"This is inideedI a torîLured gnr ationi," said thei C t-year.1-old cx- SChoel1teacher. "Befor- -e weia ve dra-wn our breathf after onie %ar we- are gc.ttinig ready to figbit lthe lext. Before we have Cbit the Iloises whlichi wcre dclsti-oyed iii thie last war, we are begiinig teth Iink yi) ho \wv hol build sh'elters te protect people from ithle îî t t is a terrible cemetay nour timeis, and lhoVw wecan be expected t0o it heure and flot fLel any kilid Of emlotion whvilie we discuiss suich thinigs, 1 do, flot knjow,. Maybe the mi-en CanPi do0it, but I1 know thie\%,o- ien canniot." Mrs. Maning went on 1,n speaký of thec "Iron Curitaini" which hias ~.gîvenl place to a inid of shcet in -ia shadow play across whichi both sides seeiaa hatasmliagoria of distorted, hiorrible, grotesctue people p)assïiig. "Someone lhas to te!ar down that shieet, apd show People 9on1bothl siîdes that w-e are ail ordinary but- mianbeilgs hatinig war and longing& for Ipeace." United States In 197-ag Inst Iports f romn Rusýsia of lhardly more than hiall thiat amiout-thie United States senit goods valuied Ift1149 million to the So;vietIs. Included in thlis were a chinle tols to thie value of 23 million -- eltectrical miachinery 1,1 million-iniing and pumiipinig na- chiniery '7 million and seon1. H-ýlD ever, e\'eni these amounits look smlall as comlpared with !1946 ex- ports amiounitinig 1035. ilflion. However, silice Marchl st, 13, Amecrican Ruissian an othier shîps hiave sailed for Soviet -ports carry- ing fod,, machiniery, scientiflc in- strumiients iand rbbrgoodIs.Ni- teen) more are schiedufled to sail e fore the end .of A'priL. In view of theý world siudationi, ibis jui d'(oesni't mnake zese to some people. As onie Republican setiator put it. e certaînly doni't wanit to be-,in the piosition of ajrlthtg a potcn tia!l 1104Pttaly Althlough the tide sems tO have .te ciitely a'igainst ithe Coml- jýUZsitS in tl-r the lime beitig at~ast-heReda have Iby no meanls givein up bopes of carryiuig-thie 11l- important cleýctions later thiis mnh At enec Italiani port alonie last ilonth i no le-ssthan ten thouisand tons of paper front Russýia was re- ceivd-alIl fer flhe purpose of print- ing Commurniat pamiphlets, placards and othier prop)aganda.ý And Italiaiî police report that scizures of hiddeui atms are runiniig well ahIead of those last year, wheli enotigh ( quip a, *full army divisiinwere con3a-caîtcd,. It is ise said thlat Co1immnist "aic- tion squIiads " are organlizedl and wvaiting orders in N\ýorthernj Itaiy- aIl ready to tkeViolent meaures should thie votîng go again-t The Red'. Russia Ncws of long ine-upo walitîng t,0 bu-Ly food ninMoscow wouilld sC!e onl the surface, to point to shlort- ages of essenitial s'upplIies beblind thec mron Curtain.Bu epeiecc o- Servers say this is not thie case at ail. Thiey point otthat Ruissia bias been stockýpiinig petroleum nd wlheat for More