Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Mar 1947, p. 1

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OR&NO. 0O(JN T.,TU~ i $1,50 peT lames T. Brown, Newcaste- W n 0f Quinte ýà,eed Fair- Judging Announc--ed à Hope and New- *Re(gistered Barey : B. C. Jackson; swade 'cam1pin-MA AMoHoin; W. 11. Wesîtne.y; C. areyanfd -wheat Il- ticesn;F. IH. Westneay., orute Istict Seed Registered Wheat, Winter: James- 1Îwa last year., T. Broxvwm; G. B. Richard; Chsrton. ni oaits, Chiarlfton GHolm ; . riisti-oni, Ia;M. A. Mc- h w~asý naînid onts 111); C. H. Kýetecihesýon; Elmnore 1UI4.11 A.0colo1Sot Ing bairboif harey Potatoes, miedLiLii-1or lae:-,M. sy champion, and UmWduhritamid Sons; ilU. Harper of Nexvcastle, wo and Sons, Goodvood; W. W. Lord onslh.ip with fis ex- and Soni, Camipbellcroft(. golden chaîT rei Poitatoes, early : ýM. W\eatherilt t. reisand Sont; H. U. Harper and Sono; ýe various special W. W.Y Lord and Son. sunced at the banl- Oen to Newý% Exhibitors Andt'ew's Unted Onts (late) : hla-riton Grigg; Mi-r-' ut sp~eaker was C. ian Tink, Hanmlp tn; Meredith Wil- [y inister of<i- 1 sonr THassGeisseberiger; Ux-Spring Fa(rn-s; Fred Sharpe; Lloyd Lee, Sea- e valonios Quinte grave; Thos. Mlorton,.Bethany. those in Durham, Oats, -arY: Wni. Boyd; George in conjunetin wC h' SeBlackwer; W. F. Batty and ma as folows. Son. Brookila;1Ux Srinig Fai; ýA. McHolmm, Prte Agar! Bovvilar, Plainville; Lloýyd ard, B avle Lee, Seagirmve Kings on; J. W'. Bareyny C-rowýed variety: D.1 r~n;C. H. Ketcho,- lW\igih ;Relie Do ni; Donald St. arry Colter-, Fox-Jon Witr hat t .. alcolin and er, onti Viewm; Sonltr OI L ~oeet;Elinore So!. o»R; Uifmd Allia, Spicg ïWheat: H. Mlcolm and n Siith, Bowman- Son irsn, out Moa-Durham County Fir )-y, Newvcas tîe Spýriig VWheat Al_ý_fred Alliai, Bow- n Os : Charton anile heson; G. E. Shep- Fe Whet M. A. Meoni ortý irmsbee, Nmpane; e A. G. Aniderson, South Mlon- Erierpise"My A giau; Roet Arstrong, Ida; El- acksn, mter moe ScottCmbelod PacksoBarleye 6--o;d Clare Allenl, !ýEn11s;i11llo, - o;m iJohane icadBw te; Hairry Colter;, )'dessa; U-pring nanvi'le;Lloyd Kellogg, Port Hope; M. . RciolnPo't 1Hoi)e; Jelhn ridge; Hans Ges-èSRiekard Newcastle; Russe1l Bragg, Alfred Alla; B. C. Gomnee il'eiGe1ad Anderson; Douiglas Wighý1t, Bowimanville; Har- M. A. MýCHojlmj;C vey McGill, Enscle;Elmlore G. Anieron; G: B. Sront Scott Ots.ony M. A. M4om J. W. M Bodand Son, Oronio; G. B. Rickard; 'M.ri4 RusI E 1mnore Sc(-ott; Alfred A11iaAlex. ~ î' . ~. nde- endry, Neweast1e Robert Arxn- -- __sroniý g;M.L Weaýtherîlt and 0,Sn, DU 11141 i IIv Ile, 1). Oats, latle: Marion Tinh, Hamnpton; iRe; WVUH. West- JoniRickan; M. A. com Alex.1 [e_r Down, Brookl- Hendy; j. W. Boyd and son; Johnj ,1, Harry Coulter; Baýker, 1H niton; 1Harvey MeGill; Ùxlbidge. ,ý1etAio1i,)g H-. Ketcheson); -M. Rhr ~ntog BnckwuMIR MuA. McHoln; D Vuth niad -SonsW> htÏA.G. Anderson;1M1. Wahr Male ln ad -Sonmutand Sens. Viglht. ~soy Bo1nus ::M. A eom teèhecn Ons, rg.isVredearly : M. A.Mc C. Jackson. H1olin: G. B. Rickn d; J. MW. Boyd Ketechesor.anSos Colin Smutflh, Bowmrarvile; A. MLc1Jo1ii.mElîireScot; Robert Armstr.ong; C. Hamry E. liedner, E. Alliia; Alex Hon-dry. Flrry Coultor, Fox- Ons1eiVrd It .A c 11o1ns; Roýbert Arm Ho11î11; Rolet Arnistrong; John Ba- J. Xetchesonî, Belle-ke,1anpn;H sGisegr y Coulter; Robert Hanpton. Barley, registered( : M. A . Mc- t ms on; arry H%%-; Elîmore Scot. Poatoearly : Mray Lord, ~ ~TT1~. Cinn belcoft; Y. Weamtlecilt and Ia" efloni n aId Son, Locust rdOit,,oaly : M. A. Mc- B. ichrd;G. E. Shepý- rry~~~I CltrC.HKeteohe- W. -Boyd