Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Mar 1947, p. 7

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CLA SSIFIED AD VER TISA AGENTS W VA7TED LIGHTNING ROD DEALERS Wenow bavLýe a comiplets0 g3tock cf aIl ibtnsRod Matelas on baiiMud can ~uppy imedatedeliversi. W.1hy r01 writle fnd sursquire about a dalerfsbil for y"oujr terntory? Our eti2omnt e )est eon t1a-,, the maret sud caiv r îices 121051reason- nIshi. The B. Phillipa Co. Ld.50Mi SUSSEX X H1AMPS FOR WUCESS MATYdelve,blok cour order to-day AI the folowiug ocs UsxdChieke 13c; Folote12200;Cox O; Leshoru X Hme 1Jsed îl; Pullels 26e; Cox le. ll- oron-TesetifIovt. pproetiStock $1.001 BONNIE'S CHICK HATCHERY rock Hbid.DayOH, Stati A Sheý n ais0Farine.Wodcde.Ot TWO WAc te ssure crick profite. Order Twedde chek nSrderv ealy. '-~ Teddlechieke ae lg-ine favonni tes witb polîsirais-s. 1f yN"", rdle, o we ro tet inaantpiscagsle o Zesresoraii bforsSeieryou'll lý) sure t, iavid cot illay ingltn starte. Fuil haqve ekiof cik yen wsnjlt whe en wattem ede chieks areal, proe frm1uiouu lprodOlcere, soucaodepe-nd onten bing profit p ;dnes a abswy.Pc u opolar redosm of our finecrs b"ed9. Fouli st 10 iedlvrioC for interestins fresctaoue is w BEST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS Tes. tist is wbat ail Rainbow Ch2jick boyers are VA".swhn hi, bolyRabo Cie.Ailbre1 reare 100 p- 'cent frnom piloruar. Oder ir cieenow - direct frm Ibis a su110otbcspoît aS omBrrnLehrn.51.0 e 10 1ls$400Bre Rd isd120 p"en10Pelt12.0-WieRcMid $15,0 pen 00. Fliete1250.1) ( nLes boaMiei11.0 ei00 olesD2.0 LEgbon-)oCk H1ixe',2.0Ë er10.0,i cri.Gaalse 100 per ctv lIrdiv tarie 1rk I' Barre Rock N.H.ReS a',legee an redoe ybrd pi1e71120.0. i Husky testS plierm fee pena.Chi e ie recors forpu"t 10generaiane. Tei Inheried sas lay-ing aiiîtladed t hi extr.ahlth -3nd-isonmae temth biigt ebirit basaifra1i047. Writ for pnîe aiil r io"Il, direc front this a Ws eIt,-ý"a sin, wice- aris nek 0Surin S Ani ltaniaS ueBi ok am coel l tatdOtosu beswekog etatednonsexS. plinS roue j:,Ie, i mmditeJ30 J. en orn LimiteSdFergu, Onpo%.2o ," aS. Ihcuands we )"y l AsseteS bsav lOt. A1,1Miso1- es lSrekree Su fi, ExeerOnt i-e blotitete-aro n awUmm rafin, . C WhiteLeabrua alB.P. cks. Ainen STARED-ay oS. hich.jusv lts, ock- cole nonse«s Varionswreetie. la N VHDe'tltat ntî,sril rsso- I II Iay1hick 00v. brre froc , N.M Rei Suss-c ad hbridpolels 20.0 pe 1, e Hollsvod laboo pllet. 14.0.,bsys cockrel 05.0 pr 20. Bs Huky laie onwit1or snIsr Bil- Rock Fart. lifil'y Recbee. Oct. FORIMMDIAE eiiery Bo p.nýne toc esuIs'ExtraProfi chiee. Ou 1,lhyaSvisernseie, 'yweIl rna' ORDRE .TOP NOTOR chi or , 'Top yen iwiii have the kind of chicke you Iwant_ On Lthe datecyou w1nt1hem Mor tha thant, it protects you aginellt change in prices. hether oces rise or1dro befor th, oet rc.Topiot) chekire is gg, nd meai,,t reduoIicers. aill ,pproved produtionand ivabitiy ,FouIl neyer f pre beed andcros bredeto 1cho0se rm.Ail carefIy, seiected, husky -elty.mo-inakinulg bide. Wit nw fr ouritresîsTp oe aaiOg Aiso two and three wek Iltte 2,4&6 WEEK OLD PUTLLE'!TS ein brnd saircodtoebrdr 10c HUfRONDjALE CHICKS 12-, Hampe, Brre ocksand NLwHmpe, mlxed chirk 1 -1,Mpo2ll" 4.Lghrs LocI Legon.SuxxLeaoas, ad Legor x ame. ixd hic-ke 1 2ç' puie j 4e i breeders double iodet ed and anded. ackedy psdisreed foun- datonstok.Msny eustqrnîers reprt- 'BeetChics I ver Had.