Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 23 Oct 1947, p. 3

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By FRAWSK MANN HARRIS Couple Of reporter-s, just as a gag, cooked up a brighly insaginary yarn about Ithe Emperor Hrht hvn m'ide a j1qhu Ih lilng trip to AlIieded quresfor the1CPuros o talking peace ermjs. Teyconfided this piece of "nQmto"to luost 01uone mani, swcaihim to Secrecv. inside Of six hors tatiden1tical Story, hav in taenwgsto îtself, wsback to Wahngo s a authenIýc piece o(f "newýs" f rom Ille * Pacific oat This waS cited, by thIle 1newspapr'c froiim which ,we coplied it, as a start- ling instance of ithe speed mith whlich gossip gets iro n utitue, of war. Btg to anybodyv at ai'f1 ilarwith thle wyrumors travel at a race- track, it ,villseu c omartiel suillie.W recall ilanlaternioon at Thorniicliffe when aj couplle of guys,> for no good reajson ex.,cepjt tha:t îhey had no)thling better to do),deide o- fabricate are-t "tip," start it on its rouinds, anid ien se whcctwouild Theyv selýcted a steed we',ll cal1 R-UMP ROA ST- thelcvery worst hor,)se i l the rce jusýt coinlg jup, Ge'tting to;gther in a-lsecjluýddpor- tdon of flhe padldock, buit takinjlg care thiere wýa.s a sinlgle bsadrwitbin ear11shlot, one OF thlem tl murmured coni- fidelltiallY to thicoIheýr, '41-julst got wodfrom thle Stable thaýt this is gOin3g to be a sboo-in for RUMP RO0AST-every ,iock iluthle race w11! havea ticket on1 it, andf the owuer has wrd wyfive f ralld oni ts niose." (This owneir, by thle way,j didni't fhavefIve thou01s,'11(iCents to bless 1itu1seif withl, 1let lone1c tha m1any dollars, and everybody knew it. )1 VEHaing thuls sewnuftie good seed the twe oconisirators poeeelu s leismurely mnuer, thnouigh thec cnowds. Before they hsad trsveh7cled thie leugth of tise grandstsnid they -hasi receivdineleus than seven differeut tips on R M ROAST, eue gnood pal even dlashiug down from tise press box teý let thieiy lu on dthe hlottest tiug of tiseimeetinig"; and the probabile odds ou thsta steed, îwhichà fhsd opeuled st -a legitimlate 50 'to 1, now stcpod at 9 te 5, Tise sequel? -Weil, bly tise tme they reached the ClbMotise lswný, leWS of thse cominig "kIlinig" had reaclied ~such proportions, asud bore Semany $<'aruiiarks of aultlieiticitýy, that it ap- peanred te b- au oppertunity tee golden te bc' overnooked. Anid yeu nekedu't upeg thïS as merei-ly a, flight ýîito the resîtus of fauc(-y eltier, 3eeiulg thiat we w-,-ce n u of the pair that stsrted this %wild rumnor-aud e~idd tp b beti mionour ewn fabrication. As forRU P OAT hc filisied a banig-uip iislu i a field ,f teni, eue of Ilete 1rls plllng îup whbowed tendon.