Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Mar 1947, p. 4

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C12 $150 1IL- clab ha', t was us,5 '-ilivf 11 wcathiea' and road inel -by the vverlk ersizeablebs- wdhthe diver. -1«I' the srno me. j' Sallow us roghYýouln end our sîncere appre- e [etters of prnsand plant sent te us by the ýy Clujb, aswesec the, maided for the senson.ý r'ely unnlecess'ary te senid s wc ,ederivedirea-il pes Lainen the boys and ,and were ampiy rcpaýid Ltened we-n.Te perfect littie gnlmn payers, and as everyone- Jlizefd, splendàuby coach- oys are Ieariiing te play ucicey. Thiey are learii- e of fife and siM ma his time and energy to 1were not sorry that we moeved itton, fer xve have Imade manly I fieids and, have enjoyeci our here, but wu have clways been thtour bo.ys were raise(J in a- -e like Oromo, rwhere men and Founi a11( nd atly others I coiuldl ioý n have gîven n ip thei-rMean ttheir mnoney to hclp yeýung peo o a fuIer way eofliving, rathe lias a hockey life ifront of if he is given the chnce, se wee (' like tL esce sonme of yen multi- oaires in Orono see te in that lufi isý neye2r shortl of fundis to ihebtter tin lvest youIr moneP(y e dives of heaithier., cleaner g ntannillood thacn in geld ands- 'ono~~L gwbeteOran icl an o ai0o yencon again. Yo wifl alwys Mauelu'O ey 1' T Sfir";t chaoýs job ta nei ltwil tk a d dollr, 1 for as mSt th akbas adv er y i~~ ~ ~~ lD sci -osego d n ha bdse m Lch1 e stablis1ing anid ma1-1 ' c ank eave ynr dna'tilon Yith fl n te aR,.iR. Wadfi- r mil iurcheque to~ ec "am Gone but not forgotten. --ýS.dly miissed b)y Wife and Fa-m- ily, COMING èEVENTS T'le Orono Horticultural soceiet have ar-iranged to hioliciaan evening of! Five Iunr i athe Orange Hallon Tues'dny, March 2.th, at 8.00 pm Everyone cida'yinvitcd. Adîimia- esn, 2 5c. aOc T'lie second Social Evening underi heaspices of the W. . of the Uited Church, -will Ibe hcld on, Fn- dany, MJavch 2Lst, ini the Su.nday lichool Rail .-ith outstaniding local talent, and tÉhe Rcv. R. Seymour, Eni- nriskilleni, as guest speaker. Every-1 oe welcoIîIe. AdmIission, 25C. rand 15c. The Goodwill Eein Auxiliary inivite al! ladies interested to attend a %lfrch meetig on Thursd'ay, Marvch 2th, nt 8 p.m., at the home oýf Mrs. Everett BIrownTi. Plensýe m at the Sunday School Hall at 7.40 whei(re tasotao wsiil bearran-1 ged. FOR SALE New equipment: Bissei Tandem Ti' tor Discs; Sleighis,5-ft. buiika; Ribt)er Tired WVagonýs, te he cWith600x16Iims Biisclil ianure Spreader; 'Sping-TooUih Iarrows; Scufflera;Da iros; Cow Bo-wls andi Piping. Agenit for Port ilope \Fertlers; Phone CARL TODD Newtoniville. FOR SALE ilay (Alfalfa anid Timothy ixed). weighed at barn; also Pony Dis Pl;o,,,v good as new. Archie H.oy, R., R. No. 1, Ponityplool; Phione BethIany. 