ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TrnIRSDAY, MAY 13th, 1948 PARK JULY AND NAUà UST (Conin.ed rompag-e e fu ds'of th Aao -atn.Th-ia offer Please , Ltycur bttle's out uii.ay was' ccpe.nhtfor. 4 y11m7 ning d'lvery of Ithe-i 'aota goup Iit w'as milk cofi ing PIMi day, May o'ffered h)y Stari. P.ya at 1,5 P er-, 70-11 for i h sum -ll er o ths, Suri- i cent ofail gate eeei.s 1bc turned daye , lcd aiysurpIus atztI'h'h'ýe nd cf the sesan é,__________ E__________ Thie cha'iman ofhe varions ri p eureenlaid out it is- to 3e pl'aced in. the casked o ouot ashdl ofhas of Wni. Watson_ Vo avoîd, ap, 'houaIs 101r thir respective ativities a. far as possJile, any conifusion between the, park, th frg aln'e aprcseg 'ps periLods~. When this hoo'qr cehedule lias Thie meigtheni adjourned. Ladies,' Shorts, je attractive designs and colors. . <..2.25 j Chldren' s Fine Quality Garter Top, ankie and three- quarter Iength Hose .....49c. and 59c Chîldren 's Overails, in red and hrown with contrasting trim, 2, 4 andi 6 years.. .....................----1---- $1.89 GuelphMis 3 and 4 Ply Fingering and Baby Yarnts. M RS. L. R E IDY Phone 9 r 7 ORONO, Ontario SAThelRDAY CONTINUQUS I _performance - 6:.30 p.m-tI12 Fri-Sa,, ay 14-15 INMon.-Tues. Nay 17-18 TeheeoorCartoon *EHICaECATO ADDED ATTRZACTION TEHIOO.CnC S PECIAL---E'XTRA "SILVER WEDDING AMNIVERSARY" .An, outstanding film record of the lives of King George VI and Queen Elizabsethi. Ail the pageantry - his-.toribeeJtt n inti- mate f amnily gatherings. ITln'S THE SUBJECT 0F THE YEAR! DIRECT7 FRQM BRITAIN! WEDNEDAY TRUSDAY NA!19-2 del ON pgéû Noya ,Scotia Local News i Thie xnGirls' sfbaiteam"! has ccnmnced practising- for' the coiig- Wewish Vo e ten ite sym--rpathy i, the eommjiiunity VoMrs.HoadWli Lo ler recent SaQd cl eevenient. iMr. R. Sheirwin anidMssE.dith Sewnvis'ýited frien'ds lin Toronto re-i cently. Mr. nd _Mrs. :Kennýeth Fria 0iik aind faniily, of Prince Albert, speat Sudywith Miss Mabel Davy. Mrs. Pe-rey Brown, of Coîborne, spent a week vil',itiing fniende ilu Orono andc guest of tMrs. 1. Winten. Miss _Menion Brown, R.N., of Os- awvilited -wîith her parents', Mn mid Mrs. .1 D. Èrown, last weýek-end. Mr, Dane F ,i udlundenwvent anl olper atiosJ iinBowmanville Hospital 0on Monldaly of tis week. Nowv that the spring 'weather is hem', ai'ong -with goo0d groWinrg con- diticlns thie houe eholders have bnoughit ont their L.wn evowers,. Mr.Floyd Nicholson and 'Mrs.j John Ba1irstoWw were visitonsvwi th Mrs. and Miss iloward Ma\Lster, Bw Mn. and M rvini, of Grim)sby, amd ~Mr. and :Mrs. JHanvey Winiter mpent thie week-end %vth Mt:s. I. Win- ter. Mi~Ferne Webber and Mnr Gor- don Hornby-r, of 'Oshawa, spet oe the--week-end witlh Mn.. -aud Ms.e Walker. Mr. end Mrs. 'CariSBiliJings attend- nd ,the skatinig carnival et Maple Leaf Grdens on 'Fiday and eau Barbare Auýn Scott perfýornai and othier stars. Dr. and-Mrs. J. 1-1, Leslie, of Peter- borougîl, spent the weeli_-end -wil the ates parent!s, Mn. and Mrs. W. J Riddell The ible GlAass of Park St. Unitedl Church wil , ontinue to meet ou, Sun- days et 2.30 p.m. la the chunch as jWe are ,pleased Voa cee that Mise F1 loreGob ledfick le able to be aroundi a gain efter a severe îlttack of the ~fu. Mn. and Mrs. Alex. WîTatsou have m'oved itt their new home receatly pnnchaeed froin the Armstroiag Es- tata. A Tag Dayfor the Canadien Insti- tute for the Biind was held ilu Orono least )Saturdaly. Donald MoLaren, Bunay Lynch and jack -Wilsonl col- lected $21.2,5 for the fuud. Lev. B. J. qtiinton. cf imiico, and Mn. and Mrs. Joe Stmitlh, of Buffalo dropped la and sp ent a f ewlionne vi.siiting with Mn.and IMns. 