The tors oe aini1M3 rimoiat frindsand n'eigb1- M'r. and Mr-,. John Berry andMr. M. Chattlertoný ethmacomplote -surprise 0on turday eveniai-, Nla i eh 221t-, on they met at "dihe homne of 14r.1 IMrS. JohnBer)y intiheclba nof this douible ?5th annivesr the a1hove ieto~dco"uples. ~siort prograu-fuime w-S arraned thec y0ung ehlrnOf thienegh b)orhýjüood, followýed by a pres;entatioli to Mr. and Mrs. Berry a mdi. n Mas. Chatterton of siver relish dishes, aloing wih largge wedding cakhe and two 0srillerons elat two for enacil of tlhe tocoLIples. TJ!heý preentation w;asns ade yMss. UlmnteBulockandMilfred 'Sher- win, the presentation of the cakes was made by Mrs. Gordon Power, thllee addr-es was readl by Mrs. an d an enjoyable evening sipent. About 2000sendad brik, for quicksale 1 CENT EACH Roy-Therm Oit Burner Ileater ........... $87.50 Findlay Oit Burner Reater ý............. $100.00 Buy NOW and SAVE 10 per cent. increase SAP BIJCKETS TRY TITE NEWý and PLAST-I-GLOSS SPILES A GENUINE PLASTIC _________________FLOOR FINISH MARTIN-.SENOUR Floors cavered with- Plast-i- Clos,; need no more scrubing, C-V PAINTS waxin-« or polishing_ It is posi- VARNSHEStivelv non-skid, and therefore VARNSHESis excellent for stairways, kit- chen and- bathroom. floors. Al TIEAMHARNSS tat- is necessary to keep it deni and lustrons is to wipe it and off -wlth a damp cloth. HARNESS REPAIR Priced $2.35 Quart 1 Electrîc Brootier ......$39.95 1. Electric Brooder . ....ý. $42.70 ROLPH HARDWARE IPho0ne 43 r 1 ORONO SPECIAL Pressed Glass Fruit Bowl and six N appies at *......... 89C MRS. L. REID Phone 9 r 7 ORONO, Ontaric RED & WHITE STORES r Ocer A Roasting Chicken I IEARLY FOR ESE Goldeni Waxed Beans......... 2 tiÎns 19e Sturdy Whisks .............. eah 55e Apples, solid pack ....... 105 &os 69e Peaches, solid pack ........ .105 ozs- $1.17 Daltou's Sweetened Puddings....2 for 15e Wagstaffe's Pure -Marmalade .. bottie 33c Welsh's Grape Juice ....... ..... býottie 31c Newport Fluifs, with cup or saucer,, large bag 39e Klim, Borden's Powdered Whole Milk, lb. tin 69e Vita B. Cereal.. ...... ....... lb. pkg loc 3 lb pkg for ............. 25c Pure Raspberry Jam..... 24 oz jar 45e Bee Rive Corn Syrup ..... 5 lb tin 69e Coffee Beans, freshly ground......... lb 47é Parsnips, firm,,... >......... 4 lb 25e New Carrots........ 2 bunches 19e Banailas, ripe...... ... .......... lb 14c, Large Lemnons, 252....... 6 for 25e Eating Apples, Newton-'s ......6 Çoi,25e Fres SamonSteaks Per lb...... 1. .30 Smnoked Cod Fillets, lb.......... 35e Fresh .HaddockFies lb.......... 33 Devon Small Lin Sausage, lb. .35e Wiieners, Pound .. -35c, Boiling Fowl, lb...M3e Sirloin Steak, lb . .49 LoalNews Ïf %7ou ýhave Iany local news Phono M 9r 1 or bring it into the Timaes office týhe l und 'MissAu'dey Blidmis sent th"e rV lmeek-end altlher home here. =wy Ma.Wiii. Stainton is Mrnin fe d's'visit wdth lier daughter, nie Mr.Garnet Towns, of Cobourg. AM Vernon Saunders, of Toronio pent Morn uiho is pntMrn and Mbs. Arthur Saunders. TIhe ýe wili hi e pLen fromi Dixie at Par ill~enn on a positioni in the Canadian Bank of Conam11erce 'atNecsl Miss E ni-a' ori, Toronto, E "Ipent the 'week-end with hler 'brther, Mr j. iH. Morris and other frien'ds. Mlrs. R. Raincy was a visitor last Sund yt the hýomie of Miss Id-, WMr and Mrs. Alert Harris visied at the homne of MNrs. Chiasý. Harris c last Stinday. John Arstne g ,was een U ivi d' arin Street ons Monay mrriv' Mnagnatt7.e0 ma.m. It s a faiet "Do you al a j f te truth. Corne and seev it 4.ipens at Park, Mrs. J. J. 