With the Movie And Radtio Folks By Grace Sharp For his next pcteCccil -BDe-. Mille tuirnisagain to what Jbas always beefn hisgetetminIe of source sa-r teiladone, b3y thewy hc reures no roýyypaymientls-Thke ,ibJe. "amon and Dlla"will e tlie gr-eat director's furhpic- ï based onBi, ialsouirces, the oDthers beinig "Th-e Ten Cmad ments" <123); "The KEing of Kings" ~ 126;and(, The Sîglu of th Victor Mature wijll beS-eenin !ithe part of Samlson while Hey Lamairr bas been signed for the part of Delilh; and( as o)ne ob)seruer re- snarked wheni the casting was an- oUýcncedj, withi that pair playing o5pposite one anothrer they -wo't meed any steami heat on the sets cveni f the filmning dIoesl"c start îtili OctoberorN ebr" flu thre matter of thiese "giv,,e- aa"programis fticradio fls and especiallysot of the BRorder --seemi to be in mucb ithre samle >po-siion as that.of [the utier Who fisad the bear by the, tail. Tbey're af'raid to let go,, aid eveIn more scared tri bang on. But ail joking aside, %hose same progrms have thie radio îindustry in the biggest dithier it bas been in since Mroi owoeer iit was, started the whole Regiilar radio performeurs biate tuseliProgramls; and wysh-oulidn't they whlen to'p comedians and primei farvorites su-chi as Fred Allen, find their audience rating dr&op vitJhsic- eninig silddennless whlen gie away" moves in on anl Opposition retwork, at 'the samne hour. F,-or what is a Bob Hope, a Bing Crosby or a Jack Bernny when you can li- feu in with thle hope of winig- eAs one womnan did! recentily-cigbit- eecu or twenty thousanjld dollars -worth or articles including a comj- plete homei, anl au1-tomrole, a mtr boatbhof a dozen cuils of dothes anld au overcoat, anid other assorted ilJnkteo o numerous to imentionr? The wbole ting ba sowbll zd" almost to joke proportions; an Moody im more bittr agînstes er"give-away-,s' than these be- ýià omle of the oldje rvauience- w;rÎipation proýgrams, woe "and nwfor the $64ý question" app9ea1rs, ne'gible and checap besides aw,,a rd s Èch as the One just mnind Many of those close to 'it radlio business wouildn,'t be too muhsur- prised i-oeiein tenot too ear distan]( tftuir-the bheads of the iudustry got together and aboished thse "give-aw,,ays,",at leasýt asnet- 'work features. For thaýt the.ýy bave lefînîtely cepndradio and are grdullybt stcýad;Uy rediuling àitet thse lvel of the midway shows a thse C. N. E. can, hardly býe denied. Ih is also whispered that aionig those whiO woild Vwelcome cthe doig-wayofthe "give-awýays" are those wo are sponoring 5some of thne bigger one. Epert analysis bas beenl made of adec reactionl to these programns; andit bas been found that thse moment that gives thle listeners th-eir biýggest thrilIthe momient they rmme best-is wenthe AnnoDuncer readis off thle ever-grow,-ing list of thinigs thtare to be wn.People cle-arlY ecalled the main pr-izs-anïd yet cosdttrememiber thespnr' name or the nmeofbris proctc. And you miay wage rHaI te coffee fil Brazil that astute adivertisers are flot goiing to cninepayinbig * Imoney for THAT sort of publiciy very longý tIse generalideabeing tatone ýtag or- label wasxaLout s gooüd as an- othier. There arecornemoipole however, who o uld Mbe glad to tesi- vtaytreeaeapitrbern th Original of "Unicle Tom" Lies Here-in a iilt DrseOnt-ario> ]lie the mortai l remins of Itheoiîaio of fictioni's be-st-known hratr--ticeTom"-, immiortalizecd sui HarrietBeceltov' "Unicle Tom)'s Cabin". He was th-e Rev erend JlosialiHenowhio begal,,i fe as a slave ii tbe Deep Souith suid lter,-assisted b)y the famuous "undergrouînd railwav" -finaly reched Canada and reeom The bouse in wxich he hvdfor tbe bIalance of bis days still stands in tbe neighborhood, Wheinci iil cornes 10 Isedges, thse garee bs ia wide choice. There aremihnveges or deciduonsý shirubs; slow- S'y growing or quick growing species; plants thal are I 'bcd lefI Ic, assume their own natulral - hapes; and othmers. j Selve to sheaniiug i n itcogeomrnec 1pattenuis. Tise sort of cane you give your hedge wi depend, of Course, on, wIsaIt ype il is. Pnive is onue of bbic most popular of al