thian two years-and thatt the Ifood queuies are niot igniificant of a radonini distributioni, but to1 the G.ovrnimenit's delJiberate policy of vwtihiol(lilg supplies from the people ini order te stilliCfrther in- crease emlergency supplie.s of food. Arab Army Leader-Fawzi ci Kawnji i comandejr of the Arab "Lib)erat' Amy, made up mlostly7 of SyýrMan vol- unteers. He -is shown afldres.s- ing htis command at Kabatiat. near Nýabluis, Palestine. Canada's Talking Moose t-A tal!king mnoose froin Alberta is cauit by th)vtie camlera beinlg iterviewed by lNancy Craig before a luikc of the Amrerc-an Broadçcastinig Companry in New York. He put over an enthusiastic plug for jasper National Park, and helped Nancy with C.N.R. tourist map' to plan a Canadian vaca- tion). Joe Laflamme, the animal's traînjer, îs in on, the conference. Sports -And One,;Th-,Ing or AnRother By FRANKC MANN HARRIS ("A Suxbit critie") Flor a sport witb sucb a compa)Ira-. tively Shlort historyice hckylias prodxucced some 'm iighty 'mttîdn peýrformIers; and le a ceaI oidtie it savors O o seethiing close le trea.- SOn, even b mention the nam-e of anly modem uc-casril-,the, samne brecath wthsoe f bbim- l mo1rtala of preuviotus eras. Yet We greaîly dloutiltifay of t1l"i, fromj. Fred Taylor o vr camue up with a better onle- maný show filai, that put on by a genitleman nme Mujt Schmi"ldî recentîy. Ouidce of Scbmidt, the Bocstonl Bruins i.1dnI't 1b(10n19on bbcesamle ice with the Toronto Maple Leals in the(ir- recenlt playoff series. 'lic BostOn1ites l1ookd like a bunch of tired oîd mli, and tbere werc tinles wh1en il appeared as thougli lbcy wouild have difficulty gputing otnt of thir local gLIroup in] a Junîior 'B wýas ouItbere-bum knec ,anil- thle Bruinis wr agrua pcred as thlougjl bha wane gong te carry bbcxhi uf nbsbc to vCOy This wasnl'ît tcbe, Of co"ursa' fb-e Lea-fs avere fulil xa]c for their wîn. Bruin, lie Canadienis, areo d ue for a whcle liot (,f rebîîildiîîg before t)ey xiii pallcaîîyîliîîg like bbc POWer lini oonce w'as ibeirs. But- in the fanning-bees of years te comae. wben they eonîe le talIý about trie 1947-1948 series, we don't believe il wili be any of thie winncrs tley'li remnember. Ih wili be multSchmidt, laboring valiantiy in a iost cati'se. and Putling on a performFnee whiclî was, le coin a phrase, out eft luIs world. W Me hoar a lot about the huge amn- ioults Of nhoîîey son-e People imake ()ut of sot But GuyLobre Cana'diaîîi born b"nd leader, is diffr- cnit. If oî Mr. Lombardloplît 10 indu11iin lIus favoritepaine thlat of pwrba racing, and w gneaîiy' ý doubt if the py~bicity va-;lpec of bis '1al)tps te set new records is even 1 a fraction eof flc euuhs bias te spend.s li FOr nte I sEMO Is vaiucd at a hiiýlundrdltiosaîîd dol'- lasan vcytime il i5 h; ois edQ int Ilie wteor eut of it, il c'- s hiim sev-eltyfive. Down at Itîdianl Creek ziil' or11ida last i moîîî, Lonli- barde puslîed jhie 13oO0borsepoiver job up 10 1141 nîile s an bouc, tbeun a troublesome fuel pump forccd him 10 give up the attempt le equai or exceed Gar Wood's 124 plus miles Per bouc mark, made back in 19)32. 