Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 8 Jul 1948, p. 4

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The Orono Weekly Times Advert-ising Rates on request Suiliscription $1.50 Try our uîp-to-date Job Plant. Our -pri1ces are sure to please, and our Wýork is of the best Publishied every, Thursdýay miorning at the Timies office - R. A. Forrester, Publisher Established January, 1937. A Great Cause Tueeae wortfiy agencies every year at ýthis time wbich seek thfwii-Feigand hmfp)piness off underpriviieged children ini our big 'cities. We îhave pomnnl in muidt'he fine annua.l work f the «Sa"Ftesih Air FÙnd'. Tiie 'great Canadian news.paper udutdlypro aalarge 1";(k) - iits organlizJignguàmannginig of smmrcamps for vast nua- bers-ff Toronto chiilireni. More than ever we-re becomi'ng aw,,are off the needs cf thoese around us. Ilaving our ow'n convenences and 'eumforts a1iways lu mind is net vt ih the Golden Rule i.)nd aif. forrwiaioî, utanss. Wit thOeGldnRule as oun guide, we ha,ýVe but 1e e alternative in the -face off wnn±t and sif eri-n'g,, 'aa.mly, the alleviatio'ns off the saniiie. Appreals luî the ,press and on the air are apt to become se fa- nilhiar and comamùnp71ihce that qwe ne ongr edth'em as WQ should. Thrvt is' t'he rea.son we propane tis article at the presenit seasoa. it- is lu t'he 1h-rre dthet seime off our kindly ds"eand hppllysituated -iieswill sec-thecir rway elear 1(e assist tihe "Star" ini its noblde 1'or 01Moeover, tiheacta givin'gbin'gs its 'own rewa'rd. A holi- -!ay off a week (Aýortw' madle iosbhy our meoney wili prove a une- -dlerful expeienecete omecbild. It will eniable seaie mother te find jus't a1,1it off epiefriwthe cane offthe chibd as well.- Is t'is ýInot aý refwnrd àand' a s2tigfaction in itself ? If y-ou do ïiot ÎbÎinh se, juiisit g into some off the downtown city quarters upon- a bot diay in- tbe sujýmmer. As we progrese in oui' deymands for bet- te ivc cniions sncbplaces \ill disappear. Eight inowvwe have the resentd to delwith, Anod ight now would prove a good time lu send jtit remýiyýttance 'te the ",Star" or any other reputabole welfare iaecy woicb maks-green fields, streais asud woodiands a reality te chil1dren vb mibtoth.erwi'se hodenied thein. JTust a Little, Beefing Hqous'ewiýves wil experience a 'well grouuided ureasiness oer ithie anmoUncc1eet that beef iprices imay -sho'nltly reaceh the uupre- cefeuted igureoff a dollar a ipound. ln other words, the 'keeping off a bousýe and the settingoff a table w'il11 require reneywed figuring on the part f said hesewîves. Wo have qnoted the answer given us by ayosng igi'ýiirýool teacher in response te our enquiries upo.u a We feIt 134uV-11umid 1that 'we bad the solutin, but our ieýte'rrog tors wul' nt grant its validity. Said ithe teacher, "there is a uyig tatfiue can't lie, but bans can figure." Now dollar n pourd beefmay ho p ouetetelthe trutb, becauso there my be sesutantsli'ming'of îaishînes wbdbî1,1 teli its owrn stery. Then agai, w maybe 'ron. Culit i.be that arevised 'diet mîghtbring in luts wnk c aiir eîhe type 'f people. Mnylbe se. There is some a-l'hof aligber fees taking the ,-csïtion formierly clamed y meay enu. îýThe bot weYatbher fayots food off this nla- tureanyow.An withu) iirg to tale amy siy thruists at pont- ly rades, e dorater oi-ifoi t ors iesl the fac tat we rein.'r a Vetl