- STARTED CHICKS AND' PULLETS 2 tteks id a t-,e 2 eeks nid sdd 10,. 4 heks014a ddï t,1 5wee oid add 20, 6 elsid7,,,c eaCb for Iis week and nextoni. 4e EAVY COCKERELS 5e_ Meat Typ Newl"' ms.-ke, oher heav OVERHATCH CHICKS '9e Our hair cf rcedor beedeiii eIo HURONDALE CHIÇK RE1LIABLE C'HICKS $2410t; 1 its Gints $ ' 110 1ashatb. 1 L x BE 11.00. 1, 1,am a, 14.0., Ptr i'ers Clck M tery , rgs nt. BAY17 CS N STARTED CHICIKS Chrk wisupieo.ilCie from ELECTRIC BROODER no:w sdaoi iaponmet -our mony rfoneSlf soucon i ualt)i Godos quomnt u ndafo i, ntrlo LOTEIfO AD CLX De- HAVEYOU nytbng eededysîs o areg0 d 1faswm y Lrnetions. De Hogp~n. Cansry andMouhe. seond Ilayn ,tsu ri.iexatlder Dmer ano. 420 Suus5sioe.Ottaaa ATTENTIHON FA&RMERI FOR S 0.LE-Tracior Ties ae cf mb- br,siabforaboitiny don steinwhees. Ondth 0f w eei. ,toa hrC. Lid. ýýr, l Wlteie ve, -ornt.nnt We ofer persiizd sevicfad!3eand Niw ade e -as wih10L 1 iwis ma ciotes. stokî 7g, ec. I-lrs e in sW.trutos utnhýsue oo ie make71c.Withcomieteorde at 1.7 suitedresse, lahegotsbo owtr bottes, tc.Repar prte or il maoe. sswag achnes Muen ewîg lta A7tW., Deot. (1. BAN lElANVSepic-g)b Ail eigbe su wldbs aso oorasie. FOR SALE h e orspower biyce otor complets wih as tank. Ail fittingesuld cnrl $190.,0 wttb instructiInslor $150,00) com- peey inesta,1Lld. Rao . Wto 5 WeVllington Street, Lqfodn.Otai. f ficiaiMtrcceHedpareefori Wst REIRsucwer pLlantsý, lio 7_ TALEArc WIder, issdie,400 F artlt1.i1,!Phil, 2l2El Canaa Ra. Dveioed'y the 1:ate(l. F. -tJnsdnkcd ento ithe heart. ae Pre ah70, per 10() or o--r cea er1000 or oven60e aeb lussipi 1 dateý. j.E aln.' E C lgin M 0eOtrlo. ETAD TRS ilseï oo snw Firetonedesia. Witeforr Iies list. ric Tie Shrop, 7 71 St. Clair W4ý, STIAWBE hiRFIlANS uioIin mary Tbosad 11.00Preier. 1Sam- ,;;ER iVCl ABLE 1HOLSTEIN 'Sow ull. Patllaerdam\Aso na lonh aif'. TIRES We, are onsoce t 1 Ibe p, rt ohgcOo 66-0 x 16 $5.00 Alil order sbiped .O.D Spclal eu ment for vicanizins ruk uati Par Trato r,,Tires. BA~NTIREcorner Q2se1's1d ork Se.M MLOOnt. MNTARIO' MO)STNMODEENli TARPAULINS Strybown r hai uekWasrrof Coer wtble opaai ebte Writ Liitetui nember 0f cotercaekere or 1947 F 2rt 1ous irt ec e vi.T us for TOILTSB FOR FRARRI.SMOS SUMMýEr cot agesanScaps. Ca1besiteriB.o MinLe. 1Rdly olvrTrno Blosk Wianpcs. aitoba. ____ YOUNAR GARSH ARDEN ONTARSO, TlEPHONE S 15$ TEARS Calendar1, egioifom i54 to 2001. Hast osefol to eversi trade sport. borne sd fa i îe. TreecpiesT Box 45. M .an Pe rivQe i my,11 Aens loa, AToronto. ]"7 2xpriersanS ws ee xeS.iEA. W.N iroli, Bat p l , ontaro., YOUNGnWME. nspl.Gnro eso ln pl REA BL RE ",-,l,--lall familsi, go o me,I". 