11n spite of aIl the fusa about Bebop, Jazz and the resb of il, lucre stili muiist be ceai moîîev in Ihat "soveet- es-t mlusie" stuf. Tbee'sanohermence~te the paeof mmlid of spo%(rts fans. Like ourcyc whn w ;sa uanitem _1from11 New ork hat hcy ere initeîud- iing 1tu ry arevýial ofi SX-a bi cycle racing-for weimi1aginled fibat1 these "'ridles 10 newh e weresaf 1e- ly dead andbnid Hecvr ii pite of bbc1fact thlat they coldn'î "4get imb Madisonl Sqluare Gardlen and hbad te pecfo'rm ini an armlory, flle grind d rewvsbmie- bh)inlg over for ythuand cash Cus;- lomiers-so ue imay conufidety e an olIîhrcak Off tbemn ail ovýer týhe The first sucx-day biike race was held awvayý back in 183M and fcomn tben unrtil 1899 tbey were "singeles"ý affa--irs. That is to sajy evcy rider was 0on bis ownl-and woid ride, as lonlg as he C11cou iten dash 4oi bisý bunk for a býrief resbt, coming back to the tcack as soon as bie feit There was se , much condeimnation of the "bruîtalty" of tis that somne joker tbougbit up tile brigl tidca of iîaving twe ý-mnai teams, onec of whom, is su1pposed to be on tbe track at ail timies-aitboumgh 1,ihre is sort sligliî doubt if Ibis is ai- waylte case. That is te say, tIbere aethose wVho suspect tbat in tbe wccv, simal heuirs. cf the 1moiliig - wlien ne spý1ectaters are in Iîb buld- ing-mybe vecyody necks off for snez.AS 'ole etrutb Or otheo uco1 tis tbory v e calînlol Sa-o at least i eCan, arenu1't Any\way-, it iooks as;1 if it's comising baek gain-an. forour patrt, yu cals ave l. W've ad a lot of oruei týieuas a spoJo0"É ad Ledliîat bli ofrtiu lîoti),1,ld lîe 1reporled on fLIc iîueeieî 1pge alieCr than the aporting section. An(! Juo-t ini case yen are inu1clne']10 ledtee ba']ly ever the terrible, punisbiment the bike riders are fonce'] te lake we iit tell yen Ibis-imest of lhemn aclually put on w-igbl during the course of a grndt. Increased Interest In Canadian Uranium Snulediîîterest in the searcb for nadioacîiî e niînerais, especiaiiy in Briîislî. Colunibia and the Yukon, foiiows cioseiyv on the Canadian Gev- nîining of uranium i- on longer te be astate monopoîy. lTle f icid'] is nûw wide open ferineenet)r]pc Lors an2ix aIe iingcompanie s. Siîee 943Ibepl ne of sncb mnrisiin' thePcific Northwest haas cbeonknocw'n..; buihfere Vwais 1ne in1centi e v l inle then] as tbbc Gev- eumleitt1,lîadplaccd drastic rsrc lion1s 'on sucliopains Bniisl Coumba'sminerai re- sourjceýs are more cdix rsifie'] Ihn Ihose of any eother Province an'] lb is believe'] th'at if uraniu is to be found in volum),e anwler i Can- ada it wiil be there. In addition t-, goid and ,il-,er Briitish1, Columbia pro- ducas litge quantities of lead an'] zinc, witb one mine alone producing 1 10 different metals,, inciuding tin. a The tea drinking habit was largely 5 cesponsible for the ']evelopment of 1 fine Englisli porcelain, I ICla ssified Advertising AGENTS 1WANTED1 OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Inaeetictdes. E!ectric Pence Centroliens, Houses an a m B',Paint, Roof Coatige, etc. De&!