Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 1 Apr 1948, p. 8

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h~~~~ ur nsinNecstle1 idy- at iher. home cin oono fis.~~~ Stn 11-wle Toro-o Royal Flexaluni VENETIAN BLINDS RDYTO IN'STAlLL 24x64..........------$6.60 26x64..........---$6.60 28x64.......... - ---$6.60 3 ffl i ------------- $7. 15 32x64 -------. - $7.70 34x64..........-$8.25 36x6l ----------.--., $8.80 38x64..........---- -$9.35 4OX64.....-------....$9.90 [le to Meastire Blinds STEELE BRICGS xARDEN SEEDS nd GRASS SEED WARNER ELECTRIC WIRE rils ÏFENCE and Mrs. A. Dobson MrFand1. wiMor) iCinsL1o and EIviidn a dth Mr. and Mi',Llw. s.llow L. owil ,IilleMun,*Farc'w andeMssAu aid arîowxNý(ýks M.Miss Belah laIow ll Toronto, i spe.dnga few days it' h v an Mýres, LMr. allowellý. PosOaa M.aid Mr. Lorne Paeden -with Mir. Jk and is. eorgte Smihforwcàs- mardMrs. Morley Robinson and' w auherhdSnadnnrithr OâF a s ed n Stakville 1scho. onas Wednlesdcy eveing i ss Drte diarrowian i.Lortene Paeedenwoünl theaý pisesr, the higor hst scoe vand inr.el Jakey Joelepiste frthel BOWLS 1 ricycles, lier Skates - ORONO OR.ONO WEEKLY TIMES Ag-eiit Phone 9 r 1 - ORONO UM W WU ORONO "z ~ lNEIG-I.,BORI-OODJ NE~~ WOVIL E Miss hyis1M!N eil, f uOshawa,- Mrs. Daid Dnutanid Ednavwith ia tvsiný Torýonto Cogaultosto 1Wr1 and M is ïï k inbllo t-ha irth-. of a baýby girl. Mi. and Mss. alteîr Whittakýei a Ldbbc T)oonto, wýith her par- casMm ad Mis. JT. T, Pearce. Miss PFat are, iof Toiono, ith I 1 er granrdparns.Mi. and Mis. Geo. O yens. i. Wilbert Langstf Toronto, 'Vithbis niother, Mis. Mabel Lang- staff. Mr. and Mis. Lawrenice Gilmart' and. littie Peter,, NaaaFa, w ý%itbhbis parenits, Mi. and _Mss. Fraýnk Gilmier. Mis-s Shb-liey Tuffordi, Bunker 14iii, is spenidinigber holidays. vsýth ber sis- ter, Mis. Har-old Burley. Sujo(aayservices and Communiiioni service were weIll rttei-,ded Easter Sunday for the condit o f the roads. 'XMis. W. H1. Jonles and lier ister, Miýs. Zannla Carlawe. of Wrwrh are attending the O.EA, Toronto, thu week. Mr. AithiurRo, of View Lake, Mr. J. T. Peairce and M-ster Aile-n Oshoîne, of Welocmen, went to Moni- treal con Fsidmy, raturnîing ýSunrday. The joint TakOffering sýervice of thleWMS and Mission Band thati n i"s tih beh*l on Good Fri- day wans unavo!ily pstponed to Apruil ih, due to ne funeral ofthel lat Wm C. Lanie. The ighhoOro-d was shockod to hlear oni'the qiet ssd'ofMr ili. C. Lana on Wednesday feron the' 24th inst. As -'vas -bis wish a privante funlera'l service was h-id at !,is homei on Frfida,-y afternoon. w\ith bis p-rstor. Rev. H. A. Bunt, offilciat-: ino. Tc, alilthose -oh o vemain f0 c- is bi emory we extend oui Hc-lyWeekService mwas haid hae in t-ha United Church on Monday evaning.n Rev. A. Eustace of Orono, presented the miesage, Rev.. W. Patterson and ftev. il. A. Bunt as-' ssit i ng. Several from Orono119 and Newcastlea were prasent. A car- jour- nayed to Newcastle Tuesday night when Rev. H. A. Buint had charge of Ine service, also to Orono on WIl aedynig h bn Ra-.W. . Fat- tarson lpreaed tha fIe sermoicn. Ail servi'es %wera nin itin WESLEY VILLE MissBenett ofPeteLrboîoughl ~pn h eedwt h ind Mirs. Mi. C, .PaeMra dRit - b cdFid'1y idiayser- ni h M-. aad Mi. S. Brocog M-mdMi.s. Richaý-rdl Besz t and famiy pen Sudaywith Mi. ~d .vis.C 1ci ilhte of Port Hiope. MisseiBonie Auswtinand Baîbaaa earson clbmtdter itdy last week. Mis Heen aro~vlou'hspeint a fe asviszliinith Mris.Robb oif Osgoode. Mrs. Hiarold lRceva spený, it a fe w Mr.. 1Howard Payný7ie spenlt .dy %fh i, andmis Nettie of Tor- onto. Conraultinsare extend[ed to Mr. mnd Mis. George MaJlrtyn (iie Olive Masoni) on thie birth of a baby Amoilg Sundly vîsito)rs with Mr.' and -Nrs:. Arniold Tlrindykýe wera, Mi.Len Ough'tred and Donna and Evayln and Huhert Binsted. Congratulations arc.e etenided to Mr. and -Mis. Sîimonl Barî-owlough1- who observed their 54th wedding a n- niversary o)n Sunday. Church foliowed with Dr. Oka prýeaching- on "the God of the Resur- eco".Special. music was prov.id- edI boy the choir under the direction o f Mrs, -. Reeve. Amiong Sundlay visîtorý,s with i ando -Mrs. .Percy Snell were, Mr. and Mirs, Ken. Langman and famniiy ofj Toroýnto, and iVr. and Mrs. KEen Din- ner and Ronnie. Sundayv