.ACHIEVEMNT," DAY CLASSES' o ~~U~~,h e iet Local NewSli HELD IN ORONO WýEDNESDAY ýing thj-e,_ecI ,as reatooe- se h~gilsgivýe theirdïfeen e The Girs lb ofteWf~nsmntain.T'he afteronprvd Mr Mrs. Elmner Mdltno 1nsýtitute ,Br-anchof the Departmient lryineï si a he gilsds-Osea, agrent Jury lt in Oronol. 4~T Ariulur, eld t-heir Acieve- ýlye anwch mking, sin i.Rp(ýer, of Tloronto, is visitinrg 'J oetDay in thie Orono Town iHll hooý,ks', table settingandhowto ackwith b er lsters, Ms.J. C. Gamey. àa C11 dnsnyatrco lswt cu a a weked iit r. and Mis. W.Ec-kof Tor- es cubs p 1resent froinBiackstock, Ty-'u,1.1 ;- ý,,etel M-111.Bonh r-o'e Mil!roo, agi Govean an MssSadie Bî'own last Sundayi. PF En'rnnville. pos~r îsne otena 14r .i -rue !C h m an and ýMiss Pe,,a r ~is atfroi the Deiartment ingcus aeof To -onto, are visiting -with at Mr. Ptercy-b, mn.th Mis Noma'RhyimOS TorontoLi ýL ent the Drominlion Day week-end M É with hier cousin, Mris. H. J. Best. i Miss Edra Best,. Toronto, spent , L dies' Vwter 4af it Logeroatip S" he oliday we@ik-eni,with er moth- Lades'Beter uaityLoner ati Sips, -r, MYs. H. J. ýBest. straight eut,,neat fitting, sizes 36-38 $3,95 Mr1 dMr. C. H. rostwend na Large and mtedjiurn size Rayon Stripe Pant- n Mr.E.Nesn en ona tie................- 9e o18e otor trip Vo Minden on July lst. fles69eMiss9eViola oen and' girl frienss Briefs, large and small sizes. . 49e to 89e, foonospent the holiday week- Nylon and 5 Crepe ilose _(i ith her mother, Ms Noden. b Mn.ChalesW'ood, of Kitchener, MRi L. REID Notteoia ekedwt Phone 9 r 7 -OR.ONO, ontarie Mr. Wilfied Froste of Peterbor-w mgrh, spent the 'holiday ýweek-elrdnd _____________________________________________________ wi'i1 his, wife and son iný Orono. -w Mr. and Mrs. Howard Masters, of vi B - 13wmanville, visited at the home of o Mi. and Mrs. Floyd Nicholson last k ,veeç-enjd. ti Mi. and Mis. Wyven Reid and daugter Muriel, of BoWmYanville,a were Sunday visitonrs -t the home ofA Mr. andMis. Reg. Sutto n. ulMises JeanTomsoof Black- D §à stock, is spending sonie holidays il THE, AIZE -,BOWMANILLE ith her grandpanents, Mn, and ir THATE- O MAVLL rs.- W. S. Cobblediec. cool - Air Cniine olMis. -veett Porter, of Sher- brooke, Quebec, spent a ,f.ew days isiting with her father, W. E. P Th-ursday, Fn-day, Saturday - July 8_th, 9th, lOtb Davey.h Alex. Moffat, son of Mi. and Mis.0 W. Moffat, nias kickedb a boise at4 his homne or. Wednesday lest, andh ____ was unconselous( when discoveied. Mr. George Best, of Noibel, spertT - the Dominion Day week-eîîd withi f biis ýcousinsi, Mi. and Mis. Horace M Best and other relatives. M r. and Mis, Wmn. Stainton hae re turaed home after spending a weekS witb their son et bis summer cottageB near Bobcaygeon. Mn. Sflas Soucb sFrys that b)oys areh SpLfe mng tihe gardens in th e South Wad It is tlime that tispate Mn.ir s. EwodGa da Mis. H.LWashonSunday. namiru Mis.s rec f Dresden, a former DJAN umlîtf tee her in ron o Continuation School, is visi:ting itb