1 11,ill È0 îe nt 0 litw. Rteecs. Wie c.îi. J Pifasant digni thousande soc Arnericas ar catalOgO SIARVI 251 Ml Br~tneh-s & 74 R Ira 1goar antes.Atlasn Box 9.Staio ' . "ELJM oninYB STOP SOIG wtet ,tag nhi.- inern ailo sigsywio wel e $itNDces Oun WiLnes 1e. Pleein Pesas, Gait.ï Onlarîo COMET PHOTOPSERVIC enA Sepa outed65. ox 6.SostaVSCE tion B. ToroutoAl OTTAWA Wý 782 Oaso W1 QIul,-[fîeý'd hinforîssanîint iisia say,,urk'lnaus haveAnuýý financ,:iial aid ifil is tokee ormy of nearly 100,00 en mbiedas a b)arrier aIgai1lst subie PRussia1 n enroachmeutsib, Turkey bas beenon a mobý1ilization s'tatuasfor seven, More tison 60pet cen1t of s national inseome goeýs to nmain the army, most f Whlch st guardl along theTukshR border east cof the. BlckSe on thle Turkish-uIlga'rîan froi àherei ields hestr*ategieý danelles. Th'le Turk-ls say the cost of Ï inig s50 m]iany men lunde1I(ý r a so lravy titot ils dtahsing naicn's fisýcalreorc and j ard-,izinig lil s eooi ru Tiis bas ,aus(,Ilthe natioi aadnplans for iniduste-1ili of ils econoy, WhICli ýs lie ber imeai f Ttre s tc veloýp a edcetec lo-co The buýilding -ofi h ýihWoyv, vit e troubl,0oe \Goe rsI spokmancomentd. It MOtl moefor ésited and muci costiy in the long 1run110 olsd, tdythoave fot t'-10ree atcrelter dy"Despiti ture, ils amyut peetis weiieuipd Tise Tuirks marintain they arc only ineighibor Rssal1as thaâ -cosîtetl ad epoiallv sistd al Soietpresuril1e thley foît ten1!(dd towýardxpa They lhave teadfastly refuseù the vitab odoels Exc h a rge Sue An c hanige of university dlents be-tween ýiiS i tz C1-l',assld Canada is one of lie plans of SW%,-ic; miniite-r t this Domil Dr. V'ictor Nef, as lie epon thle SWi'socolony i Too-. cetily. Aniothecr is an eci-carîgî a1 t 11, iu,, a ith--the Amier- )pe, from Enig- 9 rmiy engineerr wit'h them.C 1výI ig in -Prance p, hebabe Haeic Eg 70000 Empoe 113 U.K. Coal ine Nery7000pesn r m se ited iliStots. if the aerage tha CI; a sa;' ni01 e- Cais cpenP ele-yspn(ln.g 1tor 11e scalyef endingMardi31, 1948. Exenittures w111 be r--diCedci from n 1,4,00for 0the Current fiscal year 1w$239p741,000, Finanvà AMinser D. C. Abbottd0scosd lai presenting méesiaes for theCom. îng' 'yeir bI'rlamn Mone Cy s pen t con 1a tomni c nergy ito bececdf rm $8M8CHO00to $ý-. 83j,000,of SWcU $15,00isfor admiistrtion $15,000for re-. l7,0 or capiti al ad operating expesesof he op ecret plant ut Cha-lk Re, Otro buit tb pra- duce lutoium. he Calk Rve plant rprstîs Caoa' ain coîtrbuton toatoi1rn iie egy Whtdoes it conse fri andWhere asil been il during the WrIl is mnodefbonithe ncsava plantaud ihihyrefined. Chief soumce of supply 's Java, Wh vru by the Japane'se whOupooe p)lants ad a m1,(aged ,LIrefineries,. Sc lonsg asJava remiains as il is o -polticlyanid econloilically un- setted-apia il be mîSsing fromthe rcrssevs -Christian Scîen1ce Mouno TRUSS EXPERTS FOR 80 YEARS WEAR A '0'R AND FITTELO 'n. For .JoiNl

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