Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 22 Apr 1948, p. 1

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E (MONO, ONT., THU1 AAPR-. 22nid, 1948 subsecription $ 1.ý50 per Year ,g Time In O0rond', Saturday Midnight, April 24th Work From Coboug lo, Ld!,,e No.Enftertain Ladies sestirafnl DuahaniDistrit 1'.i. 4 . Ooouig l3 hang won their 1iaspeactve -AMI fonals, lecked hoans lu the fi- amswih reowinniag t ee oi, e n-triyear. Be- tiies w-eet tchsi hast.No -as-srs uslip-e uisseiltuse ayes ef che jAuilgsF 'Osonaw asnlyBieti- cr Der !ehs,-leýr n Beamishy r making th dafson roterhye manda w Pra alier-tan'in di em -,celent wik AdaI e ha ni' Ragel C.pay Theme roesare Tic niglit n'e-e grand winI up )cf tihe degrea compitUien, snd spek mua-ïis of tisa fine spis il of frien(slsipi b-al existe !n Ibis dsrc Attention Footballers Ameetigw-il1 ha hall donit s * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -, lutsI prl2ret80 .. l ie 'Oage Hall, f-ca,tic puropeaof or- gan--izi1g 1footbaïllfoir[liaeaening cee- sona. Tic lI-gton FoouhaI Le-agise is -le-e sponsoring e junior longue this yaar andi wclurge ai labys f 12 yers a--nil o mew-et t-b pYbehaet1 àiss eeting,-. AIl thios.e interstaed footbaëllare urgently aslcl ed ha Th- eage asý lied its annuel or.- ?ganization meeting andl the ceas-en opaens ror Saturduay, M4ay iStIs On Tuse e-eigo ast , e il(e Br-ethien of Oie-oll MAas-oic Leg took upoin temsaes ,ýthle s oet e tertai-in ing thir wî j ves andl1 friands t cýa scileveniinin l)the The guests upon araî ivhrg - Vre 'ai ccmd byt1'eMasýte-r eore ni, ceive vocl sols wih MaslJ. ie at theAogan.RW Br. Donad 1 Gbsoni-, Duham L lde, wasthen ciledupoýe1 o gave animropt wif e th WIshul Master, an Mis.e DoCadtGibsoIn were p1esetlg,- enlivael hî1comemnity Andig ledb . iersseJack shore.Bre a numer efý fls ofhNoraînsof- amil e ndothleapartsacfatge cpov- ince. Folig uashcig o tuhe sehved. Te s-es-tf lie evnihg n'a speiit by em fanin lingearsotaîsC Pharsentaýtion GiventM.Andlia t t-e shoo hâereatLekril oroud ai ethe rjcyfuines -f a largecow e ur Mia. an d M s.' . B air t w in charge.ha a. Hait-spn'e oer etd a chaîrmantifer thaer oentain t whicilime ihe ung e aaI ole ý th(_ sechooi at Leshar rsue -t îightfui --naiy Inoculate Legume Seed For Best Resuitsý Legs-en nel cl-es-i s~/ eans, c n-I-et ce - anil on ricuber vo e cr09 gool tilt c rep s, suc-hIr as al faifea. udt loa, aicîkaýý, scy Me long beau kncwu, 0ndiiOns,te la-are tise isey ara grw-n in a tien h lsdi 1le OW ir u eassairy condîtieis w il dainaI, liaI 1to e sole-iibaing lu lnth 'lsciicas-tan 'riakn as Lg-i sa l-glin-a bectari 'ou~g-r-o scf the le- they produca ittie ululs, Iugiy1or'lu elose-retlics-e nodules- but numoe, w-blau vuhtey aie o9ii-aa i fan' in numbair-Tira -e nodule-%itc frea e atuiopiera e li-el se il as fOoI(. %WithIs-cL bacteria tic plants undl ne Pi-net -eh es cado lMAenwitb esaun t 'ise s -r miUcsadeer o s'isolil iraadoptaI te suply tlei bac- tare. umro-s xpcriicn'ts ý andi prolnge exprieca ava show-nlbat te hast way te deo -fis le hoinul ae tic sýecd ittisabenacssai-y bac- trie. Fe)r sncb ceaI inoculationi, artificlul- iy grow-n cltreof tice cria, cri- gineily scurdfrom lie nodules -ou tii-e roMs cf ihie saInle 0'ces c ponut which ta to e has-wn, are appial ho tbe ceaI ioitIy lbafora il is sovn. By 1bis mehtheicbaedaeara car- rial ir-ho tic soo! w-tb ticcccl, unI in ample nuI-iiers te pr-aeticail in- sus-ainfection -cf tiseVoets, witi con1- caequent incîes-ýel gs-w c l- crop. Al alfa ul!los-as-z; s-edlara se-r- expensiva anil as an extra inscriance w-Il uîuie pas ýibIy pa~yen Ite uise culte- e lsleyeai For your acceumno-oitiuin your -Ag- riuiuaPapresýentatire, E.