Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jun 1948, p. 3

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-'By Fra.nk Mwann îHar-ris Ltlosvery mcia huh er -ccyweks hv psetok wijllbe, referrring to7)Mnr.11LeoDr- ch-ifai-a tefoi-m3erbal gi eatly, supise f bytetm prînt Baseal w-i aledyhae e Lîppy Leojutl a's w-cl ree Duroche %vll be missedl beyond the shdwof a doutl1,i but mse after thec miannler of thie old lady w-hose bi4 family of sons and daugli- leshdail grov>n ip sudl( left hr 'D~nt yu mss hem" iquied walt teniback?", The old lady hogtover thisprostnfr sspace "Yes, I nîisses; 'enli andl 1 wants cm shec slow-lyanWrd "Buit somcýehow oDr other I missýes emn a hlu lt more than I wants lion We're Dot goiîîg to deny that in bi day, Durocher was a good, crappy balIpayer, of the S type thtbatties tili the la,-st Out and ee afterWard. Thec w b.ole trouble seem's tô, be that he sufflers fromn an ouiaonldisea,.se espe,- cialy common to athiete-the sort of disease which, unesdrastic m1easuresc are takent p)--rptly, .be- comes steaâdily -worse witb the pas- sage ofý tie. Phy3c'hiat rists caîl it wdelusiocs of grandeur. In the bay-rum and canned heat set w-e refer ta itas "sw-llig of the noggin". Durcher has recently blaited is way into the ranks of authorship- move over, Mr. Shakespeare pleaseý -with an autobiogrophical tome en- titled "The Dodge-s and Me"; and it is th;s volume which, unless ail the signq and portents are strictly haywire, will before long be the cause of lis permanent divorctý fromi t gamie which gave imn a fuIl icasure of prominence and peif. And no wonder either, Leo pro- fesses to love Basebal with an un- dying devotion. Basebaîl might very welreply in theý words of the old song, "It's ail very well to, dis- semble yo-ur love, but why doI you kick me downstaurs ?" Uor inbsfirst, sudj w-e tutlst, y ieayopu Durclet' portray with the g1anrle-hiuself anId Branch' Rike intat ou-tien, exceptedI-as ein more or less clousely connleet- ed wihthe genus pediculuis, Or asi they'd phrase it at Tle Arts and c Lettr Chub just plai ouy, onp. he a!nd bihoss 1eerge from 01he moasof Durocher's prose pure and nsptte; ad weîîit comes tocke thle author- dab ouhe whte-shad gold lea:f w-ithsch a laibhand that it is es en more iceigthauuiI his eer fa thiat Ruhwanlted to be] ange of The odges -a job hichLo ,wh.ichl be had s;ecretî ambitions. WdrWds passed bew-en the too and bodily jlne 'I laped off My Seat, writes the a'uthor ery."We tagld. Vhat Leo some-nhow overlooks meutiý,onin is th ,a the (oment f1h tanig- ig, The Babe w-as Sjýittig on a chais, and that Lee courageously puIshed l no okr fCae oftengel, Lary M a l and! to the liýght by he budingj1 amui- -aîîd 0hc ligýht is alwai, imur-k sudý aýth, es.Ee ther's verthe touc o te ar atrcalined maaeïihr He isi hlip pcïket andgae issins w-ih l."isa sample c a - nM aur. in the ouhors cyes wlen >e de- picbs flcprfd fFrni Fici witb whomlie hadbenseiay DPaly ïifet as f 1 had been bit ou ue aw itha pitc ai, is how-lie escrbes is fecelingsz at findiîgont batFrischl wanlted t frm urchrwho n! a Ilewý w-ees ao tadedStaîkytol The Braes or o other reasoni thanj that~~ W,ý Edi t-a ol)pplr -t New Power Plgnt-Crews work hard on the new $20,OOO,OOOl Ontario Hydro pojwer pro,.