Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Mar 1947, p. 2

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hle oldeýst xitigart soiet l inda oendits 7tbAnnutai hiîbitiôn- of m,,embers' and non- nbers,' woil on Mar-ch 7'thiat sattended by a record co of M epe At the ead of ,ý this 11th arepresenitativ'ecleto n theexhbiio vill begin a r- of othierctisin thf Dmi non lJe On 'i Sdt f rit ss effort ira rje ýs ,ty hanU GxINGER FARMI ByGenonP.Crk Last Wdnsdy obad l A n S cot)t'ý,s 'fulr ecoat .1isapea;r tbrougb the doorway of a Trans- Canada pAne tenrompte to Otawa, twa vericecot W àt ifeenea ev linutesi_ý Ana jst ine -as heeweeverly Few poeattearOrt the than he oficii sed of comi- of Xedi so nt to get)c-a icloýSe- of wanted Utosee if she were a natura andunffetel S sepas cin la ~ i chr.Bu lie ewredsp an W left home in lots ou tim-that rs il for norl dïriing cmotins llt Buit nwe found tbey ere anyting he Tu lacsthQnobnk eeso te, bîigh it nwaS moire kedriving It thoughà tmunel. bMme r wre to ars o tse on that wev',re flood- sa dald ifntbrftes cdi ut tin eise te 0,t ]e rod-as So, de1 : fuII of pot -hoies it o1t(1Ild ave re ade sour boes catdIe lad tlîey !t lot benso wl. cveel -ld v ýnt oun~e1a ue h l oe ig A oi ave* ii~gae on t1ie a- wa.Aiweoud'taeacac on hat- ot ventosee thec worl's campin skterNot iwss daus ne couln'. B1u1-t we b11,iad iedrv oeas i3 ev cstujckt1o tue igwasonth n" tbeory1-ý that i tis csethe klougeit r- 1a;ùon oudb the shlort- ~t, Os wybose oî-g "over we ;1d-ove atcroî cuntyMay î be snow snow dug s the Ilciys 1,eïn tite 0snW- isalmotuo s h the ~mpora woub me us (Ie seus sud-île?, !ý-.1(popleliv- The same tbIiing bp it sud Yet a ssoonnas id c)untîng tfeli st peopie set tîsaýt w ct dngr orlove chneMaîbe cWe ail -, the lC leýs spirit t kriow iL One of the )fy ote tigprou'- iL Why3',Do v Aud we are farmore Aî -- t t:ertsahivl ae th1an ta bny itat a !t tai stop untît u. And thnbou Audd o c)u kua i orv * AnN1~eC f0 esS,!-!ziEý _U. S. Naval Air 'Unit c P!-- 1C,ï'1A T !insignie of ILAseLIeTICum Squadroin Iher LÊ& _rB, ' DR 7 us.n- TransposeD valiato 1R TR ~ A S Tphedoern24 Sounl d in 44 Obscure 13 9Prtgseasnto 45 We 15 Coarse file mî-oney of '27 Female horses 46 Poritîco 16 Leapînrg eaccount 28 SepDara'ted 41 Disflguremcnt cratre 1 Abstrac:t bceg 30 ouni'n 48 Type of boaýt 18 Roster il" East( Fr ) pabss 49NatLive ol 19 Was suîck 13 Smblfor 32 Scottish (suffix) 21 Lsmbs calcium sheepfold 51 Nova Scotia 23EpistIe fnb 14 Gs rjI am 36 Rýocks (ab.) 25 There' ore ý17 Alieged foc 7 Poml-pous 53 HÀ, asten 26 WhV1irlwind, 20 Bel-ho id show - 54 Conclusio)n 27 Mlother 22- Univ1ers'ai 40 Clothý measure 56 One (Scot.) 29 Abunýdan1 tlnguai-ge 1, Heb rew, letter 58 Regius Pro- 31 Snare 23 Prince 43ý Rail bird fessor (ab.) 3 3 sealf 34 Age ~ 3' 0I 35Lmrs-- - i 37 Equai ~..... 3 9 Symbnûo1 f or- F21 41 Father---- 42 Street (ab,> 2 43 Ven3ded 0 ,48 Leo ý .50 Present ~) ' mnonth (ab.> J5' 57 Command 4-- 59 rritate _-5 ~ 2 Narrow 4jinle,, G 3 Bar 7--By AR Y MURKAR Hax e~ou x erfound aIourself bok ite?