faund un pagE and-ý8cey1e.eWe1ing at Parlk Ast. 'Church li ] ra t -thelî Cyclinder Bloicksand Hledsi ',issioniary and Maiitenan&eý Funid. 4reided Mr. Ivan Ilo0b)sacopneM. Specializing in Quiley and spoke uLpon thie Fund ai 4U31 AMND ZINJC so. Rev. A. E. Eu<tice occupied thle BA SE l'4ETAL puipit of 'St. 'Pal'swere lhe and Ail ùrk uarsteed Mr. ýM. H. Stapies brought M. and M. Phornc Orouo I ring 5 needs to the attention of the Bow- mianvillecogetin 1l wish to express n~y appreciation of the supportoTeEETR o LRETW S I 7received from you in last Monday's etection, espe- cially those of miy own Poillng Division who gave me,ï 83 votes f rom 84 ballots poled. 1I'his is indeed very grattifying. 1 s-hui endeavour to prove worthy of the confidence you h1avle placed in mie. Thanking A those responsible for mny eto and wishiing you al the Compliments of the Season. Yours fa-ithfuLlly7, JAMES T. BROWN I .XMAS GIFTS Electric Broilers ..... $12.00 to $29.95 ...................$1.25 Iù3.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $180 ................$3.25 to $4.00 Sevice.......... ....15,00 ... ................$10.50 ............... $3,50 to $13.50 -ORONO MINCEMEAT 2 lb tin 40e.o ith Sugzar . - 2 pkgs .2 oz jar ;ed colors Or silver only, IE...... .... otl IN . 1-2 lb tin ýNT COFFEE -.. bottie rerage ........ botte ER ALE.. g bottie IT and LEMON M AR1-Z .. . ... .. . 24 ozja PET ... .... tin PES . .......»-lb pkg KED PICKL.ES... jar IANADIAN CIIEESE E.....2 20-oýz tins 39e 29e 25C AVEL Or a ng e s lave arrived Sor large Bastter la still o3n thse upward trerrd and ij .ow selling in ' Oronio at 68C. per pound. Afe months a-go lb 'was predicted that buter ould n'ost ke- ly be sellng for n0e This prophesy seems to jbe right .Anothe w ceentris and it wl hit thse 70e; The littIe -year-ld' da giser o 'Mr. anid Mrs. AunHall, Or o ss- ed a'way. after a week's illnit o Wednesay, Nvemiber Z6th Te u nera serice as condnieed et the si oms unerai haupel on FriALy, Nov-ýember 28th, at !2.30 pm.'Inter- nment ives made lu Orono 'Cenetryp. N R'aipis tuitt, Gounty Master f! the Oranýge Lodge, in com-pany wlîth 1 Miessrs, L' I Loery, E. J. Hapm.1, and W". E. Davey, attended thse OrageLode eet-ing in Kenida on)r Wednes'day evening liast, w;here GoLuty Masters tutt nsal ice of- fiesof tisat io0dge. Brae J o an Eust Éaýe, youug dau,-,ghtecr of- Rev. and iMrs. A. E. Eus- tace, 'was taken to the -Sick Cide H-ospital on iVlMond'ay, Ywheî,ýe she un- I derwesst an operation on her eyes, these op eraut ion iseiug performlid by ar e; speciaiist of thrat city. lb ,lepected that Barbara w111 ratura homne sy Mionday of next -week. i Muss J. B. E. Stap'es a-ud Mis D. 2 L'. Mcee of Toronto, acconmpan- lcd <Miss AgMaaStappis, of San 7 Franisco wh paid a 'Iyiuig visit toj Orono 'for Pa few 1h-ouirs Prid1ny iflas wee viitig fiens.MissStpe xii l eave for New ,,York on Dee i i,,- ber ,'th weeshe will vîsit befo re MaaieSubacrijptions ýmake nMost suiitabl)e gifts. They epo gvn thionisou theentire year.Te bing thiie recipient hours ofplasre eneraînen sudinfo-rmatio)n. T puiy they are >cidIl]eaas ginsft t ou f rwieS. They are a à 9singod teste. Tyrrel's are sub)seription agents for' every paiper, m-iagazin-e cor periodîcal ithat is printed aRnysiueta in the wo)îl1. And for anexrsa-F ing leae nte this: There eas- cial gift rate i Decemnher on many 1 pubications. -where tw o mmore o r- B I snthe V ýLerc lin une~.wil ind took in the Santa Claus parade. Mrs. (Pr.) Lorm-el-, of Biiffalo,..and son Bad spent the weekend wlth E,(, E. Den, and aiso '> othle friends, Ma nd 'Mrs. 'Lorine Thompson and' famiily, of Blackstoe'k, ,vee isitlorss on SUnday at thse hornia f 4 'a nd Mr vS. W . ' obl1ed 6k. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed. <i ofnr, Ajax, and Miss AMarlon Bro'wn, R. N., of Osaw, ere week-end guests ït thse homre of _Mr. ard3Mrs. J. D~. Bo Mr. ,\ilfiecl Sherwin, Was thaken to B iImc nvilie Hsitlon ýio-.i(ay of last we nildunewnanort on Tuesday. Mi'. and Mrs.Charles 'aj and daughter Betty MAr andMis.1 Ii Clmet ssted con Sundaiy nt M Ru "elMjoî sP r\I. -and A'Mss. Mj ie ont Totonto Y - Decmbe 6t;ia 7.30ý p.mi. Ail thse childleil will be oi n hand to weicomev -his hapy elow vit'àthe long bad Mr'.anid Mrs. Arthur Be llad fairily were guests on Sunday at the home of Mns. R. Bust and Styla. Mr. Bell C"oibtd a vocl solo etthe Park ýSt. Sat<bth Sclieoo. We_ notel the irfvitation of Rev. IL~ S. Cobis t t!0 pastor-ate of St. Enocis. lUnited Chiurcis, 1Toronto. Mr. Cobb pîac edhee for a "caîl" iast Jinie~ an'd later located at Dan i Hs in teLondon Conference. Mis enre Wnod, young,,est late Mi1s. Wood, Osaw, was United in maurriage to Mn1. ETner idv t of roo n atrdyNoverlibue 22nd. On Monday, Deceniber 2nd, Park St. W\ . LS. entertained the Junior MsinBanid, the Baby Baud amian the(ir mohrîn the Suinday School roon. Thse chidyen contributed the programme. Lunch was served and a pleasaist socî,il true enjoyed-. Mr. Orme Gmsbywiil fil ain en- r 'ù sïn.L±,i ino'luport Hope on WAY9e PARK ST. UNITED CHUR i f G"Od îange to ç mas card isient, ad~ "FOR TH1E