- en.s waotsd. nrite WVanco Grense & 011 Lîmii- BUSINESS OPPOItTUNITI-ES AN OFFER te every lInventor-Liast of invenl- tiono and fuUl information sent frea. Thse Ramusy Co. tzegistered Patent Attrneys. 2Z3 Bank Street, Ottawaî. BABY CHICKS BABY Chlcks f ront an tt.O.P. Breedtng Fsrmo It Pays te huy the hast. White Leaýhern Pulleis 28c. lteavy 1Breeda Mixeél 15e, Puilets 26e. Cox lie. Satisfaction guaranteedî. ien helm Hatehery Blenlmii, Ont. TIS8 le the year te raise porultry.Eg ana Ineat Ponces will s lfge hîgiiIs year. Be sure and bey your chIeke firom an ethiie farm. Ail chicks f rom our farre are lom Governient approved and npuloirni tne breeders. Write fornces anS ctalogue. Monkton Pouitry Farma. Monlon, Lt. SAVE feed.- save money o)n somte of our veil- started ehiek'i,,non -sexeSpi)llets and ceck- erels. -Two and thres weeicoids. Aiao lmit- e5 number of heavy brecdcekei and put- lets, 4, 5 and 6-wceeks. Ai ppular breeds. Send for Special onice list. Twedd(I(e ('hick Ifateheries LimiteS. Fergýus. oltarto. MARE ,bigger me ,ýa7,ande g, pofi, lts th Hollywood leglherna. They are as large as Most beavy hreedis. Theses :aSJ big, lup- combed heauities anre acedby 20 years breeding for eveny qeaity yeu use for top poeitry profits - Cïbami,,lonsýbip ivabtlity te eut cblck and lyerleges. Guaranteed eg breeding fer big, wie. preini iega. ftcaiiy a big leghorn for miore meat. f'sst tYlformý igrowth fero, nlu!eet of alil ro l' a ise tisses big profiýt mie once an,! yeu wili raise 111a1 nvays Wr'ite forprcltan fres cieda. ig Rock lFarm. Mille Rocies.. Ontario, OIWILI, miss the epotoity of ,a lifa lhimeif you Snt uheoiC:r Uccajtjtjll o- ber oef cicshis Year. Ail opcipin te btgh earad peeir'y ocsthis Feu. with toweýr feed osca.If Vyol wanit ya hi ia Ihurry wecao suiy î ,ou ,vth ailppea mgo- endthre-weak ojd. ise pulleýts ig't We'eteLsyu .Ere ctagu Topi, ie Chc aeGuei1pli. Quinnl,1 HEAVY BREED COCKERELS-4c lO)th 5e. Ro P-1,ndRdaS. oc XLg hem. nS usxxLfieu2,Lgorss1 te May lIst 6.Tao n-eietaesemsen cIlose thizar ihedr HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT, CACHupwih eue-f, erwal tr te * hiek. wosu tre wek01 pili ceckerels -,id l- sac. IelimiteS nu erIl of four v ceek'lç 01 t hrgai-;in ones.SeSfor8 special prIcesliat. Top, "Mbik aes, Glueph, Oîilaric ROCK COCKERELS 4c p For April. our Barred Rock,1s arl', t-aho.A lue anS bred for ivabiiity and ifaist growtb,. N Hanea Pouiiry Farni..esavle Otre DON'T watt uni l 1249 tebyhk. h the likelhodd h -Seg an;p, lryprcc this Fai and WutranS i 1erfeionces every farmcaSputymu l abying - chicks In 124, u erelycs i-hst fhe 3"learte by h5 eauaihr la thie yeac sud tile supply cf agss sd eiy will mab tue t thna bcencs b pend lwih lige reler322te40 ;,lîs ia, pen.Thiik it 1ve,n'1e't SaaI' anofiar y.