Phoane 43 r 1 - - ORONO WEEKý-END )SPECIALS Children's Cotton Pulloveors, lo'gad short s4eeyes with anlimal deiPs --Gytrs, reg.$39 for $11 Print and Fancy Apronis ------..........95c. to $.50 Rompes......................$.25 up to$25 MRS.L. REID Phone 9 r7 O)RôoOntario 0hù auspices of the Newcastle Veterans'Asoitn NEWVCA-STLE COMMiU!NlTrY IHALL oin the eVeling of F RIDAY, APRIL c>oth9 1948 Donnliaiiirî's Orchestra ADMISSION 50c Per Person WIIITE STORES JAVEX, 32 OZ bottie ........... .25C Aylmner PEAS AND CA,ýRROTS, 42 tins....39e FRENCTII'S 1MU1STARD, 9 oz jar 1.....,.124c (V-8) TO-MATO CATS1P., 13 oz bottle ,.,..24e Pure Maple Syrup, gai $4,75 K.RE-MýNEL DESSERTS (hcltVnla Pep- permint Chocolate, Butterscotch lavors, 2 for 19e SUNFILLED ORANGE and GRAPEFRUIT JUiICE, 48 oz tin............40e a zmI R-ose Brand Meat Sauce For Chopis, Steaks, Ilashes, Fish, Soups Bottie, 22 cents Pure Soa' 1;1r il Q ? Ftresn -Prunes k' Shiriff's Fruit]r Spýrýing Clothes" No. 1 Sp; P o st's I C on T o Gold Medal Peal Yellow Sugar, 2 Grapefri-,ît, juiei p Flakes, giant size...83 1 2lbs.'... 1. . .... 9 %g, tin.. . . . . 8 box of 6 ......,.2e pples, 6 qt 3*45c cý risp, 2pkgs ....,.21ce utter, ice box j. /1.. 5C kgs.........21c suni, 96's, 6 for .... .22-c IF Garden Fertlimzrs aud Sheep 1Mnure C. V. flouse Paint, SI $.50 Gaon.$.O Sunset Ename, ,il oor enamels, qt.. $1L65 Gai$5n! 500 Warner Electric -Brooder............$417.OO 350 Wýearner Electric rBrooder .. .........$S'36. 60 Chieken Founts and Feeders Eurekia Power -Mower ............$120.00 Eureka Hand Mower.......... $12,00 to $3â.00 Rang-ettes, Beatty Electrie Washers and Pressure Systems. C C MI Men's Bicycles......... ....... $47 50 Stewart Eleetic Clipper.ý...... .... ý.. ..$ 32. 50 Garden Wheelbarrows ................ $7.00 Rubber Tires and Metal Box.......$15,06 RO%4ïL P H H ARDWARE A large nuniber a' tteudý(ed thefu- iture sale e f the e Miss Fern Ghapi- inan ,O-en good prices were realizad for the furniture offedFurniture Stijl bmeiug b-ard te ýpu1rcbtasenyu h]1aviag a sale of ti k ,is sreof hAung a lage enuer of buers preMn.Mr. nJak Reid nas nhe au=- tioneer ment Shown at Newcastlël The coi-ninunty Hall Newcastle wvas fillled to paity lstWensa evnnwhen Thý'e fîffi"Rmacec The film i Ïs titorialistory of tihe Mnssey Ratres"CO. froinitsond 1in~ luhe Vlagof Newvcastle ni 1847 toý l'es pres-ent wýo1rid wide etb Th- Masswe-Iarris Co. pres.ened a pveview 0 th-flm in tne Waidorf Hote, New York, asot( tihe memibers1 ThiS -ituehçwed the wonderfuil 1aslvanemncAfofaai implenients nianfactredby tht Massey llarris Ce. ail over de worLd Sevearailubers weregiven hy the Oo'r~Brothtrs, BLarber