Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 1 May 1947, p. 1

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Vol. 11.ý No. 15 () P ON ()NT- 1T Forty Biird Houses In Oronto La mbert Delivers1 ispiring Address For W.A. Day mas hait in the Orono i' Wedalestlay ev;euimn». it, for the purpose of 1organzeiorn for tàr cjlothing forte Hritishl . Reeve E. R. Wood- ,ippointet carpaig th Mir. J. J. Mllor. as ives were tbore from, Institute andi tire W-- atioqnad under their follom.plan '.as peo,)pl-e mctiouad ho- anize their resprece s fur the Collection of ng se tirt -every c'le mii'h co-lectet. Aifreti Pernn. sot - AMrs.Cisae .- Afretidoson Mrdjs. Mercer anti Mrs. Arýthrur Tliomip 401 -- -A. E. MoI(rton,. Iles 1111. Ma.LloydIrals- 1Lete DBullocit'. mîil recelive' refrer te thie fojur cf ithis mnent. Thte service hieid la Parký St. Churclj on Siunday, April _7th, at 11.00 a>m. uader the ausýpices(of the oa' Asocýýi a tijon1-, mas an insp)i ration abihhMwIlng be remember'd hy adil piesent, The churcir was heautifuly decor- ate-èd wlhut fiowersý, hycdeiagea anti fera. Thre aonpgegation, though not as lar'ge as hiati henlanit'icipateti, filled the lü-werset of the auditor- ium ajimeedelivered a umeýssage la servce anti son». as is semdom pos- sibie L noul cvsiler tras The mnusic was r.endered hy the choir wlth MaUs, Dorthy Lyurchpe siua». nd drectia» at tire organ. The anfihem, "Oh Mif Eternal" lent ts'lf splrendýcidly- to tire varionc! sec- tions of the chir and espcal heautiful \Vas the ladies (,'- part) chorus uaîaccornpanied. Mrs.Drnum- mloud(, AMrs. Litlewrood antÎi Mrs. Wood san2g ' Myilles miust be rat- erda trii l wich the'rvie hiendeti in perfect darmoniy. Tire w,'ords, of thiis trio ecitaia a message wich .!lalli ay aplyto thefirddily ]Aves. Altogethler the music mas veryl fita.for- the prefiadtItress Col. Sidney la nihert, Padre of Ohitie St. HoLspital, Trao a tire g1uestsekr o hesr icead chose"' for htrý text from iPaulls Epis- tec to the Piiprn,"IJ eau do ail thiig tiro'gi Cris".The Padre hedbis adenespeli-bouini, wara1- iig them-, tn it is znsucli hbardsA to livre than- to die, andi to keep thieir h~dup nt o do ,aIl trng og chis.lpetru the attention of the v'eterans-, seted directly hefr l la a hob, ,I.tbint in tiresofc dire ae(d tirey puayed la the morain»., at non 'le WUJ2, out aliu urgeu the nulgregatu'uu au gru nu nral discourse whIere except ha ChristlEs great nd wise. experlience il-,WorldWa 1. 111d1hls (jiction, the peo- In-Iuan years cObh the retuned sol- Sundry School dier's at C'hristie St. HlosPital has enl- m. iddeil took ebled Col. lasnhertote hve such 9a a. llng sir. difermetouitk on HAfe (nd death 1and Mr. IMIan- thau few of lus eancomprehlerd. 1PlaUoM, Mn. Mr Littlawood occupied the pulpit Coin Tayl.or 1te ith ChI. Lmet [ddess lb baij f'he _W. SA. hope to estab)lish Lan an- 1 and OffiiaIi nui "om hAssociation Day" at j itsei had been t'ii e of yearin lieu of their p:,st -y',thjnja gilt1 fowI dianeas, and Iter thre canvas at, chrch soral. Old 1the homes' la lihe cnm17niti Te )eared uonth e clletions are over $86100 ith more :the purpose of te corne in. nre eoffee table o nis'ed the gfts, mr. n a. leswod also, and a ig mmc b)y Mm'. imost anttractivetal laaip o f Mr. Crabbe'Ls orwn ds'nl spro- ne fowa d wth I du'e-d. A Copy -if "theHy arws iet for r s. Lit-the co.ngreg1atoi inremmbranve to M. IL. StaIpleFsiMr. Mne iteod i fthese whlile s. s. j. "iffts werefitgyacnolledb of thie W. A.