- Tha tut e atteanShu ciea sd ak, tise ppslrpure brea. sd...r. eessa, vudy i, te- sudtlsee-ee fo, ise HUTRONDALE CHITCKS haced lhi bigi pad-igýree oudttnstc Man u cotomera rpur hst]chicks I ever hadt, andSPonces se raonhe "h hiche s1 lbaS frem yeu have donc pledid" rpors James Mý Wrigt.cOsan Sound. Pure ýSuissaýx txed4e.fis Sussex x New ,RHamp, hRockx New tiamp. j mixeS îtepullats 24e. Reek z xLegheru. Sussexx zLesh oru. New Rainp. x Leghoru te May 20 mi.xeS 14e, jpuiae 27e, cearaIs 2e. to, Aftar May 20 mixeS 2iepilets124e. Large Type White Leghoern puliata 2e.ied l12c4. Fast featharîna Rock sud Roc x N. Hamp'. ccereis (lc te lMay lst. Sursex, Su-,sex zN.In itamp. anSdtlread hrca*sted NoewitaM oeck- S crets te May lat i4e. aftet May 1,i 5e. pAssort- B aS mixeS chînksIlie, assorted puliats 23ce. Assorte'l baavy co'kerais go wheu availahia. A' Ait pricas aubjeci îe change witheut netice. N( 100% live deiivacy te yeur station. $100 par Wý 100 dapesil. balance C.O.D. Ordar frein andSES enclose t'his ad. ilurendale Cbiek itatcery. Il' London,.-Ont. DONT lesae eg sud Poultcy Imacheis teothers. Hare or oerseas. They'va eau henuili up for Ita Canadian poultry-kaapers. Ordar 0eV, anSd Ph catch Up ouleker withBraystartad pelleta B sud cocherais. Quieh eipusauit. flt:apeciaI onices. -Bcay ltatehecy. 120 John N., Hamil- 1Pc ten, Ont. Sal MIAY 15TI-IPoiîitsWhite FHoihand Broadf- breasted useat ty pe.. KBrardac pri.e wiimýiers, puhieruili f ce. Mmc11. CeinB baAt user(Wa)t2,ntm. BREEDER HATCHERY CHICKS OVER 10,000 BREEDERS IN LAKEVIEW FARMS Prom John Coas.Grvahuri, Onanto-- 'Ha.ni hak for dfsi- set Ihv te 80% production with yeun sseýx." repjorts Aiher Ayn, O 1eod,Ostn. EGG SHORTAGE Total chick l'aiehInga dewn 50% nm yaar ago. FeeS pricos wil ha lower anS egg onices biaiser. POULTRY MEAT SHORTAGE Reports show cocharels stýtaca te d-ate Sea'n 70 te 80% from year ago. 3-4 lb. liroihers are eelling: for 35 te 40c lb live weight. Tise mangin of profit la greater thanavn PROMPT DELIVERY 50,000 Lakaevlew chicks weehly. We cati -ive prempt deiveny in muei brede f va InS choie of breed, If possilee , Is avaihahîs Susex, Suasex xz N. Rampa)., .Rock x Rampe., BarreS Rock, N. Rampa. , Rhode Island Rae, Large ty.pc 1W. Leehomne, Rock x Leg-horn. Susex xLabc xN tao Leghon. STARTED PULLETS 4 wks.-24 wks. Gai a head atari with started phesor 1boeh order fer future delivery 8 w Neeke t ,) erdy te iay. It lochaslihe ut wJIilib mpsibete hny weI1-started pueiliter on. Ail eider puliets ralsed ounfra nnasund-rtdaicondltionls. HEAVY BREED COOKERELS Thousande viaheweiy eSfers, ca iew onices u aa orqs. CAPONS 4 WEEXS READY MADE There J1.9ueS o,-ney uin railnaCapenrs. ,Scii for a n1mu ei panl. se tunk'1eys."J5 te 40ec per ili. augve now. SenSi for lange lilueinaied 1ciaogue and an aigemnlit bok ianla weekly spee ilsi t fd;,, liS. starnaqulesand catpons. LAKEVIEW POULT-RY FARM AND HATCHERY FRfEE! 