The Green Thumb £' y Gorclon L. Smith The Dais y Family 71he once-humrble daisy, is sow one Df fte real mainstays of ai well- ail)d garden, euase now there 'is a ufcetvariety e to Suipply bloom duilring vle r y peid of the growing seasonï. Theirwdeya- inlg colors, 1higlits Sand l mannet of e.l grclwing imakýeps YuS sible any de«sired( ~ ~"' C effct, al the .way f rom border edge c akgoud DaiSies ipte o ffint up othýr 4oerfermls in, u garden and among ftheir additional carsarce thir va1ried cenitres, thIeir (lnglatn qualitesaferbinlg cut, and te pro- fusion ot bloom mest cof Ithem offer. Whether annual, ieial llike thec En ls ldisy, or perennlial they ar ulytroubled bydisease of inSect pests und few haveany ,decided soul preferýnce.Amg the annumal vian- peis-ht a b;OwnIiniiopen grouind enI iite year are thiegalrd, calliopsiS, hlianIlthuls (ufoe)and cirysanithlemunim Amionig thie taller annuitais you wi wàrit the rudbelickia, golden, in color. and (lsuch vaities of the helianthus aýs ýtella aniSunllighit, whiich uisually ge'about thiree fet ighi and ar e nst sulitable, for uise in smallr, re- stricted b)ondeIrs. The taller suni- flo>\ers ned lts of roem teinprevent theii- coare eaesovrsadwig h Sparl-ling vAhit e shaïstas lenld a Ioe o uc ()1-ihchengrown nejiar daylily trumpllets or btentiips and iris. ilominate thfle scene in July, rosy py- rethrum or 01Yellow anIthemIlis make lýfinle Rudblcklias arevlale for con] trast 1beindunded mnds nf piox Kduring the summiien. Ini August the v\ariius y1osof' the sunflowers needcrflp-Lacinig as Ithey do nos b1ind very iy withi pink tns 1-Ioeve,hy are mlost fecieas a kackgrouind for masses of maigolds ai-idsme ,e hlilis. Iii earlyvf aIl Ille soft colors of hardy asters are a chosýce f ou for th-e billianit shiades et There Care sever-al daLie(S whicbi vethe grd nerluprobe'm pat -iip.Even in, bot dry locations. yeur calopsis, cereopsis, gaillardIi, sunl- llower and udbeckias are almost ~ e e tbive and aPllihlf ew an- ïlnnuails reclish Shade, calliopsis will losmfirely there. Wiedaisies Îlu general are care- ~free groNwers, somle attentiion te the(ir wvelli-eiing assuLres mimumiitli per- formance. Aters ýanid chrysanthe- minums Shonild be set eDut just as Son as the gronnd cani be workced. Shaista daies nedlifting and dvdn every second yeýar., The 01(l, centre of tlie crowns slsenild bc, discar-ded and ouly young eailhy shotS ÉrepIited. A sters need division ecvery thrfee years te preven3t dteriora;tion.ý oegrdes e lte type of su, good drainlage is eszsenitiaJioteal daseannutal orprenavi nthe(r asi] the garden that bieips temnaini- tain a 'gomdappear-ance i;sakug Thie diies neing it motare ror- opigaillardIias, Ilhe tal snfwr Prevenitimof et sed formiation is important te p)rolonlg the peried ut llwnnpartîcularly in the case ot 2annuals. Genlerous cuinlg etfblos- sins feor bouqulets takes ca're t geed !it oet this wo)rk. Hewever, PLants LIthatare net Iused fer eutttiing shlave fading bhloýssomSs sippell CROSS WORD PUZZLE ACRUOSIS 2. Indian I. Acommod- 3,.Army of ficer ten, train 4. 0On .Sutalle b. fatn k Ner.s country glass ~12. Mexican musli ;. Malliug card 13. Tuber 7.Top)otcellr 14. r'ishleggs - 15. Punc 'tuatton -4 16. Thou gbtfmsî 21. Cinese, 22. TÙ% 22 27. Sotifer o72 mankiud 39. Trod 3 . ,eent1r ed-- Yeung Rural Athitete s-Ailhoui gh otten Iackýing proper eqipiiuenlt, childreniu Ontar-io's rural szchools provide a great s Ouree future atltc hmios Vth weather implrovi7ng,, recess periods find the youngsters rnaking healilhy use etfveyfree minute. At Silk's School in Melanecthon township, southipaw Jim Davie, 15, bats w ith Don Snider,- 11, the barehianded catcheri, while admiring -on irls Oachie softballers p'ay. C ONIIICLES 0'F C G ÏEIF B8T Gwenaoine P Ciarkc __ ,A few minutes ago 1Idecided it w-as high, time 1 stanted in on tlisý wekscolumn. Betore settfing -dowu te àrite, beysever, I made oune atav trip te the heu bouse te pick up the eggs. That did it! Once ouside it seenîied te me little short et a crime te shut mnyself up in the bouse again, especially when 1 heard song birds ail areund mie peuring forth an ce- stasy etf melody. "Then why go inte tîme bou'me?" 1 asked myself. 