ORON WEKLYTIMES TUIISDAY, MAY 20th>, 1948.N The Orono Weekly Times Advertising Rates on request Try our up-to-date Job Planit.' sure to please,, and Our wfork Subseiption $1.50 Our prices are is of the best Published every Thursday morning at the Times office R. A. Forrester, Publisher Established January, 1937. STUDY THE ISSUES Before long there 'iibe a warniig up in tihe upolitcal aena, -Vwith an nlcto c lose at baud. It la ýnet thin the reai of tCe eniaflerpulato sucih as our owu Vo attempt Vo takeskies. In faCt, a lot more n-iight bei aeccopilshed by any ýpaper, large or smal,.i, if tihe broad issues were placd faily hofore the reading public , without e- coeurse to bitteraess and -rancour. People t-day aie breaking a-way from- a teec, loseiy welded l oy- nlty ta gny traditional party. At the sanie timie they exercise a con- nendable caution la their treatmi-ent of anything ie'w asud untriýed. Sonie vital issues shouild ocupy our attention at this tu-re. sucili nmU=sr as bealth, insurance, bousing, the liquor probleni, dumation, and eiploymý-en-t. -These thhinsarepata parcel of our social set-p. At tiues like these we vtness the rat-her odd spectacleý of strictly temperate peuple warkîng in the soniewhat doultfui service -f liia parties whose avowed sym-pathies are net ith tem-per- anceTa a fat ohanging age we are bound te sce sur follies and correct ou fauits even though fthe process may call -for an enibark- aion into the reaini here precedent is not ton plainly iiire, To m-euse ta vote entirely us nu orthojiy outiet. AIl should niake uise of dhe franchise. By sa doing -ubaveci-be assuranýe cf lhaviag dou1e urpart, wbauever thie net result vnay bring. -May The merry uioth of May is here (we've doue a lot cf yeamun- iug) through iter days bleak and austere -we've longedfor sarig'a For tulips and for daffodils our wistfu1 eyes mere watiug, wve iged for gr2eenly anl hilîýs heu sold mas uuaibatinig. At last 'tis -unie, this iuonth of May as Rt las dloue for ages, Damie Nature kno'ws tce surest way, sh-orks by easy stages. Su whien you'me bn 'rd at-Idurnips just cueiit he seasous, 'twill help )to sm1O1itb the ronghest bump)s -whleu unre oaa see ture reasons. DBy plodding oward sterp by ste-p, you leave your cares bhu You, once mure wHillcoeiethe old time pp, toaus wby me thos e- mimd you. lu spite of do, nu pite of fearil spite of riing taxes, in 5pite of butter scorce and dear, King Winters reigu relaxes. A lào f us are bored mth work, a lot are bored Wh leisave, yet ail cf us eau daim the quirk that says "grýeet sping with lesre.When, eonitime hence we quit thi lfe aund leave its lys and surrows, we kriow these thoug--hts wiii yet be m-ife ln distant dliai toý-ariorruws. it akes us tume Vo leama our hunes, ou lessous are fargottebecause me dodge and spumu the igus, ie feel our luck in rotVen. By taiag check oneai arounid we gain a lt cf courage, me keeý,pounr feet upon the grcund and find aniemesteaoag.A lilut foI1948 mmcii ixseyr isl Mytdme, is 'ail thingsa ccainVo those -xv-he irait and wach for suuxmer's pinytime, EM4PLOYMENT UNLIMlITED Ste ud ndth uses loais Large ln ur uminds. tu-day. When- ever thiere is a sofknigc idstrial production, the dearfth cf ?'eady steel is --ientsoed as a possible epianation. Authortes tel] va that a great era of prosperity "sbould bee lot cf 'Cana-da