-jeot inte northland on the Mississggi Rive ,. top of Knob Hill workers drill rock for founda- tion of concrete mixing plant. One slip hr and a man, would toppie to almost certain decath in canyon. New roads have been btilît for- truck s carryinig away the tons of rock blasted froni rugged walls between' which thenfiver stili foamsfrey In foreground is newly bit bridge. Main dam -site is at right in this picitire. What Goes On In The World By Norman Blair Russia Does Russia rcally and truly want peace? That isthte $64 question w-han ico- îc to world affairs; and a hughiy experienced observer of such things, espcciaily as tbcy appiy 80 th- Land of the Soviets, answ-ens it iu this mariner - "Rutsîa would rcally ,und truly like pesce - fou- a 'ile' TTgocs, on to point ont the reasons wby this is so. Here are <some of thcm. i,.'h great ma sses, of people do Bot t w-ar - thlis is; as true 'ijsîia as ofanyohruain iAfter theflong sud t ierce _strugglý^e of thec last \war, tueur 1nervecS arc stili G-, edg, .iiL qy -su a u-st. 2Russ5ia is uoer more resdy forwar thaite United States. Coai, steel and,!ou ptroduction are stili fan below the mark; and b cause of shortage o)ifitr S the',gricultural output is nothi ig like w-bat Moscow wants. 3. The people of the Soviets need aperiod of relaxi-,ation. There is plcnty of disatitfaeîiou and grumbi- ing - un-der îe surface, of course, regardiîî the shortage of consumer goods. VýVith1 a pcritd of peace as- s rctmcli mnanpow-er canld be res f rom the rmed services to 1helip industrýLy anc agriculture. Withiout au- wa,, since the 1' ha Cînfereîît Mscw-bas been eenigifs otrlovrthe entire arca cîtof ti:e TiseSetnlina, iecepin fGreeand, toj a certaý1ýin xet ilu.Entire poitrical auIld eoomcsystems h ave conieut foru Mjoscov to hv p niodofcaînlii -ib o oso, flic Kuelin eai waut pac for a w-'c. lBuft 'liehasnit mnione Puetha ' ghtte ore po-erfu thanailtIsee pt togetheýr. Ra finsbeweu Bitain and thle Uuite Stats1hav been strinied un a riv -dgrece bywhat laias goie ouin Pslestiiuîc. The Russiatît are -e awai- of thîs, sud arc atciîing t situation ciosely, h ig-no doubt - that the Aral'b-Israel wed: n ie drive tliese 8w-o grePt nations stili futher apant. Wîth iscod bew-eeu the West- ern Alu Rssa' chance for réal worfld doi'ation wouid be ever 80 much- bettUr. So perhaps Mr. Stalin w-s incere w-leu he said he'd ba giad to enter into discuissionjs with theý Uuite<'Sats -niyehe figure',h;ffat, at ti ucîrthe "waiting gaul" te bst opue for RUtissi1 ta play.ý At Scarborouw ilu Yo-rksirc, the British Labo,-r Prt el ts third anua cnscuIlnsillce ucom1ing intc ofc !ba ck luJuly, 1945. Men and stock, idut withpride, sud air Laoie, w-re ilu5attendaiiuce;and as a, New -Y- rk crepnetput if, "The men at Scarborough !w-ena no collection of street-cornier agita- tort or'Socjaflst soaphox orators". Tbey feit the sobcing responsibili- tics of office." The uîood that cbaricterized the meeting was,, in generai, anc of pride. Stateinents that ful i cploy- mieut lad relieved the workiug classes of fears of hunger thaýt hauîîtes hi since thie indusýtriai re- voluionn ea reievd witbch.eers sud applause. In t' icee yars Labor had aiîevd