'Ater aIl, the most y ou'il see in there is unfmnisbed work, and yen eertainiy won't hear auy birds." Se 1)h re I ain, on the lee side of- tie woodshied-it being tee cold eut iu the open. 1 bave a pencil in my baud but the field glasses are by my side aud glready 1 have fouud one of my little seugstcrs. Re is percbed on the very top et a veny taîl oak tree, tee fan away.for me teCeecý what kind ut bird be le, except that be is dark xith a iengisb biJl. But eau fie s -lng oeu know, as 1 sit here with the at tsng and scenIery al areund mne, 1. ted se tbankfuil for Our Caaia inters I That, peýssi- MlY, sounlds likle apado;btt isut ralbcuehwcudw aipprecîiatc our lovelyv sprisg if it were net10 for Ilbe cold wýinter days that precede it? Browniing wites- "Oh, 'to be in Eniglanid, now that April's' bene,"-and I agnee it would be bard te match the beauty et an English spring, witb the woeds thickiy carpeted witb bluebelis, pisreses and sby, tragrant little violets, But in, Canada there is more contrast., One week thbe trees and shrubs look practicaiiy liteless, and ne hears only an occasionai robin aLnd the chattering et 'stanlings and sparrows. Then corne a tew warm days and the scene changes se sud- denly as te be almiost unbelievable. It is then eue seesý it as 1 see it new. Maple buds bnrsting into tiny, cislcurled neddish -brown leaves, wild plum lsudIdenly w bite yith bleon, c d-idangling truni the elus and' poplars, yefllowy ips'n thesrue wiow dlressedontin that light feathleny foliage pecu-tliar onffly te ilo And the fields . . ow greetrfise betapleasing conitrast te the 3. Coven's wîtfila blaelc ttbquid t. M1ak j ,g Ia oud nloise 10. cri, ve 11. TFr ials 17.Deai 19. Shrker 921. Surround 2. GroundCIPille 24. Special ability 21. Worktnig part-y 28. Help 30. Rest on thbe kuses SZ. ottomanl 33. Bombilast 34. Novel V6. LTgjht garment 38. Locust ped 39S -Boxlngring 4« 'Scotch) 42. stupld 44i (Oint îf. Coutwav 49. And net 50. Le 51. Type measurea browii of 111e fresh1 lyv îýi'd fiel 1dS. The pastures, gldn-ecedwtl succulent dandelion blou,s illing9 ever to the danker colored dcoyen felds. And then, \iule Îwh the Mciody et the bir ds thee is i the heavy bhun of tractons nemn.iding oeeof the difference betxx -en the old and the niew. Nature ageiess as Tinse itself, as compared with the modernnsetbeds ef man- It is aise obviously the rnating seasen. Just row' a je-sinus cock- robin was puýtmting e nut an amnor-«ng w ho w aýs trying te force -p-n a lady robin. The sparews aIse scein te obect te triangle love aiais. s-adan-,oiole but _e l'm mistake-it is a littIe early yet. And now, coming across the field is our teain, dnaggiug the harrowv. Youn1g John i> driving t1iseherse, fluiishiing the tield that B'ob worked up wiVthl the tralcter. P'artuer is away in thle dstnc iggin1g euit itchecs -but net te streuously,1I hope. Ye's, there in thle grounl1d are oatS, seted, aIi aiting -telbe "ted land ivatered by Cod's Almighty baud." Until harvest our part is', dene-the rest is in the lap ot the gods. >Weli, well, now whlat do1 sec- sometbiug black and white with a very -busby tale meving -sloivy across the garden? No, it isn't what yen think-i4t is nothing miore offensive than our Whiskey, coining home frem ber daily hunt. In One Word Mrs. Grecn - "My busband is the most gentie, patient, easy-geîng, good-tempered man -yen could im- agine." Mrs. Black - "Yes, my husbaud is lazy, toe." ~>Revive Friendships r'-Throuph The Mails -1- t-be postnutie forgtten man in youlitefý If uobody eyeî %vsrites te yen may- he it's because yen aren't a very gu< d corrsepondent yourself. WVb3 start a letten with, "ýI arn fine. H-ow are yen? 1 hope yen are welI. How is yuur tamiily? I hope they are well, tee," when yen eau reaîly sparkle w ith: "This poor oId body is holding up even thcugh old age is coming oni. I've been dnînkiung 50 much orange juice lately, my skîn is beginning te teel like au orange skin." Yen Calinakethings like the weathen an-d scboo1 u youir family Sound excitinig aud( glamolrous. Evenyone's lite is made uip et lttie things which just ineed imaigina.