Mrs. Jas, Dicikson. Mr. and "Mrs. Lawxence Wainig, -)DD f LS lMianýtesote, U.S., spent a C'ARTOO(N IN TEICHNICOLOR few days ith Ms Fred Cowan and Mis,. MnneStutt lestweek, Mi. &nd3Mis. Vance Cooper end Monde.,'ay and Tuesday - July l2th and l3th family left on Monàay for a week's vacation, spending the foiepait ofi À the week et Belleville visiting friends Mr, and Mirs. Allison ýCowan and sons '-of Toronto, sgent the week-end with the formei's fparents, Mn, and Mus. Thos. Cowan. Mi. and Mis. Harold lHodgson, - daughters Marion and Sharon, cfl Leaside, and Mis. Hector Maîling, of Mimico, visited their aunt, Mrs. Howard Walsh on Sunde . mIA'W~M s. Leslie Kelly, Miss V. Lynch, MANIAM1JNiEL * D CA;LWIER.of Bloomig, Sask~.,ad Mi. Fred Kel , c f Kingstoai, ealled irecently ADDED ATTRACTION on Mis. 1. W'alsh and Miss F. Cob- bledick. Mi. W. E. Davey, Mis. D. F ound and Mis. E. Porter visited la Vii- ginistown with the fornmer.'a daugh- er, ýMus. C. Caverley the onpart of JOI LoC sMn. andMus. R. A. Forrester, Johin andi Jeanne, and Miss Launa WloPort Htope, spent'the holiday isitàng et Cedâr Herboni, Lk a Mrs. îGeo. Cro ne SeO.B Lu WHlITE STO0RES le a te OonoPaileý on Wednesdey Mu. and Ms.Jamnes, Paterson and .r. Alan PPteIýrsonand famTfilY, Of Toronto, llanry Paterson cf*Oshaw4 andi Murray Patenson of Tamnwonth, spent the holidiay weeik_-nd with thein parents,, Mn. and Ms .A Paterson, Chuncbi Streeýt Sout.h. Mis. _retd Tamblyrn visited iind at Ux.hridfge lest week eandwhe there attendýed the wedding of Miss Lelia Tanilblyn, of Uxibridge, and Mri. Ll;oyýd Atchinison of Bown-an- ville, Flriday, July 2nd. Mis-. Tam- blyn had the honon of miakinýg the forpl dïspînys for the occasion. Recent visitons; with Mn. and Mis. H., Ba.iey were, Mr. and Mis. Joe Rickaby and ,Jack, Miss Malrion Riiekalby, of Tononito; Mn. and Mus. r. W. Jewefl, Mi ssMU y JeweEl, Mis. Ierb., Jewell, Mi. and 31rs. Mel- bourne Wight, Mn. andi Mis, Don GiI- hooly, BowmanviMie; and Mr. and tirs. Carl Billings. A meeting and pienie of Dsrc No. 4 of the- Horticeultuiel Socîety,. vas held, in the Orono Park on Wed- nesdiaiy, June 30th. Thnee societies were nepnesented, jOmenuee, Wood- ville and, Onono. Mn. John F.- Cliake if Toronto, adIdress-ed the memiiers following suppen. They 'also visited the Foiestry. Elle Downs, of,*Oshawa, suff ered a peinzful iajury whilýe attending the Allin picaje held, et the fair grounds n Orono on 'Thuîsday, July lst. Durnig a bloys soïfthiall game, cae of the battens Vbrew his bat when strik- ang et the bell, the bat sttiking Misýs Downs on the forehead, cutting it ur dqy. Pbie ConsteblI)e Pollerd, lMrs,. Pollard and, family, cf Bowmanville, have taken up their resideace la Orono[, occupyng thbe bouse vacated by Mr. and, Mis, Ci. Lockwcod, who have m-oved: Vo Heampton. Mr, and Mrsý. Pollard moved -on July lst. The Orono Timues 'alo)ng -with thein friends welcýome theý Pollerds Vo Oiono. .A Tno(op of .Týoronto Scouts par' aded Vo Park St. United