4_Ca.nçlied. Orange and Lernon Peel Severaï Day Mthod ;Lhe Peel m-ad1e by this Se\evral t3ay Metbod stores; weli. Tbeý re- ,utxgptodnct i.s worth, the time \ 'ae nprepairation because i is p0e.xelIet oranges or 6 leanons Icbp 1ug2a 2tabilespoora igbt corn Saus or honey cup wator, C-over Peecl thwater. Add 1/ fesoo aIt. Bo-il hourf. Drain. ____ ovci-agajrn mwîth watcr and boi until tender. A longer period. is re quired to tenderize lion peel tbani oranlge peel,. Draini, Clt pee in tipBring sugar, cru s zyrup or hone y and à/4cnp sater Ato H.î Cook peel Sit 10w temiiperatuire in- this to genltly absorb mnost off tie srp Coiver, Cool ovrih n tle syrup. Thiefooig day, rehecat slowiy 1to SoDmeig point. Cool again hu syrp. ebeat and conuitinue Ulis heaing and coolig proceas tintil mnos of tbe syrup is absorbed wbich wiIl probably xtake cseveral da3s. Drain. Spread out tio dry on rack or- waxedppr tmttl sraesyrnip bas heenf absorbed - n day or more. 7Rol la raited,( sugar, o)rsak peel mnpaper bag withftle sgr Stoýre in ýove-ced containe(r. Orange Salads Serve these orange slas with a salad drCssig made by blndng crecaîi rlces vthlm juice - jienough9lito mk rcamii,_con- Orange Cranberry Salad Plac mond f crnbegy jelly3 ïma!lettuce bcd. Cir-cle witboange suces For slicîg, choose navel orj-anlges. bey ave nosedad are ffrm-mCatedand Orange Salad Piquant Cice8or 9 oranige slices on,ý lettuce bcd. Top with 5 or 6 smnail ba lis of cream cheeto nricba 310ltte borserai> bas heen a0ddcd 0Oralg- ýWa!dorf ,ZP-ad 7CombjineChCopped Ceciryý ,Ilnpcled VÏfies (-,iapple, ~pip .andL aiisor cjboppej)Cd B nîs. lc with! a cooked dressing or' - a utile wayonniaise, Serve on Ilettuce. Se"Andaf;ýter -e are mar- ekd -vil yligive Ime ailn! how- ance" Sh:"A libcral ore? So tbat 1 easy bily anlytinlg I like?"' Hec: "0fi course, darling. You1 îoay spend miy imoney just as fs es -f can mrake à. Any othier que- She: "'Yes. Hlow vfast can you ý-nïakf hi?" _U. S.,Naval Air Unit_ HORIZONTAL ïof respect 1,7 D epicted js 50 Mature insigne ut US. 52.Arplane S Lexington 593 Symbol for cerium iS. naval 54 Protuberance aviatIon 55-Furtive Il Sym-bol for rambler nickel VERTICAL 12 Great Lake joec J3 CaterpifLar tgte hair tgte 14 Large 2 nia 15 Bank clerk 3ý Permit 16 Compass point -1 A-i day 18 Rman oad 6 Shout 20 Selction 7 United States (ah.)Reserves (ab.) -1 abjUft 8 Symbol for 22 Sandpiper neon 24 Set anew 25 Editor (ab.) w 26 Jumb1ld type I t'l 27 Either 28 Symbol for ~ 1 selenium il fa 29 That one--- 30 Two (prefix) 31 British (ab.) 33 French article 34 Babylonian d'eity 3,5 Wirlwind 31-~ 37 De-linieates 7 39 Siope î" 41Employs --- 42 Maïie offspirig, 45 Bridge '6' 46 Reverend (ah,)5 47 Flag 49 Turki.sh titie TEEN TO0WN'T OP[ICS By BARRY MWURKAR Parens have been blamed"a good co:nnty boys aud gais, bas made maytimes for cases of jvnl t debut and depart-edfoaote delinquency apound the comur, ason. Trhe dails cure fUliào ln mny cases, -,tories nd Ipicturef piz wn the p a re n s ers and contestants, many o were to blame; thereningof tcyugrst but there- is Amnong them WCWe nticd1agroup another cont- of yomng ldies Who iwere inolved ? ribUtiug factor j in judginîg cattle nio 1less 5 Man M-and that is young people from o thîr-r_ it radio W hly Cswr;nbudfrtentoa fvrais soso IiVestock ho' scba Knut some o)f the Trusemnan of N.B wo tok ar prograimmcs thecy do, wýhenj they in judging the Herefod heifer couldponcesorsmetng tpat s î cîass, JoyFattersonof Calgary entertahnn, educatioal and in-~ is loiod mc. M whn. br-nugti* lie orse dow,,n fronm- the west to participate.iMararet Crime stori 's, c-hillers Mn thri.- Patterson of Mlantoba helpedl lers have no place on the air,i judge poultry and of course locl xny opinlion-. After listeuinig to su3cb unorFrmrsw r lu on the aprgam a krid can go off to, show too. bcd iu a state of jittei-s or wth Makes CGood* On The Farrn. the idea that leading a tough 111e A young inan by the name oW can be excitig and loadedwih ave Cark,18, ileft th ctytw adventure, years ago '0to take-'ip farmiu;g. We have fbeen'istiog to somne Wrigon ea fan at Milton, A off these4programmecs kately nd isso euthused with tiel orkih what we beard was a lot of bosh vwsthat otinwil ak hni -wrhatever thai,,s. Thiere is in-go b ack to the life of-hewht tbug 1tOMM ut xcept tde ingredi- coAar and flasby crava. _'n1bs ants forLagord night-miare. How sýv econd year of thIis wrkbe w"on iany- of thIese programm11-es a2re th', chaionbpo h llo there? %We dont know, but these Coutiy juinior rersCali Clubr, are what we ham..beard durig the wbich wc tbink is a line reord. past we:Teao, The Hr, Pave knows that farmiug is kabard mit, The C10%ck, muer Sanctumi, hf , ad meansloug bors of toil The WhbIteaud ne he Gree,ýn Hr but hbis aim 11is to ake aruming a net. real business and a paying boui- jplice smms admit that juv- Mness-and it looks aus e U won eniles get thei r cimey ideaýs froi tewy thlese programmes - and,1 et a TEEN-TOWN REPORTERS good bowest firm il pay the Parry Sound - Audrey Hl'arris - inht"toha' e theni put on the The House u, Zes and t j use air. I ont mea to bite ýito o4 Atlas, rceùntly posre thewy ýan, uoihCer7 vëritrnmakes bis dance, taking oî er the FriNte living - but we flitat there lb lit a writer living, who is diýsh- Th hall lvasdeoadbym - ing OurTthis trash, that couldnt bers of the bos eor h ance givetce kis smethiiingMme con- and' the coios of red and witc struIctive to tbink abIouit and still of the Atlas aid tbebIneand makebthe ame good imoney do- Mbie of cte Zues addcd nuci to ing it, the scene. Pie nd ershet Persnail, oe feel that crime mwere also pr. idd. ie boysa stories and bert cillers bon],d be gais left off thieir old dnhds and rel-,î taken offthe air. y sced p. The rDoe, or cli- rimlnatice!l dancesflah lght ] n The Winter Fair ces, te.,Yves to Barb Gardy and Th Royal Winter Fai, the nma- Ken Peachy, Sylvia Rogue rad Por attratio of the year for tb Bill Daiy, Elvira Haito nd ________________________ Har7vcy Elliott, ]cLPcb Brkcr;anld AMOPSY k,'OLADYS PR Il