'orlish, Carimen and .1 ( Jnanne, and Mr. IaqneWintîerIsIt- ed wihMr. -and Mýýrs. Roy cornis,113et Port Pêrry, on Sunday l,1st. 1Eigliteeii or tw enty new lhook.s iave been nadded toý the ahelves -of 'the Orono Puibli« Library.Tes ar ail laite books, which w-,il. eg~o news to the many subscribers. A nunnrer :froin here attendedi the Ladies' Nigiht in the Baîioruýa' ilote, Bowmanville, on Friday eeigo last week, under the auspRces fB manville iMaýsonic Lodge. Local G3oodyear enployees ' at- tenc'rd-ý recreation Clu,2b enter-tain- ment 1-At Saturday ni'ght report a spleid tiine 2atâTe piant',s recrea- tion haill where suclh ntostake place.. Clarke Towimfhip Teen--Aig-er.s held a social evenaing i the Counceil Chani- ber of Ovro Town ,Hall or, ,at'U£ dlay7 evenîIn'-, wth 'a goodly1y numiyber of teyour1g people presenrt. The aven- Siil-g, as spent in dnig Thle Orono Youing- PeopleofPark St. 'United Chu-Lrch -held their ra-gu-1 larmetn on Mo(-nde,-y evening lastl and macle plans for the entertaîning,, of Neiwtowille anid Kirby yungpeo)- pie on Mniy April 14th, The citizens <]f.'Oronlo res-pon-ded sTeddyto the esakage collectioni appeal helid 'on Saturday of lastwek The total weinht pi'ckeà up imountb- ed.,to 8 ton 600 pounds. This dIlve Fwas held under the auspices of the, O rono Boy scouts. fanily, of EdImonton, Aiertaeý visiting with 'he, latter's parents, M.and mrs. Newton Cobbiedik Mr. anld Mrs. CoWan and famuljy wl will net i e capacity as an aidr Mr -ýTed Williams', Sr., wsthLire cipient of a very fine basket of fruit and other good things, tihe sanie bhe- ing a gi-ft of fellomrw orken rs i is deýpartm'ent at ýthe "Goodyear", Bow- niianille. A prolonged 1illness hamd kiept Mr. Wiliams froin hi$ accus- tied Woirk. After the nice we'ther of the Pasit -week, thbe citizenýI of Orono exýper- ieniced winteT' meather iagal r. on uesF- dfa-y and Wednesday iwith higi h inds,' ti'eing 'up ro'ads and keeping mvost of the people froni the surroýunding cotyat home. We hope this' is theý final spurge for this vinter at leas5t. Mr, and ýMis. W E.Ari'on returned home on Monday m norning, of last week alter spendling a -niorth' visiting lu te IUnited Sta-tesý. Theyi visit ed lu riVancon ver, 'in seattIe th Mas at uil s'rn, thent0 LOS Anigeles and San rnicoir ansýci Mrs. Armstrorig m -ere hma on tube tri~p and were glad tG arrive hackz in Orono. Those attendinig the funieral of the late Wm. itutt froinla ditan e re: Mrs. Frank RTowse, Mr. suid YÏrs. H. Haýqrrington, M.Deîboart HIlalioelI and MssBertha Hlomiail of Toironto; Mr. and Ms Jakze Halle-I wvel'l cf ýStarkvillýe;ndà Mr A tabIie sutt, of Voo'ord, a.k IIh remining for a, visït vwith rcelatives,, for ai few months;. Du-ie to) ne stormiy ,eathr, on uedyevenin'g Iast only aroundc fiften atendd ffe HortiultuyrIl So- ciet cad prtyhelo in Herc g Halradth ,rater cf th1os- e - ladie filld iror- Ïctha eî , wthte foi n eIng the prise inr Pirsýt pizT-e for mon, MavIs. .J Ilnsprize for the !Igh ldie Thur., Fr1 John Wayne, Vera IHri ADDED -1 "PILTAKE 3M1 Short -eT1rîi TECUENICOLOR C Saturday, Marcl Mlagnýifceît utdfonr Pic Hias Enlough Thrills Please Everyone Jamecs Oliver Curwo GOD'S COUNI Filming Trett COLOUR Majeszk tic I ISECOND s MASH1 dwEverett nHo3 NARSOOPLFD IN AL OG 453 lb. Roll Roofing...........$24 90 flb. Roil Roofing.....$35 Green, Red, and BluýeBlacki 20lb. Shingles, Red and Greýen Sur 0ORD1)ER zNO0Wl 0K DELIVERY on MNASANDTHRDY ai, RIDDELL'S BARBER SHC ORO'0NO0, ON T AR10 New Service Cleaners & Oý, Queen Street - PORT 'I 3JauB a a.,IL a. "ITIE 0F THEIR Second Laugh Sen This is GEORGEF Funniest! "I SEE Ilf Fox Late Ný SPRING COATS lu BrwuGreys, Blues ai PANTS Work Pants and Dress Pait ai]. sîzes, Colours and Prce, SOSAND BOOTS We have ,lojts f ýCod DrE Shozos and Wark, Boots. GLOVES and ïHAN» BAG For the Easter Costume DRESSES Ladiles' 'Spring Dresses, PI aind Printed Crepes and S Jerseys, ïn oone andé two pil PALM 11.00 a. "The week-end Dro: Do Y< Goal CORN SYRLIP .No coupons 2 lb tîin 31c. 5 lb tin "ýc, 1,1<> hy ýlm. H 41