They Talk About The Slow British Maien ltegreatAtlantc ler _uenMary finlishles a trip)at3-1ithar zwyttapon or New Yok, she go Mraly spends two days 1i port beoersuuiing lier travelo. PBuIt mtus recentlafter itavng been de- aeycitwo dlys by stormson avWestý- b~'nd rosing sie lf tNewYork-L Ju .24 husan i intesaftefr okng-a new record. Mkinig sucil a quýick traot a comlicaed bsiness, inivolving shudbarking of 1500 passengers mdnstemobiongîngotaking on 1500 orfilling u1P with fuiel oit and ter and a titousanid other( de- lal.It is; practicallyovrain ShleCity overnight -- for thýe te Mary is a sinal city in bier- self ihenougit leckitriy 10 serve a placmWih a populatn of 150,00 i-tre cre-s of deck spa:e efo3r M-ceîinaone - to, say nýothin-g bi chiope, lbraies, gymnasiums, a squash court and a swimmhig pool. TÔ re17noate th'is floting citi, ýn Atmî85,000 pie2Ces (of"linen aýre useci ne aCfi trip, indludlng steets, pilwcases, towels, rnapkjins an1i tabla cbth fliTctQucen Mr a thure sets oélinn; one in use on te stip one bing latundered in Elnland, and on, beýing laundcred and is te biggesî inýgleem pn 5Per Cent of te food for lie W-2ir round tri1 is taken an in îew Yrk. Tli, is oiuns mb tre m-end ous qatiisfor-tere are 2,800 pe1ý Crsoný,lsini11Cluid iin g Pa 1s sen' gers and crew, on1ite sitip evef-rv leilcr ssesite ocean. Food For Round Trip Exetil, rouglit aie, whcn gas(enge appetites a re some.1,2 limsfdlled, tiese trelro an lecuedon ta eat ttireemes 4 ay--a total of 8)5,000 meOls in (Itel days tht Queen is at oea fiedays tact way) -and 1anioth.tcr ýU500 ireabls for tite cirew durint1g te two days tht sitip lys aver in port. -ThicQ1cen Maryawaysý takes more thin enough food, lu cae tisdlayedaIowhh 3vdta be a good policy last T'-t e food sun )pple s ar'e p i ed . bigi on lie pie ru mring te aînrrrarrv esý, and do ck!ý-h-inds1 1 stan' loadînig these supplies imi- meCdiately after tht slhip tiliUp lasc xeck iltook on 70,000 pounds of meat, 25,000 poonde ofpoultry, 10,000poundlsof fIAi,60,000pouns of potatoeo, '30,000 pouns f an- on, other vecgetabl ese 10,00 v poundso .~frozen vegelables, 160QI 000 eggs, Y20gallons of mîik, 10,00 (l0 pounidaof sugar, 20,000 pounds of fînur1, 1,000 boxes of1 fru-,ý it and 4,000 quai;rts of ice. cream.ý Large sto k of liqluor are als intddin lit iipC povsos but maisI of titis is Britis1 i ia- gi1ýn aud i'e oaded at Southauptoiî. Tîtc Vecýchio bridge aI lncnc is lîîdon bit )sides with usesS tht ave been tused f.or ce1tunies Dy goldatmîît5 and blidaico *And One Tingi r Anothe FRANR MANN HARRIS sIb inveaar uds f Me closy hs taray I e" la in fzensos f ha htes ofckseyere ontovrsy >i th etir Pvisc te. Hh' break out had a peklahbit o!f ninJof, arse si tdi.> laet for mrethn1 splitsecoi-jes lnWog ah for the Ils~ ~ ~~~~~t arud eedkg oltne ase ight iame reîy of the pc.Asîd i' zeas veosis- ya Vifet--peced ohae one of Mie home WeC' Sor so Per rWeho so eg ak"g2ib %,h t-un con he rink, migh lhaeà hd ,r tofitis e a payea :d awy la ing was cer- proved. Maybe, off î sps venu- al, f zns ruo "orCe thanme-recoic, ,denc=w The deaof te payof cusi i d e Plyaerioy, bý:-eit yor goae tende, an playSIK en up Fiv attention 10 lite pulck, but eacihtQt face-off is maý-de - tobCtae hmouI of bie PSIy :ut Hikeruig inter feren-rce aiead of thte bail1-carrier, in Amnca ootball. 