* A.Sun- mae liga sapy cf aculurs at thla 11mepuns' o-f Agriullrh ofie iBe maniila. A culture w,-ill ticeat, ne hcAh of soee, but if yen bave leu s tirsu e -ucbl haitied-ulia cuture miv 'be risO- wiout imirmn. cuCutes Extensive FishResckg Planned For Dsrc Gooil news s to hefishinprs pects of tirefture cme rom uLïtind s-ay in t'ihe fol,)iiewig -Canadien ras desatc: Tha largest fish rsok ýIIg ni s dis titsbstrt au of Lnds nd oress, as anouce-i Mo tfite ivers -anI1akes in th e Tien t (i strict, biýc-h cua Dunham111 ,11ialirton, Noviher- be res-tockad.K Movin of b o treut n prapae !Lei S-puckle rut oYlomw4S.MLcerI pihi mukluganbaswl 0a stetLetya2,0,0fILh Dr, R. P. Vivian Retires As p.- C. Candidate For Durhami in thdi cong lectio-, nof thie Prov- inca of Ontie, siated tet take plahe on i June th, the P or greýsisive.-Cùnser - vatiras il lieaý te fiil anothiler can- ilatIie te -trite lceof Dr, Rl. P. Vivian, pie-enit im.emhaa foir Dina Couaty in tha e 1gr-eýssive.--,GoIserva,ý- M143,wa elected over the sitting Lifb- eral membe-r, Cec-il Me)'ce , bein lected by a maljriîty ef 163 votes 'conte-t is C. C.F. in the 'en -Irna ba 1l - lagmajcit f28 was mal tHath'n tai cf u a -until acp i -e ostion as b-aad -)f soil e lth and adcina t M ssiting for Mis. Goodman te ceai- TcWmnsCstian T pr plate ea busebolil taszks , ttw7- anca Un in hail its April nmeeting on man ilaicideil te hum their attention!Tleuay :afterno)oný, A\wilZOh in lhi te la fa-w g'anses cf crihbage. -United Chiurcb sahelol rmÀ.ïMi, H-. Ws ih prsiel.anl iss E. Sharwinl W playin ý j1,g ýc ri-ihage t l gne- laefor t- h bnns. ally tiie des-re cf the players te ra- Ms J. D. Biolc -aa -eyhep cira aperect h-ct, ýa co-Jt (cf '2C'.1fui -readî 1ng s-e-acomment o'1 -Infis aseW.E. FDavaynau ntds "', t Crintian, 3th -ciapt2r. Plans ~ppointad, W ithils en'n dIcal h 'eliese o teG-i ea lieapefcthniw-huai coitaII lr-enilhaagtcntsatpeak- iifg. M. 1mw-mAYlinNencaste, noi bf lieJa oF Diamn-eWhe is-e c neny aveai radio awaes ra- OraiSDU, lie f Iva c lub n dptis fic c ateltouviis ing, -as wel mcothea E, lJayy si s -l f . edraen, "spi <me pestr wogky,.i t eigdonc ai -ie caefi haat ye ct, ýci il -lutiare schol -ad- pi7-as -ill hc -gtrn fn ' thse perfect haut. Mi. Goodniculhser-acitl Me enirug cf hNe 8301htrs. tIse~~~~~~ fi-WfDanns iigBhleF cnksen faroreil wilh cV-iluva- uely numbers -en berBeccetheeen*and perectbau. . E sas a nyerMi. ,aisbcolaîucted a q(uestionnuaire expat tehae a-oherisnd lika il,1 on "WVhy Total Abstinene" onil bu ili atii gar-a ui the lbrili Wel odrto ufia i s. cf aMiaim te recels-c eue.eDalva dace nmetig WtbpMaya. CommnicbleDisease Report Highel For March In Ui i e nuimber of cases of co-imi or la the sou arorni gaimbe ane cable disease rap-orteil in Mlas-ah1- wher E lid -nmse-s have been spillad -mAeaquaIt ua cases for JanUiary on the grenuild. As a muie the heusa amI Fehruaay cominaI. 0f the 491 fly NiH net migrate. for -more tien cases tapestel, 210 were mui-ps anil 500 tea1,00 yards, andiltie figit cf 158 ted mie-aces. Measias reportaI for lie majorityA lelas lien 300 yardsý tlie pies-ionsUs cnbw-ara20. 