20 r 41. ano-p Auction Saler 1ý90 He-ad Cows and Youungi ]Cattle, 25 Phgs, GrWain and the proper-ty ef Oliver Denny & Jas. Kelly T' ownship of Cra iahe, on the Burï- aby Farm, 1imle north o.f Colboriie FRIDAYE, MARCU 283- Sal at1.00 oelck sharp NO RESE.RVE AS FAR 15SOID SALE REGISTERI- CommnityMemoial The undersigned hias received la-ý Par Bor tructions freinMrI. Mike GaberOie, ttal-------2401Lot 15, Con, 3,Hoa101nmi, ne 1111 Hall----------------- 5,00 haif mnile west of Canton, te sel b-y nvd Miller-----------5.00 pulic auction bis iloIstein Catte, aGilfillan......-- , 5.00 SwinePoultry Faim MCh!îineny and GIllîan........5.0somce funiture, on Frday, March 2 st, I1947. Sale te comimenca $2341.00 pm.. Terme usCas. Positivelyý ne reserve, Jackc Reid, Auctioneer. A san-le of hoIsehold teects W11be heîd on r'Church St. Nort-h, the prop- The eautful erty oif Mrs. W. J. A!artyn, on Sut- urday, MýTarch 29that 1 p.in. Terms Cash. Jack Reid, Auc.ioree-. T'he undersignied I1as received iii- )RT ruF ir stutosE m'r Wes. Fahls, Loti __________________ 5, Con. 8, Cla,-rke Twsi,1 ïile east and 1 mile nonth of KendaL, to rsday and Friday oMi by pubic- auctionr on Friday, March 28th, bis ihersecattîe,smine, IP II Npentry, hay and grain, 1harnes, mn- i~I.iA A~A~ hinery5 etc., Ternis Cash. Pooitiely a- - n- .-~.1, n'Q1 *..tS- tert aini I urday a1le nLo £eev~eY. JackL dý uiUC1ner. I have received instructions fromi nent) pRymond Bruce, lot P Concession 2, ria"Cinke Townishiip, at Newtonvillle, te seil!bY pbi acinon Mondsy llarch *'],st, HIriherses, tcattIeC, haýy and grain, machinery, and SOMe 1.o 1urnîture. Sale tefû hec at 1.00 p.m.ý Ternis Cash. Pos>livehy ne Re- üigl" erve, T'le prop,-ietor is, giving uip faring -Jack Reid, Auctioneer.1 - I hiave been inistructcd by Mr. Del. Leda Witney, Farni Manager of Long 1Acres, Lot35 Conicessiont 2, CYnk V TownohiL, te seIlby public ucio oU 1n WRidy, Appi 4th commencing at iwyk 200p.i-, One YonkineBoar, fiq il 1- Yorkshise Sows, 16 Yerkshr ient) ~ a lietsa m151 Ach% 15 Yerksbir 'OA" sioats at !no Ibsn eacb 10 York- igs hine Glîts 8 weksl, nnd 5 Fat AucMionmer,.- One hub cap for Commllador, hetwe and Orono, on TI R1 ad H. York, 1 Ijowmianrivilue FOR SALE Five new Renfrew Rlanci -Washersý' now aaltl for imumediate delivery. Buy niow and he re'ady for spring; aiso CreamSeartoesand Co.okrite Ranges on hand. Apply to T. S. Mountjoy, Phone 2503, R. R. No. 6, BowmarvMle. cOc 'WANTED Within tle next bwo weeks 'a plae to roorni and board. Anyone whlo can give this accomiomiodlation 1kindly teli me or phone 21-2, Orono. Harry Grady WE HAVE ON HTAND A lim-ited quantiity of Mvolasses. WVe are also building up 'OUI supply of fertilizer. Plance your order ealyý tW esure your needs for nhe mpring LOCKOODBROS. Orono, Ontaï-rjo MA'N WANTElD Mnwho enjoys outdoor work, toi leara Bee and Fur Frin.Year,- r')ond employm'ent. Praetposi- tion to the right party. Don't i"Lletth becs Scare you; we ve sV'Fluvved. c. R.KNOX Box 1SOrono GIBSONS BAIIED ROKS Buy yowr, Barred Rock Chicks from areliable long-establishied 0. B.S. Breeder llatchery of over 1000 blooid- tesrbted birds. For bred-în livability. early and continnus Production of large eggs, doa't oveMlook our strain. Take your chicks a mentýh carlier ifi possible. ilatches