Comedian Quartette, b'iefore the pic-ture-3 were shw.This ureteYit"h their 1well liended voices Mn remarkable ha mny wre ppladedti1e nnd again. Pt ic, etonvocal tupie wihMarg. playinrg the accordleon, and Boalthe violin delghed the aud- iene. HAÉVE YOUIR Furnace anýd ready for use durang the summer moniths R. E, LOGAN on 1'rid~ y evero the auspices of liant Club. Dri o w:oil Hail Singer Sewing NACHINES dMayL'yïli rn tecktea with Mr. a10 ~ f~elate Seýwrid Dowson ont( 1ay Isat week. Mc. andjMrs . A.Studholme, of oronto, spent Sunday wîth tMrand [rs Ross Gilhart. Mr.- C'. T. Miller adMrs. Powers 7turnedhmeonr ed, ed yof 1last eak.aftr sendn fe.w mntýhs ln *Lang h ave rje[-Lurn, ed terespective ocmws a ,er pening Che wintàr nonWhs ln Florda. Mr. ~ s an r.Rihr ost ock oved PiOn Wdnsaylst te thene cw orne th-ey pucased, fr'on te state ï J thiae Fern Chaprnan. MisB. Thempson, cof Newtonviiie, [r. anld Mrs. R.Cwl, of Ilo rt [rv aieo, Cenre t v li Dayigh SaingTirniewiH go )1inte ~etin 0101ooadmdigton St daApril 24th. Turuyer oc heade heur befoe retirig Stuýr- ay nigi. iot Mr. Trp o f Darlingten cc~nty. Knneth whebas euted issuamMer, Mr. ar,,d Mrs.Carli B iln A, Mv. n31( Mrls. Harry -lley, ad M.A11 qv [rýs. H1. J.Seh atteonded theu wed- mgn" of thecir nleic, Misýs MelenRi- by, and Mi% Allen , ,hnsnlat Tor- M. IRL H. Keane ha csld the 1rthb lot offl bis property on ,Church tre South tef 0Mr. oae ok 4raee has the lot marked eut and epcste begin xcvtinwori n a lay or- two, in preparation te bu-ilding new 1home. The 12%th auinvesary of the uridinig of the I.O..F. Order on hils cenýýti-nent wi!1 ho(,1ebrated at loren,,c ihinaeLedi'ge, on Sun- iay. -April 25thb, at il am DST) a St. Paul's Uniteýd Cuc.Boh ýrs n1iake it a point te attendc. imiiy, ef OsiwMr. Mal1ow Ha- xk, efNecallo1ad v and7Mrs,. gertonMancoc vLsild iunay wt Ur. and Mrs. Glen. Hnok ak vortih, THEATRE - BOMA NVILLE Please2 Note SATURDAY CONTINUOIS PERFORMANCE FROM 6.30 P.M. 1T012 P.-M. Thurs., Fn, & April 22nd, 23rd, Sat, 24th BE TTY HU TTON "THE PERILS 0 PAULINE" SELECTED SHORTS TEC lNICOLO-R CARTOON MnTues., April 26-27 GR--IPPlING ACTION! "BRUTE FO"'RCýE"9 Aduit Entertainmnent Buirt Lanaser Hme Cronyni and Cha.s. Bick-ford MOVIE TONEH NEWS C-A'RTOON IN COLORt Wednesday, April l Thursday 28-29 Vitor Mature Ethel Barreymore "4MOSS ROSE" Tchaicolor Short "PARIS IN THAE CAROONIN COLOIR FridaY .April 30 Saiturday May lst LEO GORCEY adthe BOWERY BOYS la AJambocree of Joýy Excitemet! INEW IIOUNDS" Gene Autry i "ISADDLEPAS FR E ERICE Dead, Crippled Hlorses anid Cattie Pike p meatlFrtf We pay ýor Telephone Cal Easy to operate, Ba iil Bearing 5-bladeTal- Forbes madEuea an owr $650 $19q.50 POWER AMOWERS $153950 EU REKA POWER -IIMWERS $ 120.00 GARDEN SPADES FORIKs RAKES 75.9;5c. and $1.2i 75c. and $1.25 TURF ED'GER CLIAOSGRASS SEED $1.25 95c. and $.15 4eKlb GARDEN HOSE mEN, BOYS' GlIRLS' 50 feet BICYCLEýS $4.75$17.50 COAL - EMPIRE, CLARI JEWEL GUR-NE $95.00 - $1325.04 RANGES DIELUXE WOOD . ELECTRIC AND GAS COLEMAN $11,95 & $14,95 ) $49,511 & $7-9 100o Gallons lst Grad-e Outside White Paintî, at only ............. ...450 per gallon Ail kinds of Fishing Potes, Ileets, Hlooks and Raits at iLOW PRICES LUNN'S lst 0F MAX C0NTEST F'or Bo,'ys anid Girls under 15 years of age LAC1W'EST SPECKLED ORBRW TROUT lst rize $2,0. nd prize, $1.50 15 years and over Ist prize, Bristol Telescope Rod; 2nd prize, Rlack Prince Silk u Lne Luti n Hardwnare IARMSTRýONG'S New 1Hand Bags, "ia Bull1 Plas- tic and Corded Silk-, ail differ- eat shapes. Dresses, lat Silk Jerseys and Cr-epes, aIel new, sizes 12 to 221/2 Coamts, inl ln or shortie styles, colors of Tdirquoise, Fuischia, Oatmneal Grey and Tweedýs. P1rintPresses, la differeat styles, sizes 1l to 44, Jir-iced from .--- $2.25 to $4,50 New 'Ballerina Sirsl 1 black- or grey, '4d.. 5.5 Rayon and Nylon Panties, priced from .----$100 to $1,50 Slips la, Rayon ami Nylon, prieed,............... ------$2,95 Puire Ra,,spherry or StrawbeiTry Jaimý,32 oz Jar......45e Plui Jm,32 oz jar....35e Bananas, lb........15e Bee-Ilive Syrup, 10 lbs S..$135 5 lhs. for .........79e Eag-le Brand CondensedMik tin., .. . ....... . ý. . . 2 Camïpbell's Toniato Soup, 2 tis for..........21c Tom ato Juice, 105 oz tin . . '75c Eclipse Pastry Flour, 24 lb $1.407 Domestie Shortening, lbo... 30e, York WeiýnerS and Beanls, 20 Oz tins for.... ........-.2e wigsVanilla, 16C oz jar.. 21I c Ewing-ý's Jligle Jell, 2 pkgs. . 25e Rc,2lbs. for. ..... 9 PlIawe's Floor Wax, flb tini. 4 5e S p riïng Clothes Pins, 3 doz.. 25e E EF, PORK VEAL and LAMB patteras, priced $3,95 to $5,95 Men's ancy KMil Sweat- ers, w-,th Zipper, priced from.........-$5195 tu $7350 wetShirts, la white, red adbl-ue, pie.... 22 We have lanstock, CgiagoRgs Draperies and Blind". Walaecleaýriag a 233 ich lljpaper, reg. 40e, for25 Sets of Dishe, 95 piees, ----------. ------. ------- $ 0.00 Shos, la Oxford or Pnp regular $4.50 aad $5,00, for..................----------$.50 S;ets o tf Dishies, 65 piee, vriced..............---------$32.00 lb. pkg. P-1RUNES DATt lb 1 BL" .ýu I proceeds forMeoilRn RED & M'z Repairs for any muIe ewii machines. Free estimates. Electric Machines avaliable for rent or sale wri.,te or phione, SINGEIR 8EWING MACkilNL COMPANY 47 Waltoai St., Port HoPe phonei Port Hope 1015W? (Our rpeenaiecails ini Orono every Friday) ý7U-8U),