Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Mar 1948, p. 6

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in. J. COLLINE olJ, womanl, wby dont you' book doýwn andcometo Jncle Joe had jiist comejý bodroom ocff the kthn Mairtba was coifort ab ly i a roceking chair lw the -fasbioned Etove, f ect n1lh mr readig a Moe SAoY. lid cau1tion sly under the 'Ouch! tes ld!" he ex- "My fett are likei ic." dartba ignored lbis ýp-anin1g nngfor a fe seconds. il mr e yu pant the old lady your feet !" sesa aty 'ime oftheyear,spig care i t' t01u, re dday ofspig The waýy er -s)Ctjlng tup now youi'd vas thle middle o«-f tin]ter, I-hog must baw seel about lows this year!Brr!l' I igt" Ant Mr sid pntin11ý; ber boOk on the table and gettng up> tbat" she epclamed sudi- ing her becad to onle side. rtacriedtxctdll" ïYnry. DO oetng shiotgun ý!" Unce ebl .ng onlt of bed. "'lso rýunt M arthlia da sih3(d!ups tairs mo e bedrom tbey used in lebe ur- cir and(jgot is sbotglnn ouIof bb-c oset. When she retursed Uincl e wason in the kichen, diB in nigt hirt.He bad lcd bis tsonan bad ani old toque of Mnt Masohas pnlld down over his ms duei'sta lslgt? J dloi know, you bad ilt" ie thelntecmn thea.", )lu'e ot goin' onut thera i it yorpants," AuintMatared hI-Èast atli gt-p - 'Stn! sdiomn bsi li b, e odrdiprosy no ime É1; foôlonn," Wbd stragbtfor de chiken bous, nipIbt shirt fyn.AuntMaba v-4 In an ld(icoa,-t wa"-S~co 1be il I(s noabin' i11 b ie, z old t Narta afewsecondis Later. peerIed arouind ilently. "ý-Not t," be mttemed". "Good g ravy! you ! ct "he ylldsudden- Thiere was a crash antI h dimi cof tle lanten went ont. Aunt' tagas-ped at ah the ackt joe! Are yocu aIlîiht-" iere as nio ase.Then Uncle cmiedboarsely c et heflsh Ma11t1a, ithemes tbiree of te lernýg aronndi in bera. 'rv" lut artb]a opened ùtadoor .sl.A very stronig oo d e nostrîils. Si-e .swïung Ibe 1 of lhe ligbtail oer te plac. t of the hens were stadig Or g ail ov-er dtesta-ord 11,~ lantern and sh ,otgIn Wr al1so. ew reaeyu" alled. si up bhre" ÉtIlrhamwn heba p ] nl oc wýaS periched on t he 0sf ro.tt, angin o aarat. ep pn ofabout 20 distrauighe itwsham-d fay who ooked sotaiarined, Uncie j"',or the Annt' Mllrtha ian ghed bloudly, 1rîgbt, lug,>3e said soury Climbled stiffly dOwn f rom bis rions pemch."What else conld ?At least I f righfenied tbiem donj,'t dionbt thiat" At Martba, -, Idon't fceelany toc, wv;rm ere," Uncle be hivre ni better git 1back tb ,ibe bouse minute, Joe Quivx, or you'l your death of coiL" An la took, over lbestain lec jOe permilted himlseilfo10 ha rd into ed As he sat np sip- te bont temonade Arunt -Martba iaade blim, 'be said, 'm cold .aIl bor01t tinie later se rogbcl ld-fsbioedlot water bottles ýe la towels. Sfie t-ucked (Jonýe f'eet and put Obe ohe a is ere they are,"sb said swYeel- 1t'll kep yon Srrr. tcacher was giv-iing xe das,, rng plipils a test On a recent "tell me d>ý "ýs sc eve-,r One Corner* of enà Artist'-s Paradise-'Em-ilyCar known to her Indi-an friends by the namle of "Klee Wyk"iinspraton for ber paint4ings in sýceles like this in bier betoved British Colutmb)ia, Jier liîfe and chevmetsare Vviidly portlrayed ini a National Film Board rlae KIeWyck" Theies of ourCaniadian art-istaý freqnencrtly make interesting mb- jects for flmns, espcially since thec film can do the edouble -jOb ecfdr- aizing the artists' ives anld port- ra-yi.g some oi their better kaowa workS, O.Z1 Anînterestiig case in -po)inlt s Kîce Wyk" aNaioalFilmr Board colour rduto-b don te luf and work of the celeratd Britýish Clmi asEm-ily Crwbose orsran.k wth