0f tic priil ifood andlhreadi-gplaces arc Il casas -cfs-caI Lfever reportaI, 6 accessible ncarb y. Fr Ibis ye-so ccusraI in --ncsl ni tpnus-- tie tiorenghiandl cuntiutors removai 'ses vlisitel tuha --l sebool regularly, ofrfuei-n -whici flics may bireel le emdcudiug alildren -witb ie tiroats. tic meet effcetis-a.enaaeiýur-e whidicalce Il Wud s-ern iat Ibis supervisi&n hY tmkan ta reduca tic numbare of was a factornin blping te localeliabecremrs of lis-cas-c n, a commun"tl- an-I rastrial Che ou.hbramL-tk. iîy. "May lst bas hean eaahiised as A tanaluin-gccst cir aiw-s held t-h date for tÎe cl-enu-up inu-Ontaie ou l6tb of Marc-b a-t Brighton. Tiare sud it isoan dvuan-tga te hae n'ese 45 prens x-rayeîet NS-clinic. ciean up(loaa -by bis date 'becau-Lse tise At N tinrguar Cohus-g an-ilPort lamper- -ui-c and mcuse-re have by Ho-pc chimies- people iraI ciscst x- tien hac-oma favoirable for tisa de- r aye staken. 1Tise Bossmans-MIe Lions relopii-cut -f tii-chou-se fly 1Iarvac. ub w-ra -ame,.-tiough lia sale cf Sanilary Insipectors are sisiting -Ci-sztiini -as ceai, te prcha-se u x-r: y municipal lmps ail ccnsurltiu1g w-ilb mia chlinel. Tii' x rey macine is te officiais a-s- tetii- management of b)e 1-onlelt 1v Bowauvilla Hlos- ae se -hiat a minjinjuýni cf nuisance pitlI btLuntii tuisewnaw ½ilIiug ile mey recit.Inpetins ara asebh- comnploeel hae will n-t -ha roc-m for ,mIg lmmdc cf -yards 1sel ýlcein tlie i iN e hespta In d he ineatim mre cengestectarassle ie ouis il w-il b- elait in 'ticeHeaihsUnil cf- buttube ultimiata rasýpomsiility for;li fiein B-owMsnvil'la. Il je pianueil cienongupVcfPps-me-miresn't tIa lisra -iliiha a iregelai clinic on tie adividuai citizen. 'hu sa-cesid liiaIn-dy cf ctcdiimontl-s. M-dicsi OfI r-andl nurses from TUs w iii -mean triatlisera will bha amany parle of tcne sIl-bave visitaI c-heelst-ay clinie once ceci montii beNotismsile bu-ans Tealtis aI BomasiaPort Hope an-I Ce- Unit in e-date ie-caveis gni- iosgtewhcislectors con refere'- utinandil earation.isitersavrse as, contacts amndsuspects of -ubrcel- comal freinsarienis pris -ofCn-da esýie caesasfor 7x-rsýy. Wilh 1Ne x-ray 'ha Uni-ldSi-tersSentis Ainerca- uinie -ici vil-abie -,t BaIlevill es-ansd Indie. hie w-Iln-ow ha neer'y faciis for DuArig -Ms-y1w-e nurse-s w-ho ara jie cicetx-ray cf pers-uefru-inthe '-aigîiiu-fruIn thie 49st ftise Oeetli arions section-s of lieu nital Cm-oua-Us-i411iYlha as-llia-g fr aficlil t lias. laa -pnew apoi11e1-1)is 1Il is -repo(rtaItifilttise unnîbr cf Mary Scott -saT-I Miss Fera Br-r r le-,adacof gihal-ge bhaing lelis-aral 10 geing le the Ppeife Coast andwil he- Uur'iipa Is-mp1s1h-s gas shinu-tien leeive to lake urpnPhîic Hoa-lli craasaed wili tue arami!cf spéignin s luin ticHawdain Liande. 1-alier eialnd 'o ul appar ltialtijeMiss Scoî, w-io bas bean u -s"ad W ramerai of al refus etîicb bas seýj- Port oe.jin tic Heitll Unit in mulatel Iaig lie -winter w-fil-ha aamiy 194W as-I nas-ppontaI Son- largiy ceréaI eut befere tis e tlof ici'rseJiy 1, 1946. -MisBake 'Msy n-bli - i-e »date spacifiel in ali as-bout, wilstuc Unit sineS tm Publc omsiis Act for sucis w-esk te b-r cf 19417, n'rkiug' e n.t cft ise on'-" - len.