7100 HEAVY-BREED COCRERELS isiisevreSeofet 1 uilets Iarge T1'pc Wt'iie Leg>isorti pueas $8&0, '2Iw Hampe. 2 8. 0 1. To receive tbIs zepesIal Selaýse titi S, witb yvou, or4tr. HURONDALE ÇHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT. 1 g Toreto Otar1 FOR BL MODSL C. cs nrnhb-er,hihcpesoa motor iunew condlition. Abr oetSt. CIimentis. Ontarjo. equal:1izer. tvjo ,aws, Studebaker caïr eng, -ine, ineshat diret drive - puley hlt.$70 F.O.!,. Pull infrain pl if Camffheiil. MKlaOntarto. Gerden Bridignmn, R.R. 2 usich nt. LEAAN H irOiaiRDRteSSIobetoýaýI Information on reQuest regarding classes. Robertson's Hlairdressing Academy.-137 Av-> FAVA YT i) nythîlna nesde ysina or cisas ina1? Write te us for iniformiation. ,We a] glas to Panswer your qetos eaie Hl, Parker"s Dys Works Lmtd 791 yens Street, Toconito, (ntapie. FOR SAILE HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES parte-aStervcetentBu. Kenniedy & Soi 418 CliegeSt., orùnto. BATTERYî-OPERATED Radio Set for sale Deforset CrosoesiCorons model. 8 tubes spfeciaiiy vequipped wlth Romfaco HilminStO for us with eliber siorege batteni or dr, celle. New coet aven $300 Mbake effet. fine and lastinaglgft. Box, 15i, 73 AdetalS. W.,Taonote. JOIE, ouï long liat ef satiafleS cuetocuers fo Fruit Trees. Sbmuhs, Evergneenis andS'Roses etc. Onder eariy. Pree cataiegýue. &a.6 H-uil & Son. Central Nureenle. St. Catherines Ontario. BROAD-BREASTED BRONZE TURKEY POULTS Aise SMALL WH1TES ainS BRSA>- BREASTED BRONZE X S3IALL WHIT]MI and SMALL B.B.B.,S TRIS looks the Yesr te inaka neal moues hi tumkeys. SenS for Our Tunkey Guide anS tet ter te Set ail the Setaile. Theme le a goot American market anS Semand. The duiy fi Sown 2 cents per l. iteed onceps are goto, Sown. Quetations for MaY deilvery for grain are down $13.00 te $17.00 Vec ton. Amnen- cao, Breeder docks are aSown 40-50 lper cent Peuh production wlill ;-eaaY éown. Itfi expeeted tisat CanaStan Pouits Wiil bie ebippet te U...by NRaY or efore ai geod orimes Plan tec ratse puieThs '1, the ,ealiBecS youl r ederne ig Sisounts for Art, Seliveny. &S fer Tunkvy lsîtagcmept CGuiIE sudf etreulai which tells ail aibol pofta Orlevenîtion"Ilcf Sisease. nSmarn"mtulfs LAKEVIEW TURKEY RAINCH EXETER ONTARIC MARirSMAIN Thlousanild-Sise Air Rifles. Ex. paýrt conaitrucison. Shiplped anywhlere 15.98 Maahon gesýs'CY',>40 Gerrar'd Rasi. Ton ente.Deain - wite fvor olsettions a $sulOlicie iu tise fi tgc.rsfts: SIiseil cnt. Lahnnf, Flcrari, BeIderaft. FO0R SALE-, nw . oh eereTracter. sta"rter'. ligiis, powen tahýe-oft ou 14" oie Late mi28 "-10 ivisite steaji mii Is'hrso FieSer, doyen attachiaent. likýe seW. 25-42 Gooo'son BlI love stach- en. god inon- ungn. onder. Censpiate set steeli 'jjcje for tirtoalTracer Sîcel neaýr wei o 60 anS 90 or 215 aunerTater.Aibent lious- ton. 60 Emma ,qSt.. Caa.