and Sons; Hl. E. ýred or ertified Beaiver M. Ormiisbee; B. C. Jalck-1 W. StherardStirliîng; G. erd; W H. Wastýçney. red Onts (lite): B. C. C. R. Ketuchesonl;M.A G. . Rciad;W. 1F.We- Potatees, late M I. Weatherilt and Chis,laite t:M.LT11k. Plorvt Hope AgiutrlSoeiety Sýpecial : M. A. McMo'-lm Elmorep scott Durlurnn Central giliarl So- cîety pec:alTJ. W.Boy-d ard lSon; Stwevats Seed ("Store pca:Wn isletRofert Airassýtrong .G Red Cover:M. A.Meon;Ro- est' Arnistrong:. A ILla:RbetArmsrGg TiscmytMA.Mcon;AG 1 And Interesting Pro- ýt Second Social Eveningl Of thse W.A. group pro-vokinga' huninorous and mise. off peasanntlyanddMary kindiy commonts fcoo at Fidny eeintheente Viainjaont it14in tLi hoen a largo audience nmer Alninm-ors, uits rkicitiors, di Pa rk Street 'Sundr( -y loguos, vocýal solos and choruis o njoy a progrmme Il moag tIse mary folk vio mr y and îrterest t h orVe godof VIse order mugit rzet of the entertain- -n, enioed, ?vLks. J. C. Ta-)inlilyi, CO ough the efforb of he ver or ofthtle group; also Mise Mal- vaunn people. SmeDnvy.wlo, ogetse-ruvxitii a spIe ail perlcctsoiS ea protonC vcIr-ty iave- The fac t ze Iore te ove evM.Seyv- dth1e gnest sek gto ail la Vo bce eld potof tIse coagý e enlusau h -c22adc, arid Vint mîg on Februery 2.i led. Prize heat btains lighest Pruce At Seed Fair ThTee hundre ri o'efreso the dýstnict atîended ,1theutinsale whbJih broughit the 19417 Quinte Dis- trict Seed Plair to a concl!usion inl Oshiý wa oni Saturday afterno on, Mardi 22nd. l1i;gýheost prices obtadnedc were for the gnand chawpion lIot of winteï what shown by. james TY. Brîown o"f ewa'eand tIie first prize lot of rpgisite'reed beaver oats showin by C. li, Ketcheson of Bleil.T omn DI'lio'tt, Jr., representing the Osh- awa Broidcasê-,tinig qo purciiased two buhe of the wheat for $10 a bushel whIile the four bags ù;of ors in, the Ketecrneson exhibit lirouglit $(i a bujshel. <Mr. EIlioft plans to shiare-crop is wheat on a government-inspectedl farmMant Uxbrige with the intenion ofC exhibiting the seed. It iwill 'De plîanted undesr goverament super- viocn nexct fa%. Th ei-e as spirfited blýidig throughout and ail- exhibits were smad wiitn an hour and a haif at matisfacIory p{ices. Soie grain was, Soldc to byr fromn as far awa'y as Kinonliho,,igh ffihe bulk of the ISe.eýd was purclha1sed. by Ontario and DuIrbliu ounty far11mere. Man, Dog And Wood Chuch InFee-For-Ail Balle, People ar-e akî Bun Lnaliow goqdc th wood chu1-ck business iý (s hse iin1 das Vseemls pEur's d i reod a ch wvood chuick ilu a, smallloc.Ust tre, 1 1tIle ' 'n oro o assiatÉ the dog BuIll gavehed Vlie tre-(e a violent si,-re. Dowii cornes scs MAr."Wooîd echùckl, and rot likinig tIseBo looiks of olihe dog wa ilnîg Ielow for. mode hlm, he decided Ao alightt on Bu-n's inl1il Whnt a prediienuent fis proved it to he, whea Mr. W-oodcuck stnrtedJohn ,o dig hieshslarp claws deeper and Bet- deeier irto unsshou-llder-,hbis teeth Whlen saping lose by his ear, hbis nose Olon, touching bis neck, and tue doîg bark- er-y ing( aad jualping to get at the in- 1111 e furi d animal. usc Bun siys the crepsmrgoing upanî andl(I do vn bis spirie. Finially hle lives mîanag--ed o get hold of the aninsal's I ( 'L1 i Vil a1nd throm l otheground eliere wa YS M.Dog so(on dispose-d ocf hlm. Bni do10it sMstat after th-is lesson., the neTeH time hie shakýes a wo cukoýtn c soine a tre lie will look wliere Iit is drop- Ho Iv ping- os 1____ o mo ~f3PRÎCUUIULA AFMA-,;., On Meî-rchi lstli, tirty Girl Gutides menit in a l'ate red(1hue to cee the Ice Froijca; of 1947 at the Ohm A-ýreria, presented by the Oslra Skain Clb.The 0Oronio grshave nom resoved t[o.skate better and praictice mo()et ian iever. 