ý, thereipens TheP -ery tasty lunch was Suprised mýa's later caldb th aisunderMUW. A upcs expluined tha tan a quiet tiare was spent ln viýýit- Urained to honor jmg._" -Fire evei. cf T1lmusdtayApril 241,1 wL a haer o0aon For Ilere rgia, c Oriraa, isite'd tire lod».a her capacity of District Deputy usiltit. Othery proipent tirougir seficial visiitorsmuMs . MaUr, e isePast Prcsitenitfro Osiraiwa, i Mrs. Timapiast Presitient car ýC' coua.. Whi'tby,Ohaa a -lt Hope anti Gobeur». botges alI -re r'eprescaitot ati eniear2,tily elcieomo t h ie Orono fins Mars. Vir-tie Wilsonl Noble Grand Oronio Lde cciitire chair, drerrses me ire ed hy Mrs. Mor- gan, M,%rs iney anti Ma's. Thomas, likerise by other loal anti visitin hrelhrea antisters. A heautiful '"Good Ws"cart' and tirie sum o ýf tain daihars mere don-atecl to H',eatheriLo dge, as a glît frao Ganaraska 1,heknir LotgePort Hope, "Bec H-ive" bcg at Bowr manîville aise rernmraeredtiis re- cepnt mIenIoer te OdtifeIlrwhp's cir. doI, antitdat dollars \ment to heuI surahtie butidin» finances of tire ia fant organziationi. Odfli;i<1s11, Rebehoalrs cf Ontarlo arecasiniar. tiroir lo;t tirtie natiou-'de carn prign agaia thtie ravages cf cancer As a result, tire lilatiraLortgo pur pea, orderin». a umnber cftboüc coartainin». a ciroico collection o pores h SitorFletchier cF Guelph These 'bocks ruill ho soit, tire pro coutils hein». applieti to tire Caaeeý -Sisitor Wilsonwshr to tirant ti offiers and memîhers cF Ileathe Lotige forastrirthiy unudteffe»ti eo-opetonforsire time anti taler tIC-ete to ellea»1seus as w ilast a tlas Tiuusiayevaing's get-C FishrmenSpotingRod Oronio Boy And Reeloni May lit Meet lRe After a lay.s-off fromtrout Rsubng in haotwe, t!Ihîce laýs-tSepebetho-se Who takeWý mnt an nteestin this kiuid of ý t, oy Sout wýiih ictee arecmny l tis lo f Oronlo w-a ity, have heen rigigont thesr ben-infor meu trLout' fishIing taclje frore wîn-iIter hi- tri pe Ofcf e hernation,, oil, reels, dus>tuig t he ir ive Scouts creels la ¶wich they hope t to sticMLJ.J. jMe somnic i'e h 0u1s1n nllgdy eglaýr uree Banbo p oies houlc have a fresh j le ng ail coat of varnish aipld, neel tele g-o SA M-te S, seope poles have tou'be oued to sec At the re that they danbe lengaened or shortboys'are rw, eu'ed eaily as tire case nray bectMother ofý Uines have to 13e tes ted to mcethotthce Second c they are strong enough to l'aad a two twý.elve ye'ars orreu pound sapek (homman pfed an mueý poulds did I Say?) Well uwe il le tente t hi that gqo ils have to be looked over, on titis'10roîl, smnall siakers readly on handnad eap)eeted to r su fort. lear 'ailhis At the present time thre fishearmn- eocluace for ar la. thesti parts do not trus to fils at give a little this ear-ly senson of the year, se the iarvieli-ous2 t 1(w1y worm wpu111 h heprize catch wllbe iu'seftI of the arudent sportsmen to use as boy Who Mill hait for, te ssrt cte season t n buhi buter on whea tje weather it when he gr and water maras, and the troutsatIrýkn teortec cb l water, thete fiy -corneS l1to is for. Eniri cura wi advie y Th eport atthepret timie are very iwd for thie iherm)eni. Riey wcsl and cold water' stili pre%'uils ndI rany trout have irot as yetlefthi wite'r quuats,'su by these reports Newcastle sîmaîl catches are inuitlikely to be Club~, an org - epetei.Nev-ertheles's tre sp)orts- a ceti li mca Mill rs al this Thursdayýý its coIImnuait ml, travel aon.thre haa f ike the Rot; terfavçorite streams, and onmt- hadosaio ter rwhlethe(r thery catchi a trout 01r not, the underpi they v11 have bad the plmeure of omulti be doi the iMp, knuwing. that later on theyrthesO cluihs. 