Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 29 Jan 1948, p. 7

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caoi colipi likes ià) bui rcoonis ïand hundedot Mr.,Ç voit !lai Hlere is an economy hotN.o yon robbbywil beif Ibere are any fil your faily -,o'ae fbard on slcking, haecoit feet, or for any otho- r1-eson arce in the habit of wp'eaninîg fooble"t3. ToIl ic case nh ot miakeIhn yourself? That bs what bave inst been dong. To snake tbem cul a paper patîtro froni a "stre" par -- il is ral qile simpl. Ct aUi inont ec wirtb a itro-d samover thse lots anil a curvedseaniat deh el.Cul yourfoties roilthtgarter top of id locinsor froli un1der- jwca Machine t seamls, te aratqtfi the tpe tbread throlgb il a sradefrun llastic --and thcre you arc, a pair of foolets for abIot fv Cns- or the price of theedast«. And by the mayn th eiastîc cart be iused again after the original footiets are worn oucit. Thmee foitsaue paricuary good for cilrn aVes Near iand tear un the stmokngs and keeps huIe ke"twarm, Tbey c chowon titer onder or oçver reguILar tOck>ings. Well, tborc's mY goodi deod for tlhl day, ndI hope il will be ofus othsofyc' whýfo are anlxious lta hasn't tiis bena be cold week? 'T'le fairbbe-St YIhave been is clownïl te Jan thIe mi-o.And that, believe lme, i ofen far enougit. oetesI ifhink tht fouir inds 0of heaven galber mnonmnuni for m-iles arond andthln el Iitl ote i, a sudden burjtrst of furywben heleY stnike ~ '~sod tlof cs ivhen tht t is fliof sooxv and walking - diffiult 4att .tadds 10thtli filli. At such lmIc allen b1 ave to turn about facet b gel my breathi. puit stillitil offld bne a bt wre BSob's bhig, !heavýy truck with ils dm!l whMes dots hep 1Y keepth bu n1toen and leaves a nice widle track to vwaiklk n-atogthat sme t rack cat;i isappear iii an a uIW hurry wben tht sOw stars m-dnfîig. For etr-a potc iagainot the Uind ofentaean umb1reila -snîd that neallby does dtht trick, You set S Icbarot my bejsson -a good maiuny years ago cwhe I got badly wînd- e.Il asona ay wbe Ithtlanle wasamslln-ee in ýTnov, a P5F1~~~bt I P ý .r t Wllce bblcumrla Cnt cao -jand cannol o tia10 om So olnif Partner and xer dIriving borne ,acr1-os s 1l5teoe prairiebewoubd b wac ing e and if I sbnowed thtc lealst si;gu 9, being sieepy Iho ould Mak oumege out anid1mln bblind t'efe igh unti thie blood vwaýs cir-culating anld 1was propenly awake again-- and quite posibly MAd as welll The drowsy feelig one ges i, lUke going nde an oashei -- and reîalJy rte plaat- just -a nlice comîfortabie difting away mb space, O Iltbînk of 1tihos, daýys Lnt West andwode if 'calrs are on nling and roadis kp Po Onth oJld piairieý trail from Cbap lu, îi Saskatcbeý-wani, b ourai-s-ctàaio farmn at a point int mliles norîli of t!Iila l.J tho(ýsc days fToot tbînk îiire was even ia carruenimg- at al ionttewitterSieibs ni cuitters were the orden oCf fb0 day- and in tbem iiwe olce aon and bave a very goodlime.Driving homle froni a pryon a. cold, cnisp nligbî. withl thte orheo ig ts crackling and, cbaugng cLn n shapeevr few seconds was we hinrtg -and sometbing lesre- driven teny-iveies to tht cperaticn -she, 100, bad tome- tb1iling to reebe.Mothor and Britain Lays Plan For FtueFarming Greatiain's five yerplnas -aI nraigagitlua ou-plutby 50 per cent overpr.wrL'mi-si will he n-,greatly nraevrdc tie, l952, o loggsi,efai veaui. Poucino f moInion and( laI«mib Yilflot hî ncese)Wha pýroduhction iib h aloedta dle- CHclifrom thtllepcak war yeaýr193 4À, but -willb ho miaIinta-iienatabu 11all as muit againa-r-wrBr -lyproduiction w-,illi ho inecased ontc- ada-hialf ahove pro-war prodtctIion and oas AUfas mcb agin.Abot 00equrt rportpeabees andua becs are planned for 1912than iA pre-w,ar years. Tht object is la malteî-,î tht Couitry imore efsffcetin the nutnitionaly roetiefoods sucbans mis, eggs atid mat, and prod ce ore of tt eed a-e andCIoas-to rmalpte Iis osibe Supenfhtous Child: "The Lord gives -US OUr daily briad, denthmm? tht pne 2ts" "Mothier: "Yes, dear:" Cbild: *"And tht,--stork bringsý d: "T'hon whai', ,lii gpapa !baxigig ar i(und?" o Mantlly of te os 1-omIwant wîth bolping onhrfhesfrm did th-ey stay to lp i;the ýold mail whn he ot ta the e whýere thycould be of some real hep 10 hm eydid 1net. Farme PadOf Soe f htfamesi koware setgln n allonie today;th"eir sons have klefinemand gone Io tî ity to work. They don't, like un oldmn' farm, bi sstnkig cd ,ba-n yar-d for the eemînly me11(asly pay they get; they don't lke getv ting up al d welrinig smeclly, iryold Clotho(S eand they bate