Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jun 1948, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THU(RSDAY, JUINE 10, 1948, Song WithouLt Words A sotnu' ep~c eetytel sle ow the B.Bj.silenced tsradio brcadcasts for n hilrief pierioid in order t lat n, nightiinîgaile's s1sixg glt 4he plJCked u in an Englisi woodlàrudand' pasîsedu on to thie itenîg ý1ý puibi._ ý Sueý.' ix lus tubemag& e offradio. When dalicate nîctes froux dis- tan pacrscan 1be made la jc:y îto lons, hcw can we dolbt the ultiàtegoodassof iman.* We ire etolaîtixat theUa ixgish duo cherisuh a lovefo the finai thinuge off llfe rwv!en giveri a chance, PoÉssiby the 'esutvîy of a peopli ohoced to good iradio pcograîms wou]d react evan ani cr,.e keenylyto the seaxg of tihe sightingale. Sometime or outer vie xii ah a apt toiueguster disapproCvaia1 t th2e andiesis 6oin- meîcrci-n11sn governing radio hroadceuist.s on this sidae of the water. 'We ixi! anen mre cf musSek for i ts lovibake, iart for the cake of 4rt, ind e nweasoff vision f iat cuild be madre' oumethroîugh ithe abene off peuisîtent and lurid ;adlvext'ising. In short, we xviii! haIls- ~teui--g1 for 1the ixlgtillgale'es song, That sonîgrnay inot te ours in a litra sase.Etcol,.Fdl coma ithough, through lattiiuniing laur eacs and main, s te the haest tliat ivdioliaed has foc ulsi. AP)il tha tawdry godbý and ffojete goag nto oece dlly existence wil b ake second place. It is eunioupigh to sea anId to use theni rithout heaoing endlessily aborut them. We xi get f et',\washed hui, housedu-andu wanmed in viii hi~lo3 ut fixe mtiu-htîinga,1e 'ut not sing aniid a babelof vedces ungimng tiese mynad evcu pnus. Hie note beans the geniudire ,train umakinug all üthars seeni fociîgn. . a . . A Good Friend Passes On Tqle deaý'h off "Andl7 Jh;CLake" eme as a grcatshock toý a nuutitiede ,M rad"qio l-,isiaers who baud coma to r1iegarýd "Anîcly" as an intregal prart of ruranllife. 'Thera Wîas iso0methinug vey nîtulal and homay alCeut tee wayfo!k in almost fîny igatherimg wloulud ask "Do you reCmmeia watAady C"irke said laust Sunady about sncbl anîd such n ltqpc ?" Apparmenîtlîy the Ontario and 'Quebec weekiies ceceivaud Iprýesenutuinug the news frca "thoýse imirtant plade",Mr. Glarke daeoeiia off hiand, friendl<y stÈia that ,won tihe býeatsa off al',ibo liina W rmeimîiber the thrâl if îprida when anu aitocial of our--s vas repeated almüet in its entiraty a coupla off years hack. Theehiîng effectad hy the huîibla hacanoniien[vins our topic, Mtin in itJii, nanner on "Negiborly Newns" serýed uùs music Jhoux amýz ýis ans ucnatada sog inithe heart as well. Everythinugfroan te fih nI ime 1 ané,ed4otes to thé over ninety jbiîtiday club had nxmaîdtheSun!day n (jioîrinug appoitument with Aundy Clarke es Lika th cretrsoff habit tibat wa iare, wa seaux prone to taesr)micfori- ante arnxliar ceeue8s, famîlier kinîidnesses, evrynyhapeins and -veryidllay faces. 'Thesa tînjcorna an accept- edifat. Ea ttoue aexd the tîilt off a vocice iis takec fr gaeted if re-paritI4ý,,ionh f :a lonýg stending. And thm uupon scume stenxand dacks~oene ay comas ta 1ouda avakeininig that deatb huai sEinced tl1ce ,voý1 lca I 7h i eined tu ive, ar hasremoved fr3îuour mid(it th e -,ena via hadcena o chaîsh Scur,,ýne hef this nature ius noving, in ta mnd. of rnny eru- ' tc ~ypd pla viho faut lthat tiay knaew Any V ecr-nhowc'd hava w'sihad tei hava kncîvin hirn aven Beniefits derived iFrom Elecetions eylitiinutret nsIexVeiet is shcwn hera on elec'ion day on Moil u1_; nit. Pel )el -Icama Ut eeerietheir ýfranchise by voting oc iher fvorte andiate 'lhee wa ne ale,,aivy pol, jirdiat1g tntncnyvear id not stnto c, ea vilxo'vis elected. Duuhan enty Syd n he onaratveclinn gnmn tiselo oas, te uIit~xal anudide by amajorTy ,ýo f aruud25, adiie h trapi off ha 195 eletionur ith Majo vr nPcut ouln p n fie en~r vhat ai baze ta rad îftlvotingYenrs ~reioas, thanîaoriy of ny arty aectd vns ixa!,runing into a~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~i1f undeiotenlianvthe Pîbe'ntote Fou ig-Urlae-marîk. 