susiu ,,ed wnstin adwegzbt. We cr gocor'det'yandý Pcaý iml aÏ t ihvrdrigoff vwicothes,stecure lu thekoleg .th'at we Iknow ourf size u( a'cfy Wo'usd en nt lke te o the saine, deai reader ? Thon beat thedolar pord ounagebyp,oruudilg aloug on an even hasts, -even a d yedo r sud staff. Somem'ody is going te psýy the big pnie fr te tadiienl Snd'y oast. Prelbahly wo wiil as wehl, prvddSury keep1ýs on rriiug1 usouco ia woek. You m'ay feel thatour indi'gs lackte logiL, selul-hition te thie wbolo difficuity. We fee j'st hatwayourelsesbutit, is the beýst woe au eoffet in the cil S ta'r've S.1Wýe douflt vethier a-yono -wiil gTowunduly fat. Agan, e tuSt ne eue !ic sanete death evea though a five spot dee" ok' ifiysanll the bntcuther's emporium. SPORTS 'Tue final ague gme off the p nydluOoo akto-ni-ght éviincatsu. cLan on the play- wilpia wehm gmsnext wee. Te frsteue'will be with Seles n Wdnedajlly l4th, sud the secod with Hnpon ou Satur- day, july 7t.Bohgamnes wili ho OFndyeveiJuy2d the O-rue igI' sftbh eai were de- laterplce b h coeof8te Orursord u ra uthe irst lu- ed untis the s'atu wben AnuaSis- P--es coezlon E-TF, n'sbi.They scorod2nues lunthe qth, te frst by Jomr CooperpsGunte second by Lois Dean. Newcastie seed muslu'every lu- nîlg-s etFhext.E.Du t la- sýnoed l te irtD.Embýly lutheý se cond, E. Bnothn !lsd 1H. Farrow lu~~~v th hr, .CnEButa ou .Frrw uTe ù rt 12nc Vie Gnayin the fifh.mFne n We. ModayppJuly ton, ate Orono gixl wee -dfeaed y Ne'tovrd PARK ST. CHOIR ELECTION 0F OFFICERS, PRESENTATIONS f-hoir rehearsal at ParkSt. Church wa s foflowed by a delightfful got-te- gether on Wedresday eveing Ile st. Tasteffuly decorated tables lu theý, Srrnday School reeni bore a choice re- -pasît, consisting off strawfherries, cee crean amid cake wbicb wene thon- ougiy njoedby thýe Choir anid President -Reg. Sutton thon cealled upon Mr. W. J. Riddeil for an ad'- dIresis. In, affew weillchosen words. Mr. Ri1ddeIl coimmented upon the fatffiness sud efficiency off Mrs. George Carsn eo fStella Best) as; a )choir membiýer, sud a beautiful cup andi- saucer were presented te Mr. andi Mrs. Carson by Miss Betty Chapmn ilu ehalff off the choir. Simular rece!ognition was - accorded Mrs. O.ý A. Snecc and Mrs. W. C. Lincbwhb ad o ach presided as C'rganiisft rdchoir leader at varyin-g peniods', -and wh'o ad served in that capacity fol'lowýini the deatb off Mrs. R. H. Brownvi early tbis year, and until the present organist, Mrs. E. C. Workmar ,was s5ýecuired. Minutes off the last annual meet-, ing were read by the secretary, Mrs. Chas. Wood. Nomiaitien- and elec- tieon off officers as codct y Rev. A. E. Eustne show'ed Ms C. Joues is President eleet, Rer. A. E. Eus- - ce, Vd-rs. isJean Rainey, Treas, Mts. C. Weood, Cor. See., Miss B .C~mn Sec. Treas, ýFIower Fund; Colin Taylor, Librarian; Mrs. S. Papuvie, LeaderSpan Section; Mm. . S.CobhledckContralto; r.W. J. Riddeli, Toueor, and Mr. M. -iis er lairked. Iiu the feurtb Oriioo 0c1rd -oe 1run, E. Tonnant f~tn nM. Good's it, also one jun i-hefib by M. Me,,Kehnua. New- tovleWe lank Plu te 4th, acrdthrîiee lu the fiftftb bsr S. Jns Nevi)onvilleonoifive vruas 'M. Bnnly, C Cawell L.PemnîlS.