t betour co-nmryé bas produced. Ný,îo oathe rrlcrci 1impro- grammnes in, Ontario, "Kcee yk (themanie the indians of the West fifin a series devoted 10 Canad- was w * cýOnP1,ts. Sh Ïws em ndrase an rthaenFiglishlony on1Vanconver lsland, aioloy ibad! strivenr to reproduce Egad in this Use Horse Sense If Out In Blizzard nigb maif.iI eeks)Io t calite staton n Aiert, ad stýet outin, ai- nwsrmfor blis home on the Variations of hisstory are reý- ported every winter, !ives re lostÈ in ms of th svre storm1is. If b the uforltuntetrvllrsdo' lose thetir way,eybc e tired. Tho-se wV, balbe n on2 lci Gýt in sn1cb- storms sy he temrpt-ation to lie ib)le. LBut ài bey do, ýthe ilf asleýep and lneyer wàven. Eldrly people succumb1in1this mancer areC more eas c1,ilyV ft ignied. Somi ,ie - times fthey beco ei-ter-l exhans- ted nd cn'tgo on. u mr Not Wanted Here-Leýader ofý thle Commun11-iist Party in Gret Britai , obas 1been efsed Per~mission L'yOtaao nr Caniada for a series o-f lectures hi pri. fe ws asobar ed parks vwere purposely qdesignied t asapece of ùteol!cund traspanedtý) thle ne-w. But Emlily Carr, even as a, litle gýirl, vandedcyjIcforthfrom th-e coi- ony into t e s twerig main foress and the picturesqe villge. wbic chaacteizedthe Brts Colum1'bia coast. fBer urge b paint .soon ecxpressed ilself in the colour fi wtecoousanadoils of thýese> Indiani villages,dontd by giant totem poles, and .hemeCdjin b,-y .le sea and tbe figh mouintain ranIges, .As timne passedl,-Miss Cairr.Travel- led wideuly, and began to paint Ille IIagicen1I forests tbiemselves. At first ber work was realistic, wi painIstakin5,f accnracy for tbe aal est detals As she grew older, ber work too«1;,on a symbolism and ab- st'ractioni w ich enabled ber to pjtt into these mligbt"y landscapes. ail becr feeling of love and awe for ber native province'. Tefilm Kle syck,,, in illus- trating the highý points of t'ne art- is' E, gives nîny startlng viens irqnnly î s juist mental fatigue, (I'ta dei re to rest and leep A togwiliî i tong body viiil-see the tavlertrongh to his destinlation ifilbe has a fence or a r oad t o f oll1ow'anld(jkno (w S ea ctly1wereie is. lBut thie per- wbIo sry ont inl a blizzardl awayý fromroads aidl feces h ýIlas litlehoe. 11( Iinsare lmnlch more weather ise mcb miore at lhomie iii theoutdoos, tni hie men The mIlost dneosfaueis1 aloss of seOse o)f dirctin, it- ont nowngit. Thieweypod drthirongb Ithe snlow bas0no ida leits lost untîl be comles upon b!is own track( 1 11r1]ntil b cizcs b fenice longugo.N1o lngeirIbashe thiligbse idea of direction. Usýý- nli e bas for-gotteni to set bis menal c -ollpass Iby the wid bfore hle satdout, and i e id fl*1j, Ot clfrgte, t ie sa tewn nee1ose theuirsee of directio,-li a fthle traveler basa bors e h ise lnky H is almost certin IIof snrlvivinigÉthe storm iif be imlply bilndlejs 'np)tIbt, shutts bis eye-s and h langs on to0 the saddle biorni, or if bie lets Ibis team b lave pClnty of linie. Tb'le fborse will go homie. Wýestern andais fil ofstie of people 0Io n in lizzards ý;wbo horses tnrn from tbe rigbit road( or irectioni, indfof Jfarmerls wh ove theirlve to a biorse ilaiking thfem isafe1ly tbronýgb a torm Fiery,Ith g Toes and Feet' He re Ilea ceani, eta1les ateDi i vha wM do 0or1-to b Lp iyou set rd o r truble than anthýiin yau've ýve.r Ite ai l opowerfaVy i oenetrtln,_ tbRÉ the ieig eqlel to1poeiha-4 IiRa-bort fUrne yod arid or that bother- fjeùne, f ler tortnare. 