Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 31 Jul 1947, p. 8

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G!- Prelli NEW! Shamrtpoo, G armnent s ye rS HOPIE from August days inclusive, y Scf bis mgcIm ol rio scarciiecs ..no delays. rovýinI a problem for which er than newv erin9 amount equipm-e1lit>t ýo be sheDPPed al the ectrkifythy night ntrmcntbs wauld requie ,6000horsepowevr. Cori- rHroprolecta bas been YQ'ur Hydro is pusbing tb.em be cbtaiýned . . . aimning tre orm~i7ly take 7 years. Onie orsepower this faËi. Anotber. By 1950 the buge Qftawa to pour ifs 360,000 berse- ve as electricijy miust con.. ga ek vtÇh ýlatt1er< ahr Mi.~~~~ J.ononta~inqe Cwi eeks. Wai i !ie pl a-jed' tol hear that1Mis 1aly-, ed Re o n oheurof he f1>aîl eovry. o a- V isiting wuth Mr. aid Mr, HNorK. Reynols ut pres aeM.d n Mis. H. dR R, eatiu , oaTrntoAf, andl sitos thMr lap Ma. oriarih chtagellassrnn ;r ottae ar Mrs, J. W. jaclkson, of Or'ono, MhO %v styngwth l I.and rsCecil Glas or fw eU' ekvisdte(d Mi. and isf P StolIer on ('inday, ac - Collîpý nied by 1Mrs. 'Gl1as. Billie Stoker the budgie qui&dkly'imade- friends and enterained with lis an- tics and chuatter, ulthoigh !he hs' learnied to speaýk EnlJs.h yet. Mivs. Jaksnihs visite1ilseverl1friends iii Mr. aad Mrs.M. Soper anld-Mi. and WESIiLEY VILLEu day wth Mad sc Pery ne is-. Blue lDier bas her two th SencrSih fTrno Mr.Arniold Toay Mi.Vili7n aîev i Sitedher Hope on Minonday. Owing to 1the se've re el-et riCa storm on Sunday there was no church orSunduy Sehool. M.M ounter. f Hagrevl e visited with 1 Mr. and Mis.. Barr ow- cý1olgh .onFray Mm'rorie of larkbwrg spet a fcw days withMi.WilimPayase. Mi. nd Ms, Wnnamckerand diy:2it Mrs. eorge Inesrcin Due to the .we weather whic floda te pcnc roadsmor\un Un g. m45 20 l. bgs --74e 50 Dlbue&s (39PDT 3.025 BINDER TWINE 500 fi. TwNine- 100flbs . ....... $17.00. FROSTKION4J GR"'LASSCACIR $85and Up JP PÙM,ýPS .$1.60 $2.25 VES Miss îeda hiceis icgSel Pulls. lowell. MsRsslSavery and Betty wivth1 Mi, nd is. uldewof Elizabdetrh- Ville. MissBeuuh Hlloellis spending hoiuswith Mi. 1an Mis. ucnk WaîkOwen Sounld. Mlaster Sourice llowell is houi- duayrnig wîthMr. and Mis. Thios. Failîs of Kendal. Mr.nid Ms.Garnet Hlowlof Toronto,1Mi.% and is. Hugh ti pe toa and sons, Newtonville, spent Su au t W. A. -IL owýell's. :Manly attended the,1-cp res-,entta ton, for Mi. and Mis. Arithur Dnn last Wednesday ev'enin aShiloh Gh1urch. A~ia variety proer'amme they weoe pesnted Wth a floor lump and basc.Lunch wi as th)en sýerved and the -eening ws ogttoa aclose by singing "Goaldaethie King". COe-'W ANVILLE TheCMeeAW. A. WHIlsold their Auustetiyng ut thehome oA I=. Mrs.Aitur Wnamken and dauht~ viiteutihle MilýnIson lm Mi.Hllmgsotb f Toronto,' aisitedsuthis brothe's hmMi. 1R. phew Md niece ofMi.TomKhisman. are vstn i lm t the M\ilson home. Mi. aRe 1Mi-s. AndrewBuiley and llaiy hve rtured om-e after spedin awee'svacaltion arouniid We extend symopa1thyto Mir. Cha. Cowan, who'se bain wus burned dur- ing tebdeetia tr les ýt Sut- uîdu1y ng.Mi. l'es. Rebid had somie hay- and ipemnsntre athie MCrea' s urts nd aler ,of etu ined f 1)(a tnp tot Ws ti' anaand the States.d am th co esetery n3W nShyrAugst 3id et 3.0 prn Miad arynd Me J, Cockaynt fM- ily, nd MMis.1ViA. Mialieon, Ieon o Mi.ndMm-s. H. Hardyý,Shre Týhere se peacefully to rest on -Ju iuyih,14, la his 9Ltyear, one whohedlivd alifetim-e îin Clarke Townhip lathe p(ýjoio ofJae G. {Cochrane, the