'W'. j. Rid- deil. Thie 1fet ome gnae cf the oo senioýr fobalC1111) iltake place onri Wedyneedey eveninig, Mayjlathy cormeacng t 700 .m.(D.S T.). If the Orono Park le iu condition -,the giewill 13e played here, if noV the gaine wilil 1e played at the field et îLeskard. The visitingtemwil 3 Tyon e. ta-- ilb Cedair Dale ffau--War Mary, e I'-yeeri-oid purebred cow bel'onging Vo, trie Gedar Dale Stock Feris, gave birth Vo triplets a couple of weeke ago, two lifers aad 1one buIL.This cowYý hec piioduced over 100,000 pounde of îîill i lier 1îfetimýe. This le the freit ime that this cow lis eve-r pro- ducd:nmore than. ýone caîf lu a Yer Ail Oddf1"ellows, are renuested oi attendl Speial _ Divine Service of Orono Lodge No. 436, 1.0 O.F., at Leekerd Cliurch on Suaiday, Mey lOÙht., et 2.00 ýp.m. (DS.T.). Meet et the miW at 12,0. Baud in attendeance. lie- bekali Lodge mcibeas are lu charge cf the iusie, aid ey. A_ E. Eustace the cilister. ATTEND DIVINE SERVICE Local Oddfeliows and Bebekehs are o be coryianeided upon the spie-- ddDistricte, url parade of lest Snud1(ay eventng, de'pite the indle- ineit w hr Hleaded by Orono Ctzu'Band, Under the leadersiip of Actiug Baud- niaster Grbes Taiblyn, the parade preepded o Park St. Chwqrchpaso- ing thrcgh a Guard of alou e- forded by Misers of Heather Lodge vh.o were statiored eýt the Church doors. Rebekah Sisters also comnprised! the specia! choir, the atrc ive ihree- link eulmsof Reeke Odfel'low- ship providiug e tonch of coour ageinet the quiet digaly cf the as- toilar'y Chon'iters escs The sermîon'b-y Rev. A. FE. Enstace was ncctacmedtiontstendig and tun- iquie, filling as it did the expressed dsesof Odfelwsii ithout fol- loigtoo Iosllte beeten path of sci pf-Lrnl tachngoften issocîated with lthe Order. Beauti';ful aro and Moe marked the antliem by the chloir, Bro. Colla Ta"ylor sangz "An Fveing Frayer", as a vocal solo The !eripture leson ws read by Bro. R. Chiater, Noble Grand, and prayer was- offered 'by Bro. E. ;Sheciçieton actbte teratinaton of the peniod of silence lu inienaury of Oddfellows 'wbo had peso- ed te tbhi reward. Ero. G. Wýatsýon proved aueficrienimt Meeelfor 11ie evenîug. Oddflei- oihi le VIce yer celeb)ratiug the( 129th annlverîry- of itsfodn. Tuis growtli and reeliatiof Friead ehi, Lve nd ruth culdne fntimge- ly snmmed î lu Carrie Jcb Bodsimmrortel song 1"A Perfct ana Gore Getu MlIhaesncelàlng of hIenature lahi Ad whec hey sang ~ a cubiul det toinrd Cowanville A numàber fromi this comnluty et- tenided thie United CGhurehChor on cert at Newcastle con Fridapy eveniing. Mi-, ail;'Ms ne Bandy went 'with the bus load fromi Newtonviile to 'Niag2ra F ails on Sunday. We are glýIad to welcomle Mi% and Mr.Theodorie Stephens and 'lamily li o ôlur cmvuiagaie. The Ciar!Ue W. A. ,vas held on May ut t the hlomle of Mr-S. E. Quantrill, with a gooud attendlanca eThe Jn iieetiing Vo be at the hom-e of Mrs. Sid. -i lo'weli whven the ladies plan to pack a box of ixsed dlothing Vo send Vo Britain and Europe. Mvs. Hazel SrneBownrnvili-e, sýpent the week-end withi Mr. and Mns. Clarenee Burl'ey. Mrv. and -Mrs. Alf. P'errin had their son Vioinas George baptized at the Mother's DaIy-service nt Cak Chutrci on Siiindiy. Mn. and IMrs E. Quantrili, Mr. and Mrs. Clarene Rurley attended the f-uneri of -Mr. Tonie Langstaff on M-\on- d ay. Mr. Ceu lLoekwood bas', Welin- tdrtnpurefhased the flou r 1 MI a t flamtpton. PARK ST. ' UNITED CHURCEH Rerverend B. . Eustace SUNDAY, MAY l6th 9.45 - iSundiay hol 11.00 a.M ning Service Whet Mexuorial Have You ? 