Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 1 Apr 1948, p. 2

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Synopis CHAPTE R X XI:Clark Web- er aSssBarde bow muci, money lhe wou.ld gîve for the capture of Val.. dez. Bartie tells hîmii lie will forget the balanice of the mort-1gage on is propurty for the capture of the sup)- posed bandit. CCAPTER XXXIV 41f yourre ýiing, bomiibre," theo sberiff roie,"plunty of skin ivill be mlissinig froml youir bide sbortiy af er i get back he." Clark WuVber vwas ieftalonie witb bis thoujgbts wen- the sbieriff, stal- ed Out, and if w-,as long after day- ligbit before the dlisgrutted law- man retuýrned. He biad flot found sl Cabeno Rio - bc Mbad flot muicb expected bu wouIIld- and thiere seetnied no advantage in lnger kýeepin]g bis prisonier ini the juzgado. Silntly Sheriff Lande turned Clark Weber loose, and -as word- lessly the nnmiade ail baste àn gettinig away froml the jail. Bu-t lbe d4id not leave the cow ,toûAn. Al day lie staikd if, inaking every acquain- tance he could utnil he was cer- taini lie had tapped every, source ý information th)ere-truec or fanIcied ..-regardinig El Caballero Rojo. Sbortly before dusk hei endeýd bis qnlest with a visit to RuIsS Bartde Viben trat was over, Weber 'was convinicud of twoù thinigs- thati the banker-tobacco farmer was a firni believern ijawv, order and jusýtice; and that le was a inost generous man. For Bartde bad cuirsud the scar- lt - sasbed, scarlet - miaskeýd rider eatyand lad promjise ee that if ïie suicceeded ini capturing El Caballero Rojo, the balance duie on fhe ;Maxon-WVeber tract of land in the north end of tlie valey -would 'be wiped IOuft. Dutsk fond WVee patrollig be- tWeen Don A terio's Cross andlthe Aldmnan Lfobac-o farmr. ie -rode a borrowed pinto fiat gave promiise of being as fleet as El Caballero R oo'S galanit bâle roani. At lat lhe telised, hiýs bead cocli- edto One side, is lecart pouInding, H(e beLard the sounI1d Of a grazinIg an-imlal. 1-le located a mont, sad- dled bidlud and ground-àitcd. The sad0e-skirs were decorate wýith miletal studa thlatsugse Old Mexico. "That Burr Aliman foldMr Bartie abouit a vîsit be'd bad! froin a Meýxicani peon " We(ber mused. Must becthe same-but wby is be prowvling s0 close to the Ada bouse again, and afoot?" H1e dismou d ld bhorse bA- hind a sbaft of rocik anrd began to inch toward the bouse, Fear inispired Iim f0 milove wif b sucil super-caution thiat it see.med heurs4 before lie reIaced ',le bouse anld lookhed tbrougb a wod info a dark roomi. The door fth 1e adjoin' ing roomi was open-and frmed iný the r-ctanigle Of igi t soodEl Caballero Rojo! Clark We\ber croïcuced sel bounld. Th1en- botbl bis bands sag ged te the cold buitts of bis Colt and bue begani to iift the beavy, wea'ý pons. As suddny buekt thei drop, as a spismn of terrpr sped aliong bis tinigiing ev. Bebinrd l2im suoded the soft pad of cautions fcet, The mtange iMexe ic!Panéc clutchied WVeber's throat. WVas this Mexican bv ýny hacehi caboodts The M'exica's footsteps were mo1vinig cdoser anld doser. Chilisg did a Iborupiipe dowff eber's spine., Hf-e did not even dare fire toward those creepinig fotsteps,'for liewa recalling, oly toowel how El Cab)allero Rojo coulid mrove 1like proned ibtinig anid Shoo t striter thian a warrior's arrow,. In the nexct split seconid Clark Weberideclide diwhere is one chaniice to sidestýp !bis grave lay. H-e 'tried oe run i Olntl, but 1broke into rcisflight w he beeard ani anigry sounld beindibiim1. paniting,be recbed is horseý oand flunig imself into saddle. Wihbis sligit leadi, fast