'he saine la tue of Jlsrbor'e Iteh;, ýRRt iheum.EcaEm- (elb4er lnlating anlgtlisin ltrouble. Voir *an obwjalnMoÈa e esa14 Oh in rJje original beil ti aIana'ieyd"n fdrus, e4ore I ,i ;£O e s-aed Y0sluwe *1o!these btauete e b40e niee. of hier besî kno1wi avsas n ,compares them . with iphotographs Of the original,, Oýne ïcf the lmost striking scenies is that: of "ahd RaI Grove" vvith its heav7y foLiage barely piercedL by the glowvingstn light, wbich is thien comrpared wiv-ýth iss Carr's interpretation of i% Che arisslife was not an easy one: ber wandarings arounà Van- couver Islaald alid the -rmaiad in her trailar were 'haltad evecry S.: often, by finanicial ifcute.Rua- ning a boarding bouse and work- ing ira handicrafts for the tourist trade wrere workecd into ber -ifeto, supply ber lituthe neceSsary funds to conine ber painting. Ber deat a few yenrs ago brfought in a close anist'scar- ear î, ich lbad corne, over the years, te express ilseu -- in vte wors o th fim -with "vigor, certaaly end a sense of f-eo. THIJMB. seceds inito the soul, with ke gladioli, bulbs, po- lalas it mieantîs from 4 caaogues wa, ielse altc esadvegetab!,ýs 'C Expcriez'ced-ý gaden-ers wonld neyer t7think of p)Ilting vegetabCLs, flowers or sbrubs witbont soma of tois vital in- formation, Whout it even the bes oftbm wuldbecretmg a junleraterthn swoeting tdy, beutfl admotstifctr.And a jungleis samethig fa% iffere from an infor-maIlayon. Fc ex prts would adocate a formai"gard-i en witb ail the fwers ineprim rows or squareus, tbut neither do b!-ey iug- gest bodatn edmeeydi- hind talloes rptngcaig coossideb ïyadIntevege- talsroo, tbeyurg mre oo for ig utafl tiga ie ou ccm bers andpotaQtoes thqifor arrow growinjfg ltucbeets adcro beteenthe asthý-ey a-re lhigh a maturity, VWith b 'lig tree -tis jmeanýs Lrm20 Ùt)40 feeýt, ihcrosit 0eans 73n-yabout 2 iceA gainý teproper deptb t o plant seeds iis about thre times the Sdiaee. Withtinyseed jîk popiesalys-. rm rtucrnips thi ensmr! They Like- it CoId While Canaïda shivered mnde gip of a flow of P0olrar recnty, a few peOple ween' satisfid t was Cold enough and Weatrin searcb of tempeaturs loer tan the pre- viig20 degrees below IlTey found tbem within fve iles of Winpgand setaha] f-biour c uilng aon7i ,beo ero, weatber, The group were Trans.- CaaaAir Lies research enig!- ?%eers. Tbey tOock7aMrkHN. Star "ilpstairs" týo 32,0(11 feet to se how the. liqid-cooled RollIS-Royce enigines ïand rsrzd cin re- atdto initense cold. The resuits- weesatisfactory-. h Ir prbah i bas been lown at «Acbtomperaure am n sDe LUt or early sprîg the garden sbonld be tborougbly duig or Ploughejd, This wl turn à, Mauanure, rotted v-ege-table ateria1l. etc., d'estroy a lot of weed see-ds,. peats, etc, and liputte soi in con- dition for furythc (l nd fine working. h wilso mix tOP and immediate subJ-soil and teud to more ev7enily distribue niaturxal fertility, At this t-im c it is advisable to work in al the old dead weeds, vegetable tops and any nmunrrtbut bashipqnOh- tained. The ne gardener is toc inlnd to hum .liail rýujbbisband ( leav es or send it away wvitb tbýe ga r- bage. Tbi is a serioun istake. Antigthat will rot in a reCason- abl time, and theeWM lbe few bngs thatwWllPut, sboud be dug in. Snbimproves bopb Igbtan he' oils, op-ening thie latter and makcing it lsy Hable 10 bake andi cae, an" addin much needed water retainIIngms to san1d and Mnd tYIoe Of Safe, or Cbnt for any purpse. iaitus, or wvrite tor onices, ta iDept. W.. J.&~.AYLORLIMITEU ToRONTO SFE'WORKS 145 iFronit Ci. L., oronto Une 'îfa sriesof dvetismenî inIriule tlse ana isin /litesie ofihe ,5uiliiï ristourneras ! rm>

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