Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 8 Jul 1948, p. 8

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ORONO ~ IT ini Toot.lh rgna,.M eleine Barrow- Ms. ShidesCfMOUnt Pleasant, c½ugzh psovidtthe Gmsc. pent the wreek-'nd Wh iehM. and Church foll'owed wýýi t h 1Dr. Oi es MIfs. CariroiNihUwssssg~n a very gooti sermon about Misses Helen Binstet and Pal ne theCISaclramient Ser>vice which foll'ow- spen Sudaye't the sermon. Church as very Petes, f Morsih, pentSunay ell attended andtiMrss. Cnrrofls p,,o- SudySehool nias heldi at 10.30 wi,th an attendance of fosty-two, and ail teachers present. &wing {o tkie absence of Mâss Muriel Mason,ý KINO DUO KILLER FOR QUICK AIND SURE INSECTICIDE Special in 10 - 20 - 50 lb bags 3 per cent ILD.T. in 10 and 20 lb bags (Oiýono and viinity) HARRY ]BAlLET Phone 87-16- - - - Or ono Under the auspices of the Board of Management will be held in the NEWCASTLE C OMMUNITY 'HALL on the evening of miFriday, July l6th, qp.,m. Russ Creighton and his new 5-piece Band in-Attendance Admission 50c. Per Person STORE'TOUR PURS AT I(ERMAN I'URS CANADA'S LARGEST FURRIER OUTR MODERN SfXENT1FIC FUR STOInAGE VAULTS ARE: * MOTH PROOF * FIRE PROOF * DUST PROOF * THIEFT PROOF Send us you Cloth Coats and Furs To-day 12 ER ENT 0F YOUR VALUATIONI New Serv.ice C1eabiers Port Hope - - Ontario W. J. RIDDELL, Agent, Orono, Before You Bulid iADAMSLUMBER, Clarke 121'3A - NEWCASTLE - Clarke 1213A Brick, Cernent, Tute, Lumber, of ail kinds (B. C. Ontajrlo and Eastern Canada) Dloors (7'00 to cho*se f , Nails, 'Sàsh, Door and WiûdowFrames, Gyproc, Limie (adal iih ing and Spray, Hrdoo Flooring, -Masoni te, Tileboards, Wallbioards, Asphalit and Cedhar Shin- gles, Roofing,Modns and T -ri1 Plywoods,ý Fence Posts (.edar. and Steel) Fencing WESLEY VILLE Mss auelAnaIli, of Port Hoespent a feni tiays 'withi her unMis. Etigar Bessrowlough. Mss.Geoge Tffoti penft a fe'w dayIýs witlI lesr i-ents et 'Sander- Ms uiel -Meson spent a few tins vsitngfp;entils anti reWaives 'ildt the musiîc.1 Am-ong Snayvîsitors- ' ihMr.( mdMis. PsySneILl nieVre M.andti Mirs. Ken Dinnier, rbenra Anný and Ronnie. ai s.'dr d Mss. Ernr'Ciiest Cabl1e of RceseN.Y._ ,,hh Ms. Cabie 'setu Ii'sghm ody 'Miss Jeanî, Ritherford', of Lake- port, lies teken o.ves the musical trainin'g of some of the schools in 'the asea as Mrý. George Campbell has taken 'the Northunmberland sichools. Among Sunday visitors with Ms. end Mss. Simon Barrow'ciough wesLe, Mr. and Mrss. Wes. 'Bassçswclouigh and grans(daughter Patsy of, Osý1h- -wa, and* Mss. S. O0. Milis and' Miss Winrona Snell of Port)Hop)e. Mr. and, Mss. Mrlton-ý Brimnacomiobe anti daifly, anti Mr. Fred Brime- comibe of Osaca spent Sunday wý-,Ith Mr. anti Mss. ArnoldTi Fhornd'yke. Il Miss Dolores Dickerson is visitin'g frientis andi relatives in 'Camipbell- ford. Several memnibers of the Wesley- ville Leeigue played' basebali -, at Zion Tuestiay ffight, but only Vo lose the gane to Zion. Games ;wevre playeti in, the churcli basenent andi lunch was served anti a