aioîaiaina h Ba11k of Eîîgi]laud-,, of civil atviaîtion, oftso rtcoal, eiýctricity, rail- -ayk sud ti rseascomînunIl lication. It hadpase eisa ifor frce mefdical sriet i ntnfor reform i Palaeuayrersn tation, togethiýer w-tl lberation o f Imdiat, Bunma, Pksa and Ceylon, Althougli thcre were several clashies anc group demauded that Bitaîin slould "declare its indepen- deuce from the Unîited States", w-bel it came to ,,' e close of the conven- flon, party unity seeuied strong. Gai erumnent leadership wies firnsiy lu the saddie. But in spite of this,; there are signls that Labor may be ge-tfiug ready to malte sanie conces- sions 80o the middle-class view-piut. Oeof tlese w-as in Hierbent Morri- souîl's s;tatemeut that oîsce the nation- alized programt al1readîde, ,IIr w-a -sncb as mon and steel are cor- plîe, otiug futher aloug t' linaim oîtmltd S c concssions point 80 the fa C at 1950 is not so fan off - sud thlat the lîcads of the Labor Party reaize thýatw-hen el-ction time rolîs arounîd, it w-i]i need pletîty of votes fromt onsdeis ouraîîks if 18 1- 80 ne- main lu pon e). The i.ddle East XVbe tE Britisb Goverineut sasi1ias 110 -furtîser intei-t lu Piesîiîîe exceýpt as a member of t;e Uited Natious, actually the Bnritisb are stili deeply invoivc-d, rot onlly lu the P-oly und, but iin t1a cutire M:ddleý East. T1 ena are, for example, Britain's treaties witlb Traus-Jordan, Iraq, sud Egypt, 80 say uotbing oaIlber close colînectiîons witb the balance of the Moslzem wonld, stretcbîng througb Southeru Arabia sud Iran 80 Pakistan. Involved lu somre of these connections are mouetary subl- sidies, provisions for au-mis, andý the loau af British officers to tansd cen' iand native forces. Exei-cising ain uvneard buit stili dominant no)Ie in the2 matter Ïs Middle Easteru oil Then there are' thse British Ipns bases, startiug at Gibraltar sud ending at Adetn, aiso t' înýessýity of keepîuig the Red, Ses, flic S-"z Canal sud the Mediterraun ipeu ta the Bntish Em.pire. Ail thus meaiss tat ;n thaee,s of Bitish Forcigui Office di"gitanies uothiug is of -mucli greatar imiport- sucýe than theh retention of ýArab fiendsipi. Wenfou-ced 80La'-choice ia 1U39, as wa apoahdBitaini sw-uung tG the rb iansd, whe2the- Cousciouisiy or flot, tha, seems to be wbatshie is doing no'w. Mr. Bevin for one, neyer cou- ccaied bis disiikc for partitioning Palestine, nor bis sympatby witb the Arab case. Nor lias the Foreign Secretary concealcd his resentmenîý toward Presidenýit Trurnian . and American Jewry, whom hec blimes for the failure 80 achievýe a comipro- mise iu Palesýtiuie. 0111'yvreccntiy the powý,erfui Manichester Guardian said, "One caiot quite avoid the suspicion tliat Mr, Bevin bas a cer- tain pîcasure in mnaking things as awkward as possible for the United Nations." State aIIsae -A'ithugb no bounanis w re et y Zionist leaersii thirpro-clamation of indepandance, thiey rccently de- clared tbat (fbeycutrolled al the toîvus aid vilaesluthe area assignad toth-0eli "by, t'iîe UN partition plaîî. Ma!1p Shows the Jew'ish and Arab, states with major tow'ns iii eatcb. Hip l'our Forgoîten "28" For Thé Kinci Of Reief Tbat Helps àMalts You Rrni' To Go Mdore then hale 0f Your digestýion r, dons below thee bot-jo