11tviul seun tat*ih eity c ta CuCF.has ca edthie trand of rid1ng1 mking gains ilu ýee ind-,urial centrale bt ara fat behindi 1in th rralseuios.Ini tha malt narned isecti-ons thae C.F.sdirauv a eyligfilt votarot elanugitohaive themsahîvas elected in Durhaan 'fix receilsgire aProgressive Conservativas 53 set o ium te gvurmuî.The'CCP airiiup tobeýcîrnie the officiai u p- poltcnwithb22 sente,wia:h Libera1s xith 12 se-ite cetucn tc the 49iîixid rîneihiî tbahe5 after Ithe 19431 latos Boti.h 1leaders 1f sihfe opnxiinprties scuraii ,elecitiin lutheiï- oviýn iuings. The popmadi. vote, 71,9 for the Proîg-ressive Conservativem and 497,31,33foc the Liberals, a týotaIl cf 1,203,406 as arga1ina 459,032 for fthe CCP slxow Iht thie province l, 'Inn a ao off nenriy -3 to 1, nOt Wyet read!y toembindark enraexp)ernimental iai& Advantages are received by the people of the province frorn eiections. Parties arýe f orreed te, peldge themeelives zto injg out nevi 4Igiteliatlon IP'at -wil] halter file livi-ng _o-niditlikms vcf thie peaipie, erec- 'Ctno , offirdngz for edxcrinîcn. to beIp tfie fiirning ecoiimunity, th iraise niirr aownesgrns to ruIrai townshipa aîndvilages eür eretion off a ields, sctagrilre îisingpoonls anîd playing feilds, etýc.'Ibe are niiýy a few off the ithings that are hiioruglt ont a t election fib'ne. T e more elieciiu viahave the better emuoeeouealry xiilie to ilive lun. Our New Band Trchdiligenit pi-"ctice eveiy ,îeek da.cinbg the winter rxironitbs ti the present tinie, Orono Baud, fhibas addld naky eîwpfyae Vo i ltî nenffirsclpq, arr1 aItyungpîayersis rual ýý Ie0onatuîg zone fixait iviUl liea a granit credit te, the co.ýmndiny. With Ehe haîp ff -ime off tho'un playars the ingsesame graduallry ecinigeffiient to fil! ýýin tiie gpiucrused !y some off h xnbr S eahrgthe vycung,ýsuta-rs tha eart cf igineuet is î "id'e eck it tabac sgranýt patienteonu t1hapaýrt cf tia e ýader to 1nenr ed hn o ]ethîn j4ay tcge-hen.iiiMcl. Crirflne Tam-, hiuy4 sie e tac1inî fi ~uourgb*rsgrat c-audlit is due. Ha is 3,52-1 SC11OOL CHIILDREN IMUNIZED DLJRING 19-17-481 (Conitinlued from page one) meinits oaireied ont as the vesit of these reohndatin ave b(een' dis app inftinýg. Many schlo Cis ha-uve a walter siuppily w ah u the re tlt of survey aud iloratory exami inal- tion, hais hneeni cl'aisýsified us unflt for huinuan consUmlpt'in una previoulS-ý 1-y: boiled or chilor.ir!uted. In na t rnanýy sehlîs artufiiia lihtinîg is ;M'tlyndequate cor avcn entirely affisen't. Imaovuetcif.thlighin wCâl1 prevent 'the aiiîîtînofexý- hstînig vi su-l efe~sinciR 'I'nd tend ito can sure that tlyhavleleffi- cient eYa-sig'lit in 1 ter years. The SrhclBoard is tie executivaý bCdy focuthoL4,1riing the cryn out of ih works nacassaciy and the! servicesý of thile Unit are availabla to tha Board for any tfech-nie-al dvie wh,,Ich ma7 be required. 