The Green. Thumbiii By Gordlon L Srnith Pest Cont roi There is one thig tha au _earcienier can be preýtty sure about coing, an-id that îs p)ests.-- fortun- elhowever, meCasue fteln thi1 them arecis increaig CAfter the plnsstart to gro,, toot, thec good gadnevi11 keep, aýn eye epen forin scct, or clther pest damage He wil guiarti againlst this by spaýC ïilg orï thjining for reomii, and by spr ay S, dusts or other protection alied just as soon as thec first attack!s ar otcti i- fortun1atelýy for almios, ever]y var-iey ef fruit, vegetable or flowr in Con- ada r any«, other CountIlry theure sem ebe a specia Pet Bu it Ms amazig how WaiY thee con bc ronitrolledý if nasrsarecae S Signs cf Damiage Ifinscts o)r disease reaLly got ýwel dcvelo-peJ ia a, gar-den there is Eable to ble heavy damaigeý b)eloe ýcontrol caln lake effeet. To guard against this experienceti gardeners are alvways on1 the, watch fo)r sîgns of pstsant at the fir-st indoicatioln tyopnan offenivei\. Thes.-e e-x-î 7perts areC suspicions we they sec a .ilet)r curîcti or caten leae 'if the inseets respenlsîble fo r same are 'too S11all1 to be noticedl by the na ketiý e. enrlysignis are easytora andi cures are readuly availabie. 11oIes ini the leaves, ilean that buigs that cie-w are presenlt. These are dcestoyed with poisons. fi the laves wilt and dry p, sucking in- SWct are ctrctig the plant buins Dusts and Spra.ys, Onthe miarkeýt today arec a il sorts of good wcet killes aWndecs tïjroer Of s nti d1iseass The ewDDT tiusts and sprayýs wýill hantie many of these pest anti the newcý 2--D iyill also halej aq wide irange of wcets. BginneCrs are adi- vised i o lok inito somle of these nlew tlevlopmnts.By followin.g direc- tins they wiil save tesve ý0iot f extra work and diappoint- ntTherec are miany ) riccd dters and spraycrs avia'î fDr applyîng these chemicas One v oint that the expefinct gariner will always empfhafize is to get, ~> ontol easuires unierway justý as eSoon as thle first buýgs, disease, or weeds appe)ar. It is mlic Casier to Check these pests beoethey zef really establisheti. Want A Gooti Lawn? To set o)ff a. new ouete the Lest aIl-tivatage a good iaw'n is essenitial. It is'ta ifficoît job) for ayone tW construct a new lawn, if the in1structions in the l-aflet "Thle Construlctionl of N Lans" aýre followeti. A copy- cýao be otan ecfrom ic Divso of Forage C.rops, Central Exeimn a Frm Hwc'an a ian e kept in the Let ondition1? The answ is given in3 casily -niderstood, detail Piiiîa pamphet "The Care Of Lawnis' which is available freeC frein the Division of Forage CrpCentral Experiwmeal Far ttwa Blind Stenographers -Make Few ïMistakes Thereare ilaniy blini tpst h se el httey rarely m--ake mis o- tiaes.Bu~, obvious reasotns, the(ir1 ofic ueislmiteti. Nc1arly 50 years aga hltiitn, Eng19lihm-Jan nati I{cnry StKAisY invetd a mahie Miat coli taire dÏown'I shorthand' in IJilan re t1, i t over te a mauaturer namet TWaye for prodct'olich maicine lias been teailyimpoveiant i tere are Blossom Queen.