Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 4 Dec 1947, p. 2

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cests ýation, n ide ed 'in- ýey aie ýs pro- THE '57 Jewel Prezi. Sion Movement, 14kt, pink goli case. $59. 50 eorings sterling. si-GO A SmaIl Down Paym.nt Roerves Yovr Solectii Christmas shopping early this year! 'The demnand for the many ey thîmgs we have oi our shelves-anlrd pariularly our hard-to-get Gruen Preci- sio-n Wacesfr ceeds the supply. 'We Suggest that you corne inwhl we stil hiaea wide Selectiorn. choose your Gruen wvatch or gCift of elr ?>OW,,rserv itwith o-dy a amail down payrnent. Prelymatched brldjg enseble. $25.00 and up Umpressîveîy designed B~en's stone rings.51250 and Up Storie rings fer lcd1e% ina * troctive seline. 10an.p Bowmanvifle 14, CREDIT, CHAR~9 eWialS idf eeo o such imy have the sai It s a 4-iid steve -.n g0 -4reGamfsby. gave The chairmian at this point inter- jected ii the conent that it . 1a like pullin27 te-eth to get somie farm-i ters to contribute the snalli amount1 te support their federeion of agri- culture, Theniul'k peucr ot oniy -were better organized, but ha d the nioney wit1h whieh to operate. If the farmer expected reguits he hnd btter learn that he would have to pay for it, Mir. Danister said, With less than a normial crop in Westerni, Canada, an artiount of coarse grisequai te last year, haýd aiready leen delivered to the elevators in iWestern Canada, This denied a ny c1aim ithat the farmiers had. been hiolding baick for higher prices for their grain. Any speculation that oc- curr-ed, did so -when- the grain -wa-)s out of the farmera' bands. 35r.Ain- inniiie said. Hie added Mtatlhe had his suspiis as to wvho -Was respon- sitde for the Move to take ORf the priceecotros and cooenig at thetMme it did was one of the mo11st stupid blunders iniaginaM~e. Charles Stephenýson, M.P. for Dur- hamn, reminded the farmiers Mtat the rise in the price of feed graiin was acturli y an increase in the phice of somiethiÏng wic was farii produce. "I amrn in rather a difficuit poition, appearing at your m-eeting to-day, fo thereasontha t if 1 ayanything it la going te be ofa nature censur- ng the gvrm ent, and your federa- tion., of ariulur r ot a politica] body,» he soates "We mus;t deal in ffacta. We hOar that so-and-so is killing Off h1is hoga. Just who is he? Whnt is Mesnameè? 1 can't get up in theéoomn and 'make :such a state- ment uniess Icn back it Up. 'Don't lose sigh]-t of the fact that the riscin the puce of feed grain Is a riein eometh-ing wýhich pou fai ,- eus norniallyr wouid, have as saalef fa produce. 1 cannot see you etn anyrwhere in Ottawa with a deinand te 'Put the pri7e (bac~k where it, was. What you Q<en ask for is aPr -iec for farm produce whýich is, in Hle withi your incereased living 'oýss." 'J, jI~i ~ o ~ ~ io.This orhenst by pdli- iow gives represen shilp as foiio'ws: Rec d, Oroiio; Deputy Deputy IReeve" Lowery......--63 Jones........8ý8 For Council- Brown......1012 MleKay.-------117 Davey..... H 1awke......61 BUCLEIR- eB anIR riTBckeS BUC~KLER - Le a%1 Dops eLr, Bownth i, aoe appyotn an manPville Hospital on Thursday, 1Novemiber 27th, 1947. CARD 0F TRANKS YViss Kate WMacK«a wishes te than.k her many friend's for letters, cardý., ilowers, and lovely gifts Cen to hpr during her illne;ss, They were very nîuch appreciatedi, * CAIRD 0F THIANKS We wisI-h to thanik our nmiay friend s and relatives for tiie aats of kindnhesýs and sympathy extelided toý uis -nOur reïcen.t sad beyeavenienrt -le the loss of a loving l- usband and1 fa4ther, aISe for the lieautiful florai, offeringis rcie,,r.A Ca"tis and Faipily, 92 Ayimer St., Peterbor-i [ough. 1W48 59 0 44 , M3 144-62'5 1() 31 4 5 -364 i29 -1 119 79 - FURNITUUE SALE The undersignre4 - received The Exeeuto"s ofllwe state of FREWD SI$$O te sel by Publc ane(tion at ORONO FLAX ,111L at 1.0 p.ni- on SATURDAY, I»lC$MBER 6th 'Guerney Cook Stove. Gueraey 1-leater. '2 Writin- Desh-s. Chest of Drawers. SideInard. 