ý Our euctinliad chur-ch auth- v rities are -oninally iý,deploring the evi ' tffects of senýsati,ýionl " CouI' books, lurid I;oies landCrimue-jets- turin radio dr-aias on yýo!mr and grow, 'ing milids, and wcishînig oaur boyvs and girls -wold t1 ake greater1C îterest iniltrtr of Ilhe better sr.Sz1 c bing the caseÉ. , y iît.iî tthey sti 1,insist on bildingPublic Librarie,",s wicfromt lhe oufside, are julst aboult as attractive, and glamn- orisas samin orgue or Isolation Hospital? l tesecays of u dn as iiniportant as conitenîts; cand if wee evr 7,a aI.ibrary tisat ws zienl un7et s initiing ta outfucyes as aP-t-d Soda B'Jar or Mlovie Hauoïse, , wuld have grea fer hope f or thle su'ccess o the bttrrend- After hundrnds of year-sdeod ti e eimrveetof TheThn ouhbedtt onice-prcud (linstitution known ast The ýTurf lbas anvdat a po)int Mbe1e0Isle chief tepic Of l- tere2st is a 1ti,-l 4betweent w( o hrses uatdARMED suid STYMIE-said ccnteust b gbsenet ou which of the tac basthe ,greater speed, sprint- irng aiit,(rsty- gpwe but whichwilltop te eter frotment cf molcywon tith thle Iead fre- * queuitiy p "nil on eueocf them f i ('n s od as fcurthI1 Ro-adside Repahrs To lssn asards cfrcadIside ne parsU.S. imniis offeningmtr tilbe fittitîg on ia sic-i stanld \\lich1 opelitseit te'22-îiuch spr-ad fo blow c ~ Oî,fit weghs,~ "fi W ai jets: In U.S. and EngOland-At St, Eva;i, Eng,., Brts cesists tt'empte tu 'o crack the ,supe)LrSOnliC brirwith a robo1(t plane like the o ne at topiaro) ).Tlie Il-foot mdgtplane was droppedl from a RAF Mlosqtiito nlearly sevn ilesabve ise Atlantic ocean. reortdiyattained a spleed !of (900 MP[H. Anid at Fort Di, ..,te 334tigli lter Squadronl-)1 was testing'- its P-80 jet ignte u irin ancuvesOu gon agt TEEN-TOWN TOPICS B3, BARRY PîdURKAR ",Wel, it's abonut timre yeu got heror," suertedi Susie, as I came te, s stop at bier frut voranda. "I bacd te purniI up the tire on mty bke"1 shet back, "Are you k idsial]set?,I'e got the weîuers sud tise buns." Suisie, Cwen sud Don got up off the step sud proceeded te tie the bags Scontaîusung 't he lunch - te their "De outhiuk i t w-ii nain " sk ed GweuCI 1, t's dark sun the wes t. 1Nh Irepbied I' 1Can11telilby tise c11ulrnulso wtvr it is." ".Tst 31- ae you tryîug te give uls n1-v' sceýffed Susîe "Au air force guy told me ail about it. You can tell the weathor by wscîgfo-r tise cold*fronts,. 1 thiuk. No ý rairi today, kids, Take it frotu1 an old 1weathen prop)het." "111h1,sud pooh aud huh," cher- used tbree voices. We started eut uorth of 'towu wib vryoue coýuviuced there wou11ld bo ne noain. It wss a beauti- fil' day. Onoe of thlose cool fali days -thaýt 1make you1 feet gîad te be silve,. Tebrighit Sun broughit eut aIl theisstumu huets of the tuiîg. leaves, sud ti1e brown stubisie lu th0 fidI Isbeside lus iooked loueiy auld forgotteni, "Let's go up te the 7tb, aloug te the Brock Rosd sud down te tise 4h"Isuiggested. "We caa cook suprover au open fine lu the buish; sud 1 kuow just the spot." Evroue seemed(ý satisfied with this ides suid we rode gayly along, siuigiig ud tslkiug, Tbneeue uorhmyback tire neiit dowu su ad I slowly bumnped te, a stop., - 1 "It's