sud the U, S. so long as m%?e draw upjon our resources. What lnter:est maývl1s up wthnus ien wu tndy a iap cf this fair province sud poader upon .ail that is ýbonnd up mwithia its borders. We are led so o>ften ta wonder that there are peuple encugh Vo do the mork et handutuInfact, commun sense !teiîs us theme are net enougli. As Uhe eurtry becores settled sud m 'ýonke-d me M-ay 'lookA for an uapreàcedented industrial exp'ansion, We hlave So, mucli tihat other nations are denied ýOrgaýnisaition surd vision must rcarry us ta ithe place where tle hast wmlibei-niade cof tuis eritae t hat- is ours. Ne- body can predfict what the coing yeais may hoidl, but -w*v en peace aud fthe urge to deve.lp, ibe people af Otarie iii a)Ssure the re- inainder cf Canada sud'thre continent that fthev (do realize the wurth cof thus province. Sa wbther iV be steel or- any CIther cf'the essen- tils of life aud living, iere's hoping that we -may net stand gumilty in refnsin.- Vu use W\isely what is at our ve(ry dloorstep. There sleuld beim orkfr the skilled tecehuician, the mnethe fariner, the meoodsmnan and the artisan, IUressre of mvork sliouid lie our problein rather than the lack c f work, ýeven if, prosperity dues Create difficulties of its cuwn that viii haye ta ie solved to-niurow, The New Look We hiear su mach about the "nieir laok4" these days. Did yau ever stop to think thaugb that thiere is lti under the sun that îsabasolutely nomw? About al m e do achieve is thre habit cf keepiug zhe ýcycle of fashions ud custors rotatiu1g. Now if a mnan made 60 bold as ta llght up and saicire diga church service he would elthr face he dire popc of exomniainor would be, bailed as tihe pioneer of tber ew freedoni or the new luoc. liistory tells us that smrokýn inlacburchl actulaly was per- i3issabie maniy, mau'tly years ago You could aise take your dog along- to divine service lin-buse sainie "good old days". Perhaps that la the rea)seatihey had thoselittie sal-uepeirs -iti t)he doer on the aisie side. Tie pooch could nut slip ount froni beneatli bis mnas- tce's feet. Unidue noise wouid bring- spead1y eviction at the bauds û'F an irate usher, and we have uever been infarmed as ta wete tirpecongre1gatinýg uof strange dogs ilu thqeue peirbegat that, saine lharmo iov beuding of sirit that rassuppused Vocaateiethre mirastersinl ike circunistances. Wesomaetimes hasard a guass, with regard tc the possible fu- turie reture- of butten bots. Those maere thre thinga tlhatinrge us un ur youngiiler dlays. Then, ther ere the "Iluga" that weýre sw c'rtio thetops af boots as an aid lta the wearer lupiiingsaidbot , V h1 feet Wewere always taug-it the proprîety coftckn ee ltug s Lu euit cf sighit, Soina daing felioms peTsîlsted lunallowmâ- t',e1 luga Va fO.are out. Wel, oxfords Lhave held the modem .fo-t and fo fra lorng ape11- Somneof these daýys yoen ml imtness boots mith b'ut- it&is anoatand luge behind. De1signers miii ta(lyou that these are a prodpect,of fi-e "iiew i kTheire iii bei a return of fmrgre îiha1s for the ladies anid Eton collars and hum ties for tire i-ile boys, ilt iii ail conispýire tGoýard1 the new iok o course, because by then p resesiV fashions wHIi have become the d Major J. W. Foote, V. C., States! His Election Platform I E boul iis paper lrias been selected ta couý- ta Vh e electoraite of Durihami ty th' e general program-jme adivo- SbyMao John W. Foute, V.C., ressivýe CorservsLitive candidate e provincial elecItion on June 7. rig ta> the impossibilitiy of getting [tVo medt man-y throughout the ty before, election da,,y, Major ýfindfs it necessary ta aspeak, ia- jlay, thmough the press. an iierview he outlined the is- 9Ieaerz1ly as "foilows and pre- dhic, candidature by stating tbat ;prepameà te devote fhis ful' time he jelb if elqctedl to the Ontario laVture. 