-Phyllis Mary Webb, centre, 2-erodTSonto girl, was chesen Blossom Festival Queen for the second annual observanc e of theicevenct at Thornbùry. Ue-rnearest cer-' petitors were aise Toronto girls. Phyllis Wii liams, h, came second, and Evelyn Feli third. CHRONICLES 0F SINGER FRV By Gwendoiine P Clarke In spite cf -Tain anti lack cf sun- shine the spring crep bas finally got itself, growing. Patchy, cf couirse-bare- spots bere anti there wili nced irc-seeding, but stili a lot better thani we expecteti. Un- fortunately there are quite a few farniers arond bere who baver't finisheti seeding yet, anti some, tbreugh lack cf help, who uever eýven starteti. If that state cf affairs is general in Ontario theni the «probs" for a pleuItiful crop) are neot On this Ian, nowever, one trop lccks; as if à i iuigh± preduce a gooti1 harea d-ani tat is or crop cf ail beys. 1thnh It S ay " bso y " b c u e y o u k n o IIIth re ' that it is Igh4Ily inpi opei layte pe o f "buiLs".' Why, 1't1 neyer uiersýtand, But then I goe" ss 1 arn ijost a weman.) I shoulti aise bavie saiti twere six calves- thiere are five now. Que cf theni wýasa"bo bab " anti hait e puit ette its mistry. Diti yeu kuow itwa possible for a caîitot be a bInhe ibaby? LD t was a new experience foi u1s. Suich a i'cvely big ýcaî,f - ' but it was secu quite £vident ýthere wvas socmethbi1g ratiically ivreng witb it. The othur five calves are doing fine, &,o therc shouldi bc soiucgooti veal chops; anti steaks on'the market in about IÏSix Io igit weeckS fi-cm n0w. # ** There ind -y be soie haif-grown Chickeuls arutibere by thlat time tocD-we b, A ti aix an i ere yes5ter- day looliug for ourders. AccoTdiing te w 1gtliesaid -a lot et farm pople like caslvs fttthat ciikeus CoSt cemuIroiaise tbi, yar- the price niL eggs a ndcicnsb g toc) ch1eap iii proýportion te the price ofe ferd. CROSS WORD PUZZLE 2CROSS 3' Mexican coin 1SP i got 4.Peaceful 4- ïris!3 clan Ï. Spire ornament 8. Metal drosa 6. Seeds 12. 1 luimorîst 7. Teliunlum 13 . Fencing compound weapon- 14. Increae 1 15. Vold lawsuit 17. Deta il 18. Shop 19. Indolence 21- Keel-bllid 5 1 cuckeo 23. Let go 26. Somamer - - 30. Femate ruf 21. Musical instrument 32. Sitkworm 27 233 Pather 34.Letendary- - - bird 3 . -B dac34 40. Shy 42. 7Harangue 7 - 46. principalý 8.Telegraph 50. Fois 51. Auto as1w. 5n. DeCay 5". Wvýrites 54. Move) 55. Ly ric j - - n. Etrance The aniswertahi Probably yen folk who have te hny cggs anti chickeus xvIiijnst about bit the roef at mny saying the price is tee low. But tion't forget, farmers tieî't get what yen pay, net- anything like. it. And there isn't moich we can do about il. A farmer witb even a hundreti heus gets toc many eggs te dispose of direct teý comn ini ,uîless he bas a mai-ket staîl, anti wue canit al have that. As, for chicken-there wcre -setuiany latst faltht frmr whc it in('t lhave privatecstmr hati difficltyIn sI elîing thei i ail. Tlie botc'hers \%ere ove(r socet with tblem i- Gtiiere w re cickIens every1wIIheethe rn1arket wýas bo lute(ly glutteti with theII if yuwaltto kowthe refason think back te a rive yen tek th;rcughtbhe clir te Lasîf CwV years. Reme r yen passet i aim after fatinwer, net tee faýr ifom the other bidns there ta brcootir oos, rhaps twn or iîhrce. ater tere weCre ozens ,ï, raîîgC sheljtersscatrt bopotPast- ure anistubUefeli. nichick- euis - iciekens everywhere yen inekei. 