beyould ime howyeu do it,"1 groauied Susie. "If aulyele Cao.! büuse upir a planl, it's youi.", "ow d on' get your braids tani- gied ," I cnacked. "Its ouy a valve," "Leeok's ike s lole lu the tb, offered Don. I1t wss. And there we Wen'e. We h faiied s kjnd-heanted motor- ist sudj( hoped tbat ho would have some pa-,ýtchiug equiptueut. To oui suirprise he did have. We soon had tise tire fixed sud were eon our way. 1 Four miles sud eight 'conces- sions ister, Susie was chinuing the handiebans frotu exhaustion. Gweu gnesued witis every push of the pedai, whiie 1I tried teciseen tisem ou. Anud me( Witb calluses on my c'alluses. XVe rachied thie bush at lait. A piath iu ,,idiuig off the roadway te the rigit led into the heant of the taI! grenu res.Dîggiuig a boblu tlle gnoIIId ilu a nice ciesnriug, we(- sonhad s crackfing finegoug Glwu sud Susie sp)rawîednt ou Ili, grouud, vweary and Sore. "Reii m le of lmy boy scout days5, Dort, iffi ad tim-e, 'dl taniqi fine ~t just tWe ostink1 cfi wood.", "W av o get hm eih/ moüaned Susie. "aewith ý1the heiat sud get those biot dogsratd. "Tbere's a womian fer tyou, Dojn. They don't get th-e feelinig of the wvoods like us mien , No senise of pioneeriug, ne feelin1g of beiug alone lu the buish te survive or die and oiy yur are bauds to provide. They want it juist lke at honte. Served up on- a platt-". "Oh, fer goodleis saksht u1P sud get those bfot dogs on"inter- rupted Susie a-gaini. Ilu a feýw inuiitesý, the im)eil of biot dogs, muta d d oasted asp- piespermatedthe air. "MYgob it's .stsrtLing te spjrïi- fl a miaýter of minuites, a wii1d sud windy thunlderstorm broke al! arouind uis. Ruunlling thriouigb the torrent of raml with whlat food we could grab, each of uls steod ! under s trece. "I'l'sokdsuDýclad my lhair bas ail come ýot,"> wailed Susie. "FIm celd, wet sud ï achle ai over," sob-bed Ge."Some cweek- eud this is." Three pair of eyes fro u under three differeîit trees turued-and the buruiug gaze of ail three stnetched acress te the tree uinder which 1 was, standing-with thec nain dripping dowu my neck fromi- the branches above. ,"There no w, smsnrty," sueered Susie, lu my direction, "my week- end guests are sorry they camre, sud it's aillyu ai, "Stay bere suad 1*1'i m dwuthe road te a fariii bouse sud phiono te tewn fri-a taxi," 1 offorod. "Forgot it,w'lail, go," 'said Dou. "Wo caui't get auy imore wet than wo are." Se wo started off, splas-hiug our ýway dowu !lie uuddy road, Paut legs lost thieir croes,, sweaters turned celer froin red. to piuk sud, a we akd eachi of lis ceuild feel the watcr ooÏig oeut of mDin shioos, Ridliig homle lu thje txi coulid hear the mulffled ve (4o the otherithreiiu the bc[sck et. 1 tIhiuk it was Don who, said: "well, if be. didu't kuow bow te prophosy thse westher by lookiug at ttie skY, why didu't be shut u1?" "You could ask tat q-uestionl after a lot of thiuigs hiesas," sua- ,swo-red Susie. And se we f inally arrived home a t e r a i k o i e s u d p i c u i c l the couuotry. _1 iii 1 The Spauish, explorer Cortex lu- troduced tbe cocos beau te Eu!