30 i tir an attendanie of thiat"y-s'ix. IV was decidsd tVo hold a meeting o Tuesclay evenin.g nitiran appoi ntad rjoiuoitteo a ttend i 4 Mr. and4Vlta. Carrol Nîchofla lndlyoffeaed tire uise of tier ihiome. Ami-oug -Sunday viaitoas nitir Mr. and Mrs. Aruold Tirorudlyke iera, Mrs. Harrýy \eaking, Ma. Jack, Meeking and Miss Norma Blizzard of Port, Hope, andMaster Bilry Mleefking of Toronto, antI Mr, and MaIs. Walter Longycar and faiiy and-clUr. AIlec. Kedly "nf Elizabeth- ville. On Tusa aJullr 29Vh, ba- ing a nice day, fins r1ioa(lz and tirei seeneay beauitTtiu l, Mandi Ms. W. Duvey, acýonvpauniad hly Mira. A. Ai-i grof araa Mas. J. Eagleson.1, ami M. Roentanal IMsa E, ' iriin motoaed Vio Bohcaygeon. Onaail at tira parsorage they recsived a nielcomre thaqt Rsv. ali Mrs. Little- wood know bi o give. IV ia motaJoyi;e via-lt. Tirs day pas- cdi 5o 4uukt, tal i era so glad Vo ,!iid Ma. anfiMs itlwo lokig o ieiland aippy. Th ,ey wil - ,Pend Vh"ne mnttirof Aug',uat at tireir smmiea cottage ut LaIte ofi' Ba1ya-. Mr.a. u Mas R. S. Cal1dwell, of Por-t Hope, aanvisited wilthir Ma aui-a.Littieniond on tiroir nayý home fro-m their vacation ia Mus- koka lu Jur. (Article 1) 1862 ~- thre Opsning of theNw Methodist Episcopal Cburelh, Oroni., Oronoý Circ-uit preichers at that timne comprised Rev. L. B.,adwi anid'Re-v. C. V. Lake, atd Vhe, local preachersi, Wmill11, Jamtes Carscad,- dan, H. Bi,îling, N. E. Scott and 1I, Eide, At that Vime the iniemiiberslrip was 2-50. An important avant oecurrad lýa that yaar in Oronýo, a naw, churcli wrs buiit. The corner stone waR laid on Joue 25th, with some atten- tion being gi-ven Vo ceernvo2ry. Henry Munro Esq., 'M.P.P., prasided; Rev. L B. Caldlwell read froni tire scrip- ture; ýRev. James Curts, of Brook-. ui, offered ýprayer. -Mr. and' Mrs. J. L. Tucker laid i he cavity of- Vhs- atone the jar' containing relics, Bis-hop Richardsou deýciared the stone eil and duiy laid. Rev. J. Curts, ev. E. Robat0 Bible Christian pracier of Orono, and' Rev. George Lawr eca of tire Prasbytarian Clrurch of Clarke gava addrssses, On Decemnber 14th ie Girurcir was dedicated. Bisirop )Ricirardson prace& in,,the mrîuBi shepl Smith in tire afterxroon, and Rev. J. Gard'iner in tire eveui g. Thre iuild- ingý made of brick, 4a x 601 feet V itir Vire ceilîÏng twenty-six feet irigir, was of gotie sc le, Tire ehrch -wa s siplenridyligibtedi witir 9oal oil nud ireated lry atovas piaced 'r ireh eornarsý of thre audience room. IV wgs conisidared the hast chi-reir and thre ehcapest orve in tibe -connection, for, the me & st, , nlucin frmsth- [ng-s, was a litFa elow three Vireu- and dfollars. On Mond'ay a public dinnar was ,ivený in tire oIl churcir behird tire new one, and in tir esvaning a tea,. On Tuesday svenîng a concert, of sacra'mscand a a teawa Offered, altogether $,1-20O.O0 was takea in which cieared tire cdebt w-lh about $I100lM over. IV ia announ-csd trat the flrs:tmetn of tirje confar- ence na to ha hed1 in cl-rch. This fine lbuildling was an exampla Vo otiers. Great craiftvas extended Vo Výh3 mulding commitea, copod o. !lss.R. Ruddick, J. L. Tucker anii B. Thiorniton. (NexV weaýk the conference). TÂKE PART IN SPECTAL, JUNIORPRGA M A nu-iiber of Duiraiii Gon Vjy Hoi-mem,,king Chih girls vill ha asT- paeseniing Vhke Countiy utPeab- ouglih- air lTcnnMaSpetion OnAuat 26Vh. ,Tlire Backsitock Club skt Jean Tomuýa and Veilmi Tripp V) aline- part, lias beau chosýen for, Peteabor- ougir. Bes;sie Hilts, of Tyrone Cinblý le taking tire exhibit, "A Table Set for Twýo", -anidigivin-g Vhs colnm-ent. Poliomyelitis Prevention Dependant On Public lIuring Vhs Pasýt siecade, ouai Ianowledga of tins disease iras beeni -con sideraibly adivaiirced tViýrcugtir many suientifis studi&s. Tire causative agent of po-îomyelitls is kuonin as a virus-it is a iliving -mcro-ognsn noV identified by thre ordlinary lbr atnry imicrosco)pe 'and laboratory pr.oc-duares. Tirs virus- iras basa ase- c-overe-di frourswaeand files and. %ilo hsenocetiroat asnd axcas- moents Sf an. Poliniayelitis b er reportedion ocainfroni ail enunties' aud dis- tricts in Ontarlo. iGitlreaka as re ryore comrnduing tire latter part nýf July, Aug-ust, Septearber 9.nd tVie h-4s two wnekaof O4ocber, Thrsd- seuse isns fra-qusi clrrg tins lic aird inîcludis ail mneasures Vo sus-. ain healthir id attention Vo personaî au-cl ganerai sanitatinr. (1) Be sure yo-ua fond is protected frour files. iflave youa hous tiror- ougirlty screened ànd hil avery fly thatins entry before it reaches yo)ur food. An minsecticide auc1h as DD)T mry be ir-e d. (2) if you haveaun outalde oiletL make sure it is fly' pro-nf and usa plenty of ciloride of Im*11e. G3) Kaeip your fgarbage coe o o preveut tire br-eetilng cf fles. 04) Do noV sat ruîw 'fruit or vege- tables untii Vhey are- ù tirorougbly niashed or peelied. Tuhfs inclu.das niiid or other fruit pickedi fao-m tire bulS;hes or Vaes. Do rot drink Cmil- sufe miiilK or ntr wintel -39,