-ton te makie themi hig. Never repeat u11gly steries ïlu a letter on give vent la teagen in a way t-bat- would emibarrass yen if the letter w ere read aou.Learn about t-be correct way. et wnting lettens for many occasions in our Reader Service beokiet No. 27. Buisi- ness 2a1d social Senld Tbirt-y Cents (ilu ceins) for "How To Wr\i-te !,cLts Fer Al Occasions" toe Reader Serviceý, Roomi 604, -371 Bay Street, Ton,ito. Pninit name, address, bookldet title and No. 27. The Test Aunt Ilet says, "Ne,ýt-bm' but true love is gemn' te make a womansing when sbe's scrappin' egg yolk off cold plates at- 7 o'clock in the mrornmni -1 TABLE TALKS Froatings-Toppings Seven Minute Fqrosting c gg whites, nnbeaten 1'cups sugar Dash ot sait 5tablespoeons waiter 112teaspeenis iight corn syrup 1 teaspeen vanilla Cobin-ýe iegg whites, sugar, sait, water andQ ceYl rn yup in top of doutble boiler, milix- igthoroughly. ~ lce ever rapid- iRy boiiing water, beat conistanitly //with rotary Cg g becater (or at high- spDeed et eleçtnic mixer, and cook 7 minutes, or until the frestinig will tand iup in peaks. Remelve from .ýboiling water;ad vanjiýLIa and be-at unitil thick enougis te srad. Makes enouigh trostinr-g te cover tops an1d sides et twe 9-inici layers, cor top apud sides, et 13x9x-,2- inch cake, eo- about 14 large or 2 dozen small cupcakes. For haIt r7ecipe, use haIt et ingre- dients and reduce.ceoking timre te about 4 miniuteýs. Makes enoughi for top and side- cet 9-incis tube cake, or top t of 0-O -iinch cake. Praline Toi)pping /cîîpbrw sugar (firmnly packed) 2 tihîs. Swasýis Dowýn Cake Fleur '/4 cup mrýelted butler 2 tbepeswateýr i4 cnp, finely eepdpecans Mix togth1eryail ingredients. Spread carefflly, a smaîl ameunt at a time, eveýr bot cake in pan. Place in moderaýte oven (.375 degrees F.> and bakec 5 minutes, Cool and eut cake in pani. 1Makes teppîng fer 9 x 9-incb or 13 x9ic cake. Lemnon Creamn Icing 2 cups sifted contectioner's sugar 2 teaspoons lemeon jiice 13/ teaspeens grated lemen rind 3 tablespoons cream (about) Combine îngredients and mix weil. If necessary, add more cream te make et right censistency te spread. Makes enough icing te cever top of 8x8-inch cake. Ariswer To Thît Wesý The 'Romans appear te have hadI three classes of ships - those fer wçar, ,siiips for cargo, aud tast sbiips for passengers. ROOMS BEAUTIFULLYI FIJRNISHED $1 .50 ai) OTEL METROPOLEI KIAGARA D'AILa I GIE.-C.N R. 03TATtGU SORE FUIT THIS WAY Rub la Miuards Liniment generousfy, and feel tise relief steal over the achii muscles and joints. -FeraIl muscle aad joint pains, aches and stiffness, spriiined ankles, twisted limls-Minard'Is hr,, been- famous fer- over 60 years. Good for dandruif and skia, disorders, to. Get a- bottie today; keep it handy. MZ wi* Caume'sDouble~Aol E~ VEN yeuing cooks enjey Successful, satislyjin,.g resulîs, if they use Caluimet SBaksng Pewder. Biscuit mixtures anîd shoçrtcakes are Iight and tender... ~>, ~-)~n,. -ckes andfi n are fere-lighit and delicius...ail your baking is grand, ( wJth Calumet. LY Calumert's double actioe protects baking-from start to finish. Li the msïxang bo(wl, thousands of tiny bubbles are formed to prepare the mixture fer bakin.g. but the greater part of the leavening cornes in the 0-yen. It can flot be lestor sirred out. Fellow directions on the tin for aniy recipe. - Grand Çof WCIO CAKE0st UoV jL , ewli beiefl *~~0 1 9eapoot 1/2t0ble"'o n5lt*d butetblesp0oorS s ît ,jet.~ s~ > t ge. uo O . bseig u _ aai - APioduet pf General Poode i L40 s N N N v v N. N N v 'v 'v N N N N N N N N N N N 'v v 'v N S N N N N N 'v N -4 4 N <4 4 'v 'v 'v ~ N 'v <4 'v N N N N * N N N N -v N N * N N N N N N N o oue-AcT/ffg BAKING&P NI-E N N s N N <4. 4v <4 <4 N N p 'v <4 jv <4 <4 4 <4 <4 <4 N <4 <4 s s' N N :4 <4