'Your 2i±îh aI ltdefeing goai ot-c rleoa lis mency. From le coparative saîcty of a seat up among bite specaors, it' a ralir imtereing play toa watcit, aMd prodctie of consideabe - citementý. And peritap titiÀs is aIl that realîy couits, f rom aPotoe standïpainit. Proaly ehave ýjust twa ta i. FrNumiter Onie, ilisn't 1Hockey. And for Number Twa, i's likeiy eetal 10 produce fatalities. Sameenrge dlefenlder wilï cul boose witit aswn Whiclh viii really connect. And 'f somne Of t'hose sam,:e promnoters wl recaîldays when they went about iC fr and tremiblinig les "Ace" Builey sholdtrecve -and w ta ia m'igit mefnu 1Ctiteir gante I - we binjk titey'l1poabydo away witit suci tactics b,,eforje it trboa ae Stiw e D syu Mighfmagie we ioo e1fh dtseonu ryhi sod- e~,just Ieaueil i.onewý,e m break down and admit tMatbak fi the i oddaysthgshped i you os~ hea abut swadys.Re- centpowr blckots nasy places havebee ex erincîg oeall a Cer- f aisOntriotoîîî hich we en't Brsnc Riceycf the Boky Dodgers, now cmontns thatbi5 felOW-magnates attempted t a a up'5 and keep dark-skinned Jcki basbal~ TeyOf Pcourse, deniy that ont ing f he sort -cver îbappened. And so mater whIo is rigit, t.e storýy got onsderblespace un the papàers -wvhich. ccOing riglit at a Éhime whenc rly'le'basebaîl news was scarce, probaly wsn'texac-tly diStaStef ui t Ever.,ybody knows teewas plenty of pposý6ittoRObimso)n's being aoedto play. This wvasni'tbcus ie, vs,àz fistperson iof his irace to, -iakeý the grade. He wa bLy rio he franky aditte tobeinig aNer evntook p ;d n it-instea'd of altwin hmasf tepinb awy a a Cbaa"Mx C ,,o eenas an "ninas hadbethequin thatRobnsonfinllygo, his cbýance -ma Cge tlkeep [listeprn apite of great provocation-and made goodFront nw on, in basebal at leastý, it'sgOîng t,0 be im-poûssib)le tC drawany colo itn" -alibhougli there lt corne a day. as has haý,p- pciect er jlie 1boxinig garne, wben whibsm atietes wI regret thant it waS ee--Týr wipec.lout. Wthcoiocred b!oys doing Ï.o wel n 0 an ines of sport, lt wonder groS wby 5ýc few showAm enogli aptie oro c keVto scal un eheto!m higher itanit waýS befare te war. ISSUE -14 Seuda iMR .3 oS-iti, 4M.4R4S;it20 ii~.e~&n. ;~ .iincluasive Sp ii 1sort sen'aàcse Show flYs iî'ste fiap Cýanda Nfinl prîseqmen h faitby. Thee',Sarey the fjýandus îra i1atba- A th" casin-ho rand a th rigbillng acita. $ li ganie, animrals and fish. MAIL. THIS COUPON TODAY ITH, ERT0CANTOAN ALONiRTS ANDMES' ASOCIHOW, N AGENTS WANTED' I. Oil-S, GREASES, TIRES, Inetpt~,Electric Fen,3s Conîtrollera Kouseý anti Bamn Paint, iRouf Cainaotc. Deaiers- waued xWite Warco Grease & 011 Limite, Tfrrntr lNCREASE YOURiNCM Excelent oportinity or airt, Iteiige l'ons ntituiIntormalion tsent frea. The Rmsay Ca. eglater0 tiltentAtooss 7 Bant; Street. Ot RPAW FR Foor top rices anti promipt retl'lne bip y0,ur for wa orpoultry osa rOdlce o February-S'larch chche. e'vo atartetian dayolda rifihl now. uBray acs,, John N. Stami0lton l Ont. 71wC, threa ourwleok anti ulder p UlUel Feruar, atcetiStazn ýwýith risatobet -l;kE anti getln,.be hlhprce fr ge oe Sommùer anti earIy FaI. Largýe TypeWht Sýenti for pries liat, Mngmn Guide anti catalogue anti bou,,s yclOnrdter OO'. 