1Thxe reg ula,r imontily chest x-raly clinics were hlidinCoor, Port attendatie of 84. Mass -àysr CAPITOL,, POR T rHOPù'kE Fri & Sat., June 11-12 "TARZAN AND THE- MERIMAJDS"' With Johnny Weissmuller and Brenda Joyce AIie "CALENDAR GIR L" Mon-, Tues., June 14-15 "TH1E VOICE 0F THE TURýlLE"' With Ronald Reagn and ,Ealeanor Parker Wed, Thur., June 16-17 With DianuA drw and Mlerle Ober"n "A PLACE OF ONE'S OWN" WýV;ýIlhJames Masom and i Margaret Lockwýood 'tM FOR SALE C kieRenifiew Cook Stove, il gooud condiition; as 2-burner Elee-I tie ic Pate. Reýasonatlhly piiced.. fc quic sae. A)ppiy to Carl Bilings,; NOTICE Parents, Trus'tees and ail Rtatepay-i ers, atten'tion, The annnal meeting: cîf thxe Durhaîn i Cîunty Trustees' and Ratelayns ssocatin xilii ehid in IMi1]lhnook Ton' ha, -lýll, onuod1y Junle I4th, a'lt 8 pn It is you1,r neet- igso cone. veys wIe.e held i .Hiaistings, Rose- n1 hand Wrwrh ducing g Mhy uler the aus-pices oif the Northauni- bertanýdu TuberculqoIsis AsIsociahton.i As ssitncela 'adingt1e bocal ar- re agùmentsis Was giîven by iirn irmn' rouips in eae,,h imuniicipal-1 iY. In adtothe Dîision ocf In- 1ýustnia1 H1ygiene cîf the, Ontario De- p,înment of Heuallth brought a mnoIbiIe uîn,,it to mfake un -raysurvey 'of ltihe ýrplîoyýeîsoif two iiduistial planits in thiis .ý acea. Dwîrng this srvy188 emlyeswere given chest -as F ercases of comeuxunicaie di- seae ere rpr~dini the Healtix -Uit arain My iha n Aprand, pîntcuaîlytowalrds tîhe end of May, he in-cidenice off measies ad niuimps shwda miiuked decreasýe. lVisBurma Mo a vek, a 1vLu ed me iroff the iptiihe i ucsîing stff rfini-1hed lherc -o k with i the Un,îlt lon221d of May.Mis Morîlok hn;d bhen xvîi lt the Unit or wo years dutrin-g whiých tim)e shewus doing" the wnight, anid pars fMaliveur n iVbieî Margaet iloder, wh1o is talk- ino' the tîw yearcoursie in supervi-j nf Jîiyhe fs workiaxjg froan. the, Bowranrnilleoffice. Dr. J. E. WitaofWhtey nPu' 1' 'Ilf-,ha heUierdt to perd rwoweeks field work nI'< th 1{alt Ur. He \will be tak1ig up Ian apitxnt'iha wîs iidrsuse by r. Gordon l on Dirpecor of ±he ivcocf Venereal Dis e Ne Conýrnl. OntaIo Deactaen ('f HIIealtfh,(ai lby1Miss PadStiver, Rag. N., of the tstume Divisîin. STORE YOUR PURS AT HERMAN PURS CANADA'S LARGEST FURRIER OUR MODERN SCIENTN'IFIC FUR STORAGE VAULTS ARE:- * MOTH PROOF * FIRE PROOF * DIJST PROOF * THEFT PROOF Send us you Cîoth Contai and Furs To;-day 2 PER CENT 0F YOUR VALUATIONf New Service Cleaners Port Hape - - Ontario W. J. RIDDELL, Agent, Orono F',OR GOODS UMLESS. *. .y(au have fIrst consuted your nECeret customsa Office. The import of certain goods la now prýohibite-d in order to conserve aur U.S, funids. If thie article ycu wish f0 buy is on ihis prohibited liaf, if wili nat be ailowed ta enter Canada., even thougih you have paid for rf. Dont be disappointed. . Before orýderlnrg gooda from the& U.S. or other countries, consuvIt your nlearest Customs Offrice or wte - .IImwictre 0M.s, Claséf ld COMING EVENTS A fiance xvil be h&din Orono) To'wn 11ali on Td~,june ltth, 1un- der the ausp)iýces o 6f the Orono Foot-1 ll Clui!. Roy Forresfter and hie-" 7-p)ieýe dance band un attendance. Amsinto dance, 50e. porceeds fromn the diance to) be used to buy- football equipm-ent. -0c Reserve Ttiesd,,ay, Jue 9th for; the Ainnual Stramoberry Festival ui.- dler, tihe auispices of the Wosnen"s A)s.- sociation of Park .St. United7 Clnrcfi. 'C-22-C~. 1 The Eveniing Brand-h of the W. A. of St. Svîcu' hurcii are sb1w their(bale, sale of home cooking anyldl afenîntea on Tliursday, June 17,! FOR SALE IN OIRONO Tiwo frarne iouses,, ro(- be seîud1 focicsh 461(, oro)no, Otarie. wvel{I equipped. WVrite te Fox FOR SALE iModels, 57 incies wide, 37 inclhes higi. 'One llike naew $3ý97.H. Phona,- 251, Chais. Fi. Paatoc, 80 Sinxeoe St. N,rth,Osaa FOR SALUE Pianos, Mhg n nd Want eighit to cfio(se frosu. Alil recondi-j tionied anid gaata.