very gooti time had iby aIl. Mss. Georîge Clark is at pre-sent ett hes summes h-ore. Mss. N. Little anti Alec sýpent the week-end at home. ,Mr. and Mss. NciiormnanTherteli spent the week-end at thleir suammes home. Mss. J. Boyile, of Lind'sey, is visýit- ing wi~h Ms. and Ms-. Wm. Wilson. V. and iMrs. Noden niese Sunidey M'r-. aýnd Ms'. Chas. C. Kenny spent ied' ly theis tiaughtev, Mis 'îIo cleve-rlag with (Mr. and Mrs. Broo'ks-, of Toronto, seturnýet t Ji~u Swî'bickon Fritisy eveaing Montreal to lie present at the wýed- i)f 1~~- we-ek. ding of tiheuir §on N-oel. a\~ nd Mss. H. R. Reynoldts, of SeveraLl enjoyetýI, hesupper ani Toro)nto, are spenting a few d'ays progra-m at Zion Cushlesit ia with Mr. andi Mss. Herýb. Reyn-olýd(s. evernig h 'us ftelclW Mu.Hesýb. Reynolds spent r ope~peseated theïs play after thle of d'ays ia Toronto. chmsch supper. 'lhe e'vening sýervice in NewitonvmillIe ,thiree hlieof MnreaMs. «and UîsdChurchlaskSuindey evenin'gMs'.Wlter WitkratiiKenn 1eth -Id Ms. 'Swarbick asseii h of Totnt, iih s.ai MsýIs. J. T. chois. Pea rce. Mr. and 'Mss. Percuy Patton, of Mrs. Tone Langsitaff and Mss. Orono, anci Mr. Roy Patton iveTe Moibel Langstef Irt7siteti the lintter's Iii itors with Ms. end' Mss. Marcus son, Wilbert, in Toornto. Wilbert is S uer anti Mrs. S. Patton on)il ccupeating efter -a recent ope,'»- ~ ~. tion. Miss' Annie T'hompson is- sýpenidiag Ms. INeil Adso and h-is pupils the suwnmes vacatdon withý her moth- weat Iby bus to ,IheFotrestry at Or1ono er and' brothler, Mrss. C. Thompsoa an'd Bo, ves Da-m at Kenidal oniiMon- andMs. Arthiur hopon. Miss day 2hmsý8th. Hot ,os ndtvi' ls andi Thompson intenis- taking a- Summies ccolate ilI nias' enjioyecti at the Course at Toronto University. creels in Kendra. Mr. an'd Mss. C'sley, iBruce andti Ms'. (Rer.) HýT. A. Bunt lias .se- r sbara, (Miss Mary Taylos aùd Ms. turneti home fsom lierweks visit R'obert Alexandesrniere week-end witli Miss Adelaitie Hairrison of visiPtors xith Ms. and MCr lae 'i,setisedi, now of lianiil toýn. Alexantiler. MNs Barbare Carley is Theyý enjoyeti tea î thMisEm stayin'g ovet for a couple of weeks,. Bnsrett, who at one time rsteiin this village. (Too late fosr last week) Congýratuions Vi.ý o Miss Eleanor Mr. andI Mss. T. Hilditth visited Jolinston ani Ms. Rayu 'ý,monti Shaw Ms. anti Mrs'. White, Bowmnani-,lie. who niere mariîeti athe Passlonage oves the week-end. ,onl WedÙeýId'ay fe 0,'bOt.Af "Ve are- sorry .to hear of the acca- tes the rece-ption ait thle lhomie of lier dent to Donnie Merces when he feu Parents the ift Fos- tl1 Easýt Coast, on a pNlch fork ihl nent thro,-ýu-gli ilese they wili nake thieir homie. bis lig. Ms. anti Ms. red Ttiffosti, Fran- Suniay visitors et Ms. anti'Mrs. cis, Au-trey ,ýanti Shirley, of Bunker Miltoýn Robins'on's niere, Miss Mary 1Hll, MI. adn Ms\,Is. Stan KXelly, of Mrea ani Mtant Ms.Eti. Mur- Uionville-, Msl. 'antiMss. Norman ray, al] of Toronto. Austin, of Nosth Bay, theis daugh- Mss. ROY Kean anti soit!jak, of tes, Mssý. Allen Parvis antiSentira, of Oriia, spenit the week-end with Mr.. Montreal, -with ýMv. ant ýirMs. Hlarolti anti Mss. Ken Soper anticalieti on Burley.