11a spite of the blizz-ard there wasý a gio,,od tuirnoutt of Girls Vo wt,oome hoetir ibeloved CapV. AIstog Orec featuire ci thie evening mas oaci patrol acting ont -a skt, diosrt in vmthVey Ihavele ire lafirst CI:. The fret patrol haviug a broken, aria o li-x np;thIe second e ýispreined ankie, and the third repaired na isadly cutlinger. Tsefourïth etoldenroni- sredwbnlt Vo o in ciiýase of a cut vein in thle ar, sînîg a tourniaquet. Tse highligIit of the evening mas, ~wlin CapV Arsstcngtold mr n eetngstories eof lier recent trip. Mm.Dea caried on mxith lier roupnith sowhsgand Ms lbn wvith -iher cday clMs-ville a grionp, sitnded mouse code. The Bromnios had their regulas mieeting at 7, unde lteir cpabile leader, Ms.F Lycett. TIe gi rls continuLed suyn for tlheirý diff or- enV ba-dges. Th Tuei ,ýý Te ,ron pa( làd - sct esq Thie MerclIs meetinigo the Evening 'tui( kedl Auxiiary maiis lhald ett [le hme c co be Mrs. Everett Brownheginniiing velis J on- an n-omg lead -by XMas. Drumm-iiord. cn b)el Mrs. J. C. Tailyr presided, r li Or- the devotionail perioî was aken- hy +iol- s ty MArs. N. Potle,,mitIs muse,ical nu 'Il ýa are br by Mrs. Drummiiordi and Mrs Wdni Staples. The study book mas taken the orby îrs ller- and Mr,,s. Cilb1art. il VIs, :Ms..Stliaples told Is hee maenjing cu- f 1 ne 'Msîiosat Home" iadlie parit pl.ia for oaci one 0£fuus simould shar ait. n nI -Mrs. K. ars ugae a reportontne cW of ~ iI PrsoVeili Oi .The even- -Tm, irgc-r id« IIslch, a d a , so- ,clai " ei - ou-r. ---Q-n !Wirnier 0f v'i sÀted Florence INigs gal 6ý.(5, Bowninan 11e, on TI evening of lasýt week, it being3 trit Raly and degree cota in the secod egree. Cobourg and Orono lodge the( fini, list:s. Cdougdau-, ai(count of a nuniber ofthii bers wvere on tihe sick list Or -no degree team were judI- their wuo and receivad 92 a POSSile 100 points, th & ning the Dur ham Dis'Litel Sheld. Meins'bers we-re 1)r e iet fra 1{epe, Cbou g, ronio,Oeit Br-oükiàin A buffet lunc,2-h wa: at theclose of the Lope se,, -Mr. william Stutt passed P ly a7wa-y dt fis home, Ohmr Orono, Ont., on Sunduy ir Marieh168h, 1947.liRe mas1 Jure 15, 1860O, Clarke To County Of Durhain, near Chrhfis parenlts beýing Jol adMary Jane Hlenr. Twm laVter the fam)ily moved to a BueCoUnty wihereIlie sPL boyhood (ays. Y 18841 i West and took up a h 110oe twety-four years. Viml t FVaq uiet eois-ýis te 1 testiaiolly- latse coiim)UI1 ît is har-d Vo 4011 ju lihe toed hy his life. 13V is pot at,, s, buit at e do t thap cours e lad been laifii e time but kept 'lp sens one of a family and four -sir. rui -hie s s, Ibis ri and two sistes Arc Stsik., -veho wa.s P .; M3%. Gorge Loir ndmoa, Soask. and 3l ras> of Vecomivor, 'lie funieral serViýce sdIay7, MrIi 158h ted Churcli, of whi lewl,(od, gave a vel sag-e-froin VIse Vext. cod mnmae codere Pbeautifl llorlal ?t messiages fropu 1 ir ear md near.il ce tn 0ron Cemmoy: ho Palaersmwere hOs. Com r r Il,ý David lIoporan P.P.'s TO GET$IMft bol-st la arlo Legih dealing whic3h mi ase. ~ buîl intr s mhici m s of the se~, basis aVion, mas ord rer dii coinpoaiOc il parties dy the qu imerdatios -t is belle minendation islation m ecl gîotyo Vol. 11. th, FoiU n were tIse oats, it tIeQu 1 at Osha tîag urbau Rosonoeal oe, shùowî od b., rle- Brown' Dawsîon 's ,of th( ýere annio [ at st. Thse gse, %lu, deput' Oshal uy -MrS. 'J. V. whvl-,ch was aC.- Mrs. S. Llttlo( W. P. Rogers, f àLMs. T. Nor- l

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