12/c H ropaleCiýcks 12~4 il BUreeticrs lot îtstt,îvheatitinti o- spe ci anti bacheti Lhighpedigrieetifoui- atin soc. Sussex2x New lfowp., RBock s New _ Etm.,BarretiOocka. 5New ap inlei é,nIpo uta SOs. lh qs_"cx 511. crd I4c, pilts7c. Laré îtye LeLhorna mîeillsPuUet.a 2SO. Al bcavp breet coieri eMdlpm Oreeïi 2c. 18 100ui)uwn balance C.O.D. Or:ertrosa enclseIis adt. 1Lonidoît Onta-îo RAISING CCIRS? Speclal pnrice ftor htarcb, Apvt-hevy reet cokeris,4e. msdiumo welst rt i o rl,2c, Lcghîorn couhs- rl. .seventeen ycars »atch.lg hia k for utifit tioe rs, Lirearivi iPr Rock Cockerels FOR rebmoai, antiMar cbou,' BarIedPocks aafaslfeaherng an ibreLqIlfo111te- abllity . andti ast growtL. Hnes poultry BAYChiche from an R.. reedimne -ar,, Hatcher,,y . St oats nuDOmorete Vboy priceslI.Bnei Hacry Blnem Lakeview-ý Chicks for1 194'8 10.000 Ibreetira nspeteti, Lbanteti anti bleui luei. Manycotum r hvefhati ycara of contin.uonc sccC swihLaîkdvniew ChicelÉ.i This ve acryit ay bce een more limportanit te boyIbebea. M. ati rs.Noralmoliarti ilf varkhl.talohvht 5consecu- tive earsut rotinn u ces wlth baSe-i view hihe Wycani't you ton? Start yourcloha ari'F There willlbe ý shortaýge of cge ,nexi Fail i prîtes are bouma t tbe hiaber. >Senti for ilarge israeicatalogue1 LakeviewiPultry Far 4 Wein Bo.EeeOnt. BLCKAUSTRALORPS R. . P Sret. atcin Egaday ,ol i DOLYPO TR FARM' EALI 'hich py eo7bcase01) Te oihst etem(., cobrathoembr fet ai ames aoabe tlsiecon- sistnti shw a favoabe f eetilng iratio lj fa'mohagetl, reeggehe.(>Ma rsiiug- (,siilesa o_ te,3a he 0, po dresetipoutrymaretsgoncaýn make more mune If our hice ar fro ouck m- trn hey iayling ancestry, wdl' are. W Iar lee' aîhnagoi ciche for, 24 Tss et for f rs alge . Day lti aniaatt hiche ,fori, immedate iiley a" rice.P-<Iî uskTy blootteeteti hissîlreti by2-00egcohrl write today for. prdelatant Iescalentiar. Bg ocË Frm Mlle oches. Ont.C lY ESil! the nets tl pay the bill, YTour uceas ]lu the poýultrybsnestc - peds on e quullty ut tise ebi, kA you boy ot 0un the uan'lîy. Recauise the ssQ a ntïi danaters utevery famnily are utieti;by their fathers ant'i mjothens, il stantis 10 resnthaýt gCootd ret anti gordti hipt ,uneLs muet e',present if> chîcksiare te h- coe uality priocers. Yuu cainnOl expsdl' lgb egg laying uualitieo InyourpuIIete un- lusyoo aeha po lgparients. il le only from a aIýrain, ofIlayera havlnghgh ega lyiag records behinithe,,, that 1,gb protiocilng pullete dcoms from. We offeor 7100 Ibý isknti of chIch. W. hve -12 populart pure breetia anti i2 hybriti crosseslu .ýchooseo foa."daOni,two anti Ibrel, week ol'Iclcks anti u0lMer-pullets tFe aaou, Top -NothChekSles, GuIl, naro IN V ES TICi ATE Beot Ioupace yoýur chick order. Today asneye r belote4ttpays lu o y ualty. Gain- fortb's1 Chiche hîave been ithe choii D upr- lIcls,' pouitrIymea for 2- ora enifor Oui.'JIres aalge ani pries lieltoda, Te eanler you stt yoor cebleka. tiseme pro fils bey ill alte for you. Wehv BeteiRocks, 1\7il Hiamripsisit, Lab Suilsýs ex, W11hýL>to Laisoros. L.Suss.xN HapB. Rock x N,. ap*atiN pulrmteteti breeders. Wie uGai1n- foths achry iox 1WTeno.On- tarlo P o f tgooibayeboa ic 102.,7. BAB3Y CHICK, BUYERS mBe sure tl'hatYeu ordcr heusalnube u chihetits easn.We erieceranthat plrofita will bcais ,by poueswogel stecti oh thc ight ljack. 