School was held at 10.30 wi th an atndneof 37. Owing to thie ibs,ýence of Mýis. C. P.aynle the SeirGirls1' ch(ass-'vas comibinled withi the Bible Glass unýder MNi. Gar- roll Nicholîs. Last Tulesd.ay -vnn a presenta- tioli walsheld far 'Mr. andMs.El-ey and famiiy who--are .hia,-vingý the comn- munity. The address wvas read hy Mi.Charlas Bihtnan)d Mess<rs. Sid .Haskili and Ken Ashby present- ed themi with a di-p leaf table. After the presenitation w,,as held, euchlre wrs piayed and the ladiies hligih prizewa îeLceivedl by -Mrs. Hoimani and thbe low prise by îMrs. Trumani Austin. Tne mien's Ihigh, prîze waLs, wonl by Mr. Geýorge *ýBest and îMi, Arnold Austin won the 'lois-prise. ClarkeUnionûî Mr% George Fg is pîunîngil for MWrs. lrwinii rag-g. Mrs. 1Henry Swanmcott ils visitin.gý wjhfiiends la inOshawa. Severaýlfroemnthissection aftended1 2Mï. Allan H-Iýl's sýale on. Thiesday ofý las:t week. Thie smah of the consmunity -is extendced to Mis, Seward -osnanld soni Alvin lan the suddenýi passin1g ofý al lovilig husband and udfather. Msr. Bvre Fogg, wlio is engg-1 cd l et the Goodye'a.r, Banavle spent the week-endf with bis parienlts,ý i. anrd Mirs. GeorgeFog Mr. Aithr Slmith and friend(, ofý Tcionto, visited with aMiad Mis. Aithur Sauinders over the Easter holiday'. MuLch ympayis e-xtend-ed to Mi% ýNeil Rainey and famnily in, theý s>uddenl passinig of a loving wý%ife and' WAe aile gad to report tihat -Mrs. 1aîshalCha,,tterton is bhorne from the hoý,spiftal ad imuch împioved iila evJtXi AIM.Ai. nFogsboise haud the omi- foilrtun to put its le- tbroughi a hole in a c ovi o the Fifth Line just ç,ast of Mi. Ariltr Saund1ers, break- ingi, its l The hokresbamd to be dlonc Ini this yamai aIrs- -will be iost hl from tfeiossof c 1leg. This dise(ase itsý source -and ifs-on ohrduiing ,-thae e Farmers mal Vccine InLjeot( aeas follows, ssonin picul lpe wee as- ýotaCted non- e anlimal to a'n- sesoniof pus- One Buiy any onte of the hundreds if Rexail Itemis at receive anothier just like it for ON am lm lVALUE% Sale la- Price and In Photo Enlargenients During the One Cent Sale One 5 x 7 Enlargemeni. .........._25c Two 5 x 7 Enlargements .......2 6c Don't miss this Gransd Opportunity! Select your favorites froin your collectin of pic- tures, hring us the negatives -as many as C you like for these attractive enlargements at LI Z ai SENSATIONAL LOW PRICE..... This Offer Good Only IJnil This Saturday Evening REMEMBER THE SALE DATES! Manrc-Wh 31, .April 1,2,mrg 3 Be Wise!ý S-hop Early! Charles B. Tyrreil Phione 68 AGENT FOR JACKMAN FLOWERS * . oronio, ont. I I il Ladies' Cotton Briefs, all sizes, pair , Ladies' Warp Knit Bloomers, band kneE Ladies' Cotton Stockings, sizes 9 1-2 and Artificial Flowers, Daffodils, Roses 1 Sweet Peas, Tulips, stemi 5c ;1.215 35e Plastic Bafloon-O, make your bal- 1Mi _ b0ons outIL of plastic, tube ...1e Toilet Water Lamps, a_ýsOrted col- ors. .........25c. and 49c.1v Rev,,ersible Dust Mops, each .... 79c. POLISHINO Hurbusoldl fashioned, light or dark 1-4lb ...............12c_______ Sheif Paper, fancy Patterns, 10 ft roIIs.....0c. Rubber Bails, priced from....... c.S. té 39e; Mar1bies, fancy colors, 18 for............. 5e. GROCERY FEATIJRES Special, Bee-Hiv,,e Corn Syrup, 2lb. tin....29c. 5 lb tin f Or .................67c. Salmon SockeyýTe (Red), 1-4 lb tins ........21c CGolden Wax Beans, C CJ O, 2 tins......... 35c. Baby Cheese, Maple Leaf, -1 lb. roll . .,....... 48c Special, Tilbest Pie Crust, just acdd water and( bake, 14 oz pkg................. ... 25c. Speci, RPobot Household Soap for Jinoleflms, vwoodlwor-kfloors, eci 1lb tin, regular 24e , for......15e Special, Auistralian Seeded Raisins,'i (sticky-), pg.......19e VCR Lemrin Butter, 12 oz. bottle....23c Bord(enà's Sweetenied Con. Milk, tin 25c Newporýt Fluifs (Puffed Wht) Special bushel box......... ........ 4.1 5. 2f r _5 Cooked Ham, Maple LeIaf, sliced, lb 79c o 5 The above prices good until Wed,, April 7thf ORONO 5c. TO $1.00STORE YOUR PPJA. HPIGCENTRE Motor Equipment - o=o~o= Private Ambulance COU RT ESY Anir iti - 0 ttake car-e rf the iai. chrge as wv SEIRVICE funeral et the meut he largest and e :M -~2 'i Northcutt and Smith Funeral Directers and Furniture Deaiero EL---,,

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