1le said-: PERSONAL PLEDGE y first job wi be to louek alter genaral îintereýs s cfD u rbia n ity . . _ . aud they are uiany. This Major J. W. Foute, V.C tasi, ,viii o,'course be rwoven iî io -the gealschic-e of- thel gr1ea t pro- grani)me nmapped ut C1leaThy ab1eiad for mayyasb ylaePre- mier erDe, That prýog-ramnme wýïas plaýeed befoie the legî]siat-ure Il. itsý rece-nt sessionl. it evin h greatesitepanineecncivdb "Admay ¶ say i a idre geueadtylu1te rcrddvotes of bothÎ-, the Libe-ral and thi-eGCCF par- tie. Tebasis of t,!is pro-ra-,ime 1s theexpnsof thte Hydre System to ccoimeateboth ind1ustry andý the farmîng ppua ion t jTs o tbs man*ssue--thaït Mr. D'rewcalle2d this el-ctLion-. jRMIRSYSATEMEN--T ",Before gon0-onto (isýcirssu S g, policiesfTor agricultur, eduLcatin, ha- besocial secuLrity and u orth, a1il Cernent Now available at, our walreliouse McLauighlin Coal & Supplies Phono- 1246 - Oshawa CAPITOL PORT HOPE Fn. & Sat.,, May212 "You Were Meant For [Me". With Jeanne rain and Dan Dailey 'THUNDER IMOUNTAINF Frum a Zane ILrey Story AFTER SUNDAY 3MIDNIGHJT Al1so Mn to Wed. "4SITTING PRETTY" Wit Rbert Youn-g, Maureevn O'H1ara and Cliftoýn Webb NINE WEEKS AT TWO TORONTO THEATRES! FURNITURE SALE of m,. max Stpfeon, o 1iheid hi the IExhib-itiýon Groundis, Orono, on saturday, May 29th. This sale wil include rmodem a nJ antique fuaroïture, -bâhs, Iedin - las swjvgr and car-penter,, tools, 1934 Pord V-8 coach, ý1940 Intern-ationial tqkwt i ew tires, andi 51/' ton licences. This l'oeing a large sal'e it w oillleimenc at 12.30 sharpT, D.S.T. Sec bilbs for further particulars, Terims Cash.- Jactk Reid, AuctIoneer. FURNITURE SALE Thbe roperty of Mrs. Johin *lysdale, at Cr-oeked Cree_-k Store, on m~onday, Mvay 2t Talïe, Îchairs, Coal 0i1 Stove, battery radio, 2 -walnut an- tique cýhairs, quantity of dfishes, etc. Ternus Cash. Jack, Reid, Auctýineer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TH~E EISTATE OF ORMA AL- 'MERIOK GAMsBY, late of OTrono, in the Townsibip of inrk, uthe Cüuýy f Durhiam, Retired arnier, ou, the 2thl day of Mrh 1948. THIE TRUSTEIE AJCT, R.S.O,,197 Clh. 165 - sec. 51 Creditojrs and other- 1havIng daims against th-e ahiove Estate are requir- ed to seund particulars5 and ful proof th'jereof te the Lundersig-ned bco h- fore the th day ocf Junie, 1948, after whilch d-ate the assets cf th Estapte wîll 'be dsnbtd aigrgr n- ly Vo the cdaimis tathave b(eenme Ceived. Dated the 6tli day of May, 1948, at Bcmaý%nv-ille, 0Ontamilo. LAIWRENCE C, MASON, Barrister, &c. 30 King ,Street West, SolicitorfthzeExeciiltor Alil ladies Q euniunity are co-rdially ,invite tnuthe TMay mieeting off tiie e'o men's Insti- tuLte on Frida- Ma st, at 2.,>û p. doûwnstairs "I v n /.ail. 