- rope where at finît it wss used as mnerlu-ne. Riseusnatie pains rnay ofleis be causas! by e7xces3 uanc acid, Za bood impurity that shi:cd bc extracted by thse kldnieyr. if k;idecys fail, and! exceas unic acid remarmni nsay cause Severe dscornfett an. pain. Trent rheumnatic pains by keeping your ,kiditys 4n goos! condition. Cet and usa L>ejdd' Kidney Pilla. Dodd's iselp your Ic;idocnys get nid of troubla makng poi.sctss ýexces acîd-h1elp j el.!beti. bac wliat Dadd's can do fe oe. 13, and Bara Pa'it,. Roof. CoatIngsetc. DealIe5 1ýlnatton. Onit -- --.tO<1 '"' w'anxeo ,j Write W%'arcc Glrease & 0511Lltsted. 1to c 'terente TIRES htw - W, are ovecsteckledlin gond sd .lTrade-ir, MAKE MONEY AT' HOME 'ri" esIVithihtrata b, unme Depe ndable .Comoainy la o fin or lhaldin- xcl ln hp. specal prid, 011car Tm. ih at Nworkin, dpe-ndlile lcnt èt1enzo .- ALL SIZES $4.50bypo pat n fU lnsbai,., c.elAt rem.,dea, BIG SAVINGS ON The el Omentreal. NE W TIRES & TUBES cen. î;7-iNS OPLGuaranteed foIreole year hig 1US'NES0OPPO TUNIAIS__0l F$. r, Tube $1.25, 4b0x21-6,c55, vmîîlch f re ANOFRtce-eY inveto-Lijt of loren- T7uba 8ý1.40 0x9$ob.Tub, Lls 0 EglanIld. tions land fuîtInfrmt net re. ri, 50-l.7 Tube $2 552i1-$1.o Tb t. sanea(C.,e.trdPtntAtrcs22$ 6.501-5.0 Tube 5.5 OxS ~wvr Bak tret Otaa1$1425. Tb 25.601-5.o ue made to 52.25.52x6-00xî0.~.$475, Tube 475 5 INVENTORS xO,.347iQ Tube 56.0. 65x20 Let ne t outey ]njsti 1,that i, Inveni,W Asea u1 u e rteaaat36-relp contat huniedaet fîma Fatinafor god pd C.O.D. Dirs we ej _______(____r._ BEACON TIRE Toot. o.QUI & 1Onn5uHMLTN Fieal P)00 WHITE LEIOIN nîet, ,ntu.WO, Fox. MRînS happera use Only theIet. on tiret O'TWAIT tiltyen waotilte,-îer20 vemer-erenhr ei,'a ow. k or par- HL ATDMJ ilion,,Ont ;. )ir netl _1a11,. Slvn nnm î ho e. Wlte Lehcnxa6 ed Ruk, lsk AI D R oS1N (n î,ela anS ediu Breda.6 weýca 40,,7 wIeve, O- et, ei ' reentng ges SO. 11ke 1.Sc. Top Neteh tChickei Pa-1 i'rfson's ardesîg Acsdeýjny. 11 Ae, Gue'ipli. ooije, nuel Ie. Ter""t FIE rne ules. 2 we i elayina Rs 1 0 IV ahirest., Whit okLiIh SsexaI anfr er1i;neu tl i0n'1emd. o 'DOtN T MISS these plethagin. i, evn PILEIS-Noth,ng ase yn a bysa h Titie Ainuid (taken vy mth> s l'de ndd Whit Lea eins Autia hlte. O ly a îlot Exiaclt. Stigets resulay heans t ge Ontario. born cass.sTh 1himodem way e t Ic eatp U N Ftl t teniltobecerautha at On3arre ocs ew H m ahrs, W i0]eng p We r one r tded nc onc Txxcdle Chck tachcis ImiteS. 1erne, 'l rco eirit fo yen Onlarie. GOOD RETSUTS....Bver ufrr inhu OTE XNC A2t'o OIIASO ie an i ents hudliio' HAVE YOt anytlsina ecôsIyelna,.or dean eeu.Mn sDngSoe 1 lî,Ot- Ina;? Write te us fer Information. Wa ai-e twTaol I 5laS te anscwer yno- ur netios earoun tet.Trie. OctaORne E A HAIDRESSER 1-0T FLMSFOOSIÉN0 4CANAAS LEAD'INO SCHOOLI I"A M fr ale 5 are , 15mileýs eat 0f1ret x pnlty Lear pary s und. Fifi ateuas rtrlisn l le ProfesIn. od w, S, . 