ebýrube for hbeîginig; sud far too olten ili is 50 badly grown sud tlndod that il lookeý: notbing like what il should-a "soiid wall of living greeni." Usuially bought in lwo n-three-foot si.es, it is mis- takeulIy cul straigbl acrose tbm top at plauling lime. This causes ex- cessýive gtrowth aItIhe top wbile the baise remajuns banc. Pr ope(r prumng is essenlial if you wantpnivt-orany other dc-cidunuis shirub ,- loi forrn a dense green growlb aIý-t the base. Wbon plauted piv-et sbould be cul 10 wilhiu four inches ni'ftIse ground, on aItIshe most, six inhsQther decidunus ebrubs Shiold be Clti)within îwolve iniches of Ise groiuud. Ifthe groth is vigorons ighl from Ibe îi start, the hedge maày bc clb-ack in, T,ýly oir early August at a point -about cightîtlinchs ahove tIse peiuscutiing. IBut if a laIe stant .-bad wçalher or po r eni a r- 1 Maltter laï,,w) '. Like 4. Harpoon 8. iepays -. BeVeTrge 9. Vittate 1 2. Curvýe 10. Corrode 15. Nnrwe glan 11. Exist 14. Slsriver, 15. NeOt candy I2 3 17. Entïtely 19. Matuire i - 20. Ca 21. Dsac 2'l Ran fast 27. oxtg ring 3. Rdot Z2. Arrog,,ance $5. Ais 42. 11g,hcarde 3 42. Wete-rnstate 3 44, ra 4c. Tra Sle0. 45. Numbe!),r 5 1. cerealgra-ss . Bpa ffle0 $4. Sheep, 85.Seeonar u5 -. 86. Eate ing, il is juet as woll b dclay the sbearing tluI the following spring, wbcn tIse hedge can bcecul 10 a point from in iie 10 twelve inches ahove thse p insculting. From thien unliil the hoedge reaches the fl beighit desired, uprigbt shotis Fshouldbce ut twice a year, as-in Ibis way mauy side shoots gel a chan7e '10 deve1op sud a thick hedge is formied. Sides of the bedge should bcecul more frequently Ihan tIse top for the same reason. As soon as two inéhes-or aI most tbree -appear, your bodge clippers should ho brought imb use, t Oldboge tat bav em ll- mto cgel straggly ýpresenit a rosi probilsu as no iaimun, t of siearing aI thie top vwil l] indue temto forsu d7ens,,e greeniery at the bo),Ltom. Ail you carn do is cutbCm al the way back 10. witini six inchies of the grouind, aller wb¶cbtbey illgow up properly. Tb'lis D'OES NOT APPLY 1teegrenwbicb will not grow up again if cul dow~n, The chief handicap teaiïy i'hedge is weeds. A' uarrow strip of bare ground sbould be mnaintaiued on eitber &ide of the hedgc, sud if this is hoed rcgularly the litîl e woods wil be destroyed. Evergres-suich as put, spruce, hemlock sud ihe like-are trealed diflerently, whou used for beýdges, than privet suid other deciduous shrribs. Tbey ulsually make very little growtb for, two or tbrce years alter being put in position, as the shock of lransplanliug sets tborn back; sud tbey sbouid nol bcecut ba-k severely afler planiting. Aller thse e-vergnooneis roallyý gel goutheyy seuid up quiick vri cal growth. Iiu ordi" er idueden- sity vlhey shouild be shonrlene(d; but gcuerally one serigpet ye-ar, after .lbey have trerwni enough. Ir). tegal Ceatiu 8 C AfrIean 1 S. Vaises 1afefage 20.28. F e n ickel 21. Greater 41. Scandinavian 22. Peace goddess 4,1. State 24. Pubtish 4&. Weep cou- 25. Draw eut - vutsivety 26. 2irund roofs 47. Remunerate 28. AsSied 48. Celestial body earinestly 49. Numnber I-. urry 50, Fowl 24. Make enie- 53. Chinese mnouplade nmeasure is Puzzle Wîi Appear NexI Week t' ' clca VU che.w Cannied Elderberrie Wa,7ïSh, stem suad 'pick over care- ful.Place "Ibe bernecs in preser'v- in kte.Cvrtbern itha Syrnp) miade in f1e pro- portion 0of i cup of suiga;r to 3 cupls Sof water. Bring to boiling point. .F~i ot jars to, oveflowing an d Sinice elderber- ries-- ock acidity, lemlon juice, souir apples or rhubarb arce generally issed with thern whenrusiug for- pies or sauce. If dcsired,rubb or aýpple or craiftberry juiice, may be- used iththe sgrto imake the Elderberry Jelly Cover tfche brnes wih ater, aI- ter stemmiuig sud wasinig tbem;i- boil 10 minutes, thecn imasb and drain. Brinig the juice to boiling point aud add 1i cup of sugar 10 each cup of juie aud boil untýil tbe 1jelly-Icst is re-ached, then seal aud store. For a quickl1y made and decliciouslyI flavored jelly uise the quick method (sigcommnercial pectin-). For i dts jelly fthe bernecs