Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jun 1948, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMESI STORE YOUR PURS, AT HEMAN PURS CANAi'.DA'S LARGEST FURRIE1R OUýLR'MODERN SCIENTIFIC PUR STORAGE VAULTS ARE: " MOTH PROOF " FIRE PROOF " DUST PROOF " TIIEFT PROOF Send us you Cloth Coats and Purs To.ý-day 12 P1ER CEINT 0F YOUR VALUATION New Service Cleaners Port 1Hope - - - Ontario W. J. RIDDELL, Agent, Orono WOODS' Electrie Grain Grinders 3 h.p. Direct Drive, Automatie Feed,, MagnLet Hlopper. No Burningý- of Plates. $235.00 pre war ýrice STEEL RIMS $50 each 13 quart capacýity, GAS STOVES 2-burn-er camup Stove for .... ..... $11,95 2-humnýer RIutPlate for ..,.... ... $14.95 CLIMAX BUG WILLER 5, 10 and 20' lb baigs SHEL FLY SPR-AYS gallon for Spray llousholdSpraiy, gai- Ion... ETLECTRIC 1-4h 1-?, hp .... $3,25 MOTORS $19,95 $23.35 CURRIE - PROCESS ASPRALT ROOFINO, 3-m.i..hng.es $850 per squiare Meiu,45 lbs.......... 7~a rolil Rock-ýd Sur-face, 90 lbs.........IO l O Coleman & Philp Electric Phone 89 r i1ORN efore ou Duili Sec ilAL SU R C1arlUe 1-21,3A - NE-WCASý TLE - Clarke 1213A We have complete supplies for house and farm butilding Brick, (Cement, Tite, Lumbeýcr, of ail kinds (B. C. Ontarico and Eastern Ciaada) Doors (700 tAeooe rom)n', NaisSsb Dorad Wîindowv Frames, Gyproc, Lîme (Irwal Finish- ing and spray), llardoodFong Maot, Tileboads Wards, rdApatadCedarSh- gIe~ Rofin, Muldngsand Trfim, Plywoods, Fence Posts (Cedar andl Steel) Fnii K ENDA L Mis. N. Little and Mi anuïd Mrs. Ay',ward. Little spent the we-n Mr. and Mrs. Normapn Therteli 0he, week-end at their snme, Mr.~ 'o~.' Pooe has been veîy siek and retuînled to PeterborouLgà Hospital againi last week. Mr. and Wi's. Joe Gordodn sçpent Sunday 'w'th Mr. antd-Mis. Walter Gordon, 0Ok Hil]. Mr. and Mis. Wrn. Rdýbinison anid Mr. Tc'n iHoy roJ1oreýd to Petesibo- ouhon Monday of lastwek We are glad i-o hear 'Mrs. D. Voir- attfo i- feeling better after a atack of the 'flu. Mrs. MPlo Rin(,ii on cidMrsý. A. G. Drigo visited Mr. -anid Mis. Jacek lover at Ajax onSnay M.and M.irs. Francis Gilm-iour, Beth, J'cg. anid Alicu. of Mlok visi-ed Mr. and Mrs. Marcus ope on Sund'sy. Mis. ,nobet nd Mr. and Mrs. C. Gay and family visited FMr..and Vrs.Wllu Tomns and Mr. and Mis W. Darcy at Port Perry on %-unday. Ms'Ctiss h ad a relapse last v;eek, buit ve are lpleatsed te- h ear sh1e is feeling -btter and . abNc to *be around a bit. M. J Meo&ets r. and Mrs. R.G achan familyv, anid ml. J. C. MRoberts, the 1latter of SotMon agavýisted mit-h Mr. anid 3M1s, N. Me1Rol-bertsTon , on nnay Mr. 