1.tulsPu$x Fial le a over nmsaet aprVi arm. Our ohiïa6re ealhy, vigoýrouis. have fl ýd- velopu-l ctai 1the. ,,ssaybreesdug for high eag vro'du cton. Write forOunr cata- logue ýanti prista. MonkýltoiiPoltry Far Dl 1-:1 AND)CENN ing? W ite tNosfor intormatUon. We are gladt lu anwcr Fyour QuesIn. Oaret R.Pahe' Dys ure Lmieti 71 "".g 'OB sALE BESTqualîr N. 1paste-urIstaI honey.12tn 4 lb fo 61175.TheHniesnApais Box ZS, Canleton iaco, Ontarlo. H1ARLEY DAVIDSON Farta aniSevie.Ber,' & Kslnnedv & on 419ColegeSt.Toronto. PIANOS SOLD- BlUDGET PLAN 10% OWN lgbten mnthato ay. Al pianos Éare eco,,plet1elc1y fact'O y1rc ntil-iiot i0, refinlishedti tunét ik neW. We bave ,a verr large' 1election 'f varion n makeaý. Write 10- &ay for fuirtber inrýýormnatlonon' -terma an4 pianos In stock. !FurnîtUrs Salýe3 Com!Panyi, IOAKhi s treet West, Tcronto, CRAiGIELE-A Ilve ~ àe' antrgow s in atrd natuire bird3 fosr th ealrw wants pletuty oet10 tua 12 l, .drus eaea, nti1, t10lbtoma.* whc re muet,,On 1ins wiLth pvaiiewlh dead.Tis breetilc ntrllîevyly era and %5ssusceptible 10 leg ani on Govenmen inpactti.bandeid blooti ed BBrix ted Bronze iTrk ey POufts itesrveyoucorte,'for 940 Wetuirneti Poul'. Ie illgcedliibrand new srecnll u,'- exp.ert tihere i1 hc'O re GMeny urey 10. 1943 thian 1047 as il te ikeyf5, 1is wiliîbe ceprnsxt Saummer wbentha ue crue contes aluting. Sendti for ertymaae netguide sd rIce lIaI antid okvn ote'for14. ExeterOnao GýUN"s, ai"munitioný,exeteplng r- bu.b! licsie flhln&g tacuie.Ted la- orek Sp"ortineGou,,da, 22C0OtsaSt. N.. DA TTER',-Y-OPrF-ýAT-ED Raiio Se'for sale Defurcaýt Crossley 0Cona mt ienfl, 8Stubes., speciallye, Uipputi wlt Rmau linator for1 usrlh i r soragPe atter-y or adry celle. NeW catover 020. 0iiakeoff er A fins anti lastine ýgift. Bue 151, 0Aead TURRT PolIe Broti reasetiBronze Breeder a t athery untier Govreua Seeda Ithat aretiepetiable forCGardîen Lover. Msrket Grinr:Writoefor ujr frýea cal, ol naro. Four Good Buys large tuiarecenly ovùerisaulti ,lth rPCV. Licensýe for every kind ti offtlage. Sted worlr an-,tia mon-,y malter. 10-ACRE FARM, ydr, ,Ccet vlae goutc$,$0 100-ACRE,1 AROManàibrick bouse,got buIldIng, btiobush.onblbw.PrIes 6O-ACRtE FARM1, close to ighwa y. hamn ni drv dht, b!lei s.o ib ouse, Plce FARMS.Ilsizes, riýceti l si f neett wrIte: J. C. LNGnea Ett rkr ruelOn. BUILDING 28' x 42' ALUINU, NYERneed plnln.Erecteti' in 2 manl bours, immeiate deltvery. 1- nireJohn A. NetelesC.,2nJri -PINUPS FOR MIEN ONLY If o yo r years ci0f aa 00 ayobtin" our ureouhe superh islorahau gorgousmove sarsanti young poesoa models ý,at uedollar per set& las tt age.