Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 1 May 1947, p. 5

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ORONO ~'*.- c a ong cat'Lie can be avoided by ient- BI RTIIS g wit BLACK LEGOTOS immne- Mr. and Mr.s. Milton Morris, Oronio, aely bc4ore paatý'uring in, thle! Otario, arehpy to anitounice ilhe t4ngri. Box üf 1~0 Oids (sufficieiit to )irth of hir soni (John Ross) in at 10* aninais) $1.00 Animal Vac- B-iwma nr Ele ~IÎta1 oApi2l Le Ijcto for aBow~ern 14.- ,il Rstao p' LClegoid qcah ,$.1.Blacklegi Colonel Sidney ,La-ilbert and _Mr1,S. &tuLial Aggresdn (&o)ruse n , ithLabrt ue Red, RN.uf Chris- y Vet Hyipo Syringe), 20 d o sdsý,, ie st. Hospital, Mr. George Lanmbert, .4; 50 doses for $5.50. Veterini-'Mr'. Glenni. Taiiillyiyn, ail of Toronto,ý rypemcSyringe,1 0c ap i.T.W awker, Bor)wnrville, nMPlte wiïth 2nedes $2.50.Atwere guests «f Mr'. and _Mrs. Milto~n n'reu 'e j rug Store. Tamblyn Sundicay -,ktnoon. GAR DEN SEEDS In BuIk and Packiages GARDEIN FERTILIZFER Vigoro, Gardenite, Soilade, Humuson, Sheep Manure, Bone AMeal, 4-8-10 Weed Kiler, Gar-den Hose, Garden Cultivators and Flower Pots Seed Potatoes LAWN MOWERS Eureka Power Mower-..ý.. .........$120.00 Eurekia4-blade..................$13.50 Eurekia 5-blade ........ý...... ......... $17.00 Eureka 5-lade, Rubber Tire.,........... $18.01 Roto Cut 5-blade, Rubber T'ire........... $i9.00 Combination Garden Seeder and Cultivator. $21.00 Garden Cultivators.......$7,50 and $10.95 PLAST-I-GLOSS, the New Wonder Floor Finîsh, 1 Waterproof, Crystal Clear, Protects, quart $2.35' Alumimn Roof Paint Frost Tight Lock 8-wire "even" space Fence and Steel Posts ROLPH HARDWARE Phone 43 r 1 - - ORONO MOTHERS'DAY - MAY llt h We pay tionor and tribute te hier on this day. Let us help you select a sutable G-,IFT for yeur token of remembrance to her. *MRS. L. REID Pio.9 r 7 ORONO, Ontario "KM" PRUNES FlIVE ROSES Excellent for ALL PURPOSE lunches ribL FLIJRý TIN 98 LU 37c. 20e.$20589 Pure PEANUT BUTTER .,. 16 oz jar 43 e Robin Hoold FLOTIR, 7 lb bag. 27c 24 lb 85c Ingersoli Malted CREESE, new taste pkg 23e Silver Gloss LAUINDRY STARCU, 2 pkgs 27e ORANGE JUICE, sweetened.., 48 oz tin 33C Chicken IIADDIES, delicieus fish treat, tin 33e TRIMETTES, for decorating cakes.. pkig 10e .Ilawes' FURNITURE CREAM, forfuirni- ture and woodwork 49e COMFORT LYE........ ....... .. tin 10e CHLORIDE 0F 1LJIME -.,.~ 2 pkgs 23ck Kellogg's PEP BRAN FLIAKEÎS, with comi button re , 2 pkgs 29c, PORK & BEANS ,........ tin 15C PINKHEAD . COOKING GRAPEFRUI!I LETTUCE ONIONS at their best Clean au-fd Fir-m 4 LBS 4i FOR eaCh 23c. 119c.2c Pure RASPBERRY JAM,1,11 24 oz jar 45c Pure CHERRY JAM.....12 oz jar 25c Pure STRAWBERR,,Y JAM ,. 12 oz, jar 28e Pure PEACH JAM ......129o cR 2c pure GRAPE JAM ,..... 48 oz jar 49e) Local over the see- n w ihrhoe The bMisses Ail flL, «maOIsÏhaa,ý spet over 'theowe i-n itown. The Orono Pîablic Sehiool operetta 1,will be heli in lie Tn' alll1, Orono, on Tilhuîrisday eveniiag, Mlay l5týh. 1 MrII. and !Mrs. iodMInfe'r n fanvily visttedfiendis at Weston at week-endt. _Mr.--wid Mus. Ma 13M n Si of Toronto, sêpent Satiardu y visýitîii2- ,wt4hi the former'sý mother. esu.Garmnen Cornili and Ar-1 (?hiM7ýLaren, sîpent W'edneesday of lasýt vweek ýinTrno Mrs. 3. 11Le-slie l is îitlng with lier p-arenits, _Mr, and Mue. W. J., Rid.