(lot. Phone 2585M. BARGAIN! STOCK REDUCINO SALE 'lNWpot-typa Queen Oil Builiruna Enoder StovEa. oaw $20.00 or $21.i00 Seliiered tIryaur stationt. Act Ouichly, wblelhtey lest. ýsuject te, bhauge witiîeut notice. To neceive ibisý bargain rie enclose thîs aS Witis seur orSon. tise BOOM HEATERS as tew as $:12.03 anS New Pot-Type QUEEN RANGE' OIL BURE.- ERS. $45.00. Whiie they lasi! LAKEVIEW HATCHERy AND SUPPLY COMPANY EXETER ONTARIO .Nw}{R-WINDD HORES ichily ceieves heaves. couabe, anSdtanls impotan teapeifythe age sud the we!giui of tsehbore. Wrie teT. L frt.Suaciai. ui in aliailmnlta of thse Reaptratony Orane EAItOLD aî,berr plats.Laltai ausd Talr aietie., 5cab iooe laao D1,111.a1, rc pSnt,>.0 bnite. stock reay tetrain, aise ro e os J.Fne/Suite 100. 20, ienS. INSILfIE Hrvestr. 'tcCOnIckDeentug No. 2.'a4~ seS:Ventet Lcendltio.. tv- me hue aus eg 'L. Ponitue Que. TO ULNT 7StESTOCK NOW. W.v P Il KEN5EIm (2CO., DISTýRIBU _-TORS SINCE 166. H NE2 .LASI TO.ONT, AR5-00 eem Lattin Pntspherni canes, $50 pr benc!reS. Premier Stnawberries on,.0Ont. Afor cmnent agiseredNo. 1 Chancal- tom ud OC fl. Lmite 3aîplyî. Seale EtWO beshiel hg $1.50 bu. W. A. Pr, 22 'th. a I. oot. ad h 5141. 0125UE N. WOr0WHRSE AND1 TIACOR. _A N TBCOAND TM £To, ETC.,TASPA ER AV LA E 10W. SER OR OAlPAER O V'F. McKENZIE CO.. DISTRTTRS INCEr 1265. PHONE 2,LEM GON SNTALRIO. n. D CLTRACUvabeaSSheai aS Agle- Uiede & injg, iContraictons. nato.ont. loue 37. JILIYERiS' upis via lmm aey Naila atIonsi-iesu itns 'imbina itnssi lctia placs rend nsen ntne 6Queen i., ctùa.Ont se rooni l euse. _Lhe shoce e iltwesue 0aes 1O oes 0 1f village 111 mle Oetis Penny SouiS ion, Nenth Eyliha.Apuiy mE~1 SALE, Tumbien Hoer, Tipslers anS itGaiecs. Epnene redr idil C(ormlfck.212 Seventis ShtriEsCer- il. Octane. iweek-s ofS C-OU. $Î13. C,"aay singeri. 'fulty cosnfor- celer isud eeng. $, lS)D. Groom Pet S 999s 33Boo . Eýy A-Tt,,ALER Ai-crop 60 Gem- bine. wilb Straw sreaerextrasies k-up ;aitaehîeenit. 09e sisalconsiutePd ck-rake. Merltin Sught, R. 2, Nsteton atarteô. efec RITE Pkn ehigbeersup t ibs. Furet batch A ýpnijjihWrite fer Eu,, ornmati-n. CclaSat.RR .Xth MWSCONSIN ARE COOLED GASOLINE ENGiN _;E S .Deivery finm aeh, 2 - 30 h.p. RE WPAIES AND P.ARTS LAre yen going thlru ae> a'erlaS pecuLia, Dose this make yot fW 90 ones-sans, Ili DO tryLydja E, Pi, poulidtorelseveaec Co-pounid also he C*tomacluic Ionie eff LIA F PI l7eeiYeur BOUES tand CASD trem Fia£ tend THIEVES. WC bae gie tend type &t Safe. orCi ablinet, for apay pre,.Viitus. elr write cor prisea, e5ta.. te Depî. W. J.&.