D SKIR n a bns and took seat, next to a reveller. Soon an bearcd he famiba dmbt atr the neixut ce manII ha-d gone ue l- enristo the ,taskI Iwa unil hehdnm to (, the .ktbnlvl Typcalmemerof BavFaraCS famned Mutî ac is Carl Reger, 23 wo as brn dr iseinithe rmountains and lhas beeri in thle Beg -ct for teight yeariîS. Onx hic left brc,t poketlie wears the redan whtebaýdge -ïp'rinted itl hfeew iss, owr cof Bavaria, the ectcros, nd teinscýription "egah. the e nie 3oth ini the Eye veck grai of ad got Dr aV s The Ilîmitîd States j 15 nu v clu c f0 5W sweik . o iGh iï avaias1 By DORA JANE HAMBi ming ccxi sy i ncacliîy el.l t.Iseirïl eîis, e liy say flýws the blood onieuntin ot;untii Eîe mets uf the Bcrg- s gr~ate~t nîuontaîîi- 1)tre1 ighb' Osîgfaure bu h nis that we v ilI be abtile c~~0 abou th guo oS inter xve sedMt have ilwenSoundSun 'nles rkc~Ii Fate Hr tie noi be agete en :a[t of cerne eo~eccionaIized t's beconiing a profes days. Over in the es tbcy're even issuing alsitorial eiigîiîeerîng te if buildings. And we corne of the panhand- îstimg on being called coin collechors. Thoîsias '1 mies Journal. Not Guilty We're convinced tîstit Alcxaiider Grabain Bell invcîite~1 bbc feleplione but nover contesîsplated the party lîne. -Straifurd Beacoîs Uerald. O~ Somebhing Else $afety experts say tue kitclîen is the usoît dangerous ruons în the bouse. Aîîd parîicularly se in the 0beennadt i1-istered , ad h ijrd man is b to ftd at M cy f th2ese ski opatromn served in te Gimn mun lc careflly sCîCCene the to make cre te a oNz receie fron got's 1 ,lo, bv soa cd telve f11 nýrcn Sf e 4 o licin tuicd o 6 !oes a g arersnldangerv toï bodcsIluf il Americans k!ýied îvlileý ticated busbad is apt to dveo a bad PLIackof disipan bande, or A Ba;re Facýt iver titin thir bre egsto i1ru- WevIak Link nes o th ~vergeind(ividual f0 !lris is rgtt eiv n ide C amoCu fl ag e ÈhenGcrnaîIsîy IvinaddTb limitd towar ones oicr pbonib aCer)iece 0f Atburdityil that the rmy"is a quasi mlitary ooslik'e its msepee POP-ne-ay rafic MBtMigAcLîtn esedtret aran sed LCoc, te crguacbh 10 be cccpîe, buttiiititiercaseý A erg-aelit min geasCui pa hepcones s '. hle Il'seh viîîg 'bis ove- rhVl Norhb Pod l nixilnak al £its ve te oI e einn i >rg- e. ad M tseiff ro utinr ..F. iveater epotin frumibevcry tp oftbe vold May, eatiir eqippcdB Y, sixoî fly priodcall froi Caifor i e nad, i i Fi rbnkclasa te f I orli ue on arî,crl ux e IseFI nd rîr t ai foru by xay f 'kaskt Royal Yacht Retjred builtin 89 ad ia t011uedo TIse yact, hbïj]i5 nolo îîc futurebeuclfrrsdnilp . posesbyfckigad uenw n razor an ansIers itecîll< ea Amurican iountecr îrna th~~~~i 26yar f oneo ie oi m jînbcr of ilie raiain ee bas ben kiled o\dil To u g b t h e c h iie f f c t ri n a bis~~~ ~~ monaneperen1,ineniv tra inigl ifis i1l ialt i succcss. ReacbialmledCct loten a lfe ang on Ibe sll ohl loractics !-S cic as ,ai eg long as lie can do bis job. -Auto afeyFrCldren op A cv obmkin a asteerfo rear door, oandeycantbe opened frm inid ules fon door is open rugt's est.T l! ur ad tosA -lýwame on ~nees'-w EMfmy be heirdeys Ieelp Ifidoys sotha "'SisCe si, Altbough heve ae u,6of thiese il to unît5 in 4tînadviags in the BaarIanilps, 11hen th phon rins for bel p, ilthey go out asteme tome o'n a outfine par cfur- onla saceGht-o more týon a d ifiult 1recoverly. fil sunmer wbn tereisino SnoCw I tle lowe r raheuf the ouptains. to- faicilitainoxenent eghttten men n sttuea ecu r rev Yoliantfelyour Ubest if your k-idneys are-n't woring nrmiAly. Gic. Pis Ihelpgive relief froî)n Kakah , RemaiFain and neye. ur rgi sel le-'CGinPilus aSs. Getapakg oy-s Regua foskie, 0P;IIsý (le t/je U.S.A. as.J, fer Gi,,,, Pfl1,'~ On 'CERTAI ,2,,NDYS egtbG opudt ei o T te Mo ntl a siptns.hsnie eivn laceyefetiefo hmsproe Do funiale functi oa onhy o o e 0 erstsoranie ditubncsmaeye uel nor- Gsad ce hvi epre vo e -fd eY, rn ysP ir da d e e , nelsei-y u ,o e ' "draggd out-at ech tims? reort ecelle t1cit!W"t BY . ILARWATT