should be on the under ripe side. Alittie [lmon ji ay be added Elderberry sud cApple Jelly Useelerbrresthlat are not too rp.Wspull from'il]arger ses buJt do not attemlpt 10 rern"ove thel smaller oc. Paei), a 1ketle witb water not quite to) cover. Cook until soit. LDrin îhdroughai jelly bag witbout squ,eeczin1g. Add an equal amouint of apple juice ex- lracted in the ulsl ,fashion for making apple jeilly. Meas5ure. Bring to the bolling poinit quiicklfy. Add tbree-lourths as, muzch sugar as juice. Stir constanlly and! hou ta-. pidly until mixture shiows the jclly test. Pour into stilized glasses. When cool, cover with paraffin sud seal. This makes a tenider, ricbly ircd jelly ofl unusual lavor. Choke Cherry Jelly 3 cups juice 6V¼ cups sugar 1 hottle commercýcial pectiéi To prepare lIse juic, stemi abouit 3 pounds of fully ripe chokeý cher- ries. Add 3 cupe of water. Brinig to a hoil, cover and simmner 15 minutes. For stroug cherry-p)it flavor, add 4 tab)lespoonfls o criishedi pile durinig the smeig Place the cooke1ýd frulit in jclly bag anid allow juice Io drain ouI. Measuîre sugar sud ijuice mb oa large saulcepan suid mlix. Bring te, Loil, over Isotteet flue suid at once add cojùmer1cial pectin, slivrrug constanitly. Then briug to sa full rolling hoil sud hoil bard for hall minute. Remove from tbe ire, skirn, pour quickly. Paraffin boct jelly at once. Wild Grape Jelly Wash and stem grapes. Place im preserviug kettle, crush, sdadd 34 cup of waler for ecrb, two quarts of grapes. Cook until pulpy suwd seeds are free. Extr.acî- juice tbrough jelly bag. Let juice stand s day or two as a precaution against crystals. Measure and bring to a boil in preserving kettle. Add ý/ a mucb sugar as juice, by meca- sure. Boil rapidly over Iigh beat unlil the syrup sheets fromt tbe edge of spoon. Skim suid pour into sterilized glass. Paraffilu aýt once. Note: Wild grape suid crabap- pIe jclly (equal paîlst ju'itices, lk cup sugar pet cup of jice) b -as an ex- cellent flavor sud makes at good ac- compartiment for roa!st fowl). Oh EBoy! MlnTime! Here are sortie melon-lime lips t, be used for giviug a festive Iouch to the lamily or the party table: Il a teaspoon is iuserted in the hearî of a waîermelou sud is Ibmn twisted about,- a cone-sbaped piece wiIl resuilt. Vateureloiî, eut in this wsy sud arrauged on a plaller witb cracked ice or ice cubes, is appeal- ing b the ey sund refreshing to the taste. Waîerrnelou is attractive wheu served in tal dem glasses. t msy Real "Cabin" of the Actual "Uncele Tom"-Close to the village of~ ~ ~ ~~~~1 Drse!Oualstnstl5la n-looking framedwlig pictured ex_-ýcusïvely for readers of these pages not becauise oi auy architectural be-auty, but on aïccouint or its. historîialiin- terest. h lias been said thlat Harriet Beeclher Stowe's niovel1 "Uncle Tomi's Cabinu" hald more to do with briniging ou thi(e United Statesç Civil WÀar thanii any othier singie factor; and -liný this bouse-or rather Iinthe Iog-,srtucture concealed by\-the boarding-live,,d the oüriginial of thie chiaracter "UnicleTo" lie was the Reverend Josiah I Penlson who, afîter mn-1,1yearcýs of slavery in thec Southern StLates, finallymnae to esca1pe, maknig his way by mieans of the "udegrun ailro()ad"1to freo.After crossing to Canada lieý settled narDresdleu whiere lie passed thei remainder of his lf.Ti sbre in a necarby cem,-etery. Inside the house a picture on th'le vwaillshows H1ensonl as ani elderly, white-beardedI colored man dicrcssed 1in] clericalgal while nearby hangs a printed dsrpinof 'THE- R ,E AL L1 1F E S'TO R-Y (0FUNCLE TOM."