2.00 p.m. - Oddfelo service atLeskad'. 7.00 p.m.-Evuiin- ngevi'ce "True Faith" Orono Tinshop. HAVIE YOUR Furnace and ready for -use during the summier mnonths R. E. LOGAN phone 18-10 MtiAIN STREET - ORONO singer sewing MACHINES Re fr or any meake sewsng wachi"e5, Free estimates ElereMalhines available for rent or sale wvrite or phope SIGRSEWI'NG ëMACHINIE COMPANY 47Walton St, Prt o=10pe Phono PFort Hope 1018Wev (Our rpeenaiecails -le10ro even-y Fridtay) FREE SERVICI and Cattie picýked ujp immdiately Free c Char ege WVe pay for Telephoàne Cah3 413 IRED& WHJTE STOREjS Mincemeat,.2-pi.e size40 V-8 Iligh Quality Catsup, by j U1C Eeled makers of' Famous V 8 Veg- I(Usetnd etable Juices, bottie...24e Waxed Paper, 125 ft, ext ra heavy, rolli.............. 27e IGOOD MORNING Marmalade, Shiriff s473 Corned Beef, ideal for 'sand- wiches and lunches, tin. .. 48e Juicy Florida, Oranges, doz 27c Lyons' Tea, White Label, lb. 90e Rinso, with new solium, pkg. 33c Champion Cat Food, alnieat product, 2 tins.......... 29e ILARO&E Prunes, Fresh and2O .Nlay b Hi-Ho Puddings, MeLaren', in 4 flavors, 2 pkgs.......19c Jello Tapioca Puddings, just add mnilk, 2 pkgs ......... 19c Dunean's Chioride of Lime, 2 tinis for.. ......... 23t Shiriff's Lushuis Jelly Powders assorted, each..... ..... 12e 1 lare. z i CHATEAU PIMENTO CHEESE~ V2 lb pkg. 270. Palm Boom Brand IChoice 34ce HEINZ COOKED MACAR ONI I Cream Sauice anti Cheese 170. OORNSH &MILLER ARMSTRONG'SI Axminster Mats. size 27 x '54, priced ........... .....---$9.5çi Sport Jackets,,in red aied blue-.... wool flannel, priced_,... $12.00 Men and Boys Brown Duck Pants, al sizes $2.75, $3.75 Me's Plaid Shirts, priced $7.50 Mlen's Crepe Sole Oxfords, priced...............-- ý$6.00 M 'sSport Shirts, colors of saInd, green and blue, priced...............-- -- ---$4.50 Womee's Gabardine Rain- coats, sizés 14, 16 and 18, priced..............- ------$1.50 2 Lang Coats, 1 blue twýeed, reg. S35.00, for -------- $2500 1 il, Wool Flaiel, coloirs of Oatmneailgrey, reg. $49 50, for.................---- ----$9.95 1 Shortee, colon Turquoise, Shîrriff'.is Desserts, any flav- ors, plgi,-,....lc. The New Jeul-o, Tapioca Pudl- ding. or Lemon Pie Filling, 2 pkgs. for ......... 1e AIl sizes of 0Oranges just arrived Shirif'sMarmalade, 4 lb tneach ý. . . . . ....5e. Diii Pickles, 32 oz. jars, each.........35C Aylmer Por-k and Beans, 2 ins for........35C York Tomato Ketchup, botte Fr ee R un".in g 'T a-bi1 e S ai1t , 2 p kgs for..........5 Campbell's Tomato Soup, 2 tins for.......21C Ayimer Tomato Juice., 20 oz., tins, 2 for.......2e Rulk -Macaroni, 2 lus for ..25-' Heînz 16 oz. Jar Sandwich ifSpread........45c Ladies' Bats, inistrew.s and Felts for HJALF PRICE. Ladies' and Mtisses' Dresses, in floweued ýSilk Crepe. Check ýSpun Rayon, plaie anil FIgured Jerseys. Nylon Rose, pnîce $i.65 Vo $1.95 Cottoc Lisle.............---75e Ankle Socks, le stnipes ai-d plain...........---40e. to 75c, Pnrint êBouse Dresses, ail sizes dîffecrelit styles, priced from.---........ $2.25 Vto $4350 Gir's Print Dresses,,. ni" Styles, priced .... $M.5 to 22 NlnSlips and Penties, al ses t....$1.50 te# $2 '95 Rayon slips, je white ae(d Pink, sizes- 32 te 46, et -.- $2.95 ,We have e good stock of yard geods. Remuants opf Wallpaper. ORONO CREAM3ERY BUTTER COCANUT 48 oz tin, eachi I re <brapi or Roast of MARGWILL R. R. 1, '1 An&e.* . --Jl, g l'