be- ingcaled,"YaFarmeur" nd "',2 Hiou'. What tese1yong menseem to 1 forgt weo hey tamedefor th-e tallI bildinigs is, tht e frmpua off Cenoutgh b",giv them11)a comi1fort- ablehome god food, bealthly iv- ing, lots of1,good fi-i n(odsent imanly o'f them tbr1ougui erty Like the city fQeîktw 'says: "hr is nmo ney inarming.Well, if the"re is n-L Oonyinfrmn, wvould ike someone, snone at ail, toi me wM~il, tis that most ar hoe oday (et least arundhee) are as mdmas citLyhoeav Il tcil conveie1csHw cail- miost of the fariners drive riýce ]look- iog cars, get enongh timne off t0 lake pleasure trips, be their ownj How btobe enteriiniig -wbleo you havenl't a sperlîng inle of chlabler? Eas-blithtcards talk!ý for youl! They're buirsting witb lip n r- mceand richies, wb]icb you caoý quiickly lenii b read. Le'sstntwiîh .Jilm's fortune.c Shulffie the deck and bave hino cl il twiýce. Lay 1h0i cards ont in nows of oint.Lcale Ji's namne ad- i's thet iog of SPade'Is for a ar maUIn-od pický up every ninithar flrom tht King. No(w 0yo*'ne neady to wveca- tale . "Ahi, -Lsot a glamoifrouis blne, ou myIsteriouIsly beýgin as you sbuttdy tht Quten ofDaons îI wonider if she'ý ttiieobd romianice that TOf Heats say's is comlio.g nack ioito youir f e. Aoid se this Six of Cluibs? Looks ias bbougb thlat So it gots! lL,Ils thrillnýg and oads oýf fun 10 b) ellfortue-anid so easy witb ouliv RadrServiceboke No. Q5 Includes nine ways oA tel- inig fortunes by ca[rds; also horo- scopes, cysa!h, bo1 lavsdico dominnes Seod THIRTY CENTS (i0 coins) for "Lot Me TeIliYbur For- luot" t-,othet Reader rvieroli 421, 73 Adelaide St. Visc , Toronto. Priont NAME, ADDRESS, BOOK7LET TITLE and NO. 65. The -,System of apeni i young man 10 a crafîsman for sev- eral yea;rs uni e becomes a crafts- man bimself cao be traced ta the W31hcentury. Massivesea Ws proteclGai- veston, Te-xas, fromn a recil-urrece of the190 hrricanie's tidal uave. ils Reieve Pch in a Jiffy 7e17, t gdef0rzm pnpe young inan '-o'tdo Ywollon tht f. rm1-. He alwayus paoup t argu- mient tatter i oomCh ovor hiead to gel sFtarted. Yt he noes beois plenIty of oeha ngl iog stared in anyralsnousdpbui fairmeir is te ly ero wois tome 10wors, Ie famercal" ai- ways epgoaing. Tha i s ofcorn ulps is citycosis tarù i ail ar'ounld bm aeit areidn tila aea; Put in wtrwrsand seoid hîs taxs 60 higb' be gots bro)ke'. Btgnrlysekn good fame as as uclhanm! 2 eole 1i.I rects the cotO f bisidsry so does thie farner. ahno at nearly il biýis jbs eir.Jofacî in lime, ail he'u!bave to do to fa is to polulla evr nd then walký oelean-,on thetop railanwac Worso Places Thar; Farmi I1personallyafeel thatImly of the y;oun"g )men wbgo 10 thecýitv wilrealizetioo laIethýiat i wà d blave be ubbbter 1)0 bave staye homeoin the farm'. Hwvr as weuai a few ue back, manIly of uis youn.gmn tolayareced sroug. \e hikwebaealilh aniswer-s anid ùtav lhoMd manis geling taogled ulp i0 bis beard. Well maybe fathers don't me as fast as they iuselti-j00andmab thley like t -,)bry an da ouI be- fore puittiolg li ln patceou that d oes't ientbele 'ii'id - nol by a lQngsno-l. So in l ýosinIg, We souid snggeC toe, young felows on thtfarrn today, - ookmbtht leaona liffll cdoser before mkngaYrashi decisionýs. There are a good maoiy p)laces thal you cudbewoig that are a ïlot worseIban doýwn o thetifarm. îýTblinîk il veboys. ofToci tatgo ~tberii- for av, iinterr supperi, when the, a «otvgetail nd a fruiit (dÏ br anii, rinsandImola- ;sse, a for uildng god, icbbblood. EtamBax rt2Own -ýBreýad I cup AlBa Scuilp bteîikor sour iv ik Li cup sifted flouir ' taspoon Sait Comlbine( branl, ra1isin1s, butter- mikanid oaseSift fiauir ith Sod4 aod sit;add to first mxue Noe Waiting The lando rwas making one more attmpt to collet ren t foïi blis tenant, aï poet, After thie tiradle thec poet spoke u~p: ~Wy sir, you ou,,ght to pay me for ivig here. In a few year's lime pcoplu wiil be loojking Up at tbjis m iseraible attic amd say- ing: 'bîsxeeeMiller the, poeî uIsed to iV' "Viei, tby oeentait ;ail1that lie"answered the lndbord. 'If you doni'l pay m ne by 'lc thley cao sayit tmro 'anls anld Bran lBro-wo rearc pe a a icalyi s a good fillinig czbno CI-;bidren plan 10o have tirriendsstay a goodhasî-c nuil plus àa hig saladao 1h ntritonalvalu, beaus il contains excelen sorces of irn o necessary stirjring uIlof l utîl flour C ds i - p ars . FVi resedcanis toti fill; cover ti glH., àand s tea',m for thre ours. Yieid: 2 lbaves ('2inich calis, 2,/4icesndaetr. 1

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