Lust of a fuamily or five brothers und one sisýter. Bora of LIi aethe set i Promtherthefuml oved lto _Mc Il,1 hemurniedMarlon-.Copr u d l 193 m edto s latersi dec oih SxbConcession,. Hois s 1-ve y hi'î dow hi famlyArleyBill, tiean Ba thu, 1'fouit'eengInI ilinand,'1t wo afteIoo, Jly thl, was conduct ed 'y Re.A. E ntc.wenimi ny I pu repec to as ho adý live'd a - Ifyou îent suis4fie(dCIthoumr j yo xvuldne rrage t. ourplan Tioal Exib!itio, That roe maeyormithnlife CO NCETRA711 IN A TuBER Remove unsigtly,.andruff, leaves hair lustrous andheatiul!It su product of Proctor and G amble TIIEY G'CUARANTEE IT! Large size 89e Medîium size 63C Personal size 27c Pake'sShnioowith Olive Oit ............ 39e Pakl-er's Shnipo ith-Pine Tar.......... 39c Blndx hapo............ ......29e., S$L25 Lovalon Ilair Rinse, 12 shades, eaeh........... 29c, Fitch Shampo.................... 15e, 69c, 98c Dr-ene Shampoo..... ...... 15e, 35c, 69c and $1.10 Silquîe Shampoo, contains olive oit ,........... 60c Vitoif Shampoo................. 25e, 98c Klenzo Cocoanut OiÙ Shampoo, wfth olive oil.. 60e Certified Cocoanut Oit Shampoo ............ 29«c DRENE SHAMPOO SPECIAL OFFER 1 Drene Shampoýo, 15ë; 1 Drene ýShampoo, 67c, both'for .........................67e MONEY BACK GUARANTEE LIMITED SUPPLY Diehioôricide Moth Crystals, 1 lb tin.......... 59et Char les B. T yrreli DRU~S - AGENT FOR JACKMAN FLOWETtS Phoine- 68 :-. Orono, Ont. SPECL -Amo Venetian Balm, reg. bot- tie, 19e., for .............................9ge Beaù'ty Maid Hair Removing Pads,, priced at per p'kg............ ............ 10c. and 19c. Synthetic Latex P 1ants, size small, pair.....0 Cr-eami- Deodorants, Arrid, Etiquet, Fresh e, -or Odor-rb-no, large jars......... ....... 39e Real, Silk Stockingýs, sizes 9 to 10 1-2, pair ..~ $1.29 White Bath Towels,_ largesi*, od weight, col- ored borders, each ........... ....89 Mi/en's Colored Stripe Dress Shirts, sizes 14 1-2 to 6 12,.ac ......... .............. $1.69 Brown Betty Tep Pots, dripless spout, large 8- cup sîze ............. ..........». I...... 75e WhiePaoite Cups and'Saucers, set ........ 12c Pressed Glass Milk Pitchers and Sugar Bowls, eeach........ ............ .............. 20e GROCERY FEATURES Quaker'Puiffedt Wheat Spar-kies (enter the con- test,Ï for a newý- Deluxe Studebaker Convert- ible), 29 pkgs. for.......... .......... 19 Ogivie Quickýlý Cookinig Oats, 5 lb. bag.....32c Pit Sealers, SPECIAL... ....... 1 dozen1 93e Quart Sealers, 1 dozen for ....... ........ 1$1.15 Junket Powders, flavors. ôf 'Orange, Lemon and Vanilla, each ................lc Jfunket-Tablets, 2 boxes for..... .... ....... 25e Manhatten Sweetenèd Dessert Powders, in cfio-' colate, caramnel and butterscotch, 2 for ....19e Club Orange or Lemon -a great mixer and thirst quenche-bo)ttle makes 1 gal beverage, bottle 25e- Dainty Lun,,ch Sandwich Spread, made without oi,8 ounce bottie for. ........20 Fresh Rulk Pitted Da--tes, lb. .., .... ...... . .24e Javex, 2c refund on bottle....... ........14 LJRONO 5c. TO $100 STORE YOUTR POPULAR SH OPPING- CENTRE MotorEquimentPrivate Ambulance Notcutt andSmt Fun-eral fDirctors and Furniture Deaiers KINDNESS COURýTES'ý-Y SERVICE t Equiipped to take care of the mnodet funeral at the most reasnabl chrge az weil aS the Iargest and meust exacting, Telephone : Office 6683 Regidence: 2 n 2 Telephonm CoIh.pt SDowmavIueont. 5 s li.T. IL r :=:=mg 1 ý

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