ègos I European Photo Servicecs, j ' Adelride St. E, Toronto MONýE7 MAKNO bs:iness bVilagenear N'o. 7 bgwy complets Vaîtr power Saw' Mill, fHoues ainti argeon poet.Also 100ý acre farm. Appl rolti Marsball. Lyn. Ont. ARMY FOLDING TABLES Coudusei coditon.Offereti at apisf m elo duel. aise72- x3" 2".Sut abefo- parties. baniQuets, club!s, shOing antid other usfut urp)oses. To ca,' $1100 eCeI.F.OE.Turoino. C.0. D. orenti Stoney Odr Aiierail or tansport wheln ordo?,nn. B. BP ES,' I,4D CeccliStreet, Tronto, Adelaide-2771, Bouat fo cah. Wite ox 04, Feraus, CANVAS TARPAULINS shippina ch- g,. Byprouct. 20OLarino -eti. 17" r. U- pur dosý ,.$10: tiosen $4A00:5 d U dos.pu0.0,atti25 pin care. dy-ProdocS, 52 OntnnStU *TWron. ADJUST.ABLE leatbe,' carîîtigýe beltF, 2.68 calibre alie, $3sloliwrhaai.5~.0. Marathon Agency. 1140 Genrarid BaI o,'. mnu. RECITERE Alaha, axCa-tier ani Buarn Ote:CERTIFIBI) Becacon, anti BeaiverOasanti MonlaiiroBariegu COM4- MIERCIAL Nýo. 1 anti No. 2 Cartier, Ajax, BeaerAlahaVîcant. anner anti Tic- tory Oste: CGalots, Býas-bff aniO..C Banly; CMMECIALNo.1 O..C.181 Pua i. CA'5 II l..Eeer nln FAM10acres nrci c aylua. 00acres; hatiooibuhgodbu0dJ a.Wllh or wtlhut sock antid pset. Jne Stewat, MgnstwanOnt. GRÂC LIINCS<ONHILL nuvela.Wrt for newvlýiaI cf 72 tItl"esaI $1,29 saab. Montreal Chrietialn SojpplyHose, 1018 SI. . 1 -_ of Rhumallc Pain1s orn erts pol FETERSONAGB& 1ompany ase Solibco r eaieei19.1 IgWs. Il, '-fy caN.!.o4r2een" ST5TS faBI itS hoNaTD8et FEn, 1r Iyts Companybu145Que Wst ~A COSY HOAME je cosicu, eqtii when you serve Max-. ,wefl l ouse Cofféee So deli. eiDus it satisfies Qmpletely4 Expert blenlding assurels you coffee that's famnous fom i3mooth, miellow flavor. CHOICE FRUIT TREES AND SMALL FRUITS Ornamental Trees, Shrubs Large &Complts Stock of AIl Se 6ur Local . Crnt51Wrifëiorf "res iatal gua piantIng aSile Q, . PUtpOMM~ hSONS LTD, DEAMSILLEOntarin, ROLL YOUR OWN È, TTER CIGARETTES Il Classifiled Advertising' POE 8 SALE cïean, combination grain binanibge' was turneti !n on a,, sef-ropelled. I. S. Eiby iiSon. Steven1svP1le" naro BEUILQuality coilies for evry butyer. breedina. ticompanlon ,or Ivstc.Sensible pce.Kelmgr0oeRenlsQrmtou L'a 10~"JolittoChoper,15" Ellnira ruiler anti peed acIlil motinted u n truâch. Aies rbber -treti buggy. new tires. .&las FOR SLE-Rgisteed N. 1 Ajax Oata. gom atIon 50Ig, eldd 0 u.ue ïar tion coxapleýte oe r lUt. c olta lihs '-rubber. JoniDeee-plckup haler g0ooticodiion, tohre pigtootJh cul- taorAlIn Laru ie, A-r,0On. FARŽtEUtt: 8SupplIic hoeîle o. 1 Appleý res$1 OS Cheîr3. , r. $rawerres Rsbrieýs and ail nursey sokat corres3- p"onding low pics. lre Catalogue. Sfay.. farm Niserls. Gaî, Ont LoCL ARtx igit rundpsfs 7Ce Harri, Aiiston0Ont nuw, egulr rie 50.0 on, 2 dozes for 526.0. S 1pairN potie h at,,i, i. s et Willia St.,Hamilo Ontro Co ATSf) BARLEY>, 4 COR oN w Whae your see!t' illoieiîmnafo he14 raoiear, owsting l pplrvreise Oast s BarlySate Apur own grown Caad Hyri e t Co,, hos1f, 'egitl 21, Cats-,e5con, Beav, Aaxàilbn ani nt s-_.tandrds. et uns"rgprdies belore gu boy. Pl'a lacyor r;ier îthcofidten7e bu placendt, lw. Wite meiaeyfo r JohnDeee tatr, Modal D. Pries $2,430ý will eil fr $2.50, ÊAply Wlden oteir insalea, Calumetf, Queîê THE W01Kforeveryhoum. eigh hun2re Ortie, COSI. V. or r riteZae ertieb EnI - 1 1 rC-I!lý-