- Jeu sS nd' . -Joue, ad two lu1 the seventh, M. Bunriey aIud( C. Csel Orono10 zred four îin thýe'sevenith-, M. McKnna 'b DenS. Flintoiff and0 A. WILLIAM HENRY POPE, Sequel te "Flicka", with PEGGY CUMMINS, ROBERT ARTHUR, CHARLES COBCIRN in Te&hnicolor Mon., Tues., July 12-13 "Sunimer Holiday" MGM's Big, Brand New Musical Comedy, with MICKEY ROONEY. GLORIA DeHAVEN, BIJTCH JENKINS - In Technicolor - Wed. Only, July 14 "SLEE, MY OVE"(Adult) "ON THE AEU"(.0 There pas!sed away at PeterfbOr-' ough i vic Hosipta oün Frid'ay, July 2nd, GereWila enry Porpe,of Kendal. a the age off 76 years. MUr. Pope had been -iu poor he;elth for, 5ometime, and was tknto Peter- boroughb Hospital a few w.weekp prior te' his'damiso. The late Mr. Pope was born in Hastings, Essex ýCounty, England, and when a you1pg man ernigrated to Canada and worked in 'Toronto for a short while, before purch2,sin)g the farm at Kendal in 112. wbich he bas' farmed' for the p-ast thirty-fi ve years, retîring ffromn the pu,_rsuits oif a griculture lu 19415. The funieral seýrvie was ein i Kendal Uited 'Church on Monday, Jufly Mth. itf he Re!v. 11. A. Bunit officiitiing wh'o delhvered a very sym- phftic message. 'The hmus"Jesus, Lover of My ,vSeul"l and "Ml\1.yFaith Laciks up teI Thee" we-re sung. Mr.1 Jae&w,ý,ririick sang " Evc'ing so)ng."1 There were many euifn floral tributes from the famrily -and friends. Left te meurn -are his son George, and daughter Mvrs. Wm.- Geary (Ethel). ' Iuterment was imade in Orono Cemetery. The palibearers were, Messrs. L. D. Bell, Arthur Thomipson, Hlamilton Boyd, Blaie Alexander, Laverne Hoy and Thom-'s Hoy. The flower- beanrr- were Messns. J. D. Kenny and 1Charles C. Kenny. CHARLES A 'HONEY Resideut off Port Perry for the last 42 years, Charles Albert Ho'ney died on ?Monday July S5tb, at bis home after a briaf ill'ness. Ho was in his 89th year. Last Juliy Mn. lleney and bis wife ceiebrated their diamond weddfing jubilee. Born at Ne'wcastle, Mr. Honey moved as à chil'd to Mitchell, -where in Inter eashe emgaged in 'farmin'g. Iu 1906 ho bought a farim, at Port Ferry. was a member and eider lu the nt ed Church and a memnfber off Fdeit Lodige, A.IF. & AM. H1, formeprly servedon a local sch'ool 'board. H leavýes bis -widow, the former Mary Janet Lawsfon;five sons, three off whom are patcu dentists, Dr. S. -Lee loiiey, Welland; Dr. EF. Morley, Hloney, . eo a. r pb Houey, Peterborough; Lawo Houey, Port Ferry, and Harold Ifoney, ou the homestead, aud a îauglter, Mrs. Mary llr,'rdýy, Port Perry. 'Ic The Deautiful i CAPITOLI PORliZT I HOPud vE Wed. to Sat., July 7-10 "GREEN '.GRASS 0F W'gYOMING" A lucky number door prize off a G. E. Featherweight Automatie Inon valued at $14.95 was rwon Jiy Mrs. Geo. Carson (ueo Stella Best). FURNITURIE SALE The undersign'ed bas received in- sztructions ffrom theoxcecutor off the eso of the late Mr s. Atit hur Dewd- nemy, te seil at hen late rsdec.59 Division ýSt., Bowmanville. ai]l of her househoid off ects, inciuding antique dîning suite, spindie china cabinet. piano, settees, walnut couch,. twe oak bedroom suites, machogany chairs, rockers, ýmuny oddl waluut tables aud chairs, kitehen_ table cab- inet, ice box, screeus, medic'ine cab- inets, cook steve, two marIb1e clocks, hall rack, ai'usic cabâinet, vases and jard'iieresý, -cuntains and draperies, teilet sets', rugs', what-uot. M4aay valuable antique pieces and a large quanftity af choice dishies and glass- waro. 