1They % represe uteti a lot of worlr but as long as they coulti be rasti aa fir profit that xvas al iigh t-net counting the labour, cf course. On a tarin that isn't con- siiereti at aifl. But wben the mur- gîin cf profitli sesma- s,-11t12 e be almiost ne,,gligiblie is it reasoîîable b î ehe b faneir te kee'p igbit on raising, chickcns? Se; thatis-why W(. are b)Uying oi- chiclkens bfaîf growni-buyi,-iing jnit îhicnunbtr of puletis -we cao bouisi ai ne cc£(ck- eCIc Iat aIl. Righit now I arn sitting, wthpa andi pencil, in the "ab c bc"pick- uýp. Thie sui-,isacall ing ant ere are baniks f lowyu whitïe 5. Ries ragmnt 10. Exiat 35. Soi-round 11. Stone 3 6. Manilg]e ,G6 Crossbeam 39. Obeys 20. Numeaia 41. Dutch coin 22. Dreanîe,-5 43. Air (comb. 24. Roman foirn) siaperor 44. Walked 25. Action 46. Fanions Italian 26. Caliber famuiy 27. Darie 46. Chart 28. Site 47. Monkey 29. Si 49. Swiss canton cloutis aIl over the sky. In bctwea the cloutis there arc stretches. cf turquoise bloc. A sky te delighit the eye of an artist. The mo1untain 'is Ioeythis mnorniing, partly i0i shatie, partly sun-flecketi ever vatrionis shaties of 'grcen. Birds arc flitting back andi forth anti there is an occa- sional butterfly. The sunl is bright anti warm but the winti stili c-cid anti the grounti very dampl. Our tulips are in full bloont' but we, can bartily sec them fotianilin.Be- fore 1 eau do anything in t he gar- tien it wili be a foes)f weetis. Now 1Iinmu't t'go ini dget this typed -ýmaybe apotaletypewritcr wouldn't be snicb a ati itiea-cept that thecýost lmonev.' Hecre isaotr little bit for the this mninig she iti" pu the gooti wor, Mothery. I aise hearti that broticast about flhc cows going out to 1pastuire ani I taîketi back te the rad oe. Eenif I itaven't livei on a fýarm ifor lten years I stili know wu tt wa the1,v,,ffir dees te thiligs!" The chutch bLl rang the Bi)p at Suierlanti, Englanti -aidwas he surpriseti! The Bishep is the Riglit Rev. Daviti Colin Dunlop. He saiti hc inust have forgotten the art of bell ringing, hecause when he grabbcd the i ope te bhelp local rYingers, 'he feunti himself swivtging te anti fro in the belfry, Cïtrus groves aiong the Palestine cuast protioce frut six muths eut of the ear THIS WAY Rub in Minarti 'Liniment generously. andi feel the relief steal over the aching muscles anti joint%. For ail muscle and joint pains, aches anti stiffness, spi-aineti nkettti lmb- Minard's has been amous for ove r 60 years. Good for dandruif anti akin disorders, toe. Get a bottle totiay; lreep it handy. W M UL . ...... ofLIE~4 Are, you g-Oing cthough thle fun'tionai m ddle a g e pr d oeuhr women S3to52 yna )'?De t ae o ufer om b0ot flashes. feel soaî,voshg strug ry LydliaE. Pnîkm's egetale CmoudtoùrLieve auch iyptm.Pirkhamn'a Compound ais lisVIaIocor a astonkachia tonlc effect! .TA-BLETLKS,. Rhuiarb - Serve. It a Neu W'ay Frozen Rhubarb-Cook and m'ash 1through a strainer nough rliubarb to make a uart when finished. Use rhubarb with a pink skin if possible, Ieaving the skin on. Atiti a cup of hot watcr and sweeten te taste. Cool anti freeze as for sherbet. Serve in sherbet glabses witb wbip- peti cream topping. Jellied Rhubarb - Put into a saucepan three pountis of washeti anti cut-up rhn.barb te wbich baîf a pounti of sugar, a scant cup of water, anti the slicect peel of haîf a lemon have been atideti. Boil aIl together, atiding a few sticks of cinnamen. Wbeni the rbubarb is tender remove from, the fire anti strain. Have ready four tahiespoons cf gelatin soaketi in a iittle celti water. Pour the bot rbubarb sauce over this. Place in a moIti anti set in the refrigerater te bartien, Serve with plain or whippeti crcam. ]Rhubarb Fritters-Make fritter