dour 28 foot f 6bo"],. Se wheii inidigestion Stlikes, try som1efhJin& tesýt helPadigestion b ie thm, eAND below the boit. Whet Yyoo me>' led is Canter's Liltfie Live Pillé 80 gis-s needed Ielp t'O that tngte 28 lest" of boweld. leke crie Certer's Littiû Liver Pull betore and crie etter mecals. Tïies hemesF rgt dfOin.hy heip waks rip ceLangeriiow of ti 3 main dige3tive juices i your StomGiù! bNIOWelS -Iselp you digest whet you have stis Nature's owis way. ThoYInmoptf0foikeget fies tinS of relief that maklesYOU feel better trom yoor hea,çd 80 youn toe*, Jost bc sure yoûu gelthfie genuine Cat,ersa litsIe Liver Pillé fÉroni Youir druggist-35c. CLASSIFIED, ADVERTISING AGEN--- -- ---- OILS, GREASES, TIRES, insecticides, Eeti Pence Ccntrolrs, Hocus an'a Barn Palit. Roo)f Coati' nas. etc. Deal- e.rs wanted. Write Wanepc Grease & Oit Lui- I8ABV CHICKS PULLET BARGAINS: New flampshires., White Rock~s 6 weeks old 56.95. 3 weeks oid. Barred Rocks non-sexed 25.45. puilefs 35.95, cockerels 20.95. Light Sussex X Ne ERampshiree. Barred Rock X New ItampshIres non-sexed 25.45, puliefs 86.95, cockerois 20.95. Aiso two and four woek nid lu many breede. Day oid cockerois Jue erices: Barred Rocks. Liglit Sussex X New Hampshîres. Barred Rocks X New Hampstiires, Biack Australorps. Light Sussex. New Hamioshires _X Barred Rock 9.95, White Leghorns 1.00, Barred Rock X White Leghorns 2.60. Sendfe fr Junle pries- list. Tweddie Chitk Hatcheries Limiited. Fer- gus. Ontario. FREE 100 CoCKERELSb With every order of 200 Leghoro Fulets we wiii give 100 Rock X' Leg, Sussex X Leg. or N. Hlamp X Leg pulets Priced ait 26c. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT. STARTED chieks. immediate delivery. Re- member, 1i'sani ton late 10 get Lau and winter eggs with these chicks. Bray tlatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, ont. 22c - Heavy Breed Pullets- 20c All heavy breed pulets 22e. After June 5th« 20e. Se niher advertîsemenî for parficulars. Assorted Pullets 20c. after dune tsth- 18e. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT. 6 WEER OLD PULLETS: New tiampehires 55.95. Two week nid Barred 'Rocks. New Hampshire X Barred Rock non-sexed 19.95. puliets 29.95, cuekereis 15.95. Ligbt Sussex X New Hampshires, Barred Rock X New Eiampshires: Non-sexed 19.95. puliets 30.95, cockereis 15.95. 3 week oid add 5.00. 4 week nid add 13.0ver hundred f0 above prices. Day o10 enekereis, Jue Ponces: Barred Rocks. Liglit Sussex, Lighf Sussex X New Hatupehires 9.95, White Leghiorns 1.00, Light Susses X Whbite Leghiorns 2.50,. Send for June onices. TOP' Noteh Chick Sales, Guelph. Ontario. BARGAINS HEAVY BREED COCKERELS 1boiîsands evailabie weekiy. Scnd for special pricesl Rock x Leghorn: Sussex x Leghorn: New Harcit x Legiiorn Cockereis: 2 1-2 cents. These medium-bred enekereis are Juat the thing for Broilers! RURONDALE CICE HATCHERY. LON- DON. ONTARIO NO UATTER whther you are ralsiug ehiekens foýr the eggs they wiit produce or to oeil as 1,oilers or moasters you cau make more money if Yuur ehicke are from ouiek maturing. heavy iaying ancesfry. Our breeding stock bas ai- ways been carefuiiy selected for best resuits in t he iaying nests. However. we have nt overiooked nor negiected the desired