'Th ýe progrPami, on ays in a Couintry Hn"r n.m tLoe be most interestinig. hi a-W st meeting of the 1948-4 s >K eand ail ladies are ýwelem e t o o TIwitlh xs il comr- 1-011n11ty work for "Homyle an~d icounttry"ý The May mni o havnng Auixiiiiarýy -will t e oif Mr-S. C. Mae n b day, May 20th, at 8 00 pA EEu tace, guest ýs[pee R.menihe i your d aer h llhol Hall un -Friday e inebandi in at- t rda r C-. A ( ission, 5Oc. b-17-4. TENNIS MEETING Asagreat -nuiber of people 'have i-iii th( 1at thiey des»,e tie, playv tensthis year at the ~ipart-, it ha b en cided tý malIýeplans !or a toub roed. Everyone inter- est(iin tissport àre as'ked te mecet t he Oroncy Timies offce on Thursday, eeing, -ay 20th, at eight ocok of mlich ties luwlth the needs of1 Dudhiam County, May I suniarize vLat Premier Drew, said wvhen ha'n toldl the Legislature fhe reasonis for, this eleetion. lie said: "ungthis session the staý,ge has been set for the greatest period o f developcnuent in the history of1 thi1s provinice. Youi have endorseld gsa +ion which authomi;zes this goveru- m*enit Vo proceed ihth Te m extcn- s ive Pow,.er developmnent ev'er under- taken by tfiis or any other poic of Canïada. You approved thei greati expeniditures necessary for tihis pro- gramm-lle 0On a recordeli Vo>te it e- ceived the unaimrus support of E-eery niniber of the legîsiatur.e. CCF REPUDIATION "sut note tis': Aithougli éveryU mnerof the CCP-, voted for it in1 Fhslieuse, 'thie CC Provincial Lead- er. Air% jo011if e, imnIeclatelY 'and c categorically oirmed it. In this straug sitution e uimst recogiie tatisofficiai Provinia! eae m-,ust be r-egardled as speakingibe haî'f of tle vwfoIe parUty. )an we trust power 'Va this divýidied bous -ýe, pu oUue maIy aud the other LIBERAL CONFUSION 1And whatwa the position cýf the ibalparty '? Ever'y Liberal ïmc-- bler mIacïed tir -leader lion. MmI. Oliver inuanmosLsupport of the bUiI Ptut wha,-t took platce outside 1i-is Hlouse ? The Pre,çidenit of the On- Vaio Lubemal Association teChair- -ia,n c the Li b e ralý Election Board anrdoteprmnt Libemails, becaMe uarstaind u in heir critism o.fthe '~Can w trustto thil iie boiuse? 'Tis irepud (iaition of the con- s ideredl leadems-hip maud vote of 1Hon1. MVr. Oliver lusn pr of thýe bih i atmost upraldin Ontarlo pojjlitîcalI hîstry. iowcan hîe rconsclietiuy ta],e(,th1e la t fotr n I sdc paign ganttevers-miebll lie ftonk lu the ï1ouse ?"' So) lu view of the ipracof theissu ta thle wo:efuturIe cf on- taîý arsd t1esellvided counseils, th e4 e is 1-0o lical coursý.e open othesr lanta cadil gnealelection asud let thei p,-euple decide theisse. Thle eec- tnwii be held JunIle 7, 1948.", MjrFoute addied: " eiv h peunpe)ofïDurbani Gounty wi'llagmee wvit ei p aýt the position ýtakenbyi Prme rew cannot bei chaQllenýgedi Whllea opposition leaders in th e flus>ï,e are tu rebukedêc by lhei r t- 1uousi- beigiven iithe copprtuiTty ta act aýs a Jury il- the matter". SURE OF VTCTORY 'uMay1 îadd that nmy maeep heein life suid paricual l q-,imy, 'bas shuwn Ihtha uity, -not di- vided counsel, is the ony ourise to take luin, evnga great objective. That kind of unitybi ng-ingthe p' eu- ple togetiher to secure gr'eater prosý- pjerity, is what T stafnd forluti election. Prenriier 1Dr ew Iun- 1dutdybe rtme to po.wer'. On tbtesie grouuds I lik canfidently to yourý support on June 7". C- F. Duncan ,ýjýZTEXPE4 4l Radio Srie Tine cembi-nation of exi)erience, com- plote data Doni akes, "admoe test eupmitwMllenaure PROMPT, REASONABLE ANI) EXPE,'RT REPAIRS Cal