weekly Write fré circular and price lst. Ail inquiries answered promptly.DoadECib son Bom'avileOntario; Phone,ý FOR SALE Suffolk Ramn, 2 yecars old t his, spring. hn 6 r 6, Or01ono-, c-1O-c. FOR SALE Electric Frigidaire, in exlen con dition. Apply Box 43, Or ýono,_ On- tarie. -1 l-p.1 FOR SALE A six-roolned framie bnao andl 114 acres of land on Chaurh St. south. Ail -miodemt, conveaiences. Pcttcally a new libuse, and two- ta gragî1-e. Good loami-y garden with good raspherry and strawberry p-atch. Possession April lst, Term-s. P. C. RouItitee, Orono, phone 77 r 1. c -11-p. FOR SALE ,eerlparts of Teamni Haýrness; aie1 Cut Box; 1 Sige Scffier, ,anc 1 Hay Kiiife. App'iy to GeorIge Butt-ers, Oilono. a-9-p- FIOR SALE SPaI ube1-C Heater. Can Ibe seen aýt ehomje of Mn. ,lierb, Brr- !gess, just nojth of Mercer's Garag'e. Apply te MYas. Nel Sniit, Oro()!(no. James E. O'Boyle Phonie 7-16 - Orono Busi.ness :IJcenýe -No. 1304970; W%ýar- timne Prices-- and Trade Board BUUDTN-,CARPL'EeING, AI- TERATIONS, REPAIRING, PAINT- EN G. Good work at fair prices, &)Y the heur or the Job ESTIMÂTES FREE Radio Service! The conibinatlon of experience, cern- plete data on ail makes, and modern test equlpment, will ensure PO TREASONABLE AND EXPERT REPAIRS Cal R. L.MYLES ?heýýne 79 r 4 - ORONO RADIO I Work Gua REPIAIR Berïne ndCar s Lsald MEDICAL .A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYS4ICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours: 2.00 te- 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 pan, Sundays and Wedniesdays by appointment 0onlY PHONE 47r1 ORONO LEGAL, Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrîster and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT, Phones: - office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR ý- INOTARY Phones: Office 825 Rs<lne409 VETERINARY VEERNAY SURGEON Oiffice Main st. Oronoa phoule 63 r 7'. Orrone J. C. G AMEi'Fiy ýFire, Casuialty, Automnobile an~d Liab-ility QRONO - ONTARIO IMANMJFACTURERS LIFE m-111 gladly aSsist îla planninig financial secuity for yourself and youir family. DAN E FOUND Phono 8rl ORONO The RUTTER GRAINITE COIMPANY Phonie 501 -- P.0- BOX 622 Port Hoipe, Ontaria Mon--uments, Gravemarkers, AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSO,,N Auctioneer and Valuator Conduets AuctiOnl Sales ef aill size% anld at reasonlable rates Communicate with hlm at Po, Perry, Ontarie, or see his Clerk, A. E. Morton, at Oronto, for date. JACK REIDE Valuator Specialize in Farm and Fuirniture Sales Consuit mie for termS and dates Phone 1620 Clarke Do 'IYou Know That, for a -an age tet-or The Imperial Life Assurtuance Comt- Pan lDYwill guarantee hbis lfamily $5,000.00 lifven of his death priero te age sixty, for hetween 2_% and 3 o)f that amounjt yearly. Aild If. hefi',Iveýs fteagé Sixty, ithe Compamy wil paY hMaithe $,0.0 WVhy not conisulit youür lo-,cal FRD L YCET T to s2e what a plan such asý thlB ll do C for yn TAXI ,vice paired w. aroi whlch ont by

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