meaf Quel ties in developing Our stock. Tweddie hilsare fast maturîng, the kind that you wsnt wheu punrcliaing ln June. We cao give prompt dlvr on day oid. two, ýthree aznd four DeUk01lnbmostpoopuiar pure broes anaîd cross breeds. Reduced prices for June. Also older puliets ight weeks f0 iaying. Free catalogue. Tweddie Chick Hatcheries LimniteS. Fengus. Ont ario. 10,/2c - Hurondale Chicks - 11'/2c Assorted beavy-breesi mixed chicks 11%~c. As- sorted iight-breed mixeS: 101/2e. Pure Sussex, Sussex X New Hampe. New Ramps, mixed: 14e, .Follets 23c. After June 5: mixeS 13e; Pulief s 22e. BarreS Rock, Rock X New Ramp: 15c; affer Jue 6: 14e. Rock X Leghorn, Susex X Leghorn, New Hamp X Leghorn, Leghorns. mixeS 12c; puliefs 27c. Affer Jue 5: mixeS 12c. poilets: 24e. Affer Jons 15: mixed lie; puliefs 22c. HURONDALE CHICK HIAT CHERY, LONDON, ONT. IT7s iïERS in the nest s 1hat pay the hbis. Your sucees lu the pnuitry hîîsine.9.9depends oun 1he uu1a1iityof chicks you 1,11Y,0f o n the, quaýntify. You cannot expeet high egg la>'- inaqunalifies lu your puilef s unless they bhave high Pooina parents. If le ouI>' from a str'ain 0f iyn having high egg laying re- cords hehind fhem, fhaf bigha produeing puliets eau corne. We 0f fer you this' kiud'of chicies. Write for reduced .prices for June on day oid. t(n o. fhree anS four week nid chlcks. Ao older puilets e eghf weeks f0 iaying. Free catalogue. Top Ifoteh Chick Sales, Guelph, Ont ario. 2000 102WE PULLETS 8-1-1-WEKSOLD. TO READY-TO-LAY For Seiivery ln May. Jue and Juiy. These Puilefs' are ont surplus. They have heen definiteiy set silde to meet the big demand for this as üf Pulets. Ail floor raised under the mosu iJeai onfdifionsi SenS for full ,îartieuars LARE VIEW FOULTET FARM. WEIN BROS., EXETER, ONTARIO. DYEING AND CLEANINO HAE YOLJ anytiîn ed yîgo en lue? Write (0 us for Information.w-e are glaS te erswer your Questions. Depanimeni H, Parkers, DI'e Works LimiteS 791 Yange 'ltretr. T-rcet,. Ontario FOR SALE ACCORDIONS BUTTON 10 keys 2 base 21 keya 22 basa Marazza. 208 Ste. Catheine W. Montral, 7-1 HOEttNY. Nature's fineet awest, wa wlll seppi>' s case of' 12 four-Pound eans 0f de. lîcîos fine tiavored. doyen bnney for oiy $20.00 Order today wbile this barain pries ls h UlgRock F,9rm, BiBu,.hesa.Ont. 15-CEdairy tfrini. 642-mues from f'idnnia on eounty roadJ. GooS brick ho2.blg baLnk barn. 12 acres 0bush.linniedi- ste possession Box 7. Caleonia, Ont. ISSUE 24 - 1948 v HELP WANTED CAPABLE experienced girl. generai oue work. fond of eilidren. privaee room Ese. ences. 423 Palmerston Boulevardi. rontaîo. GRADUATE NURSES- For generai duty lu emali hospitai. 8herday. 6-day woek. Gond saiary. ApoIY SUpenrintýen- dent. Rosamoud Memorial Hospital, Alimota. Ont. SINGLE or marrieS man 'for dairy t aris,, Purebred Hosteine, ou 3x an RPO.p pit' Fomona Farinis, Thameeford, Ont. RELIEF FROM ECZE MA A Lady write,: !Ilied Eczémýa brsai, oui on My kgo anid fled aimait sveryîhinv, but It did na good, Thon & nisd Mecca aand gel reIMl Ïo he m b auine, aind 1 chin , cas pcai, fao highly of Msccoe FOR SALE HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts an5 Service. Ber, M. ïKennedy &Su 41Clege St., Toroto. CLETRAC crawler trac-ter. f-uli Diesel. md A, 4-cyl., used 4 months. Apply Crei Lueuher Company. Port Ferr'y. ont. ltI-POWERED Rifles-Wr,ýie ordecitv 9 foiders and ericos. 