dûugh by mixing together two well- licaten eggs, twe cups of flour, two teaspeens baking powticr, baîf a teaspeen of 'taIt ant' enongh swcet milk te make a batter that drops we1cLI.Stir ijute this'a cuip cf stewetil rhub1ýarb, atiding a litle more fleur if the flater sestin aedeep fat b'ot aidfry thle fritterb hïs drainig off anly surplus grease by droppIinlg thcm oi n absorbenit paper when frietia fiee b.)rownf. ]Rhubarb Brown BettY-Cover the bottom of a baking disb with a layer of rb-ibarb cnt inte short lengtbs. Spiinkle well witb sugar, Atit a layer ofhi-cati crnmbs, seasen 'with butter anti a little cinnamon. Repeat until tbe tiisb is almost ful. Pour over a half-cup ofwater. Cover the tiîsh ant ibake for haif an heur, then unicover te brown. Serve wîtb favorite' pt(iiing sauce or w.ith rich- milk. Rbnbarb Pie-Line aI pie pan witb ricb crnst. Sprinklc thînly writb dry b)reaticnms To one anti three-quartcrs7 cuphfls of tender un- ceeketi rhubarb, cnït into short lengths, atd ii eueantione-half cup- fuIs of sugar, eue w%'ell-beaten egg, anti baif a cup of seedless raisins, Mix well ant il! inte the pie crust. Cover the top with a crust Or wt lattice strips. Bake in- a qnlickovn Ye co atitatabes een f m1aple s- rnp ani improve thýe aveýr, ]Rbubarb Saucc-WXash anti pi- parýe pinik stems cf ii -rhbarb y cnt- ting tbeiýn to short ýingthis. Place in thel( top cf the double houler anti cekou,ýmtil soft -Sweýeten te taste anti serve o r celtias desireti. Rhubarb Sauce With Raisins- This is aitielicionsr variation anti a f ie way te erv- rubarb that may have b)een left over. Stir into the sauce as maniy stew%ýed sectiless rin as &sired. Chiltireri an4 .OeZ1aHly fond f rhubarb s«uase. âerved ln t'hls manner, Rhubarb Foam-To a pint Q>f çold, cooketi, sweefened rbubarb ad4' thie whites cf two or three eggs, de- pending on whethcr or flot the rhubarb is very juicy. Beat briskiy until stiff. If not sweet enough te suit the baste, add more sugar bc- fore the beating process is entîrely completeti. This is especialiy pretty ff pink-skinned rhubarb is used. Rhubarb Shortcakc-Split baking powier biscuits, as for Strawberry Shortcake, butter untierbaîf portion, insert generons layer of Rbubarbl Sauce, cever with top haîf ad1dition.. al sauce, ai-d whippedtina. MAY-B-UR Intcrestcd O, LE, what XTC 1 always feel wbeun UIC I used to rave on LNI's eycs, 4 LC I gave ccmuîtles1 sgb, 4 KT, 2, anti LNR, I was a keen competitor, But cach now's a non-NTT. 4 U XL them alI UC. Answer To Thir Weeks Puzzle N.1 IANA ' NlenA ie Lo CoyhhmîJLipton Lm, Naurs t ""I don'î care if you can't cook, darfing - so long avs you can open packages cf Post's Grape-Nufs Flakes!" "Oh Geore - your woderful I l'ijst open a Package of malty- rieh, heey-golîden Piost's Grape- Nuts Flakes, anti quck-lik break- laat, will be reýAtyv' eut-of-thiis-world Post's Grape- Nuts Flakes flavorI" "And geod nourialiment, tee, dlont ferge." "lep, Hlon - they're (,j am-packeti with carbohydrates, mineris antir other toodese tiastat sure wMl make yonr busbanti a husk. guiyl" "Andt0" ot couse I was onîY Iti- ing about ne-t being able to cook. 1 Cali make sciuptions ceokies, cakes anti other goodtimhins troma those testeti recipes on tbe Post'-s Grape-Nuts Flakes packages." "How aoutp-ic lking up somie crisp, crunchy Post's Grape-Nutsý Flakes oneu1 aydown rite get the