'a'd Mis. Robt. 7Martînleli and, familvM". c1d(lMis.laridRo Mis. P~amer anddaughtîer ot'Dale, spent Sunday wth Mr. nd Mrs. J. Martineli.ali Mi. and Mis. ithur Bell, Mr.n Mi. Caes elMs ageite 'i7honpsonof Bo mvile, andm1 . ad Ms.Camal Bllk o a pbel- ciFa rCvipeSuday Jne, 3thwi Mi. L.d. Be01l a sd H ldaad-o&l the arnienay ervicy hes. - ,e wjthout hae eil ALL UR COLEC il.wRa1aiTYlP 0I :E Weai rep'ablýe r.t e ay tece bercaue wfed themets u tehenEe Bwncy ;llae279 a w rdCcnadout r * if ou e cntmpat Cto member:l e'efir o * ou may n mot ng bakem wiath you any mcercads FOREIGN EXCHANGE1 seric wllbe held in the evni W t7.0netSnaJue2tt enfheth ev. H. A. Bu 1ttoIlat- tend t he Sun1day Sehýool niesr -,vie tNwtnie in the miorn- An. Kendal had is;sCV? of 7011 g Wes lasit week. Thegil ' so'Talgm on _Mondaiy 1nigifht bel een Oiono andl Newtonville was a h1ilrius afl'a-iir. Oni Thursýday nigt Keinaland New.-j cmote put on a stelar basebaîl game with K(endliemierging as the victei ýs writh a scoe f 14 'to 4. 'Quantrili, Eliliott, Glass and Thom1pson' weieý the big gu- s at h'foi KýendaL ,vlhile ("uou idded a hPoins and Dar-, lngona lusty three lagger. For NewcasteWest [lsite nost con- sisitent hitter with two lusty singles. Thel Ker,! i op"'sl, onsisIingof Gilm-our, Da.liag-ton and Burley played ai gh' hll The Nueas - the teamr played .welI, hit it ju-sf wan' their ngh.Nexicasdtie h.ad recently beaten Konda! 1 to 0 in N-oweçastle. The next geïu- betweeni these twýo tea1ins sh11d)e a thriller as ýthey' are so evenly miatched. I'lm- just an ol'd, old car, Been sitting in the shed since '3ý2 But now V've a brand nie-w ow'er And last 1 htIshowý:ed him what 1 could do. The Kend'al ldspiled into ine, Ansi I caiîied'them up and down the Street To thieir eLhgt nd the onflookers to I feel quite suie 1 amn hard te heat. Sunlday SholAnniversary M,,ost iinapiriiwg services were held! on Sunday, June l3th, 'wben the Ken- dal Snudy oholheLld tanniiver-' sï ry. 3Mrs. Wmi. Jaks rndeîed the organ r inuic and Mi. Ne-il Stew- are x3 a'alite nan.The 5 nda;y Sechool chnildren formed the hir in, the wminîn nd gave two veye- the W. Pa avtrnse hto 11e1ch1- dlieu o n Jep.bl fte feig ofth m litue thh e avesan two emali11' 1 hes,-andW e plaU e o the boy fîely gev bi unh to C h r i s p t o n a e d 1 t h p e o L e .1 S e " 1 " lu te e euig iss Stll Beet and, c,t.TheRe. W. WV. Pat;terson gave a veîy thouihfiimessageý. The We cream supp1-er "on Wednesdaky, Jiine 1l, was a mnostenoae time an iaca ucs.Mi> Carveth s-howed soine very Iovely pictures of Jasper National Park and the siug song asusuug by the R.A F. a enteîed into withl gusto anid very much enjoyed. WESLEY VILLE Misýs B. Hiet of Toronto, S .en the we-n visitiug frîeuds in] the Mr~ Llyd uîly ad Dane, of Mi, nd Mis W.. Meadoxi, olé Pc-t Hopespent a few day, With1 sher dughtes.r C. Payne. Mc nd Mis. lB. Bntdadf iiyspe t Suay with i. and Mis.1 Binsteýd ofPeebouh Snell. Mi-. and is. Roheit 10i and Lauie,ofP eî Hoe, pen Suda with Mi On i. EdgalrBao- enehDininer on thle birh ofa Mi annis-Ad l Tonye da iFhMis. Hary M eeking of Chu1rc'hllowedith nattend-i ance off 42. Dr. Okýe preacbed(ja vr interesting sýermion ou "17( eRes pond ute