Hapqpy Dy AVATI' CHRISTOPHE'R rlicd ;'l the sowind on rin lke. Dýrivîingaon f road in his diApidate y Ervay had Sad icsn luckiess dy o fish poleýsantecgr lificial fue i te ac ens Cho were worhyan Heý could1 find noI on to need those two noIes. he " sawtemg o n mai =0n' bowed head!anK uggwes dstes.Alo ïtIleyi tha metin aj i he =pll scoverd a spCti? He ame to aý tbsde e un arp nt a i-de? l gotsone young peo- sg~ lt's an J said. But rouble. ain'b i yer' if' in ey re Jusî lot more " is i ver Gue ss Jve taýken 1' too old oto Thie secre2t is -sit' le txvo of i nt "Jn a, rheiads Off Ut rom each othier g te thle we It, aikin' up inh a hurî!ry te u1-gsid-lethgil ts, tor-, nley. "H-op il- yaung man. toward tisie lakeC Several Yrow- -Now Biss0f Big Induistry Hemlck tees ax proablybee grosving lu LartlsbCoubafr s may curisastehvelohe Candia povice, bt t wsunlyn a fe yeas ag ht somenn learne dirt" i0 athe riuve (ýr bsins attr actd ai teatno f . ~ ~ m b e oprt, aiovy u bc Cl. nd nowoner-fr u paidoy u aout fie dolars pr tho sand boa-. r feet. S i The&tyofryic of îthe ex3 he ick ii likely lIe oing yu vyo h many of Ccan the sci fOtalTe strls-, eet, 0tene nxs e l ur- - <loît arm wanit t t-ie boat 'n. Starn)Cy! Convalescing Coie s z y s just when she isý ready to gt Up and go places in cornes her doctor's bill which flattens her out. Worsc Luckt Teenwere eilnign lR agrrolp e-M aarycamp, ýdisclissilig ay ipedte err- n e lytat if I in cite cf the opportu~lby. eassie thing Th ty henioas estre oi o a, iasinegted. ungrt a Czecboiox aIn cfamlly sd t haning thsrcoD,erthei5atxe elad, arrivedb Cand Mome ane jècuins.ton r bemlocireThey haDaecr1e, of coue, a>qkId i laylu thepr oer grd- jnn f b,ý "ertimberiic Coevrop ecite foraihigcopiy To-daytherzesareower 3500 employ ces. WCagles arebgh ad ivingS", orkigondi t isareeimellnt makethe emlckgpa.decaue lofi tir shilithe fprice pr thusan botiaret-as ienidverfe time Correct GraId Jfir on MonIIst oIrh opratonsi heods Jae mechized..Ib ocr awsfe r adc' rtors, craies areb senialthr !xpeened grads rade the0hm- loc a aI saes of t tandsfa ýnîkots fors pand ad eftund ong1 et ns. lb is scaf mm'rd".se Orating eas wee Pall as uside worke byn curéedgaisisctup jtfe sa s e e c t i o n s c f i l h p e u gz s te llint rs ierch as fondne markts fr thse eallr-d form- erlynuprfitbl eiIb3it fwod n The ampTuhwcam temworkeSUdR tennis court and a moving pictre Iller tesar -o k i g r o n "orldaÏage,1, dme wsur cough cooms r suji auo0yeaofangaps, ito be1replaced. anir fo theomp i lesnute mOnt importnt and,-rbbytr 1îs ne . colour iei lnmn r rasn tmal thngibebid lager getting bIg eg ale Pdd o "motoursor on itsin terem p1st nobooratal By notcdig caefuly he 'mi o b0loomSig orth ie nme f st mtrt, iat i pssbl t pana creat floer adn htw atîe mcinon tcpply sf thevery bfrehegof vgetabls. w- ot cases(inSaditiontusn ery adv kistelto pln seveurcaltm saon ec a itte head ofnormal then ormaFortheclaerpa or- mpcalthies will srad ontxege talesa é;d fwers too. -"-î ? andsOWiSboe s Pass ile O of te firstofsed t beso has firutben o't abot heeo wit alitlefiesoulon tp.G-an ally te techwllfi n ada ep supot.Feq uenoftirighumfoe IEAIJCOEUR YELLOWKNIFE MINES UlTD Ths omsn's640-Rcre propelty in wPU lcaeteCL geologically in elow Kilhfe. An £tcue reet~gadepioration callpaigil haB bEen re ,om. yfiqbeàbr thec omppny'e geologiet, and negotiatione enrt e l yPiogeeto Inihte . hit progra,1 CURRENT MARKE~T - p7c - 31c Plea e D> ttReehea couipon for om iet formfation!. A.N. RICHMOND & COMPANY el, Melinda StreO We act Ar, Principals in tise male of these ar. TORONTO fý . &lcmon Onpaly, 3 ids St, orohto. lUtese bssa4 mie complet. InformratJon ron leaiucocnlu lwkiMa'~Latd Pliii a em 'ýp wf t)boult oet or oý1±gatîon yolir weekly issue C'f "INVE STME NT HIGH-LIGHTS"ý Nam............................... ........ Add~ee........................................w . for the onscf I~~~~~~0 exrs proe fgttn h lhps dck wp ij ahn waxe aidsomeof he 1 ip'sc12 va~ uru u s'rcdsby ce boi in rlwýinls l s a a'ý l These hurriasjîcaesg u 1 h jidigofHl3wo o Dr~aE a ro, in hoaem- traïicrsh Bonariza "aent ttcstlire o xond&rful thonge tahave aroiinds" ableman "Wat id you disýcover now, dalingp? py ouswie, inan ld ýltrrnk]." tress of ba-byý's clwhil e he sleeps, .fub onl Vicks Výs.oRu5 at bed- 1àme, Soothes, reieves drmg C K AUEX TIPLER 0F NORTH RAY, ONTARIO shows endurance one! courage in rescue work Tiîler1 iumoled f îepsnow z0 a small abie b0 gel rhe railroa tIse accide. ruic liteme-s ind back te his back ain. Tiîlýer --zero teniperature. he sum-i re aid and Sent %vord of the te railwvay hca-dqwariers. Ieadîng ,il niv