3 'Mattreszles. Book Casçe. ChestvneId 'Chair. 6 Cein flottom Chairs. 4 ' Kitehen Ch1ai"rs, alMueFîQor 1Lump. Tablefanl 6 par of P*ilows. 8 pairof CrtaisKitchen Table. 3 E a,1Tabes, 3 ockiin- Chiairs. 4 ~Sniall Tables. lect-i, Pant,Dish- es, C-racks. P-nls, Lawn Mower. Steel WhieeIberroW, Garden Tools, 'EtSCASHq To The ELECTORS OF 'CLARKE TOWN8SHIP., Lai-ies and Gentlemien: JMy sincere th1-anks for your support on1 Monday, Decembier lst. I1 Sball endeavor' to live up to the conkfide'nce plaeed in me. Wish ing one and ail the Comnpliment f the Season, J. IfRRY DAVEY HERE'S WHY the prîce of milk is being increased FIRST - The f armers have found it necessary to inerease the cost of milk to the dainies by 55c per 100 lbs. or about PzA cents per quart. SECOND - Because of increased er expense for labour, the dainies by abolit 'A cent a quart. It is net the ish nor is it in the initerests of your dairy to increase the- price of mnilk, but just looki ut the follewing figures- In, the last eight 'y2ers whule the average price of a quart of m ilk throughout Ontarie has gene up frein i1h5 cents te 115.20 centis or 3.7 cents, less than one quarter of a cent of this increnase lias gone te your dalry, In ether words up te July oýf this year the fairmer received 9.79 of the total jacrease. H-ere are the figures taken from- the Report of the Ontario Royal C mison o ik (page 99 of the Appendices). Average selliing price per quart Avueragep price per quart (peid te fariner) ....... Average gnose *Out o-f this g-ross spread must'copie the dainies entire expeuses. This inceludes the cost oyf pasteurizing, bottinig and the deliv- ery 4ýf your mllk. Aise the maintenance of equiinent and buildlings and the paynent of taxes. The reasen dairies have been able te operate with a profit at ail, is beenuse. of increased censumption of nmUk and ecenomiüs whîch wr effecte-d through e- operatien and efficiency. During the past year liewever, the azonsumptien, of 1939 11,50C 1947 3July 15.20c Inerease 3e ets operating' costs including a high- have hall to increase their return Miflk in Ontanlo has dreppedÀ 5% and the ecet of aimost everythiug enjnected wth getting mlik Vte yen lias fincreased very rapidly. Here are a few examples of increases since 1939;. Botties - - -, 10% Straw - .-25 % Bettie Caps - -50% Oats n,- 33% Cases - 100% CoaI 66 % Cans - - - 23% Cleaniers - -5 0 Hay - - - 6% W age s - - 43 It le the eia of yeur dairy te l1-eep milk prices a low as possible, lii order that the consumer muyayle aliFl imes be able te purebase anaeutespl and the prodlucer recetive an equitable returu for bis product. Y11OUR DMIRY The deiry vhic.h dellvçrs inilk te yeur deerstep every muorniug is a servant of the comnulty. It le their duty to see thut you and your nelghbaur re- eive an adequate supply of iajlk lu both winter and summRrger and in ail kinds of weathler. More than likely yenr dafry iseoeue ef hundredjs ef dainies througliout the province which are members of the Ontanlo Mllk Distributors Assoýciation. Throughi this erganilzation many nieasures have been taken of direct besieflt te thie consumner. -Maay economifs have bees a ~de Possible, that have help- Pdl to keep down the price of mill in recent years. ONTARIO IMTLK DI$TRIBTJTORS ASSOCIATION In co-oPeraion with Cedar Dale Dairy 5.53C 9.00e 3.47..cts

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