1 l F iiah Pny Snu Ont., R . hoad,,ceefl ave ratwie3 2 iesto SThmson Ne, 4 Hgwy OI ie rt or CaIi ey a 'd "endoff c e xcuo. ,L. SCIHOOIS Gihi,5 ale tet-Lno.1598 Bleer st. IW., Tronio Brnhs44 Kîna St. amto FOR SALE-Tace nTrsnde of ruhb, PAET sIultabte for beltinr, on.steel eiel.$5O eaRct, rear wbesta $7 50, eauh. front wheIts, FIIESOAG 'Cmay Ptn When orderina stlata diameter ani, vldtu e? Soîlcors. EtabLs'hed 89 5 KasWet, - vilieel.,rNationa,! l lnher C. 6t,.C Wt]t- Toronto c.kttor letrmallon n-1 'euet shlira Av. e,, oat.Ont, JOHJN DERE -iNI. 11lone-rewCr ikr ORLTRS faldtamHlyo5o 11OR SALE BREEDERS OPPORTUNITY! ATDAîknaO rse olib Tona pirCocerSpauteis <redes)- nca foi top bes Jsp Cooper Lmcd Sevnty-tlve Dollars fthepir ei atered otIitrIy Drpt .205,1 Dantorti, Ave..Trnî preven. beat breedina', hpd. okrPuppies, 6 W encusot radnl Ontario. Logs Required DRILL pesscmIIItImtrpley RPRCAEHrwodaSSttodlg for -cash W;jrit 0Bx111,Hsee.Otr choenlIt, mrtiin bt, sne tah et gieeig e. ox46,St Ctarneou2 Africaz Gold Due OXanSdeer hundje,ledfio- hoc E.E np.R R.N, , oshwa0oc, TcRelieve Britaiýn lcader aSice t0ol, AReaer, oxc5- FASHIO0N RITE Anoa.Ecletwoîeevot fnc sdEîan icoe elpd femhihet rie loinCo f rOMICapeewnrecutlv, mypls Y $10,0 an 86.0 eah. . Geerdt Stale amajrnoIe îl reliev ingBîtî' DriveAngoa Each, oute5, Aton.Ont, dollarcns. $70So I nHre ngionje I1 H?.$5145 AIl their iteus-the ic ,g sces re umr gin&Btreet. erono.lilanua-l sales of Soth Afîc TUFS par St BeraiSand rea Danglid to Bianf rom ithe iend ioftii Ian ith black mauek. 7 weksi, ai, eathe South lAfrîcan gold lbajn of 2 BB ý fmatels_,a 10.$6,0 Black yerprio, adie prioriy whicei and TanTpis 80. nnyWcee teBnts oermn sgatu Pi-ailokfprd.Ont. vri(Iti ritn CiF1 Sp 777 a o -- 5 7for- machiue(ry for SsthAnia CRUERfersal,.7'.rMuet be solS-no l'110s-cery iplya recaiton Ewnlter stecageI. Tiretciin cuba eider. gold mms-Ia.! m i Box 19S, llapanee. Ont. iceaelu SohA ia odet O i '7UTRN TYOURBAGS jito cash. Wne-o- pt p'S tan and l-ed !bIase vof eciton _____________________ whole or tomr. Hia.heet cash prices pald. 1Loi, don Bas Cemopaoy, LnoOt QUILT r.'S...adase üand larer at ýlil laid flat. Cotten pilote and srpe our (4i peunde ý,ifer$5Q. enaraoteed or imonex 4 figbt to refuInded. Fir-16 oquilt patterne anSlsru-4pod tonla. Lreqatt et n lik, Weo0 ndr frnb wear. te-weling 1 re no fuli t hs. no tefte b yds. long. lFor fuit InformaLinu WritehesCo claIe Ceoertes 11,.-.4084 St. LivIlieoc, GREE LEF tam dal-urpoe SortISSUE4-97 hoe ffeciog à2 Yea" eld preven sire. bul cavestS to 5IlTOonthe. seýveral en fml RECORDS. Fiee Catalogue of favorite bull billy an a Sanie erit.Nationa-lîSeS-n RL Y! W Lt£i,, DeePt 0.211Portiage Ave.. WinniprgRýOW seema a 'EL

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