R. L. MYLES Phone 79 r 4 - ORONO Free Estimates -Mill be Given Chéerfully on Rock Wool Home lus ulation By Blow2r System, Four mncÎlus tiick, GILPIN & Co. Insuation Contractera, 57 Bloor St. West' T0ronto Dist-rct Representative feàr Dunham Ceunrty GEORGE WADDELL Plhono 23 r 22 - BETHANT Monuments The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phone 501 - P.O. Box Us2 port Hope, Ontarie Monuments, Gravemarkers Engfraving. Godlefig Professional Dlirectory A. F. Mî%cKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN aind SURGEON OfieHoura: 2.00 te 4.00 p.M.; 6.30 te 8.00 P.n. Sunidaya and WednIyesdaYs hbY appointment onl'y PHONE 47ir1 ORONO LEGA L Lawrence C. MYlason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor, BOWMAN VILLE, ONT. p>hone - Office 688 Homte 553> W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY phonea: office 825 Residence M BOWMANVILLE, ONT. VETE RJNARY DR. W. W. (SLIERIN VETERENARY SURGEON Office -Main St. Ooq Phone 63 re rno INSURANOE J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Aultom-obile, and Liability ORONO - OTAR10 D ino f Canada General Hartford Fire In-surance WVaterloo Muatual FireInrac Wawaný,es-a Mutual Insuran-ce la represented il this district by DANE FOUND ORONO iphont 8 r 1 11 ît'à Inaurance, give Dane a triaL LEROY HAMILTON INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES F ire, Automvobile, Liablfity, Life, Ilospitalization, Plate Glass, Burglary, Casualty Representing the. Leadflng CÀNADIAN. BRITISH and ffAME-RICAINCOANE Offce, Main t.a OON Phlones: Office !C r 10,; Reku.1 rÎ$ Phone me and I wii cali te suit yow., Estimates freely given, ne oCbligation INFORMATION Wrold ýyen like te know more a>bout the. following ? (a) How te will te your fmuly M (bHow te urnesaslr choque te your famlily every meath for 10-15 or 20 years shoul!d Yom b. taken eut of tho e iture ? (C) Hew lte have a salary ctheque eyery month for yo)urself aF Ilonýg as yen Live, commencing at age 55-6, or 65. (d) How te guawranteý!e that your son or daughti-r will have the money for an educa-ýetion beyond high ýschoo1? Lot us have a chat about it soir- FRED LYCETT 0ORONOI18r 1 AUCTIONEERS TED ýnÙlJACKSON Auctioîneer and Valuiator Conducts Auction Sales of al aises and at roasonabie rates Communiçate with him at Port Ferry, Ontario, or seell~is Clerk. A. e. Mo0rton, at OroRo, for date. JA C K .R ED Orouo's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in F arm sand Furuiture Sales Consuit nme for ternis and dates Phone 5 r 18 - Orno* w v GEORGE YORK Ag-ent 'Or "the Empire Wal papers1 an, th'e Water Proof Wallpapers (Oigna Vhite R0se). see my Portfolio Of lOvely Wallpaýpe. Even- insÎou will bem sntisfied. FOR SALE M ixedhadwo.od in 4-foot lnts or rýesawed to 12 îinches *r 16 chs aiso, a quantiity 0f softwood edgings.i Delivered. Apply N.Curtis, Poiity-1 pool phone81 r 10, Orono. c-lB-p FOR SALE Beaztty cpe tub elcetrie wsh ing miïachi-ne, ln good çshape, Henry ConsPhonle 35 r1'MOpono. (c-lB-p. HIELP WANTED Gil r omnfor gnrabouse work Aply~to Mrs. Kenueith Hiilis, LOST Onre pair of skiis o ,highwaýy No. ,3'5, onr Satiurday, 'iay ,ii Pontypool and Ooi~~ReW-r .Fid er p --s et hin h wtOro Thues, Phone 9 r 1. ORONO0 Furnitare Hospital 8 Repairing Reffinishing Ant-.iques Beught anid SoId Se. Our ine of Drapery Kitchen lits imAdp te order 'P