- mairvihle nets lia joiniug I Scoît i Consistant Disciplinqe With Children Lessens Delinàquents On Fîiiday atrnnApr i1 l6tLih, thie Orono W an'8 insti tt hl ther rgu-ar etotly nmeetn ad annualmetn in thje Cou,,ncil hI s 1 er. The ScIl lfare commllittue wvih Ms. . RbinontS conlvenor),ý wes in charge - iief heprogÏramme ll,. It wasindeel a pleausure te(av edi Chiurc(h sakte tlhe nmembers ,ol Environiiiiient", naints a wliadjinstel eloLie. N EWTON VILLE , endl Mis. RHon. Billley riitc M-r. and Ms DnySitia, sawa vilage ce L Tuas-day. a ld i ia py to atar in air ose a-lM . 'nl M " Tc'C0eia L u work tha cl iedyexattertenaeaseget t-tsdasn bt necîsry fora me-te e ite- -Lar i chlîrýe u V: ridlgne i A chlýiI houlilha b? ia te satimne ilrnc-ai e atwith dffiulir ousileeftieheme -ena zimu el c u Ish l te cii L fc- 1poldaseh onitatinruine of daiy hbits scias-eati-gply ing al î f s leein, 'tarisa thý 1e bas oauay wlldha shak n.AI- thogj te outb efr to-day sptendl more aliass on -ha strIeets, a- publi not. teushaetie baed i thair hom.envrea iceniml, happyri w-t 'iaiets etolemulyactiviies ailet donthencp f-irrjinn.i i beo aut teofuld w- an-s exeu eveiyvavaning. icqfor s ciira le ersusns fioidy hn ges in tierueBor plan fr te fu tu;ri f i t hy wolos e elrý--(e afpart c-fl tuefniyoç a nil lacs ef aet neeysaryhes)-il Iby b leiie' Re r u-tChefthawng satel tati har hhapiectames n ls uvn donelîqun.. 21ndl te -Redeustace for spW.kin 'Meis etyTCainan, ccmpeniWd Gyuss Arîu od hnfvm wî-ti wo oe,-i aaeae h Warne, xvîh Ms.and is. Wiiiisý Pa i o wo.1-' IFiayond iler, oit a hel AF. '--,i i i ad i,1ttIe, son spent a. woh-IbeenservingoatiWi e Hersei transferrd toe C lt. eure 1. Ï2 ami s len n dl ed Ailson tPeidet f -he isio BAnled fbe s andl- n theieerse whihL swn"-iet 'il given. Glor i nd Biory Lne W . st îdut "1ma hil ofle the he Kig Mi. H. A.Buntthe ifntheduce the gues'tspeaer, is, (11v.)Gadiner of CplatUnn, wf gave ai3% in ring accountofthe wok e hoer ofyMr . J. Blue fer teApi nre sitin. fte vein Axiliad y r. feis aTin ong thPaeresident coded h'erbusness duingwhe for ,teWI. DstrctAnnai hetrshipficrea, 3ryJ Blead eroup, then tookA.hrgei mod thevenigaveith the flef progrhAme.OuA meaton poe#m îea3 bfs 'yll sMaryMsj-1 Millrce-dte r- hiservice, wifhnda dsolo lndred by Mi. . ct inni !HollHe. bynpleay- er]ý b.yCl Mis. K Gmrsb. I Mlis.B-ule theseriptuDretscn asser yMs Payne, Mars.- Berý.L. nd MisnMd p.aate yeerot hetpc PeirDrew on Fîidaýy, April 1 announ-ced in tie Legisietura 'liaI aj gecncral elie Wicui ý2ha hllin On- tarie n on nd ,Juna 7h. Inre- vahîg ise gsenun'sdcsoe go toe iacountry jus-I lis-e years andl lIsîcadays a-fIer ilwass-aunarI -le pe-wer in 1945),thie Pramniar zs'il -tie pom pi w-oeil ama-e lfra s-o-te cf cnIceinthie pr.opl-e $60 m-illion expansion pregrai, hait f L ,'ici ill lusolva yde -Oua cf tle ky faceors in rhie prgas l icetedrdzlo f cyle faunyin SulssnOn'tarieý in ili-aesmaa $1 miion ulb-e spant in conse-tieg ticefia e-ninenl at lsrýcerd b ibe spe *wc- ACeicpeeple. Ain tsaaeci in 1945, me 'heeneaIcontacte ara e ecvw tisîcugiet hie w-ocf tha Prlos-bu tics,ý si-bC.C. F. w ian oec c-ie s-ty-il(iownin fer gol mas sessiasnamLih isý, bn-I Ibis- now giallip nuged. riIE- be - e mambreil lisst Ue'ti 1P5 -lctiUp n'as s rselulal' larndlsiIa for theiI' --lia c re~uc - p Mer aan O%-ntarjo Provincial Election To Be Held On June 5th ,he.

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