horse, anld the inky n1igbt, if be couiýd hold out another mile! To a s-pot hie bad noticed whenon patrol i And lie did. There bei flung bii- self from Saddle. Eveni as bue rolled ini dust and ston)ies bec dragged eitt biotb Colts, thlen climed Lup tbe sîde of a rock wbere- centuries of stormi and ero ion b ad carved man)y toe- boids.1 H1cbeard itbe be(at of is own brse' hoos asit ran on "fIcan get hlm bue," Webr patd Ican get ElCaballero ROjo ina Sot where I1 can pick imii off a.s I wouId a blinid crow." Clark W, ýebýer Lid ne-t have long to crouicb on thef rock wbehre the trail wa-s inarrow, Juanit a came, wildly cbiasing theic ridleriess blorse. And the momen.t sbe was oppo- site imii, Weher, leaped as a moun- tain iïon iuacps on the back of a fat cali. The biock sent both of themn to the ground in a tangled mass of armis auid legs, Julanita figbiting Mwi t!)surp1rised j,- û fuiry un11t il solid blowýs withi a gunl butt set off the sbooütin1g starS bufore lier eyes and dropped lber in a seniseless lheap. Gasping for bre*ýath, Weber vaork- edl frantically to bind bis prisojn- er's ristiad anikies. Thýe girl in thje boy,,'s cloting stirred, situg- gled to rise, but- r-erlamed ;in the "Wby do yceu-do thlis Io e? "I tbnk mybeou can guiess," Webr dawld, nd laughed tri; uimphiantly. "lIli going to ulse you to, baît 'a tra-p for r friend, ELI (To LBe Contiuuied); Tight Squeeze The oun coule badjuast fln- isbd "nspctig" hetiny 1bird& cage apartm-jent. Stuppinig Out 0' uarsblot of theagent,tey bip eredbrifly.Thewifu nioddud at last, anid thie bsadtturniing te thie agent, excaimied resignu dly, " 1elIgue5ss e'l ake it, ai- thougbint mcb 1teo smal." "I oni't suce rto)rted thie rele itt an, "c thapartment was plann11ed for two pol. agei, bt you tsee, we were boping to be able to ke a gold- The St8 RegisHegel * Bluale, 53.50 and mi- Double, 64.50 op * Gooe Fond. Dinint Fami Danoina N1gtUy Sbe.rbou,.ne at <3rltoo Tel RA. 4135 Hedy's Youngest Makes Bow-Hedcýy Lamlarr's lyounlgest child miakes his camnera bow on Ois irst birtliday. Anthony Johil isited IsI famous mnother on the move set, wheelir actig dores confned Ier. The glamo,ürouis -Hedy lias two older cliild- reni, jamesie, 9, anid Denlise, almiost 3. I4nSTe Aamdw u.Ueiol Do# You Fret About Your Children? What Parent doesn't17 lie awake in the niighit's dlarkniess .vondering about the ciid(ren) You compareý thieir preýsent lie- hlavior now with J, that Of a yearý ago, and you are d i s c o u r a g- growing a w a y from you01, taking the bit ini bis uS t wii fot study, her And is un the boys. As for Dorothy, shi, is dvipn an attitude little Short of insolent; anjy pposijtc) ion 15esenited quickly. Wbere have you faiied? Othier parenits biave complaied, toO. Read this: "The ebidren n iow kjvO hauy;they have bad! manl- necrs, conitemlpt for aultbority, show disr-espect fo-r eiders, andl love chiatter in place of execiseý-. Chil- dren inow ,are tyrants, 'lot the Ser- ants of their hioulseholds. Tbeý-y na longer rise when idel(rs enter thle roo m,.'They contradlict thecir par- ents, chatter before company, gobhle up d1ainties at the table, cr-oýsstheir le'gs, and tyraninize ov-er their 49Z50 tlake Palttern 49,50 your fimst p ro.