ý ~6oLîrvc P. Ctô~rk~ If Ibis columuj seeme ,somiewhat wild and wadrigIis week put il down 10 thse heat or b-urnidity, or somncthing, bccauise there is eertain- ly plenity of both sud I fcee as il I had it ail. î just feel thiat way ceon thouigbI 1knoGw lIrnwronig because Parîneir just camne in lrom thle hay- field sud( he looks like a w'aling grease spot. Why doni't wve cop'yIbe wleý folk living in tropical coun-- tries sud have a siesta during Ibme beat of the day? Corne t10 îhiunkof il Ihat wouldn't do eitbr-not in bfay- ing limie, because as soon as thie beal subsides tbe dow ,cornes iup. And anynnie who bas worked iin s bayvfield knows what hay is ik11e to handle if tIse dew is on it-that is the farmor's main argument against daylight saving lime, Well, in betwoen mopping rny brow 1 arn carrying on a threo-way figbt with lIse robins sud starlings. The cherries are ripe sud we are l determîued 10 do ach other out of a picking. As soon as the starlings corne dowu for a feed the robsins appear, from nowbere sud chase tbemi away. The commotion bIsat enenes attracte rny atten1tion sud Iben Iî go ouI sucd scare lise robins swvay. Or 1I îry to-tbiey dn'gsare very oasily. Mly cal birds have dsperd When my sister was bore we untod arouud until we found where I1îey had their nest-in a lilac bush by tIse front door. We didut toucb il, of course, but 1 arn wonderîng if the birds were so annoyed aI ou11 discovory of their bideout that thiey decided 10 take up quarters else- where. Lucky litIle hirds - they don'l have 10 worry about the hous- ing shortage. Mr. Cathird probably says 10 Mrs. Catbird-"Look, rny dead thbis lilac bush seeme like a very gond place for our ncw home. Suppose we build bore?" Mrs. Cal- bird agrees, so lhey go 10 work sud they huild. Just like tIsaI . . . no worry, no fuse, no permit needed. They don't have 10 worry about plumbers, carponders or bticklay- ers sud how much an bourtÈthy charge, sud whmn 'their hosrne is finishied îbey dont even bave, a mrotgage 10 worry about. Oh, for the lufe ofl-a birdl True il might be a short one- a prowling cal mighit add finie 10 a promisiug carmer even îin Ise middle of a joyouls Song. Couîiug oveuts caslt thoiî shadows belote . , .Ibis morning LBob walked in wilIs a bînden canvias îo0 be, fixed s0 il looks as if lie is hiking il w'tbe lonig 1belort thewbeat is resady 10 clul. But I arnallowcd a day or îwo of grace s;o Ia o' have 1toucbIbat iawful canivas i) Iis te2rrific heat. When 1 bave a bini- der cauivas ito deal 'witb I alays1d as miuch repaî,r work as l cani on the sewving mcieand by the timýe I gýý ettouh iseU1tanigling th1'e sltïs fomtbe sewiug îmaicinei and myeifrom -thle siats I an hardjly fit to live w ith orabout an b1our. That is ab<iout the only timie I Say tomsefan meni-O b did I ever mryafre? Corne to îhmlik of il du'1 ko which I dislike more medn binder canvas or peeling br boiled eggs. We are very fond of dev'illed eggs in this family but to mywa of thinkiug the "devilish" part is not in the dressing but in pryinig tbe shells free from thse eggs. if anyone kuows of a sure way, off doing thislittle job withoût leaving haîf the white on the shelf or bits of sheil stickiug on the peeled egg for goodness sake seud the informa- tion along. Sometimes I tbînk I coPuld write another version of "The Egg and L" Yeu have- probably guessed by thîs time that we. are' having (levilled eggs for supper te- night. Answer te, LasI Week's Puzzle WALLOeP e YOUL 'E' BELOW TE BLT Help YurForgotten "28" For Tise Kînd 09f Relief Thiat l'elps MAle Yoqm Rrin' To G, MýOre fhen haif Of Your digestion is don, b>etow the beit - te rourIS2 ts' f boweto. Sc-he indigestion strikcs, trv eomething ,hat helps digestioninte t'~aoa N be-Io, the boit. oahAJ Whaýt Yen ,May ueeed is Carte)r's Litie Livo.- Pis ýtogive eeeded'help te that 'tergottez 28 teeS" of boweia. Taire one Carter'a Little Ltvr Flnbeto and one after meals. Teks them aeeordieg to directions. Tbey help waxke up a !ttrger fo et the 9 maie digiqstive jUices lin "Dur stom"hl AN]) bowels -help you digest vhat you bas, een teinNature'M owe way. T11n mo os ;,, et 5,5e kind et relief th,,% makeP You tee] bette- romeyer ead se yens' tees. Juet be cure yen get the gaeuinecare' Little Lir Pilue trom yerorngit8 -4 St St St St 'i St -4 -4 -4 N -4 -4 * .4'-' -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -t -4 -4 -4 N -4 -4 -t- -4 -4 N -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 '-4 -4 -4 'St -4 -4 k' -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 '-4 s -4 4', -4 N 'os N -4 -4 St -4- -4 N St St -4 St -4 -4 N '-4 N N. et -4 -7' y.', -4 7e St St N b