$0 n up. Phoine 251. Chas.ý H. Peacockl, 801 Siîmllcoe St. Northi, Oshawa. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Thie Kendiai uda ico Anni- ,versary Services will1)b- heldon Suni- da-y, Juewt.Ti rahrxiii be thae Rer. W. W.Paaso of New- castia, -Aiiice creni supper wildlie)- helid on0 ade1ayJune l6th at 6 Imrn. Admli-ission ,275c. and 5e TEACHIERS WAýNTED Clace Tonshp ScooiAre,, minimum salary $1,500 îloac for a-xperiencle. Aîpply J. J. Mellor', SecrtaryTreaurec Oroo, ntario. GEORGE YORK Orono - 0ntario Ag-ent forHe Empire Wlppr aind the WtrProof-ý'- Wallpapiers (Orgial WhtaRose). Se my portfolio of lovely lpaprs Eenl- ine Yuwill heu satisifiad. ORONO Furnpituýre Hospital Reupholstering. Refinishing Antiques Botughlt and Sold See sur Une of Drapery Material Kitcheil Units made to re C- F. Duncan Phone 7.4-16 - ORONO ý'e >T EXPL4ý 40 Radio Service. The. combiuation et experience, com- plet.e data on sail makes, and mod=; test eqUipaient Will ssure PROMPT, REASONABLE AND EXPERT REPAIRS Câfli R. L. MYLES P1hone 79 r 4 - ORONO Fe Estimates -will be Given Cheerfully on ~Rock Wool Homne insulatione lB1Y Blower systei Four incheas thick GILPIN & . Innlaton ontactra,57 21oo« st. Wea0,t, Tomate4, I)strict Representative for lDurhnm Count>' GEORGE WADDELL Phone "3 r 22 - BETHANT The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Pbohee501 - P..Box; 422 Port Reps,. onari* MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PRYTSICIAN and SURGEON Offie Ho1urs:- 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 P.m.. Sundays and Wedniesdays b>' *appointmýent only PHONE 47r1 - ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BODWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones : Office 680, Homne 5'3 W. F. WARD BARISTER' SoLICITORi NOTARY Phones:- Off-ce 825 Residence 409 130OWMVANVILLE, ONT. VETERINARY DR. W. W. SHERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON Offic:e Main St. Orona hne63 r 7, Orono INSURANCE J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Autom-ýobileb' and Liability ONO ONTARIO ORRQNO'S IN SU R AN CE MlA N Manufcturea 11e Ins-uranm0cb C.g Domiionof anlada General Hartford Fire InLsurîance WaeloMutual Fire Inisurance Wawanesa Mutual Insuranco is represented r this district b>' DANE FOUND If it's Insurance, give Dane atrii. ERO --Y HAMILTON INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Fire, Automobile, Liability, Lif e, Hosp)italizati.on, Plate, Glass, Burglary, Casualty CAINADIAN, BRITISH and A-MERICAN COMPANIES Office, Main St. - ORONO Phones. Office 32 r 10; Re#,, 1 r 19 Phone me and 1 will cali to suit you. Estimates freely given, ne obufaie INFOÊ-RMATIO'N Would yen like te know me abeut th. followlng ? (a) WIfo w e lIte yeuT tmally me thouaand doilla that you havem't 1@4 %avedf (b) How te guaran.tes aeaa1Iâ cisque te youlr family @vrers mamth for 10-1b or Ni year. ahoelà you b. taken eut cf the pciture ? (c) lHow to have a sanar>' disque ever>' month for youraelf as long as yen lire, comumeneing at age 55ý-60 or65 (d) Hw teguarantee that youe son or daughter wilI have the mone>' for ani education beyonid highahol Let us ýhave a ichd about it som- timo.Phonpe FRED LYCETT ORONO 18 r 1 A U CTIO(N E ZS TEDACSI Auctioneer and Valuator CodceAuction Sales of ali Ze.D mnd t rascnable raUýt Comnu-niraate with hi, at pezc Perry, Otaie, r ees Ma G.nh. A. E.Morton. at Orono. for date. jACKR E1D Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Va!uator Specialize ln Farim and Furniture Sales Consuit ume for termz -I

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