\as a bo il ver resýpônIble ýfor you 1being lkickýled ont of your girl fdres wsuse? Well, Fumin ui e-pety. Wthý Susieansd hber ppasdmtal gosL back -toa book it%. LaIstngltaSsiswe er wviîh notbing ele t d, sîsd 1I1ha P- pened to mention ltisa! omene ad left a copy of Bety cMacDonald's "Te ggad J"at orplace. Thlis imdatl rogî orth, the brigb'tieaof biling some1îé eggs aid psiniflg them ilfor LEaster. Ltwas mny Ibrighit idea., ,'You get th le eggs out fro te bottout of the cpor bl look for mIy iold box of pît, suggested Suse. 1 found six eggs in a bowl, and abile susie uae rummaging around iu toe hall coset, I put tem in a. pan( of water, Affe2r ten ,-minutes atboifln g point, I figur-ed te "WeCenagive Uhensto tueneigý- hor's kid," offered Susie, retura- ing with a bttere:d box ofj, paints., We ithen nixed sevrracoïors ýii a cap of mater and dipped the eggs. After tOis wve paintdedtripes of ylogreen aind FredI015thiens, set th h ack in the bwland put themi away in the cuphoard t dry. Everyth1ing ws ie.VN ale of the days ,%heu the, kids usedtci vjok for îE-asteýr bannies aîsd baw ouir parents would bide Easter eggs and ùon ELaster morlng w wouild hunt al ovýer the houseýý for thens. 'The kd etdorwl aa great tinse wbien tbey findte, saSusie, t'te'l rbb ytr to est soeus and ail" ad by a voIce frons tisekitchen. Itsjust pop"," whlspe.red Susie, "eslate getting h omletoib" "For crying0ot loud va' hapndto these gs"raec voice frons tble kitchen.1 "Oh11 mygab,ç" yepd use used tem aul" Vie uried io the kitchen, botb qunkîni1g at the knees. er popI-, ýflushd froui anger, ss bend1liig )over ithe kitchen tal,1] ex-, anming the eolored eggs.il Ie laokd up ns WCemenreudntce gla hi is eye aemeqie iniside. "Whse--wbseideswasurs? fiedemnde, "h Ical. est fiseggs sud 1Io1 came ome bngrytafindJ thesethse, bs-wo rd s diedj amdî oa,1gh5'au! spotters. just about fl-uezinig tbecats se1It n n chiance (oin not lookiïig atec th furn-1ae tsti iii 1woxll4 lbe througil "Yu"he Cutin, "IJ mighit ihave knowni. If you re'tstuick iný the driveway, vounee ac afix,-a tire. E \LVry ise youcome roun Isere someting happeus. "1Idd ' kow ýabout thef- diet" Igaspd. Honetlywe 0111y pa,ýisted the egsfor someutbing te doý ,,topuit in ttiue, Her father sankinto fscisair, asuttifu1g sud stokig lisfoe Rnnetdoor alnd,1try ta bor- ro cw ggs," odrdSse I-rau niex aornsd tu, the ux and te uet. iualy at the fourth hosthl ady 1 tlet mehave A ala oi powdered eggs. DdYOU bveanly ek"asl- cSsias 1I ]camie lu ot o relediandilg lber thie can. She got a how sd stsrted toe tke off tlle lid. Her faser atcheCd clslAs thle id camle off and Ihe pwe stntedý to come 0o1t, Le roareýd at me, Anoherof 3your smart alec tricks. Get ont! get Suie followed mie to the door. She asumsd too. "TPlat wsstuid of yon," shle said, nowl'Il get it, for ietinig you go1 toý get the eg. No use tyn ta exii thoughit. 'D he vway home, ýfI thlt of the vnngseen o other gusgtinto tr-ouble lîke 1 do, 1 wvondere-d. Jeepers, l'inalnyil]aa ms.I know wlust L'il do. l'il ,t ke p a dozen eggs to<nnorrow nihtanddthAH ilEfx me with her Aï i w idin the front dcoor, I notied bok lyng u te tablle. "Tie Egg and P," was thle tîtle Bro)wslp ig togh it, I noted theý trouible the suthlor bad bsud with chiciçens sud eggs. Onuthecover Wss a pictre of the author You sud your eggs, I gumbled sud trudged off to bd Rcklet Precaýutions Asriais igbitcning scrt precautionsfoDr the rce xe ment range ià centralIAustralia. Tbis move i"sanu ttmtot pre- veutrpetiton of the Canadîsu stom syexpeýrien(ce, \wheu s _nn- ber of persans aere eonvieted of spying fo)r tIse Sovieot Union, Dr. HereetV. vnt, Mniserfor Ex- ternal Afirtld ethe IHanse of Repressntts at Canberra' Ans- tenlo. WOrkýs Bath Wnys ThIittj l scppettl!upon goin'g 't bed slwys issted that berJI ed mous oo-r re'iin open., "Is it be- cauise you vanjj"t ,to ltte Ight in " sl.clb nitîer."N,"came the na ~ i .pcsc,"it's ta let onit tised(îk. * .. uyBy Gr-ade., GrIa ding of