500FR SALE"S O. F326 Queen St..' Ottawa, Ont. 3 AFLE Syrup. 1948 crop. Ressonabie rices, 1Order eariy. John M. Gillespie. Abhnitsfoýrd, CONCRETE DRAIN TILE 41* to 16" dia. Continuous suPpiy.Brnfr Builders SuPPlies Ltd., 45, Bruce St., Branit- L ord. Ont.. Phone 1290M. 100 ACRES. suitable for makt adeo tobacco, About 65 acres bilsh. 314loe eut. Cookstown vicinity. W. E. Keown, Grand Bend. Ontario. BOATS r47 New Deluxe Cabin Cruiser. Sleeps r. Fuliy eouipped. Length twenty feet. Sipeail twenty miles. Op)eration twenty hours. Mitny extras. Reduced to $2400. Terme. Box 6à!). Parry Sound. COM-PLETE Home insolation Servie w-est et Brantford, south of Goderîcli. Free estimatea on blown in. Rock Wooi or Fibergias. Mieikar Rogf4ng Ltd . 612 Weaterloo, Lodon.' FREE 1 large Delphiinium witti $2.00 orders, 12 beautiful perennial plants $1.00 white they last. Dime Nurseries, Route 2. Welland. FJNEGST W ood-burmba brooders made il U. S.A. $30..00 delivered. Write for Fres Circular. Flynn lmporting Co., 6307 DuV!imy Ave.. Montreai 8, Que. GERMAN Shepherd puppies, bred from tu Worid's fineet bloodiines. At Stud. Cham- pion steel of Barrirnor. Barrimor Kennels. 181 Barrington Ave., Toont . ',teel, 900 eeavailable 'M ailizes. Witç fpr les list. ShermaUn's Box l1085.Posta'. Station "C", Toronto, Ca. WAR SURPLUS PAINT' $1.75 per gallon and ut'. Ail colours aal abie.iociuding white. Sfanufactured by C.l.L., Lowe Bros.. Scarfe's, Moores, She(rwini Wil- liams. Etc. Write for pone lit. Semns Box 1805. Postailttin'C.Toronto. Cam. LEAftN Hairrdressing the Fuers nmeitod. Information on reuesi regarins F.clases. Robertson's Hsirdressing Avrdemy. 137 àve.- nue Road, Toronto. COOD ADVICE! Every eutfoerer of Rheuniatie Pains or Neuritîs shouid try Dixon's Remede. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin. Ottawa. Poat- p a d $ 1 0 0 . _ _ _ _ HUNDEEDS ENJOT 06>0139HEALTU ifrom the combination of, ingredients îiped ru FER-BER TONIC TABLETS., These inigredi- tenta are being uàed by medicai science to cor- rect lose 0f.appetite and mun dowu conditionsý itf you are tired, listiess or mun down, -if yoel feel the need of s quick pick co SEND for FER-BEK today. 2 weeks supplY POSfpaid $1.00 BER HEALTE PRODUCTS Box 25, Station K, Toronto IT'S IMPORTANT-Every sufferer of Itien- matio Faine or N,,euritis shfouid tryDioe 4emedy. Munro's Drug Store. 3358Elgn, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. 4)tPOitTUNItIEi, FOIS ,VII'1EI ýBE A HAIRDRESSER- JOIN CANADA-S LEADINO ScHOOL Great Opportunity Learoa Hlairdressing Pleasant dignliied profession, gond wgs thousanda suecessfut Marvel grsduateé. Amerlca's grestesi system tilustraed c1 afé.- togue free. Write or 'ai MARVMIL HAIRDESING SCHOOLS 358 Biooî St. W, orV t Brandes. 14 Km5 St.. Hamiton. & 74 Rideau SItreet, ~tea PA&TENT', U'ETHERSTONAUGH & Co an. atn Soicitors. Esfabiisied 2890. 14 Kins, West Tronto. Bookiet of informattion n r eouest. .PERSONA ], MARAZZA'S MUSIC SOHOOL.. Course by mail, wifth or wîthout ntumns Write for free foider. P. Marrazza tise..

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