ORONO. 0 -ýsDAY, )rono, ubscrîption $15( ~y, Ap New( ffly 1H, R. rance of Sc ryTom, auch .a jo to s- e-- (ote On Moneyl?37 Memori'al Rinké 1,flyou 1had o sinLa eutoln mao de 'e )1,opC ,ient uPublic tikiný1g over t --e -at2yeays, it would be ths: pe l aplied ca ho aýs iporan as ILi istpnhhi a np ize fit or. the -frat shot in a war. One scentîflc fract, kuow,,n to ml lions, is m1-ore importan'lt taaml lion scetfefaCtta known nly to0 a [feuw. --That is one of the muai ases bo- I i Ve embrsipdrive of the *ania CancerISoet which runs thisyea,,r i l tru~ p iTe So- cielty knowa tha'V in Cancer rsac everýy dog;ed 1stop fradp.soff titaful'ileetet oily i i n- Iae o tlie public rapidly ande- ficiontly. Ifryou,loryournegor or Vamnara h tetko encui abut cncernid is smp tos o elp doctors gu to it C anUly, the reward lm lu terms of livs . 1In factualprogresa incancer vesenac sefar-,bas lts grciet eefect only when t'lie fut of that picogr ýa1ca hoP applicd before the inisane boýcdy- cu1 groiwfi x Vhî1ch isicancer Ibasý S!tr,-tChedI it's fearsom-e fingers so far that it can't hohaltod. Theabnadi-n Cancer Socitv awantun ýu te ho better i n feornmied abouti Qaner bcaseit has been proven thaýt suc<h ifraincosave lires, A mebrhpcnrb toethe So- ciety wl bringý you tha,,t inforima ion reuary It will hellp, alse-, t po vide tvetmenit idaccmmodtio for cncer ptdns whocantafr te pay for the service themselvos. TI-.(, Socieîty ia l u o re of suLpport - yur -emeshpfecs. Dollars are Muées in thia war agacea Caner.' Thia, is a chance t-) fiine a shtin s;uppor't of a gýreat humai-n cause. setto tli ienrest ocal b rai) dlo the Qnadian anerSocntio îý ox, !,59, Tornito ,1. -Y-Veterns f eel ha]ut the mjriyof thie ý)amouînt Pas dîi dMr. Eme-rsen Fisher ~dwe ed by rthe c- ouncil For !ils ta oinio as raepayerr ee Ihe propos- St ihnk V!ie project moat worthly and thf geal e nefits lit fers to) ithe f- nture gelration a-,re inbi'ound(ed and ,li 1an )(1r meauro"d il-,dll(Ars1- and he It is rerete iTat lc of space td- prhbt h cn.ldmn fdo- le natLions thiswek entation To Shackleto'n Fami] and( Rub hae uivn aVi cor. Yen, Mv.',nndMs.S!oi-tnh v W axrhe wiling to e hai heeve c lied upmonand lhave pr-oved!yenril- Or, Avsgood friiend1ýaiauiigon . R WeP are aQýrry yen dI;d net sea fit te R maoyour fhomo haro permaulanVity. hewveni, wbat is env aos ýis anothova A.ý gainjl. VWiaijra ýtiblare awillinig leai-tV - and handa. thora 's lwaysaVskeM hae dofie and ire feel suro yen awir- il i ud a p'laýc e te()carr1-y on la ýevary jua Cl; I Rev;. V. T. Mooney Urges Spirit- Metual And Monetary Obligations Te îare owshp o(cifm as road. recovin afer are was rad and or-ý After an enquây about drainage from ield(,s lonýg Twhpro ada h beau made tho clar was apikod te 1wrIteAo thaproper authorîtes anld get a rulin on the me. Thie cncldeci'ded to isotthe Touhproada ,on, April the 29the, commenciat Nextonlvilla at 831 The follewý7ing delegations address- ed the Couricil: Mr. l'nc C) rups entiagNet- ville, dr.ewv the Counceil's attenltion teC; the dangerous condUitinof Highway No. 2 betw-ieenBrley's gara1ge anid the Orang'e all bacaure of the plling rip Of snow by the Provincial plows. The Clerk was srujCted to get iii touch llW'btheViaproperathrisvo George Hlemndeonaded a large eegtinfrom tha 8ti linoskinig fu-orrpira tin a v.ry dangerous cul- Vert, and also tlhe Cutting of ,sëàve-al ewýnta-, the road( to onable the snow ploc, to get throuji. CHOewas prom- i'sed thiat the Counlcil wold ilook nt these mattrs when inspecting the ronds. 'CaisCooper mliade the vequ,111t on beafof tiha r iet, On tVia Si neh inotat thiis road be coin- pleed7 fal n-as thaKenldal County road. T)s mnatter was ilaid ovar- un- tiA the 2%hb. 1Several matters haviingý to do with reada were on motion rýeferred tA the Road Suparitendent. One, the coat o Cf a rgh-o-wyaother a l fo survey-ing1 and anther ro a ltter. of ocpcupation. JV.Hoe addsaa tMe COuîil regardtng roud supplies The folWzing reseltions awere p ased: 11472 - BrownmcKay: Accepting the leport of the Auiditonsý. 