f, ildi Jund erIIDominilion Goverment sprvsonad marîk- ing ofpcagsso that theCon- sumeýr Imay 1b1y by gadis of homemker.Gradng i of alue to herCi- bether shei knows IUabout gr1-ade1 .regu latins or lot -, but infln ýitely ml1 )-, ore , so wben 1Ihe knows th rdsfor var , insprodueiits and loos fr the1 grade mark befo)re Wein Cnada njoy a special pr (lg. aaais tbe onýly countryinlthe w"nudwbueeso anld nsarked for the retai uyr. Arclueand îtbe foime Econlo- mtsofthe ConumrSectîinsa fcinis itbej re...ard for buyIIing ýby flot always avaabe nd re of ar loof ecletqualIIiy. Bt the(se gade uhve firm jelylike whie hiCh hIold its sap.TIey aretheefoe prfet fr paingI or fyingas wll a cooinginthell of:I cosmrialycnndfrit and n nsany cass to use ,(h loer prdutIforthe pecil roe n atý aIloj costIs ceaI conomy possble n n terefre r a tobe usc awee a paaneaisimrt ant1.2Compayssers ralads) are usd. Forefamily ue n egla mealsCoice Quaityproues r verysatsfacoryas tey re ord ComunitaClaim 17,009M00 in World Communltiists tù r o n g h o n thie world no)w total 70900 ee gateL(s 1t te Conferene of Briish Empire ComIumitries were toid in Londoa nngand. Cbiarts pirepare-d by theCnns- munilist Party ()f Grent Briiain sd dispiayed at Cofrn e uesdqusr- terssad5 cuties ad parties whic,1thugh ot eeessar-ily eaul- inig th evsCommlunlist, were based on the teachIings of Marx, EýngeIs, > nadStalin. Soviet Russia, tbe char,1t s sid, bias 6,000,000 Conumunists, Iny 2,20,00, th UntedStateýs, 74,000, and Grenat Bi i 3,üOO. ranpears roîl ec ice ùIiý ceýreallaesplace hllwsid'e i in agesdbaking ds. acetru of eahpuit teaspnoon of jelly.. ~ modratel bot ven-45 deg. F 15ý inuteýs or unitil rwnd Corn and Chee-se So)uffle 4tabIespDôons fat 4 tablespoons flour 1 teasp-oon sit Few ývgrains 3pepper 1 cup mîlk 1 cp u pgrted cheese- 4eggyok 2 cups corm Sanadquality) 4eg-g whites Mi 1t fat, add floue, saIt anti (ppper. Add grated eheese andi stir until melted. Pour over beaten- egg yolks, add cocu and mix welIý. Foid iii si'fflv beaten eggwhes Pour int grease- casseroe.IOven Atoms Too Close Frcnch penans have hraent to blo plansfor isebuldngo for atoiieeaccr Ieplta of Saly 5mlssubetof ic eerg exprtProf.JootCre nseeting1tCt tise pooedatom!,ie stu dies -,ioudmnt sdne te wetcrops )ýof tue- pasîtsno Y toinkle" afcmed the foind, 45 il your luoscE ever MIS uP iwsth stuif y tran- sient cogestin uetâtnue puit a littiu .-., Va-tra-nol in each ""-- nostril. Qutckly coni- ~- gestion is reileved-, breathiing la casier. Va-tro-nol worlms rightwer trouble is ta relieve cdîstress of head colms.Try It,! W)rk-s fine! Yuil lke sti TABLE TA LKS m C lu__ _ __ D)issol'e i1tsp. su-or i.c îukwar wser;add i en- velople Royal Fast Rqisiîng Dry Yeast. Let mixture Stan d 10 min. Then stir well. Scalid c.milk, add 3 tbs. short- * enig, 54c. sugar, j/ý tsp. salt; cool to lukewarrn. Add 1 C, sifted flouir mu make a buter. Add yeast ixtureý and i beaten egg; beatwil Add 2'i2' c. sifted flour, or enouglu to mlake a sofm,' dough,. Knead lîghtify, place in ugreased bowl. Cover; set in warm place, free fo draft. Let rise- until doubled 4a bulkl, about 2 hours. When liglut] punch do)ugli down; rail Out into oblong piece, about 1," thick. Brush - with 3 tbs. Meted sbortening orbutr Sprinkle with ý C.brw sugar, ~tsps. inmn ,2c. raisins. PRoîl up leugtbi- Wise in a tigbt roI ; cnt ila V, alices. Pla-ce u-id p V" spart inresdshio baking pan. Covetr; let ri7 an wnr-m paeucllg aveb aouut mnues

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