Cburch on Sundeay, July 4th, headed by Orono Band. Rev, A. E. Eustace took the service. Réfeiuing tio the bible Rev. Eiustace proved Vo th.e cong-regetion Eiow one persýon coulrd.dio so miuch in demoiîlii'g aboiyof nmen, ishile on th-e othien had one couild gîeatly helgr hibiin asuidcomht and niationi. QUAKER Fine OATMEAL 5 LBS SHREDDED WTHEAT 2 PKGS TEX SUIN Grapefruit JUICE 2 TINS 22c RED RUBRER JAR, RINGS 4 DOZElN 29c I CHOICE REEF, PORK, VEAL SMtOKED (4PICKLED MNEATS at LOWEST PRICES I CIORlqNISH IAR-IMSTRONG'?SI Balance of oui ilats et.... $2.00 ThreeBedreoun Sets, Cur- tains andi Bedspreuds te Match, reg. $23.00 for $10,00 A few pi of childîen's Rua- aing Shoes, small size.... 75e Oxfords andi Cenvas Pumps, reg. $3.45, for........-----$195 White and Brown Loafers, reg.* $3.95, for.....$2.95 Boys' Stripe Jerseys, priçed et ........--- ..75e andi 85e Sun Suits for Childuen, pniced -----1 - -------- $1.25 Alpine Shorts, sizes 14 to, 18, priced.........$2.75 Improved Pt Genis, doz. $1.17 Bananas, per pound ...... 16e Blue Bernies, 20 oz tin. .... 33e New Carrots, 2 lb......... 21c New Large Size Camay Soap, 2 bars for....... ..... 25C Monarch Pastry Flour, 24. l1 bag for ......... $L.29 Duthies Salad Dressing, 8 oz jar for ........ ....... 25e, 16 oz jar for......40c *Zi-nc Rings, dozen......... 30c Parowax, pkg............ 15e Tomiato Juice, 20 oz tins, 2 tins for........ ....... 25e Aerozon Fly Couls, 2 for ..5c Chieken Haddie, tin ....... 28c Graves' 1195 oz Solid Pack Ap- pies, in..... ...... 79e BEF, ORK and VEAL 'for the wýeek-endI Slacks, in Grey andNa, Tropical Woustedl, sizes 14 to 20, priced....... $i -25 Alpinette, in Navy, pries et -----.... ..............$--- Cotton ýSlacks for wmecn and girls.----$200rani $2.50 White Blouses, in Emobroi- eresi Silk Crepe -ai . Sheers . $3--- 95-- ani $,5 -one piece of Linen3e, lue with Rose Flowe-rs, reglu- lar 60e., for...........45c- White Sockees, wt lsi Tops, size 9 te 1½,pri.- S ced at................--- -- ý29e NEW CARBAGE pound 'c, NEW RUBTBER R-INGS 2do c.e N - N N * N 4. N N N 'r 4, 'y 4,' s N -s N N N s s 22~ /7 ~ ? s j.67-9 Have your orders delivered- Sweétened Shredded Cocoa- nut, 1-4 lb pkig... ý...... 2lc Bananas, finm and Golden ripe, lb ............. 16C Domestie Shontening, lb prints............. 27e Sweet Cucumber Pickles, large 24 oz jan...... .. 25e llarvest Brand Peaches, 105 oz tin.... ... ......... 99C Kraft Dinner, makes a deli- cious dish, pkg.... .. .. 20e Jiffy Pie Cnust, newy low pnice, pkg ý....... ...... 27e Choice Ponk and Beans, 2 tins for ...... ...... ......29e Super Suds, eoncentrated, pkg for ...... ...... ...... 31c javex, small bottle ........ 14e lInterlake Toilet Tissue, 6 rolîs for:.........55C Heavy Waxed Paper, 100, ft 29,e Maple Leaf Cooked Hami, lb 85e High Quality Sausage, lb -.. 45e Why Pay >Iore6eéý-ý Or ono iTinshop, HTAVE YOUR Furnace Overhauled and ready for use during the sumnmer months R. E.LOGAN Phone 18-10 M AIN STREET ORONO