- jee,(t tbis termnib! c it ini cotto' q fer crispy school -nd datudrss. And in] bif e 's a graduatiiion beauty! ULcri skirt tba,,t gees wbelie-e ! Patteru 95 in teeniagesis10 12, 14, 16. ize 12 take(s 4 yards 35-incbh brc Send rWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25c) in ceins (s'tamipa cannlot be a ce ted) for this patturu, ýte Roomn ,421, 73 Adelaide St. West, Tor-onto. Print piainiyv SIZE, NAME, AD DRErýSS, STYLE NUMBER. HAVE FAITH IN THEM *Mtbey growv and develop,? *you fiind thiat uic rule works with *tbem ail tbrougb these years. *Jobn ust feel tbat you trust * biim; !et imii alonle as mnucli as *you tan. ie is feeling bis nats, *and prutty confident, Louise * willIbave ber come-uppance wMen *the termnis over1 and bier credits *aren't wbiat tbey sbould b),e; sbe *bas to learni thu bard way. Little * Dorotbiy doesn't nu to burt vonu; youIll bave to overiook lber * ipudence now, and tben, and *guide tdae seng 01wiiio.bers * wih a light rin. * Have faitbi in thuse bc un *Praisu tbem wbriyen ilcan, and *try nlot te fetba t'-t each annoy- * ing inicident is a criis that mu11st *4 bu e, ait wihtb thn and there. Let *tbemn know ytr 1ust tbem. Train *yomurslfte laughwith tM, Io e bu more their friend itban their * monitor, Remembur borsyou *felt at thleir ages, and shIow tb-em *yen renmmber. *Then yenwavil gai their cosu' *fidence, and that is ait trs, TO "FRANTIC MOTh,FE 0F THREE": Relax. Your cbildren bave good stuff in Cbemn, and as tbey mature t illàstand tbem in good stead. Yon aredoing %h bust you çeau, se why %worr-y 5 mruch? You cnntconceai your p~ars from tbum, and the knoW- edgu of thumonly robs themof tbu sucury uvuy yonngstur nuedi te) fuel. Tbey'1Ill n et al rigbt. You diu, yeu know-. A\ lother wbe continlualiy frets about t br cildren untitfits herisuif for ber job. If nu of yours is guting defficult, ask A\innu Hir-st's counsul. Address bireraBo A, Roomr 421, 73 peu ilareate of Egland, buie vrk- ,éd in a Nýuw York bakury, a lvr stable anld a carput factory. Ezekiel a young pliest, was one of tMe captives ' d aw-ay to Baby- ion. Viil n captivity God calicd bimi to be a prophet to bis peopfle. (1) The heavenswerew opened, (2) be sawv visions of God, (3) the word of tCe Lord camne uxpressly toç him and (4) the band of the Lord was upon hîmi: an open beaven, a presenit God, a distinict r-evelation- adthen ai !0yt prfrm zekiel vwas mi de to sensu bis heavy re- sponlsibility as a wvatcbmu1 of Israei. If bu failed to warnribe ickedi thuir blod weuld be reqied at bis h)and.'Yfet if ton arnthe wickud, and lbe turn l ot from b is ickedne, nor from is icked. way, lie shah die n biliquity; but thou hast delivered tby soul."7 TPo save his owvn sou! be rmust 1' ewise c r the rigiteous ia wýho turns fromn bis r-igbiteouisness and cm i igiuity. Tf tbe ithier- -QuaIity desserts, E pie fillings, gravies and sauces Coli for quality ingredients- most important of which isý Conaida Corn Starch, a product rDf oufstanding quality. HOTEL METROPOLR &IAfARA I LL Are YOu gomig thiruthe fun on l ile, ege, period ecobiar to womlen 38-52 yrs, > DOes tins makc you suifer f,n hot faLSIeA~ feel Ao nervùous, luigli-strung, tÏred9ý Thes Du try LydinaE. Pmikha.,'3 Vegetable Cor,. pouid to relievesuehyl on!Pnka' Copun lso bhae what Dcoacal! g stomaide anineffet! LYDIA E. ENKHAM'S i 'j il Dependable - ifs popularity wvith Cajnad-iin housewivres over the years is -fhe best rezommnrendaiîon as f0 ifs oufstainding qualify. Aise MALnufaturers eof Croewn ranCernSyrup THE CANADA STARCH CO. LIMITED Montreal Toronto Xp)rl 6 Yeour yradio hih ot!la Ever'y Tuesdaay'nIghte! ,30 Mvinutes of reai entertainnment- CAVALCADE" Tras-andaNutwork of CBC. See your daily n saprFor stationi and tilue.ý n. SF REVENUE rJ A tK ON *COL E * Top Singing Stars & Musicians * 7Mart Kenney & bis baud * Songs by Noïema Locke & Roy Roberts * Persoualities ini the hleadiines --7 I-) ý- èý,cikýeA

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