147?, - Daivey-Lo\ery:Intcig v4e Clr o cntctVeDprmu rdf Higiways re the condition of a !ni ece o Froadi-,inhe -village of New- 1147-1:Authiorizing te 'Lotrn-fertw old, ousad n hquaes te the Gen- - ora Fund of Ohe Township. LIT-): Contiinu-inig- C. F. Awii s Tay olecorin thaeTcwship iup toý and inlingii lVfay4th19. 11476 Bon-oer Accepting, t'ie tender of R. \V. Ncosfoýr a haîIf ton tr-ucicfoi, use -InlieuTeni-ý 1477 - Davey-4McKay: Stating tha thAe truck shah be kpt anthe Town- sb'ip garag'týe. Orono, at ail timecs wbieni 1not in use. Tpe foilowing' bilas mare orderad pid: Anlrulief---...--------- - 20.0') Apinfter care -.42.0 R. va F.----.-..-----.----320 eekli your sjeurn nom reand. P - ypou aIl in yeuv uur a Irelaf of Kcirhy Coin- My ery-, iMrs, Sidnley RuVhi-trn poli--_~ 2.6 T-ow Ral . 1'2. 71 0r iep kil-ld a o of hall- 31.50à 7,90 '7.00 -- ------- ------1.0 oe siep killed -~16.00 ure unia s al- 9 Neo. 3___ 89 76 -Browin-TLowevY: That le ne adijouvu te mieet Gjounil i hmer on tir, 1948, nt tlie heur Of n Vie mownuug forVie fgenevalbu sss -_ Do - _ rta inment Wt :~:~::Crau Crn SeeR As T .AleGrain crnhaceenvfr "Ve ie cropwith auure"ii grmeand thîs seurs A 1e berne ou Ilia Beat, încreai,ng araesown lin bMiswheve grain ern uhadnet bee 'being prvoul e reant extc eud tje IK .Mupytelan oef 41 Seýeds and Wee'ds ranuhOnt last i freoiniiioir son olome wihMrs. CI Shrsfor S, M.y Owni Gi, "Wen Fauti Eusltaua gax on h-i sexp au al Studvent mi foli ,ed hv tasurer«ý sa,1y Splace1 reps, the reý oDe - wrn (L.. 1 t 9 car ManCe est, Anotier factor cetributing te lgi- the grewiug irepulavity of grain wiu! cern bhas beau the development and inceasd istibutllieneof s atisfacteryl thel CernmWiOntyild caose bamly and 1 ring wheat in .yield par acre, îMr. urh inm Poinitseut., e Uit of tests rneat l ýe c' ta enyieids approxi,:mately Rerý . tioas mrany peunds ofgrinpu. talk acrme of baly. The yied of shlled e as cernPar acre is abottequa'l te ha was ef easor nrixed. grain. Pound fou Mis ouisnd, cern conteins nofood a u- bo ,rt, trans thlan -altier oat, areyor E at, wh eat, The incl i,on of a portion of1 scing ceýrn lu rations for poultry, hoga amiý cattle incjeascs the odn valua and ed a g-a profitaleL resls. pania,ùwermotnle la, ashe pa,stnheppoine rganiat, Ghiurch. A ro-menkabla baauty of tonie as attail Rev. A. E. Eustauce to<l 1 ie woslpservice-lun bis clous urnne, trodia Mno01Ly and pa pying blis per ta outie wo k of tlbe W W. A. Meeting nd -a ac ýe oj Over ctaugi tie la was o Oshai hon n on Fi O s bai churc of a V day lived aed Cbur tostifi was 1 She Nelil and I ber n te lhe esteý !lu the cen aie I d tan Mrs sbn ci lu tire I ssday, r istace j end nt ~ ~ îl asmd l Orono Received 38 Cents a VrinPteating Vui )r Bulle tin No. 45-2 on hH r vi pue iat lie ar and St oring ,of Ear Cr" erouhnifrai ne ~ ~ ~ ~ ia avi(l rencut ad Ms .H oop-e r 'and1 agricltura reprsentaVive of themetig leration 0f Agricultur, lorses rProhi'bition 0f' IAs eyýlandlf. Thora wa minutes liad 1been vendu "I r etnrlU oot Total peu a)da lu 1947 ,v, rcomparod wtbi 1946. Tilie va-lu.i $,0900of V e, used pici' counited lfor.0,35 T'he total 'a' kinj'da of tbc or 13 par cent rions year. C ae, 113,788 w~ !le Queev candi Preducers ln uverao'e uvpiceo n-,d r e porl -t wa a biut. repots orer util the llay m ý50.O0 te b seas pi. Tiat IVie iCap Ce for~ ~ ~ 1 nnasr qii Mais. K, Ashbiy and Mv: Tinat Mv. 1.Hanuai be tue sp e akeýr at ie ThaiLthVieFede2ratiorun Rouligfrein sari Durin mCeuty Voh ol. Club D Year iii Ti A.w 24ti dp Sa ex Wil ~ nc ome Si ne o.-iei accel Miss eh Mv. Mv.