'Lawn mower rz nd many \valui- aible articles 'tee numn-erous te men-. f ion. iSale at 1 p.m. shýarp, Satn- day, July 10,,1948ý. Wni. J. Challis, Auctioneer; T. S. Mouty«joy, cek FOR SALE Thirty-two acres off tadig ay (tinothy sud cdoyen lixad), will ho suid -on Friday everÀing, July 9th, at 7.00 p.m., the proTperty off Ephriamy \Vhite, Lot 24, Con. 6G, Cak en sip, 2 miles no'ýrtb off Orone on , H-ighway No. 8>5. Haycud estor- ed lei barn. Jack Rleid, Auctionieer. RARTLEY H. BARLOW FUNERAL DIRECTOR & HO10ME FURNISHIINGS Orono, Ontario MODIERN EQUIPMENT AIt Youir Service in Time of Need FOUTEE~YER5'EXPERIENCE P-hone 18 r 7 (Day or Night) ATTEýN T 10N I-,diEcs of the coîyimiunity arje Cor- diiy invited to a "Salad Plat1E1 chjjjge"I of the Womiei's -nsitta the hiome of Mr;s. V. Ro )s n o Fý,.-iday, July l,6th , RKindly bring a ýIa'laj'd plate?, -minus desnandi there will le clmosArtinsof "Tfie MWaking of Salad, Dressï"in'g". RolIsn adTea, 1,0 cenitsý. Cairs wýiIl be at the town hall at 2.30 ~m BIRTHS To Merle and Ross' GiJbart, Or-ono, on Wednesday, June Uth, 1948, at the Burmusdde Wifig, tàce Toro)nto Cen- eral HosFital, the gift orff daug-h- ter; a sister fur Barbara Diane. DEATHS POPE - At Petenïboroug-h Civic osit ,on Fýridîay, July 2nid, 1948, George William kHenry Pope, age 76 years'. Resting at Bur- low's Funieral Service, M1ain St., Orono, unItil .Monday, at 10 a.mi., July 5th, then to Kendal Unîted Churceh for service at 2.1f0 p.n. In- terment Oron)o Ce.ietery. CARD 0F THANýK S The Toronto Bey Scouts awd Staff wisih to parlticudarly thanik J. J. Mel- lor, W. E. Armstronig, C. Treland. Dr. iMdeKenzie for the ice cream-. treat ?'ccorded the camp oû SndyJulyý 4th. Local News YerigBlack Ags UCAy one knowing (of itswera utn- tify apr Crsa'n Endal Phonie 58 r 2,. ru. ~ 4c Mn. and fMrs. C. B. Tym-,rl sund ffaiiy spent July lst lu Hamulton. Miss Joanne Ferrester- is takinig a six weeks' course at the Uniiversýity off Toronto, ceminmeucing on 'Mond'ay. Miss Margaret Fl.intoiffsei the holiday week-end at homre,reunn te Toronto te take a course at the University off Toronto. The Orono Girl Guides, (eir sud Juniors), will hold their picie lu Orono Cornrnunity Meaien-,ial Park on Fniday, Juiy t9th. Suppe w-,vi l e served at six, Tee ail Lawn Bowlens. Thie bo-wl- iug green in the Commuoity Mleai irial Park îsisnlareadiuness for- bowl- ig. Ask for matsadkitt1ifes at the heeoth.' The ladies ffonm Orenio andi district attemded the cauning cýlin-ic lhe-idinl He Orone Town Hall on Friday af- iterneeon, July 2Yi d, s p ouisIo ie ( by Colean &Phiip Electrie Co. Mn.r. T'.,-Eptonio-sr teh Burpee Home Tir C- iiSenioer sud Pressure Canner, assListlted)y Mrs. H. Bailey and Mrs. J. C. Gs'mey. Tbe processoff cauning sraannessd rbubarb pnoved te takýe lttle ýeffort on the' part off the deýmenstrator. Palin-ing, Vprîgand Re-paIýirng'. PIiorue Xen. ian 56 ri, Orono EGGS WANTED Pikeap oce- a week. T op prices paid. Phon0e Norman til Clemensz 2483Bowanvile.Rever-e cags c-25-p WANTED TO RENT flus r. othe' icmodtinin Orono, s-uiti-able for fa i f for two aduits and tqw c hiIdren, val aible Amug. 1 dif possifble. Writfe Mrs1.