the VÀciceof Crs" Sunday Schol 'asheld et 10.30' FOù"R SUMMER HEALTH CERTII1FIED HEALTIT SALT Fo coinrersWgdrink, add a teaspocnful to a glass o'f wate-r. E is a splendid remedy for headaehes due to indigestion and hearthurni. It helps to keep the bîflod cool ltin .... .. ......................... ý59c Eno Fruit Siti..............59c, 98e Sal Hlepatica...............35c, 59c, 98e Khovah Health Salt..........29ec, 9 8- Alka-Seltzer Tablets......... 1...... 29c, 57e PRO4"TEC.T YUREYvE S Against the, Harmiful Rays of Summner Sun We stock a comaplete range of Sun Glasses, priced from.......... .... ,25c, 39c, 59e and up Polaroid Day Glasses, "Browrest". Can be worn alone or over ordinary spectacles, pair.... $1.95 Polaroid "Fits-on" Classes, featherweight, clip on ordinary spectacles, pair ........$2.50 B A TiNGr"'C APS Smartly styled by leading designers, popular in price.............. 39c, 50c, 69e and up KODAK A S YO0UGO Keep a permanent record of your pleasant holldays this summer on KODAK film. We carry a complete stock of filmi for every camera in Verichrome, Super XX and Co'lor Film and film for Cine-Kodlak 16 nm. filmn. A photLograph to-day -may be a -treas- ure to-morrow. Take that photo to-day! Cha-rlles B. Tyrreli î.IIUI s - AGENT FOR JAICKJMÂ-NFLOWIER7S Poe68 . ee Orono, Onit. Boys'ongwedPants, Cuif akndBeIt Los sizes 265 to 34, pair .............32 Chidre'sSuni Suits, Navy Bl-ue Linene, nieatly- trimmiîed, sizes I to 6 years, each.. ........ 59 Boys' jersey Sw"teaters, sizes Ï to 6Î yearijs, assort- Il'1,1 - ed eolors, each-ý.................. Boys' Cvr Cloth Play Sunits, sizes 2 and 4 eachI. ý...................... $1.35 Alarm Clocks, W1ýestc-lox Bell Boy (no tax). . $2.951 Evere.ady -Pen'lightlls, comiplete with 'batteies $1.06 LieboyShvigCream, large tube....... 29c, Bathîng Caps..........49c. and 651c VeIlur Pouwder Puifs, large 3 1-2 i' nch size .... 1,5e Stor cloed ednedaynoon until Frdlay morning, Jy 92nd GRPOCERY '-FEATURES Fels NapthaSo, ) 2 bars for.........9 Aylmr Aple Jicelarge Pream flWh eat (5 miin,- 55e rite), box....... .. ý.. 29C SPEIA -Habtiant Pea Soup gint in .......295e Cambel'sVegýetable Soup) 2fins ifor... ..2e ~Rice (b )lb.....20e !Sinko cleans clogged drains, tin.,. 25ef McLaren's Punch, flavors Grape, Chery LieLem-on andorange (OWBRANO NwMild Cesl...........49 tj Goýilden iWax Beants, 2 tins.....29C Aylm er Dic ed[]Beetûs , 2t in s...... <2l11) lbpail 73e ORONO 5c. TO $100 ÏSTORE YOUR POPUTLAR SHYOPPING CENTIRE Motor'Equipment Private Ambulane Northcutt antd Sm-ith Funeral i rectors anti Furniture Deniers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equippeti te take care o'f th%2 modIeat funeral at the moat rcunbecharg-e au w.1lai the eaga nd meot oxactling Teepon:Office 61M - RAigdene: z528 &And729 Fcepehen* CoIIect Iwau1l.Ont. uo i F 't

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