-,.TAYLOIR-LIMITEG ToRoNTo SAFE WQRKg 115 IlFront St.,..Terown Ilstablsb-ed 1355 ru the sSunlttonal -r ar e wqlsaen c(35-m Du sufferfrem .hot1 ýigi-stns,. tIi., VECETABWW HARNESS & COLLARS Fariners Attentio)n - Consuit pour nearet Barnea Sbop about Staco HE'rne-am Supplies, W.e ce!] oui' goods only throtsgh your local Staco IAeath e (bcd, de9aler. The gonda are M lht, and an are cmir'prie.. wemanufacture hi Ouri'c torfo. - Harness, Hormo e l- lare, Sweat Padi,. flora. Blan- keta, and Leather TTgveii cooàs. bolet on Staeo 9reri Trade Marked 'Gooda, ansd o SAMUEL .TREES CO.,LTD. 42 Wellington St. E., Toronuto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE, IT'SEXCELLENT. Real resuits atte-rtaking Dixon'a Remedy for Biseumatie Pins and SNeecitis. Munro's Drug Stere, 331 Eigin, Ottawa. Pesipaid $100. 1VIONACAD fer. Eczesma. thse rew mnatch- sead fficaciuus obntient, By miail 50ec. LaTrapp)e, North Rogereville. N. PEOPLE ARE TALKING about the good re- suite from, taking Dixon's Ramedy foýr Es matie Pains sud Nauritte. Murs ru SStoe, 335 Elgin. Ottawa. Pe Upad$00. nOPPORTUNITIES1 F001 OM d BE A HAIRDRESSER 9 JOIE CANADAS LEADNG S(1HOOL - nGreat Opportunity Learu Hairdressiosg 1Pleasant diguitied profession, good wageu, -ý thousansud suce"safll siarvet graduates dAmeric's gras test systeOi lllustraied cata. tegue free WVrite or],Cail 3U; Ble, ist W-.,1,mete S rachs:41 fin-g St.. Hlamulto, & 74 Rideau Str,êet. Ottavsas. OtPPORTIINITIElS FOR MIEN ANDWOII$EN EARN '4MONEY AT O.t SPARE on feul-tne imooy-main)g. Leana ote make cani ait humenle sano as yen aleane; corsodence courtes National lutstîtule eof Confectionary tteg'd Dlorimier P..Box 152,' Montreai, Que. FEI'ERSONAUH & Cempuy.Patent Solcitns.Estbllhed1820. 14 Ring West. TOrot.Bok o nor n onreluest. "ELIAIS onîig HeoreChrist". %wendierfui 'book frce. fMegî9ddo Stiasion.Rohstr l NY. Reprints .03c. Juîhes05e Write Cor- sera1- Ilison Filme , lluIargemenit,. Iteunts,Fres Box W116. st. TJhumas. Ont. 9END yurete our ue.-01. Iýw p):llt frus passed'quaàlity,. Our oparklinggosypnst will plcase y i, 6or 5epsrarls30e POStoatd, reprints îe c,.35 for $1. Gammaof Photo Centre, Box 71,Capa,(ntce FUR COATS REMODELLED 0Id cojats maS,ke uew te' Il,\, er fumier Write for frnato.Ulw Frs 35 Venge St.,* Toreon'.. 1yANTED andalîn 121 clylrifles wîis wor-Ost aarrels Tise Guný Shop, 7t',Wa1rd. Per I1(Res Octante. Chief. Wri te en1ý11. 33 Ilarsulcrt v, Toono.Oiver231 WýANTEDl uk'taei go ead o to rices a"" proptreune bl yurraw frtcý Ala1 aa îdsyOt CHERRYLS Bouzhi for cash Write BOY.8 . ergue HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Hsheerte l ve, Tpermanen't positioG, 3 adoîts onfly. Aply ire Ban We!,i4.l6 RichondSt..Lo 1on.Ont. Four (4) GeerLSty nuses Ase niahi supervisor (11-7). Attractive aaiallry wih l- crease afier ott yarssevie Puillmain- tenance orovi6ed(. Appjyiylh, Di 'cor Nursing, WiedCut Welland, Onarie. anrlIepti WA-NTED,atoc.cabe ared a. pensioner or se"'-et1e0.te Ork on0emaît farm. Separate liin uoarte-s; al oue1 tances; ne mihing. Must lie useS te hcorse9 Leî ne Cousins, Airons, Ont.