-1 Ms. anti Mss. Marcus Soper anti Mss, On the veisgouf Jane 26thi S. Patton oin Suntiey., frientis anti neliglibors gathiereti on Mss. L. Thorne returneti homes on the lawnin of -4r. antv iMss. Staaiey Setur'tay withiMs. anti Mss. Gostion lohaston in lionor of thelýir tiaug-liter Price, 'the latrÏ_rin oGî Elean-os on t-he eve of h-or marniage. on iSuntiay night. 'Mss-. Gordion A purs-e mw'as presýented during the Price also visiteti wifh lher m1-other, e'venin-g. A enjo,-yable social ti-me wes spetanti'a bounitifl lunich pro- videti'. -Apersýonelg-ift, a rmuLsical a.powtiev box, -was precs!etetiVoElea- nos I'fs"om Ilie soft)biaii team -ltes. NotcetoFames Ms. Wman.' Notice___Ï___________S_ aiwaslaid' in fthe femily Plot ila! Lakerviewý cemietery on T'uesdayaf If yonu want us to semove your rnon this.A etiu hr dead farm stôck within an os sriewsrodceib hegae without charge side lyRr.H' .Buo v.To CALLUS CLLEC s'o leaes' o cherisih lis' emr Bowanvllq2679 two li[rothers a-nti one sistes, AVi. For Ciplet or-sswe pay Totsnof Chcag , anti George ais Iigh as.....---.---------$18.00 atMissBrh f Village Atfor OliRse shihO hstalst, Ms. S. R. Joniesi as S30.00 sfeet astyfeu la PsV ope W4,e aeable to -ýpay these pics With l. is errntisail looketi afer bu bece use we fed hemet te our 1on1peI, eseieiont of the caronly Vo ________________________ ut was)ing holire opt, eevn sesesa--l cutsabout teface. lie nias MARGWILL FUR FARM tknto Dr.,M-Demet, ffice. Tjhe R. R. 1, TYRONE tioctor saitielthugi e isaken l Telphoe: owmnvile 67e tp thiere 'wei-e no 9bones lbroken. Ms, Jons s eein qite wefl agaîbu winl noV' look imui--seif for ometimne. VACATIONNEEDS N&wv is theurn,1-e to icheck your va1cation needs. Ir yo'r-e off for-te day, the week-end or a caion, be suire you've lioked afte-r every n-ieed hefore eairna. ere is a Chellk list of your possible needs tha:t you can saisy t TRELSDIGSTO m rs. Tqaimes S wamb'i.kj Mrý. m. Gelar and r, eog PopeJ., ercald tPeeb- ougi ospit l o.Mna h Mr. Wn. fDunýcan Visitedt Ms- ,andL Mrs. Her-Iert Mereer >oVerth e welk end and cadIed (onloldfres d ieiibors lh lag.Mr.Dun- ,an an'd Paýtayar a pentspnd ing a few ee sinii iad STA'ÀR KVI L LE Miss- Audrey F'arrow, ecste sýpenýL Sunld'ay athoe ýMr. and Mrs. Gordon Pocwers, and family, of Clarke Unlion, wibh Mr. and, Mrs. Orme Falls. Mislý Beulah Hallo-well left on Tues-day for an extended trip thsough the W est., B uh H lo Misses Norma- andBelhHl- well visitedi on Sincay at Mr. Sid. Hallowell's and attenided C-aske An- nivesary. iMisis Dechert h1as seturned to her home in Toronýto and w111 Veach neas A!urora for the coing l-terni, Before leaving, a presýenýtation was hed' for Miss Dechert in Starkivdlle achool. Msr. and àMrs. Russzel Savesy have returriectafte nisitin,'MT. antdi Ms.Fowlie, Detroit. WhXIile there bhi-ey ï-ttended the wdin of their n Iephesw, -Mr. Georg-e Fowlie.. Mr. Paisi