1 nlIot be so unlucky. We will be rby Mr.. Percy lookýia».for the rciported catch-es dur- iyonag men f ing the next rweek. se~umdimg, i u nata' L Wnmn' Inlitte ke~2 'ihre nrWEIdent _______ ,beus. The April mleting c f tire Oronio Execative Wyomren% AIstitut w-as hold la tire as fohWus Coucil Chaihor wirth the presi- Presient tient, us.E. J. IHamm, linthe chair. t Vce Thie meeting opened Winthtie wsigiag _11d Vicei of lhe Openia». Ode andi the repeti- 3Ad'Vice- tion cf the Lord's Prayer lu uison. Secrta A tiecrirtio f teprogramme anid Mie pagenant hin». pnt on A thtie 1 T 50th Anniiversary -Celeýbratioîi of thel founding of the fi'st Womne'S Insti- O 'ii tut, vas ivrn y -MrS, O. W. Rolph. Onri This celebration is hein». held lat e es Guelh on June 18th. The Orono TempemanE Women" s' Isttue has chatoed a Adaît Bih ims so turt those mvisiag to attend ilUssedchu ma'y go togther. Arraments andi. o northev ftill informatiýon may hereevdfetei from either lMrs. E. HmmorMr. fwok W. Sherwýia, Plerrsemakýe reser1va- Amoo The next imeeting h Il-ie-nulpT»r çcf local ar' election onf -officers, ea nomnat ing la». a 1puee commiiititee etf \rs. F. Tainubyn, lila, ani rs J,1as. Dicksoa and l Mas. W. Couch ma T.U. The appomnet on a motion hy AMrs, J. ed h Richarison, socondied hy 3Mas. R'olp, MasJe le an-d crrioti. tevr The progratmme wais under ta1he Uard M auspj-ices nf the Soci: 1 Welfare -,Coml- ads at mittee, Mas. Il. H. Biown convenor, and mas'arranged hy Mrs. J. C. Tami- weireVi peivery ihlyn Whoocuieitiechair tuingUnon fort ipuein'ttoru. A daou Alter a voca! solo,.'"The Behîs c f St.cos_ n Maryls, sag hy Mrse Raymnd 'Tefl chlapmun,1 liMrs. Tmbhn croducedTh ear: h Iss rRpt aruitiouîst ioýfrom tir e uIt luN CarndianRetiCros hetiqurter meibs w stff liss Reidi aî eon "GOotid1cf Co Breakfasýts", antid those Present oua irnidrt ansurer al quetionlairre abhout t1liri otn Qcura brea"kfasts aýnd then gave wmn? shior ,a description of a good the great baicpateato fh'rvinpepin.souaa a nd s-evaaletbaancetibreakfaLst. ala0 lwi -Cirarts more sirour to demioatra-te he, mii p points imatie antd-istsof aconomicalPionMas. i- and 11more ex--peaive extras to e hoent cf Te d artdet were given. Miss Rendti c-alsoasSi i phasizet that commuity irealtir canu eisi - ho but up by a health education mu v rfor lbtter eaas. A questionWodee penioti mas bIt dat the conjclusjion cf peasitanw M0i1 lusReed's tais. Mas. Jackson iplayet a miley ofcf e josr musca selctouonthe acordc creAirs ýl andiM .Chiapmlaa sang "Doma , tirýe yrM River of Golden Dreama", anti thea lttej.f le a garouP cf scrorol childuen mare pro- you Mv.e n seateti Barbera ReitiAtiele Cooper, esat S0 anti Mairie b nýis paedpiai-nosolo-ýs,<cfnwdrk Lt anti Mrne Cantril nait GOwen1 phaseyaildu et, A vocalI . a neôo le cnzbyDaine Phasey, acom1ani jby -ber sistr G'wen. ti lTT r 17h todkPart la tre prog9rame past 'eiu Vt - p àiy ove] >f the -e Uir le Ola ich jr entert t wil e' :e rs a ar r icir t. 1947 onfL Iub kDisplay Clever ,anship 0f Bird F ther,ëRebekah Lodge Welcomes, D. D. Presidenti

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