- dell. MUrs. H. J3. Souicl is in Bownanvillie ,wniing on fMu. IHeub.Je'weltI, wo la un poor health. The Bwan il Brancih of the Gunadian Legon imet la Grono Tow Hall on Thursdfay evening of last we'ek, with nj ,(ood number present. Mv.any frein Orono -and dsre were in Bow vil'le on Mna andi Ttmsday la'st Vo scee the picture :M.r Ted Wiiliamys Sr. has re1ne home froni Osluwn Ha 1ospital whieu he went por obeervutions moine weeks' ago. Mr> Wil'liamus le stili tn ra.theri delicate heaith. Thore wiIl ho a canvase hic!d in (mono fou funds for the proposed new Bonville Hospital. Full pr ticulars W!l appear in'next week's issue. The lhve stock a, m pemr1 sat thc saile of Mli'. A. J. Paterson, just sc;uLtqJ Of the Forezstry, lastwek brought. good prices. Mr. Jack Reid, pUrcha1sedche farn. Mrs. G. Jermes, Mi'. and' Mrs. Hlari'y Grydrmuaiof Bownvmanville; Mfrs. J. Gieeaý-vLy,1Mr. and Mu-s. S. R. cald- well, f Port Hope, wre suwpper gueýsts -witlh MilU. and MVrs. Jas. Eli9leson on Sandtiy evernng. I't's MtersDay,'M'ay 101h, so don't forget Vo support thýe Girlr iGuidecs and 'boy a ovely apron froni the Guicles Apron Gomnaittee. Plhone Mrs. Drmmm Vi rs. Logain or Mrs. ýWood. _No or1de-r Jlatoo, smmll. Wednesda-y was t 'ast day te 'fle y1our incon-Le ax fou 1946. Marïiy leave this ardluous tasikutil he very last, p ball oprng against hope that te goveupoent muiglit say Vhey will give a reductinn for late fil*inig. There wvas rot a large turnout at the O. G. S. play on'Fda eveni'ng «f' la-sV wèxe1z 1.,e play was pre- senutedi by Blackýsto-ck Conti nuation Ipuisand( those Who did atternd en- joyed it immensrýely. On Thurs4day of last week Ornte GanmehbY 'ws spoting a nice 4ut hohe boquet, pre-sentedi Vî o hiimby Mua. Bruece Mercer. BruGce, wh1le 1-1 Hollammd, sent bi-'s mt a crocus seec]îwhici e pilanted, andTi spring it humaIt eut into lower. Mr. and Mýrs. 'Ben Witý'e ard Mr. ard Mrs. Don Gunahani, «f 0rono,' andi Mr. andlMUrs. Alex. WTal'kerI Betty andlWile'ia of Shiawje, at- tended the fnîieîal of Mrs. Lousai Hnhlksat Richuiondi Hili on Sun- day afterne, M Muad fre. Geo. SrevJohn Shri-zeve, Mliss lMiarlion Brown, oÊ' Os'h- 'aa i' anal Mue. R. Caldweli, Port H Ope, 'Mi'. A. J1. Tamblynr, Mi'1 . a , d Mrs. E. H.E', snAjax, were Su- day visitËo1s w),ir M,].--and M/jrs. J..D, Brown'.ý 'TePolice Trustees wouid likec Gv'ryore Vo havetheil7dean c h es du indm im e f1111 aUt he Tanneuy Hu.il,ýl'i. T t iay thie uermnining hlole wmod soon be OUed ilaih very lut tle expenlse Vo the ratepayers. No gar4bage iil be tolerated. 'Nine mieenibners of Oroo ebekah Lodige vismtedi BorwnanAvlle Rebekaisý olflondly mnght wilhen the Bwmn vledeiguee tearniinîtiatedi fo-ur rew canidiitree. Bowimnsville tean i mll výisit OrorG Lodge on1 Ma"y 22ud, ?o intaea nuilber ofS local canidates.1 Mr'. Arthur Bell, «a Bo- -ahville, am tore oToronto lasI riayeven- mng acomîpne y a roijner of fmierds. The group atten1ded tne grauatonexercis;es held in MasseY Hqall for, comne ffty ctdetsofthe Toronto]BIble Golege. Dr. ýjeejzy-e le again feln i anînaj pyize for Thie largest troutl (hrorwn orý specldedi) cauglit on open- ing &y. The flei nmust be weighed and measureali at aiiy one 01theVhe grocery stores in rone Výý"o be eliJgibie fou the pruze. A runsb)er 9«f meinhers «f Oronio Lodige 436,.OF, andl severai la- dies OE Heatheu Reb'ekah Lo'dge ýaI- ter'ded divine service at Trin.ity :l . Thur., TWO C Janes Craig Satu 'IN l hf week, ini plus FOX LATE Techinicolor b e 's = 11.00 2.80 p. Il )n. - 4hu 7.0MpO .-W "It ia good thanke u lnfý tht !ri ordler Voiniiitaiii as hilh a level as possile « protecion againt DipiteraWh.oopinig Gouglh ind S.malpox, Du. G. W. 'Milieu lbas ai'- ranged YV be lM the folloinîg sehool on May SA, 1947 at the tuesnoted beL'o-w. piue7.sehO.O1 chilicen and aduts'wisingto tak'e adi atage «f-- thi srvie re wlom eatt-ýend at the sehoos. Newtonviille'......>... 9.00 a.in. boxes or for.. [Our,, 24 ROO 0FI1NG-m STEEL, SECURITY RIRBED per 100 square feet Woods' Electrîc Farmi Equil Incluiding Feed Grinders, 0E- Water Ileaters, Electric Fenceý Electric3Mîlikers, Milk Coolers or shallow Well Pressure Syste Steel WeilI Curbing.

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