ý -Ray Canleton, 20" Gr lam t. Wroodstoek (phonie 2432W), or con- tact -~r.M. A. Carleton, Orono. tf. WANTE D Ln Orono or viciniit-y, bouse or rooms, to rcent. Mrs. D. Simps4on, Phone 51 r 12, Orono.c26c W-ANTED Berry pickers. Apply ýto Mrs. Vic- tor Riisn Phone 38 r -14, Ooo LO0ST Onie Trie,ccle. Anyene lcncw of, its whrebut indly ntiy Dane For SALE steel, rcnîinehaylad rc- tor, at $600, ori best ofer, sellingi plo.,w, 14-inch Cais e 'hmmer mill4 tandem 'dises, tot cuivtr scuffiefrs, new 2nd(!used rulbber tired' wagons, Perffec.tiojinikinlg ma- chines, pump jawcks, eetopis Phone Carl od Clarke 15-20, c24-p. RAY FOR SALE Tim-fothy and clover, in hefild Mr. M. Tamilyn, phonie 65 r 2, oronio. ra- 2- ]FO0 R SAL Brantford Bindýer Twine, 60ft, $12.0.0 per bundie. IonI', Eur:eka Power LawnMoe,$20.Rop rwaNre, Orono. ORONO'S INSURANCE MAN Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance WVaanesa Mutual 1Insuranct ie~~ ~~ re~ee ted tis district by D.ANE FOUND OýRONO phone 8 r 1 If it's linsuranace, give Dan. a trîa4, LEROY HAIMILTON -INSURANCE IN ALL T BRANCHES Fire, Aptomobite, Liability, !Lif e, ilospitalization, Plate Glass, Burglary, Casualty Representing the Leading CANADIAN, BRITISH und AMERICAN COMPAINIES Office, Main St.- ORONO' Phon-es: Office 32 r 10; Roi3. 1 r tg Phono mie and I will eaiu to suit yon. Estimattes freely given, no, obligation, 1INFO0RM, IATIO0'N Would you like to know moýre abou* the followmEing? (a) How te wil to your famfIly oe thousand doll1ars that you hamaen'tt saved ? (b) Hwto guarantee a salarr choque to your faily every iuOnth for 10-15 or 20 years sh6.uld yon b. taken out of the pciture ? (mc) How' to have a salay cheqle every month for >yourseIf mas long an you live, comamencing at age 55-6e or 65. (d) Ho-ýw 1to guarantee that youw son or daughter wi11 have the money for an eduicatîin eyond high bsehool? Lot us have a chait about it some-ù time. Phono FRED ILYCETT AUCTONEERS TED JACKSC J Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Miction Sales of 1ail JOiso and at reasonable rates Communicate with hi.m at Pool Ferry, Onltario0,or see hio- Ciork. A. E. Muoo, at Ofonco, for date. JA CK R EID OJrono's Liceýnsed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize îin Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit, me for ternis and dates Phone 5rl18 - 0nn A, F. McKENZIE, M.D.- PHYl'SICIýAN and SURGEON Office eHouri .0o4.00 p.m.; 6.0 o 8.00 pan.. Sundays and Wednesdays by PHQNýE 47r! RN Lawrence C. Mamo, B.A. Barvris.ter and 'Solicitor BOWMIANVILLE, ONT, Pihones:- office l6î8 Home 553 W. F. WARD Phones: Ofie825 Residence M0 BOWMAINVILLE, ONT. VETEINARY DR. W. W. SIIERWIN VE-TERINAR4lY SURGEON Office Main St. Orünv Phono 63 r 7, Orono INSURANCE J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automobil and -Liability ORONO Furniture ilospital* Reupholstering Repairing Refinishing Antiques Bought anid Sold See our lino of Drapery Material Kitchen Units made to order C-- F. Duncan Phno 79-16 - ORONO-z 4NT EXPE Radio Service!. The combination of epreccOm- plete, data on ail makes, and niOdernU test equipmniet will enEure PROMPT, REASONABLE A-ND EXPERT REPAIRS Cal R. L. MYLES Phono 79 r 4 -OtI4 Free Estima7I,'te-s wIbe 1 Given Cheerfully on Rock Wool Homre Insulation py Bloweý,-r Sysýtem, Four inches thick, GILPIN & Go. însulaion ConktractQrs, 57 Bloor St. West, Toronto District Representative for Durham Cozinty GEORGE WADDELL Phono 23 r 22 - BETHANY The RUTTER GRANITE, COMPANY PhoIxno 501 - P.0. Box 622 Port Hope, ïOntarlo IMonuments, Gravemnarkert 1EnLyravinz. Goldleafinr ORONO ONTARIO

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