Mss. J. J. Mellor, Or-onio, Mr. and Mss.z. Har-olid Little, Gary and Demnis,Ms and Mfrs. Thos. Falls, Kend(al, ,were visitors on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs.. Llew HLlo- well. t Ms. nd MsIis. Wilferd Little andi fiyMr. aniMs. Harold Little Band family, of O'shawa, Visited Vï. and iAMrs. E-wart Robinson. IMr. aniid Mss. Rss oey a ndl rfamily, of Toronmt&,.spenlt Smnday at Mr. A. Do4ison 's. (Continueti from pgeonie) Poison Ivy Treat- ment Rheumatic Rem- edies Shaving Needs Soap, Soap Boxes Stomuach Powders anti Tablets Sun Glasses Suaqiburn Creams a nd Lotions Sun-Tan Lotions Thermos Bottles WVax Papers WVhite Shoe Cleaners Writîng Neetis CHECK YOUR SUMMNER NEEDS SSpec»ilValue£ REVLON' - "MATCH MAKER" The 75c Lipstick with natching 50e Nail Eniamel, BOTH FOR...... .... .... .... .... .$1.00 EN THE POPULAR REVLON SHADES For a limlited time only Charles B.,Tyrri E,ýR i tS - AGENT FOR JACKMAN FLOWERS Phone 6s8 :- .. Oronlo, Ont. Swirl Pattern Fruit Dishes, each Sec Swirl Pattern Fruit Bowls, each ......... 20e F ruit Juice Tumiblers, decorated, each 10e.. O Fruit Juice Pitchers to mnatch, each......5e Founa~nPens, new Hooded (lKnight Irridium~ Tippedl, each .... .............. Infant's Romnpers, colors blue, pink or yellow, priceci................75c and $tfl Plastic Table Cloths, clear lace patternis, 'size, 54 inches by 54 inches, each ........$1.39 Towels, large size, blue stripe, each......... 50e Vinydi te Bowl Covers, set of 6 for......... 39e Jelly Mints (Peppermint) 1-2 lb for, ......25e Fly Tox, containing 5% DDT, at 24ec, 43î- and 73e Snap-T-ite Thermos Bottle Corkcs......25e Brooms, 5-string .................89e GROCERY FEATURES Sweet Cucumber Pickles, 24 oz jar------25cl Lynn Valley Peas, Standard Quaity 2tis-9 - Waxeqd Paper, 100 ft roilisý---------------- ..- 29e Cherry, Lime, botIe........... 25C Iraham Wafers, 10 oueince pikg---.- -------22e Nesties Swxeetened Cnene i]tn---22 SPECIAL -CrainMllretis, 2 tins for -------- ------ ----- --------------- 29C pkg,, 17e Herrngs 'in' Tomato Sue okd 14 oz tins ------ ------------23c ISPECIALI - Tilbest Pie Crust Mix, pkg..for---------------------25 LInstanit Sanýka Coffee, 7ecffein free, hottie ...... Borax, pig.--------- ----------10 WViIIlis Red Pllumr Jamu, 24 otinjs 35e NwPotatoes aa3d Cba 1-2 lb, 53e uJRONO 5c. TO $1.OO STORE YOUJR POPUTLAR, SHOPPING CENTRE Motos Equipment N orthcutt and Sm Funieral Directort amd Furnîtur-e Dei KiNDNESS COURTESY 'I r SER-VICEB Equipped te take ,-care of tt mûdmt funerüaýl the mont resnbecharge av, w(Al as the largeu-t and - Most exactirlg Teli!ehon, Office 66S lulee:52,%aad72M Telephene Crellet Bea Neeis BuodranTetmets Caeraesc ant Fils Cantiy Bars it Chocolats Y TIMI Fis Aid Supplies Fl n nseet Filýle rs Hiair Buhsand RasPreparations Hay F-ever Treat- ments Hefadlache and PI ain Laxatives Liniments Maieusci-e Needs O)intmentis foýr bures and flbites Picnic Plates and Cups -Private Ambulanei ,Éôw-m, -aliville. ont

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